[262] A seventh Occupy protest started on 19 November in the Lower Hutt suburb of Pomare by a group called "Pomare Community Voice" to highlight what they call the "loss of community" caused by the demolition of state homes in the area. Build your business for $1 for 1 month. over 951 cities across 82 countries, and in over 600 communities in the United States, participatory democracy in ancient Athens, International Longshore and Warehouse Union, 24/7 Prayer Vigil to Lift the Camping Ban, 2016 United States presidential elections, List of Occupy movement protest locations, Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, List of Occupy movement protest locations in the United States, 2011 United States public employee protests, Anti-austerity movement in Spain (Indignados Movement), Anti-austerity movement in the United Kingdom, List of countries by distribution of wealth, Selected Historical income tax rates in the U.S. (19132010), "FOTO in VIDEO: 'Elitna skupina mokih nadzira financni sistem', "Man found dead in tent during Occupy Okla. City protest; police say death not suspicious", "2 Deaths at Occupy Protests in Calif. and Vermont", "Two deaths near Occupy camps in Oakland and Burlington", Wall Street protesters: We're in for the long haul, "#OccupyWallSt, Then #OccupyKSt, Then #OccupyMainSt", "Occupy the World: The '99 Percent' Movement Goes Global", "Occupy America: protests against Wall Street and inequality hit 70 cities", "Authorities move against Occupy protest", "Occupy movement: city-by-city police crackdowns so far", "Authorities clear St Paul's Occupy camp", "Riot police smash Occupy Wall Street demo", "Tahrir Square protesters send message of solidarity to Occupy Wall Street", "From a single hashtag, a protest circled the world", "Cornel West on Occupy Wall Street: It's the Makings of a U.S. In Chicago there were 175 arrests, about 100 arrests in Arizona (53 in Tucson, 46 in Phoenix), and more than 70 in New York City, including at least 40 in Times Square. As you can see, I have NO problem buying yarn We Also Better Occupy Voting Booths or Nothing Will Change. The slogan generator is free for everyone. [322] Occupy Cardiff set up a new camp in the city, outside the offices of Welsh Labour and a number of trade unions at the Transport House, Cathedral Road. [137][295] Police sealed off the entrance to the square as it is private property, and a High Court injunction had been granted against public access to the square. Fuel pump price in Nigeria has since then been fixed at the official rate of 97 naira per litre while it practically sells for as high as 130 naira in some major cities including Port Harcourt, one of the cities in the oil-producing states in Nigeria. [123][225] A relatively small group of occupiers successfully occupied Harbourside Park in St John's Newfoundland for the entire 2012 Winter season. Make sure you let others know about the free slogan generator offered by Shopify. On 22 December The Washington Post reported that some of the cities which had forcefully disbanded occupy camps were now facing legal challenges. [133] In June 2012, a federal judge ruled that the protesters had not received sufficient warning of arrest pending entrance onto the Brooklyn Bridge. The power of the people is greater than the people in power 5. To use the slogan generator, simply enter keywords relevant to your business into the search engine. For some of the other camps such as the one at St Pauls in London, no physical action was taken, but on 15 November authorities stepped up legal action to gain authorization for a forcible eviction. [64][245] Two protesters had their fingers amputated by exploding smoke bombs. Pretty easy, right? Some said the police had tricked protesters, allowing them onto the bridge and even escorting them partway across before they began to make mass arrests. ", "From Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Everywhere", "Where Are the Women at Occupy Wall Street? [314] The camp lasted two days until police swept in, giving protestors 30 minutes to leave or face arrest. [213] The Occupy Antwerp (Antwerpen) movement had its first gathering on Saturday 22 October at the Groenplaats, next to the cathedral. The Occupy Dataran movement first held their assembly at Dataran Merdeka (Independence Square) seven weeks before Occupy Wall Street on 30 July 2011[247] to create an alternative to the current representative democracy[248] using the popular assembly model based on principles of participatory democracy. [64] Almost 20 people have been arrested in connection with the violence. The Occupy movement was an international populist socio-political movement that expressed opposition to social and economic inequality and to the perceived lack of "real democracy" around the world. One of the observers has argued that "South Korea overcame the 2008 financial crisis relatively well and there was no serious crisis in financial sector. Speaking on 7 October 2011, Kalle Lasn of Adbusters said that, in the early stages, the lack of demands was the "mysterious part" that allowed the movement to grow. [327], Media coverage was again sparked on 1 October, when New York City protesters attempted to march across the Brooklyn Bridge and more than 700 arrests were made. [24][25] According to The Washington Post, the movement, which Cornel West described as a "democratic awakening", is difficult to distill to a few demands. [147][148] By 29 October 2011, there were around 2,300 Occupy protest camps across around 2,000 cities worldwide. A famous slogan that does catchy well is Nike's Just do it. We will not be silenced 8. Enter words that came up in your brainstorm and workshop your ideas until you find something that sticks. On 15 October 2011, about 200,000 people gathered in Rome to protest against economic inequality and the influence of the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund on government. It no longer works to serve the best interests of the people of this country. [315] Police said there was one arrest. While small groups of protesters emerged across the country in protest against the separation of families who were detained during immigration processing, a group swarmed the ICE facility in SoHo, causing it to shut down temporarily. [76] The global movement has been called the reinvention of politics, revolution, and utopia in the twenty-first century. In his opinion, "the Government has made sure to maintain the status quo and let the people who caused this crisis get off scot-free, whilst conversely ensuring that the people of this country pay the price, in particular those most vulnerable. If they think they will change the economic system by simply staying in a particular location, then they are likely to be very disappointed. Summary The COVID 19 pandemic has resulted in severe economic and social crisis around the world. [citation needed], The Pandi housing takeover is sometimes seen as part of the global Occupy movement and its opposition to social inequality. [230] Police dissolved the camp a month later.[231]. The initial protests in Istanbul on 28 May 2013 were led by about 50 environmentalists[288] against replacing Taksim Gezi Park with a reconstruction of the Ottoman Era Taksim Military Barracks (the scene of pro Sultan riots in 1909). [citation needed] Some protestors and witnesses said the police initiated the violence; others said there was violence against the police; however, they blamed agents provocateurs. [306], On 11 November, police arrested 179 people believed to be EDL supporters[307] on Armistice Day after apparent threats to the St Paul's camp were posted on Facebook. "FBI Relayed Information About Occupy Movement to Financial Institutions". Designed By: : Gemini Geeks Tech. [71][72], Some commentators such as David Graeber and Judith Butler criticized the idea that the movement must have clearly defined demands; they argued that issuing demands is counterproductive for the Occupy movement, because doing so would legitimize the very power structures the movement seeks to challenge. By the end of 2011 authorities had cleared most of the major camps, with the last remaining high-profile sites in Washington, D.C. and in London evicted by February 2012. Charges were later dropped following calls from trade unionists, lawyers and politicians including Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood, Labour Party politician Tony Benn and demonstrations outside Cardiff magistrates court. "FBI investigated Occupy Wall Street as 'domestic terrorists'". 95 arrests were made and 43 reports of police violence were filed. On 20 February 2012[203] near Margaryan Maternity Clinic, where kiosks were being built by the city authorities. [289] The oppressive reaction to the protests caused the protests to widen with many more people to become involved,[290] people from many different walks of life including a wide range of political interest groups, secular and religious people, students, gays, feminists, football fans, women in head scarves, whole families, all finding reason to join the protests. [359], On 15 December 2011, Jesse Jackson said that Jesus Christ, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Jr. were all occupiers, and that: "Occupy is a global spirit, which is now sweeping the nation and the world, fighting for justice for all of God's children". An entire generation across the globe has grown up realizing, rationally and emotionally, that we have no future in the current order of things. "[31] Adbusters editor Micah White, who designed the original Occupy Wall Street concept, traveled to California for the protests and took part in the occupation of Wheeler Hall. We are the 99% 2. [320] The group protested the demolition of the historic student-teacher shared space, due for refurbishment as a senior management corporate dining room.[321]. By using our website, you agree to our privacy policy. Along with the question The catchphrase is "the people's strength is stronger than the people in authority.". International activists involved in the Occupy Movement have seen it stall due a lack of synergy to work with other alternative movements calling for change. There are alternatives to paying for someone to create a slogan for you. One such critique concerns itself with the way in which the Occupy movement has focused its demands around a narrowly modern understanding of freedom that differs little from the claims of mainstream liberal pluralism: The modern ideology of freedom provides its point of departure. +50 One person, one vote NOT One dollar, one vote! May's top occupy movement and intervention slogan ideas. Be sure there are no double meanings or translations that could land you in hot water. Radical political movements always employ slogans that encapsulate in a few powerful words the aspirations of those fighting for a new world. According to Dissent Magazine, "It was in the context of the California student movement that the slogan 'Occupy Everything, Demand Nothing' first emerged. [305][323], The Occupy Wall Street protests began in New York City on 17 September 2011. [308], On 15 November, an Occupy camp was established in the centre of Leicester near the Highcross shopping centre. During the 2016 Fees Must Fall movement, protest groups also adopted the slogan #Occupy4FreeEducation in response to the government's perceived lack of interest in dealing with the issue. [276][277], Hundreds of protesters held rallies in the South Korean capital of Seoul on 15 and 22 October in 2011 under the slogan of "Occupy Seoul". Whether you work for a startup, own a small business, or are on the marketing team for a big corporation, a great slogan can help your customers remember your brand so that you stand out amongst the competition. But I don't support it with the kind of triumphal attitude I saw expressed. Banks met with the FBI to pool information about participants of the Occupy movement collected by corporate security, and the FBI offered to bank officials its plans to prevent Occupy events that were scheduled for a month later. [298] As of 17 October an indefinite encampment had also been established on College Green in Bristol. ", Top Earners Doubled Share of Nations Income, Study Finds, "total net worth minus the value of one's home,", Occupy Wall Street And The Rhetoric of Equality, Recent Trends in Household Wealth in the United States: Rising Debt and the Middle-Class Squeezean Update to 2007, "Rome counts cost of violence after global protests", "The shocking truth about the crackdown on Occupy", Occupy Wall Street: Its Not a Hippie Thing, "Occupy London sets out agenda on how it wants to change the economic world", "Help us draft the global statement for the Occupy movement", Another World is Possible? "[356] In contrast, a survey for the think tank Center for American Progress suggested that the Occupy movement has succeeded in substantially boosting the coverage of the job crisis in the American media. Solidarity forever 7. [64], Several unexploded petrol bombs were reportedly found on several streets by Italian police. [66] By late October, Adbusters had been trying to "rally it around a single, clear demand" for a Robin Hood tax, with a global march in support of the Robin Hood tax planned for 29 October. Inspired by Occupy Wall Street, British protesters organized an occupation of the London Stock Exchange to bring attention to what they saw as unethical behavior on the part of banks. The protests were preceded by a similar Occupy Dataran movement in Kuala Lumpur in July, seven weeks before Occupy Wall Street. [310][311] Starting on 30 November 2011 following a national strike action, a body of students occupied the University of Sheffield Arts Tower in solidarity with, but not limited to, the Occupy movement. The short-term demands called on the state, including the police and the judiciary, to properly investigate and prosecute the guilty in five specific cases which took place immediately prior to the movement's start. Sharp himself warned that many of the tactics the movement were employing were not effective. The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, 22 December 2012, ". Some said the police had tricked protesters, allowing them onto the bridge, and even escorting them partway across. When it comes to launching a new venture or trying to revamp an existing one, your to-do list can seem a bit overwhelming. This is attributed to the fact that Mexico's Occupy protesters, which were focused on poverty and workers' rights, failed to resonate with a public enthralled by the violence of the Mexican Drug War. believe that there was social media blockage of Sanders' presidential campaign, in favor of more airtime for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Interviewing one of the informal leaders of the movement, Financial Times journalist Shannon Bond found that issues of concern included: "the unemployment rate, household debt, student debt, the lack of prospects for people graduating from college and foreclosures". [64] Over 1,000,000 euros of damage (equivalent to over 1.3million dollars) was recorded. ", "Occupy Wall Street: How long can it last? [89][90][91] Frequent references were made to the writings of nonviolent theorist Dr. Gene Sharp whose work was reported to have influenced nonviolent struggle movements in Serbia and the Arab Spring. [254], Occupy Mexico did not achieve the level of popularity it gained in other areas. Also known as Baluwatar Satyagraha, Occupy Baluwatar is a peaceful protest movement calling on the Nepali state to better address the widespread problem of impunity and gender-based violence. In an Al Jazeera interview, he said, "The [Occupy] protesters don't have a clear objective, something they can actually achieve. [85][86], At the assemblies, working group proposals are made to meeting participants, who comment upon them using a process called a stack; a queue of speakers that anyone can join. [97][98][99][100] One person, one vote NOT One dollar, one vote! When you think of amazing slogans, which brands come to mind? that the success of OWS has led to the success of Bernie Sanders and his political platform, disrupting the political conversation about environmental impact and economic equality. From 1992 to 2007 the top 400 income earners in the U.S. saw their income increase 392% and their average tax rate reduced by 37%. [223] On 20 October 2011, over 100 people occupied the front of City Hall in Prince George, British Columbia. [274][275], In South Africa, a movement called Taking Back South Africa! You can select one for your business or use them to inspire your own. [132], On 4 October, a group of protesters who were arrested on the bridge filed a lawsuit against the city, alleging that officers had violated their constitutional rights by luring them into a trap and then arresting them. [51][52] It refers to the concentration of wealth among the top 1% of income earners compared to the other 99 percent;[53] the top 1 percent of income earners nearly tripled their after-tax income over the last thirty years, according to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report. [114] Other celebrities such as Yoko Ono,[115][non-primary source needed] Mark Ruffalo,[116][non-primary source needed] and Michael Moore[117][non-primary source needed] tweeted and showed their support. Practicality dominates and there is not a single demand for relief from the ontological dominance of modern practices and subjectivities that abstract, codify, rationalize and objectify our lives. [286] The 15-M Movement drew inspiration from 2011 revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt and uprisings in 1968 France, South Korea in 1980 and 1987 and Greece in 2008. At the time the camp was dismantled, there were only 6 protesters at the camp. In more than two dozen cities across the nation the movement took on the housing crisis by re-occupying foreclosed homes, disrupting bank auctions and blocking evictions. It consists of a loose informal affiliation of on-the-ground groups and individuals across South Africa as well as internet based groups. [33] For some journalists and commentators the camping in Spain marked the start of the global occupy movement, though it is much more commonly said to have begun in New York during September. The Occupy movement was a global populist sociopolitical movement that opposed social and economic injustice as well as what it saw as a lack of "true democracy" on a global scale. On October 9, Occupy protests began over 951 cities in 82 nations, as well as over 600 towns in the United States, had already occurred or were still going on. The movement has had many different scopes, since local groups often had different focuses, but its prime concerns included how large corporations (and the global financial system) control the world in a way that disproportionately benefits a minority, undermines democracy and causes instability.
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