Now why would Darin have done that if he was innocent and had nothing to hide? Watching you crazy ass liars and criminals loose your shit will be icing on the cake. Thank you for trying to be a voice of reason! It has happened to me but thank god that when it did, it happened in todays world where the defense (if your lucky enough to get a decent one and not one who plays the numbers cases in the Harris County Judges fiefdom) was able to request dash and body cams as well as a retest of the supposed specimen they found in a car that wasnt mine in which an illegal search and seizure was conducted. The interview with 20/20 was conducted Sunday, and the show will air 8-10 p.m. Friday. They do. Any DNA found from an unknown person must be proven to be connected to the crime. I remember when this was first aired on the news & they included crime scene pictures showing that someone had tried to clean up the crime scene. Yes, the DNA results have been sealed by the Courts and are now confidential. They contacted the police regarding changes to the policy and the lead investigator Detective Jimmy Patterson never bothered to return the call. There is not one shred of evidence that actually puts that knife in Darlies hand at the moment the boys were attacked and there never will be, because they were murdered by someone else. She was convicted cause she had fake boobs and nice belongings. When it comes to an individual losing their life, I think it should be completely proven & not just beyond a reasonable doubt an individual is guilty & sentenced to any prison time & especially death row!!! His bloody butt and footprint found on and at the couch. The sock had blood droplets from both Damon and Devon. No way in hell that man was upstairs asleep during the attack. A curiously quick turnaround. Geez. They did not show the first part of recording. Wait, never mind I see your documentation. Why was she screaming they they they all over What i dont understand is if a judge ordered the fingerprint to be ran years ago why it hasnt been done. After cutting herself, she stabbed Damon a second time, inflicting the fatal wound and momentarily set the knife down on the carpet, making the imprint. They just happened to change venues to a town with a different socioeconomic standard and religious affiliation. The bloody sock found near a sewer by the home had the kids dna and chloroform. So once again Kathy Cruz is permitted to write a Pro-Darlie piece without any mention of the facts that she is a friend of Routiers, and her late husband was one of Routiers appellate lawyers. She actually has two Innocence groups working with her attorneys now. All videos shouldve been shown at trial, not only one part & one of the jurors has said if he had seen all videos, there is no way he wouldve said shes guilty, he said it was engineered to point the finger at her & quite frankly an unfair & biased trial to suit the police & prosecutors. The screen over a window in the garage had been slashed. The forensic team needs to check the fingerprint found and do their damn job but the silly state of Texas wont allow it because they know they screwed up! Fake boobs, jewelry, a birthday at the Cemetary and silly string is not forensic evidence. You back woods jack asses!! Possibly over money ? Absolutely not superficial cuts !! They will find out whos bloody print threat was. Yup, Prosecutor Toby Shook took her apart on the stand. Bet Darlie could have SHIT when Greg Davis marched Mr. Mize right up in front of Darlie. Praying that the right thing will be done! Ms. Potkin has aligned herself with Darlies appellate attorneys. Whoever left the print left touch DNA that could have only come from a woman. AS FAR AS THE JURY THE WAY SHE LIVED MADE HER SUSPICIONS, THE JEWELRY SHE WORE YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME..YOU ALL HAVE TO LIVE WITH SENDING AN INNOCENT MOTHER,TO DEATH ROW.. HOPE YOU ALL GO TO HELL WITH THAT DESCION!!!! Oh, there is no new evidence? Picking the jury is critical, and that one is a total moron. If it rubs off on only one person ruining the comments for others, it will have been worth it. MATT. Hmmm.the English language, always causes some debate. It would have taken Darlie 60 seconds total at a very leisurely pace to drop the sock then get back to the crime scene. He was arrested in 2005 for the murder of Theresa H. DNA evidence says he murdered her. There is SO MUCH evidence pointing to an intruder. I grew up a cops kid therefore youI was around lots of police from patrol officers to investigators to the Captain. It doesnt say Thou shall not kill unless the person killed someone else first. Again, I wasnt there, neither were any of you, I dont know her what happened. That stone you just cast will be the same one the devil uses to torture your idiot arse as you rot in hell for eternity. Shame on the police and prosecutors!!! Damon did not pass away until right after the paramedics started working on him, and they had to wait outside an additional 2 minutes while police cleared the crime scene. Its suppose to be innocent until proven guilty but REALLY its MORE like YOUR guilty UNTIL proven otherwise. killings, then how did she get both Damon and Devons blood on it? Damon, 5, was gasping for breath. Did it just jump there? If you check the evidence of what blood was on the back of her shirt, youll see that they only found one tiny blood spot on the back, if she repeatedly stabbed the boys, she wouldve had a lot more blood spatter on the back of her shirt as the knife would be lifted up & back down again over & over, leaving more blood than was found on the shirt, one small spot doesnt fit with her supposedly stabbing the boys over & over, there wouldve been a lot more blood. Im sorry she didnt put on a good enough show for you during those few minutes of footage, you ghoul. May 11, 2019 No way was this case proven beyond a reasonable doubt. I didnt see anything that supports their claims of her being selfish or not giving her children the proper nurture they needed. And for the record, he didnt actually go out the utility room through the garage. Clearly displayed proof? Bad police work, close minded prosecutors, problems with the court reporter, location of the trial and then that lovely jury that had their mind made up from day one. Shame on all of you backwards, redneck, hillbilly monsters with your bibles in one hand and concrete opinions in the other! The children were sleeping with their mother in the downstairs television room of their Rowlett, Texas, home on June 6, 1996, while Darlies husband, Darin, was upstairs with the couples newborn, Drake. Either execute her or give her life sentence. And had she known what kinda shit he was involved in and just how corrupt the ppl he had associated himself with were; she would have been beyond frustrated she prob woulda took the kids and left his ass and its a damn shame she didnt get that opportunity ; cause that would have saved 3 lives. darlie routier 2022 update. I completely forgot about your dumb ass, thats how obsolete you are. Dont live in the past. Blood under glass & vacuum. If she did it, great, they got the right person and those poor children got justice. She was a 26 year old house wife, not a Sherlock Holmes fiction writer. Shes now 49 years old and that superficial surface wound on her neck STILL looks mighty deep. All the lies he has been telling over the years to cover his tracks are all starting to catch up to him. The dopiest and most malicious group of Texans ever assembled. Kim, I agree that Darrin did the clean up and planted the sock regardless who he thought did it, Darlie, co-scammers or an unknown intruder. I agree with you. Horrible justice system to allow that evidence to be used to sentence someone to death. Thats just her problem, only thinks about her self, if they were in financial runes why would she get implants? The fact that Darlie never once mentioned going to the sink for anything in any of her several initial statements to police convinces me she only added the part about wetting the towels after she realized the police had removed her sink. Post partum is an unspoken epidemic, and being a mom is a thankless and life sucking job that sometimes leaves you hating your life because being treated like human garbage is normal everyday shit as a mom, but yay mothers day!?!? How can her own mother still believe Darin is innocent? She also went into detail about the 1993 insurance scam when the white Jag was stolen. They could then take that money from those fines and put it into community programs for kids but why do that when we can keep packing people like cattle into overcrowded jails. Darlie Routier, 26, has cut and stab wounds on her neck and . THE law & order were Not following the rules they set for everyone else. Failure alert just like Avery. I live in Houston and we have our own reign of terror. but they only took a certain portion of this letter and said HA heres her confession. You could see she had no remorse.. And all tears where fake. For someone who wasnt fighting for her life, she sure as hell had TONS of HUGE bruising all over her arms and legs. Agree. Why??? Jurors want to believe their government has got the right person.. They saw the evidence and they MADE it fit to Darlie! The appellate team lawyers, who have worked pro bono on the case for years, have struggled to raise the money needed for all of the DNA testing they won the right to do. Take a good look at the crime scene photos of the sink and tell me that if it was your sink, youd consider that clean. Casey Anthony blamed a nanny ,blamed dad, claim accident so admitted Why didnt they realize it was Darin who had the opportunity to plant that sock? I agree totally. If your going to post, at least have the common sense to post the truth. The fact that no cars were visible in the driveway and think about the strange car near the home the day of and week before the murders. Whenever my kids were babies and I had a moment to sleep, I slept somewhat hard and if that makes me a bad person, sorry. Thats what she told them on the show I saw. They never tested the outside of the sock, and if they did they would probably find Darins DNA all over the sock. FIGHT ME. I have never thought for once that she was guilty. Motion lights didnt trigger, Domain their dog didnt bark, the cleanup at the sink, the wine glass did not fall & break from the rack as it had to be released with a latch, blood under the glass and vacuum that was obviously laid over, not a cut on her feet, screen cut with her own knife put back in the block, the jewelry not touched, the boys butchered yet Darlie merely cut. they decided Darlie was the new Susan Smith of child killers. Guilty people usually will do anything to avoid being questioned about the event. You want to help Darlie? And no that didnt color my judgement. So again Im asking you what forensic evidence do you speak of? Now after all these years, her wishes have come true. Common scumbag capital murder defense attorney strategy to take it to the court of last resortdocumentaries. Something for the media to talk about after this covid 19 crap. He was pretty sure she was already dead, and he was in a hurry to get out of there, so he gave her one final slice to the neck for good measure and hauled ass. Ah, a rational voice of reason! She doesnt go around taking cases she isnt completely sure she will eventually win. I dont know how she has made it this far. I respect the right that each individual in these comments has that each of you have a right to his/her own opinion. Your daughter is a psychopath thanks to you. In the days after her sons deaths, Routier and her husband gave interviews to local media. THANK YOU! Each time, her story was a little different, said attorney Toby Shook, who served as a prosecutor on the case. This is Biblical? And, he said, the way Routier described waking up sounds more like coming to after passing out, not sleeping. Starting in June 2008, new DNA tests have been done on the evidence from the Routier crime scene with the support of both the prosecution and the defense. But yet all you idiots still she is guilty. As far as Routier coming homeyou can wish in one hand and shit in the other and see which gets filled first. Why wasnt it on when the first officer showed up 3 minutes after the 911 call. Everyone wants to get vindication for these kids getting slaughtered in their own home, and I get that, he said. Wore ten rings everyday makes her a Its no way in Hell that someone(s) came into that home and just started stabbing innocent children and take the mother over to the sink and cut her throat. The evidence points to her guilt. Darin knew for a fact Devon had died at least three minutes before he did that cpr on him in front of officer Waddell. Im deeply troubled and saddened that a woman is still judged differently than a man in our system. O.J. Every cop that heard that come out of my mouth IMMEDIATELY said ok wheres the proof? Not one of them said we know and well prove it! No innocent women would say that!! A bunch of ignorant Texas yahoos. My fiancee and I witnessed him with the company of two different women on separate nights at the Cheddars restaurant on I-75 in Plano. Her oldest son, Devon, wouldve turned 7 that day. So what she was injured, she done it to herself. She may not have killed them but she knew what was going to happen. Justice for Devon and Damon Routier! Nobody had been excluded from some of those prints including Darin Routier. It was not shown in its entirety. Never happened. For all these years you have been claiming Darlie was innocent yet you have not tried to expose all the evidence they had against Darin. Of all the nights for Darlie to be sleeping downstairs with the 2 young boys & her husband & infant son are upstairs. Im betting NOT! Blood spatter??? The fact that families want to sit there, watch it and some walking away gloating shows they are just as barbaric in their thinking as those who killed their loved ones. Inflicting pain sure beats feeling it, doesnt it? TOO MUCH DOUBT! She was asked directly, if she killed her children. By signing up you agree to ourTerms of ServiceandPrivacy Policy, "They ended up deliberating on the Silly String," her mother, Darlie Kee, toldThe Dallas Morning Newsthis week. They prosecuted Darlie in the media, period. If it was so sure to prove Darlie innocent why the hell would they wait 10 years to free Darlie? Once they run the only smudged print, the only piece of so called evidence, rules there was no intruder, pretty much over. Darlie did not inflict those wounds on herself. Bet. Darlie thought she got away with it. Free. But Id guess you people would rather think those babies did that to her, right? She was pretty stabby too. The fact that once in a while a convicted person is found to be innocent has no bearing on Routiers guilt. This was a witch hunt. Shortly after the murders, NBC5 (KXAS-TV) captured video of Routier with bleached hair, smacking gum and giggling spraying Silly String on her sons graves. One perp stabs and slashes in seconds. In this case thats exactly what happened. Sexism? Should she be proven innocent ( personally I believe she is), please take a good long hats look inside your own heart and try to imagine how YOU would feel if something like this happened to you. Is it a confession? They lied and they set her up. Why?? There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. Routiers defense and appeals attorney have also pointed to an unidentified bloody fingerprint found on the coffee table in the family room. Its truly disturbing to see people so cruelly obsessed with one womans execution. She will be burning in hell very soon. Prosecutors described Routier as materialistic and self-absorbed. And, to not hear this all happening while she was right there. Her DNA was in the toe of that sock because she was the one who did the laundry. I dont vote btw at all, too informed via facts/history. Sad because two precious children knew their Mother did this to them. All the attention was on the mother but yet the whole family celebrated Devons birthday. That explains why Darlie's case isn't officially listed as one of the IP cases. Why are you crazy people attacking each other and fighting back and forth. Who doesnt hear their 3 family members being brutally stabbed to death until the possible intruder has already left? What forensic evidence?? Who the crap cares if she had her breasts done or wore tight clothes!! much love from this side of the pond . She was convicted because of her personality and clothing/jewelry choices. No doubt she is guilty. Darlie needs to come clean about what she knows about her husband. This is the saddest story ever! For 23 years they have refused to investigate Darin and expose all the evidence against him. she voted for her to be convicted because the woman had implants and had lots of jewelry. She wasnt thinking of anyone but herself and what she wanted, in the murders of her own children. Devon and Damon Jane a story and they deserve for it to be told. Very unprofessional conduct, with some reasonable doubt springing to mind. Kudos! Darin Routier was never investigated. Had been following with books and trial transcripts. Bad taste can be a determining factor ?? They found Darlie with wounds on her neck, arms, and shoulder, but her sons - Devon, 6, and Damon, 5 - were already dying due to their stab injuries. He divorced her and is probably remarried livinggn the good life. Was she supposed to be rolling around in the dirt, wailing and howling incoherently in front of the other children? If anything, stop for these boys. That apple didnt fall far from the tree. Numerous items from the crime scene were submitted. Her innocence will be proven with DNA testing. Yup, the new trial will bring even more evidence against her. DNA testing not available at the time was recently conducted and the results are discussed in the special. You just didnt get caught just like guards in prison told us about themselves. I dont believe she or anyone else for that matter could take a knife to their throat and cut it within a fraction of an inch away from the carotid artery. Her father, Paul E. Mauk, lives in Altoona as does Routiers father, Larry Peck, who was serving in Vietnam when Routier was born. She was already convicted Guilty. I have also wondered why there has never been a reward put up for information about the case. Her neck wound was 2mm from a major artery. Devon and Damon are dead. she was set up by her husband. She shouldnt have been convicted in the first place. Why was Jimmy Patterson leading a murder case when he was a narcotics cop? Just curious: if you turned out to be dead wrong and it was proven that someone else committed the murders, would you have the balls to apologize to her face? If you have question where you believe I can help you answer; Ill be happy to look at the publicly available information in the magical thing called the internet and determine if I can obtain the information I will attempt to offer you whatever insight I can. Its madness gone wrong, they even found a bleached length of hair in the screen that was cut opened, but then found it belonged to a woman police officer & not Darlie. Many of us who mourn children do these things to cope, to at least hold on to that piece of our babies. The innocence project turned it down, but her lying ass mom keeps saying it like it might happen. Isnt it reasonable to think someone else stabbing the kids caused a tiny tiny spot of blood to transfer to her shirt ? The Rowlette police manufactured conclusions to evidence that did not exist. Finally got a copy of Barbara Davis book. On death row she has had to spend most of these many years in isolation and denied the most basic rights that other inmates have like classes and the chance to better themselves in some way. And many people still have a hard time believing that a young mother could butcher her babies in cold blood. I have witnessed both self-inflicted and defensive wounds. Two houses down from hers!! Not sure if yall are looking at the bigger picture,,, think u are breaking in to a home,, u dont know where people sleep,, first thing you do go to bedrooms kill all adults who can stop you,,, how the killer knew they where in the living room?? If that would have been cut she would have been dead. Damons liver ws torn up and his lungs were filling with fluid very quickly. Its all of YOU wholl pay for taking her innocent life. Dod a murdered run out the door and take off a sock and leave it in the alley. They made the evidence fit their theories. You are both disgusting. If life threatening should would of been taken to hospital immediately, she stayed and answered questions for some time. In Jan 2020, which would postdate your comment, 85-J was put through AFIS and, to no ones surprise, returned unmatched. 10 , 2023 10 , 2023 harry potter builds a city ship fanfiction 10 , 2023 harry potter builds a city ship fanfiction Remember when you could actually read the comment section without all of the hate, bigotry, racism and biased political nonsense (example from this page, Liberal baby killers, are you serious??)? Im sitting here wondering why in Gods name did those detectives plead the 5th on the witness stand. Stupid people! People need to know the truth about Darin Routier. It looked as if she was struggling against someone. At any rate, if i were judging, that possibly would have created a doubt in my mind the darlie did it. Let her out and investigate this outrageous injustice!!! As Ive retired, I have decided to attempt to try to improve the lives of our friends, neighbors and fellow citizens by continuing to write about issues such as the Routier Case. One of his specialties was Criminal Law. Havent seen Miranda around in awhile but I hope its true what she says about you loons needing crisis therapy when Darlies execution date is handed down. Darlie is INNOCENT!!! I have tried to reply more than once and it does not show up. If you can then your simply lying about seeing the trial or there is the IQ issue! Her fans say necklace was embedded, had to be surgically removed but it simply fell off when bandage removed. TOE TAG PAROLE FOR DARLIE ROUTIER. DNA test is done, didnt come back as anyone else. The TV presentation on channel 7 sucked. I pray she is fully exonerated. You also spent time with Darlie after the murders & didnt once see her mourning for her children ?? What makes you people think that this couldnt happen to your kid because lets face it, thanks to the reign of terror, just about every Texan family has been touched by the TDCJ system. The fact she is still locked up is completely disgusting. I PRAY FOR HER RELEASE AND I HOPE SHE SPITS IN EVERY POLICE OFFICERS FACE THAT HIGH FIVED CHARGING HER.. I wouldnt be surprised if law enforcement even planted evidence in this case. Now Texas is stalling, waited 9 years to get the fingerprint tested. They both ended up on the floor by the couch and the guy just stabbed blindly in the dark. March 1999: A complaint filed with a state board alleges that Halsey's work was "incompetent, inaccurate, unprofessional and untimely" and that she lied to hide errors. 5. They like cops should wanted the evidence and waited a long,long time to get that conviction! Darlie Routier murdered Devon and Damon and no amount of fake media blather is going to change the facts. Our system is extremely corrupt and unfair. If you really want to know the truth it was Darin who snuck out of that house and had the opportunity to lose or plant that sock in the alley. Her husband being as successful as he was, wouldnt it had made more sense to murder her husband? Darlie is 100% a victim and needs justice. Darlie Routiers crime crossed the line of demarcation and is so vile, so repulsive that redemption and forgiveness on this earth is impossible. Really? There is new proof. Routier has maintained her innocence since she became a suspect in the stabbing deaths within hours of the killings. Her blood on the vacuum handle: So what? No one was supposed to be home, let alone get hurt. Which was probably on the table if she would have just admitted to the crime. I dont blame her for wanting to delay her punishment for as long as possible, but at a certain point this has to end. Youre getting nervous now, arent you? I know of NO SCIENTIFIC evidence that mothers who are different should be judged any differently than a man. Nope, no doubt at all. But no one even looked at anyone but her. Everyone has their own way of mourning and even celebrating a life that was taken too soon. NY IP and TX IP have turned Darlie down. There was nothing weird about the silly string. What you put out into this world comes back on you tenfold. Just one more inconsistency is a case riddled with inconsistencies. Police discovered that a window screen had been cut in the garage, a possible entry point for the intruder. None of the evidence used in court is CREDIBLE evidence. EXACTLY! Was just telling husband the ratio in Texas and lifers and death row ! That only proves it may have been her sock, either laying on the floor or on her foot which came off during the struggle and when the attacker realized he had it on him or in his hand he dumped it. I know that Darlie is innocent and Texas obviously must have their doubts or they would of killed her a long time ago. There is mountains of evidence to show that someone else did this. .. Phyllis, No there will be no miracle 20/20 Should be ashamed of themselves for saying their would be new evidence THEY AHOWED NOT A DAMN THING but a recap of the last defense and I heard not one thing about the Innocence Project taking her case which her supporters are saying is a fact THEY LIE AS MUCH AS DARLIE WHICH IS IMORESSIVE darlies time is up and she will punished soon for butchering her babies #NONEWEVIDENCE #RUNTHEPRINCE shame on you 20/20. That came out in the 2015 DNA tests that Darlies defense had sealed. They did not say Darin was innocent just not enought evidence to prove he was involved. Shes white trash. SUBMIT A TIP Jury didnt agree. Barbara Jovell confirmed the insurance scam that Darin planned in 1996. Innocent or guilty, I dont see what reinvestigating the case hurts? This is the legacy everyone in the state of Texas with the last name of Routier has.
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