When Frater R.C. My point is that Wake Forest is a place where many things have begun, where the act of founding is continuous. We are forward-looking and responsive. On a parallel track, the federal-university partnershipwith funding from such new agencies as NSF, NIH, and NASAgrew significantly. A team approach is used while working This past semester, I had the honor of attending initiation at UCF and leading the Bond reading to the new Fraters. We celebrate this energy and are working to support and expand it. And what inspires confidence in our brotherhood and emboldens strong leadership is the mission of Tau Kappa Epsilon and the values it promulgates. o The Commons (2002); Information Technology and Engineering (2003); Public Policy (2004), and state-of-the-art Performing Arts and Humanities Building (2012 and 2014). When Joseph Settles, James McNutt, Clarence Mayer, Owen Truitt, and C. Roy Atkinson gathered at 504 Locust Street in Bloomington, Illinois on January 10, 1899, and formed the Knights of Classic Lore they created a society whose avowed purpose was to aid men in their mental, moral and social development. Our mission to aid men in their moral, mental and social development for life has been present since our founding and has prevailed for 121 years. The Higher Education Act of 1965, a key piece of Great Society legislation, was passed under Johnson, expanding federal postsecondary support. We will work to become one of the best research universities of our size in the world, and we are determined that our dream will not be deferred.. o During the 2015-2106 academic year, we awarded the most degrees ever in our history, with 3,429 total degrees awarded, an increase of almost 10 percent over the past two years, and 2,521 bachelors degrees awarded, an increase of 12 percent over the past two years. It has taken grit to achieve our goals. Something new and beautiful was founded here. In the early 1960s, the case for a new campus in Maryland was growing. I love the Fraternity! Founders Day is always a significant day and I join you in paying tribute to those persons who through their own dedication and their tireless efforts brought As a scientist, Im accustomed to asking lots of questions, but my own way of thinking about Founders Day centers on one question in particular: What does it mean to be a founder? For our broader engagement: At the beginning of that fateful week, I was 500 miles away from home and knew no one on campus. We often recall the vision of our five founders to create a fraternity that was revolutionary in its progressive selection of members; valuing personal worth and character instead of the exclusionary requirements of our peers. o Might we go the way of some other campuses that have welcomed alumni, especially older and retired alums, to live on campus to enjoy campus resources and to lend their time and talents to enrich the campus community? As you may know from our Declaration of Principles, We believe that a fraternity should be a brotherhood in conduct as well as in name., Secrecy that is promoted for selfish purposes or utilized to cloak fraternal wrong-doings we unsparingly condemn., We believe that at no other period in the life of a man is the time more opportune for the fostering of such qualities than during the years of his college career.. Alumni volunteers, professional staff, and collegiates have been more creative and more productive. What have been our top achievements? For example, we know we must continue our work to develop a more diverse faculty and staffparticularly African Americans, Hispanics, and womenin selected areas. This was the year that the Board of Trustees finally voted to admit African American students. o Indeed, we can report that for the 2009 cohort, after six years: This is my first Founders Day on campus, as it may be for many of you, and Im delighted we can meet together in person. Hello and good morning to everyone present here. We have the choice to improve others as a Province Advisor or Grand Province Advisor and help several chapters. So today, I leave you with those wise words. Whether a few dollars of your finances or a few hours of your time, you can make a difference to our current and future Fraters to shape a more prosperous Fraternity. This year, nursing major Brooke Zahine '24 was selected to present We opened on the day we were supposed to, right on schedule. And UMBC is widely regarded as a national model for inclusive excellence in a research university. As I travel TKE Nation, I consistently see the positive impact of our chapters, our alumni, our headquarters staff and our Foundation. The Grand Council and I are engaged with numerous stakeholders in strategic conversations about changes we can champion together to safeguard our future. And Baltimore needed another public research university that would play a role in the regions economic growth and civic life. We must all work together for the good of the Fraternity. Thank you for having the vision to open this university, and for carrying From being the first in my family to go to college to becoming Grand Prytanis, I am a testament of what is possible within TKE. I attended University of South Carolina and walked onto campus with fresh eyes and a passionate energy for a new environment far from where I grew up. Our membership is strong, our staff is top notch, and our volunteers give their heart and soul for the betterment of others. Can you create a MyTKE.org account so we know you are interested in reconnecting? Its not another thing written on paper. The Grand Council and I look forward to continuing to support the philanthropic work of our Fraternity and expand our financial wellbeinga key pathway to a more secure future. With support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), we are replicating our approaches at Pennsylvania State University and the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Many have lost a loved one to Covid-19. We have a strong national reputation for integrating undergraduates in mentored research. President, UMBC. These traits are critical if we are to be great founders. While our new donor count is growing, we embrace that there are scores of members who can ensure we reach our potential through investing in the greatest Fraternity on the planet. Welcome to our 2022 Founders Day Convocation. We were not in harmony with many of the popular ideals of that time. In the challenges that lie ahead, there undoubtedly will be opportunities for all of us to renew our commitment, improve our ways, and exemplify the ideals of Tau Kappa Epsilon that we pledged to uphold when we assumed the Bond. With an increase of 24 percent in applications over the past five years, we have become more selective. Buildings were ready to be occupied; sidewalks were installed; the faculty was here. o We now have more than 70,000 alumni who are working in Maryland and beyond as artists, social workers, policy analysts, doctors, and dentists, healthcare workers, teachers, lawyers, engineers, and computer scientists. Dear Sorors, Welcome to our 2021 Founders Day Celebration. Similarly, at our founding no one could then have fully envisioned what we one day could become. Over the past fifty years, as our nation has grown its higher education enterprise, many more Americans went to college and earned bachelors degrees, access to our postsecondary institutions was widened to people of all groups, and the federal government expanded its investments in university research. As of 2015, more than half of Asians over 25 and about 15 percent each of Hispanics and Native Americans have earned a college degree. Hon. Frater Lester H. Martin, the first Grand Prytanis, was once quoted saying that our Founders set out to create an organization for the development of men to enable them to cope with the world when their school days were over and when they would be forced against the stern realities of life.. Our dear Founder, we are honored to call AUN our home, and we celebrate with you today. They are working. As a volunteer for the past 20 years, I have come to more fully understand how TKE honors the uniqueness of each Frater, the basis of our brotherhood. Our emergence as a model research university can be traced to many factors. We share equipment, our faculty are developing joint proposals to NIH, we administer a joint MD-PhD program, and we send large numbers of students to professional schools social work, law, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. Founders Day provides us the opportunity to reflect briefly on our university's history, to highlight important recent accomplishments, and to describe some of our vision for its future. These initiatives and programs are designed to ensure that students learn and make significant progress toward completion. The Maryland General Assembly authorized a new campus for Baltimore County in 1963, and it was 50 years ago today that UMBC opened in 1966 on what had recently been 432 acres of farmland. Our legacy of fundraising is nearly as lengthy as our existence. Past Grand Prytanis Gary LaBranche presided over the festivities and delivered remarks that touched on the legacy of success bequeathed to us: a legacy of challenges met and overcome; of impossible goals made possible. He went on to speak about alumni associations and alumni engagement. o Many of our studentsincluding those in the Humanities Scholars Programspend at least a semester in study abroad. As a nation, we have much more work to do. In my tenure on the Grand Council, this has happened frequently. We have the option of serving as a Chapter Advisor to help a local chapter. It promises to be a magnificent celebration in the city where dreams do come true. We know what we want to become and how to get there. In our fraternity, we get real life learning opportunities not found in the classroom. It was our very first Grand Prytanis, Lester H. Martin, recalling his time with Founder Settles, who stated, "The idea, as it struck brother Settles, was not a Fraternity in the usual acceptation, but an organization for the development of men to fit them to cope with the world when their school days were over and they would be forced up against the stern realities of life.". o Most recently, an article in yesterdays New York Times provides more national exposure to our academic strengths (in research and teaching) than ever before. Thousands of collegiates struggle to pay their membership dues or are unemployed. Hence the importance that each chapter take the greatest care in selecting men who are entirely in sympathy with the original high moral, social, and scholastic standing in which Tau Kappa Epsilon had its beginning. If you are unable to make a gift, share your time and your talent. Advancing our role and reputation as a vital stakeholder in Marylands innovation economy? I am especially proud of their foresight and the vast membership that TKE has grown to achieve since that time. Ingrained in the fiber of every member is the Teke spirita spirit typical of our fraternitya spirit that does not shrink from sacrifice, that knows no defeat; a spirit indomitable. Those words, cited from Frater Wallace McCauleys 1907 Opportunity Out of Defeat speech, are as relevant today as ever. With nearly 12,000 collegiate members, Tau Kappa Epsilon contributes to the advancement of society through the personal growth of our members, and service to others. She was followed by political and civic leaders, best selling authors and media We have been recognized by national media for excellence. We are looking to build on these strengths with key research prioritieswell-aligned with state and national prioritiesin environment, health, national security, education, and public policy. She went on to explain how worried she was about his decision to join a fraternity and after not hearing from him for a period of time, she had thought he might be dead. We can and we must do better. I urge you to reengage with the Fraternity, to find new and creative ways to support Tau Kappa Epsilon with your time, talent, and treasure. Moving forward, I very much look forward to what we can found together. As the new year kicks off, our Fraternity is poised to capitalize on strategic growth opportunities that stem from our recent policy changes and internal accountability. But ultimately, this community worked together to create the foundation from which a more diverse, equitable and inclusive Wake Forest could be built one we continually strive to build today. Found is a verb, an action, not a single, set moment in some distant past. Whether in the chapter room or the boardroom, my time in TKE has highlighted that our Fraternity's true strength lies within our members' diversity. It was a wise bargain for a new university: commuters saved their money by living at home; the state saved money by forgoing the cost of residence halls. Can you become a chapter volunteer? Capital Projects Thousands of Fraters have engaged with the Fraternity for Life in new ways. * Theres a quote that has always stuck with me. Academic Programs and Success After WWII, all of this changed, quite dramatically. Under current market conditions, with current gifts and pledges, we anticipate the endowment will reach $100 million by 2020. On behalf of all Tekes everywhere, I thank you for your part in that magnificent effort. We want to ensure that our work has direct impacton the scientific and engineering fields, on our students, and on the many communities that we touch. BreakingGround achieved the following milestones in its fourth year: 34 courses to-date created or redesigned to foster civic agency; 24 projects producing social contributions beyond episodic service; 270+ stories and reflections shared on the BreakingGround blog, attracting more than 110,000 views. The Fraternity's first-ever fundraising effort was a $300 campaign in 1908 for a piano for the Alpha chapter house. I invite you to read Professor George LaNoues new book, entitled Improbable Excellence: The Saga of UMBC, which discusses our 50-year history and has many excellent observations about where we are today and about the challenges we will face in the future. Which is why we must also be globally minded people of the moment. The additional budget funding and income from our endowment allow us to hire new faculty and staff as enrollments grow, expand academic programs, better support our students through increased financial aid, and grow our health and wellness initiatives for the campus. (Until the 1980s, the diplomas of our graduates did not yet say University of Maryland, Baltimore County, but just University of Maryland, reflecting a particular mindset about who we were.). Within one year of World War II ending, several TKE chapters had restarted their operation, increasing our active chapters to nineteen. We have a growing partnership with Bowie State in cybersecurity and with UMES in the alliance for minority participation in science. The future of our great Fraternity is at a cross roads and we must act now to improve, to evolve, and to define our existence for a successful future. Our recommendations reflect our willingness to be honest with ourselves. Knowing full well that the mission of college training is to develop such traits, we were fully convinced that in the end-developing character, enriched life and enlarged personality-would justify any risk that might be taken in selecting such a man. Our infrastructure now includes, in addition to our buildings, an investment in information technology (IT). Our most successful and impactful research efforts are frequently interdisciplinary and based on successful collaborations across the campus, with other academic institutions, and with external partners. Founders Day Speech. As Grand Prytanis on this Founders Day, I declare that now is the time for all hands on deck. His doctoral student and postdoctoral fellow, Victoria DSouza, was granted tenure as full professor in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Harvard University. To showcase living our values of love, charity and esteem. Agreeing with Miss Thompson regarding the importance of encouraging student travel, he worked with Dr. Sven Knudson of the University of Copenhagen to One of the high honors Ive had as Grand Prytanis is appointing my good friend and fellow Xi-Iota Teke, Alexander Rudloff, to the Grand Council for us to tap his vast experience that started in our home chapter. Just 56% of students who start a bachelors degree in this country complete within six years. From just $1 million in the early 1990s, our endowment has grown in value to more than $77 million today, with almost $14 million raised this past year. From Founders Day on April 8 to the grand opening of Thunderbird Global Headquarters in November, this longstanding tradition of honoring diversity and fostering You can see the progress we are making in our numbers. In a moment, Professor Erica Still is going to speak to us about one of our most renowned and beloved Wake Foresters Maya Angelou. All of us who have entered the Bond over the last 121 years is their legacy and, thanks to the vision of our Founders, we are well-positioned for continued success. o Can we imagine student apartments, along with a coffeehouse, a convenience store, a dry cleaners, or other desirable commercial services, to serve the campus of the future well? o With College Park, we are collaborating (with MITRE) on the states Cybersecurity FFRDC, (with funding from NASA) on the Center for Research and Exploration in Space Science and Technology, and (with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities) on Baltimore Stories: Narratives and the Life of an American City, which seeks to use humanities scholarship to produce print and digital materials that help frame and contextualize narratives of race in American cities. We had just $4 million in research in the late 1970s and $22 million at the end of the 1980s. Our founding fathers had a vision that was progressive and revolutionary back in 1899, creating an organization that would consider personal worth and character to be principle qualifications for membership. Our Declaration of Principles outlines that our purpose is to aid our men in their mental, moral, and social development. o How can we deepen our innovation in teaching and learning, improve advising and mentoring, and more fully capitalize on student analytics and assessment? Although they were expectedly nervous and overwhelmed, watching the Fraternity grow through their initiation was inspiring. At my own installation in 1993, I remarked that at the founding of Stanford University or even at its 25th anniversary, no one could have envisioned what it would one day become. For example, in 1894, our law school was founded. He was, as am I, a member of Rotary and its amazing how many civic leaders are members of a fraternity or sorority. Happy Founders' Day, Fraters. Thats why Im proud of the important work being done by Wake Forests Slavery, Race, and Memory Project and particularly proud of our membership in the Universities Studying Slavery consortium. WebMake sure that it is relevant to the content of your welcome speech or the point youre making. While the Teke spirit was massive, our group was not. Relatives and friends have buried children and others killed in a Russian missile attack on the central Ukrainian city of Uman. To safeguard the mission of Tau Kappa Epsilon, we need untiring and dedicated Tekes who will marshal the Fraternity toward greater financial sustainability and emerge from this crisis stronger than before. These partnerships are important to the Maryland economy and the health and defense of our nation. Most of all, we believe in hard, sustained work for student success. At our opening in 1966 Albin Kuhn said, Just like a youngster, we dont have all the answers, but we do want to develop our own personality and become part of the Baltimore metropolitan area. Over the next 20 years, after Dr. Kuhn had laid a solid foundation, the campus was steered through a challenging period of growth by Calvin Lee, UMBCs second chancellor; Louis Kaplan, interim chancellor; and John Dorsey, third chancellor. o This spring, Michael Summers, Robert E. Meyerhoff Chair for Excellence in Research and Mentoring, University Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Howard Hughes Investigator, was elected to membership in the National Academy of Sciences. We have just launched the first Naval ROTC program in Maryland, with special support from Senator Mikulski. If you are in a position to support TKE with a financial gift during this difficult time, a donation to Life Loyal Teke through the TKE Foundation will sustain educational programming for collegiate and alumni Fraters. Because of public health restrictions, many chapters are unable to recruit new members. What will the next great chapter in our history entail? Much as America's founding fathers before them, our Fraternity's Founders were pioneers filled with the spirit of building a new and better enterprisenot just for them, and not just for their time, but for all brothers for all time. If you dont know where youve come from, you dont know where youre going. In their address to the Grand Chapter, they wanted to reiterate the original ideas and purposes that brought our fraternity into existence. Today, on our 123rd Founders Day and throughout 2022, I encourage you to engage withTKEs 1-2-3 - Connect, Celebrate and Contribute. Little did I know my first day on campus would lead me to fall rush. That effort raised nearly $30,000which is more than $430,000 in todays dollars when adjusted for inflation. As our creed highlights: TKEs have always been a Brotherhood of gentlemen in perpetual quest of excellence as a way of life. We have just welcomed 2,800 new students to campus this fall, including 1,550 new freshmen. It is always the result of high intentions, sincere effort, and intelligent execution. They created the name because our founders studied classic literature at their weekly meetings. With utmost respect to our founders, we owe it to ourselves to be critical and thorough with our plans for improvements. As always, we are embracing and emphasizing the power of grit: high expectations and hard work. At the same time, the landmark 1954 Supreme Court case of Brown v Board of Education of Topeka and the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964again under Johnsonhelped ensure that the expansion of access could be inclusive, extending beyond just whites to African Americans and other minorities. The mission of Tau Kappa Epsilon is not another thing on the plate. Kristen Griest (above), USMA Class of Furthermore, this year we celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the founding of the LGBTQ+ Center on campus. Of that $440 million, almost $250 million comes from the State of Maryland or tuition and fees. Enrollment: As we know, scores of other organizations had to amend their membership criteria and adapt to changing societal and federal laws as the years passed. What challenges will we face and how will we rise up to meet them? And so, with federal higher education and civil rights legislation, the percentage of Americans 25 or older who had earned a bachelors degree increased from 9.8 to 32.5 percent between 1966, when we were founded, and 2015. Our philanthropic work has raised millions of dollars for the St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital along with other charitable organizations. Remarks as prepared. WebFounders Day is extremely important for the school for two reasons: firstly, it is a day on which we celebrate achievement our many achievements, individual and collective; second, it is an important occasion for the whole school to be together, to do things together, and to remember that we are an important and strong community the whole is Welcome to our 2022 Founders Day Convocation. We looked beyond mere outward appearances that we might see the man; and finding one of real quality and sterling worth, we regarded him as fit material to be associated with us in a fraternal way regardless of outward appearance. WebI am so glad that you got to live a normal life, that you always brought me so much pride and joy, and that you now have a wonderful family of your own. With fewer than 1% of more than 240,000 living Fraters donating to the Fraternity, the promise of an equally inspiring moment in our Fraternitys history is great. I love the Fraternity. Tempting them is all you have to do and then stop make them feel excited about the event. Welcome speech must address all the guests and the chief guests of the event (if any) thanking them for being present and giving the auspicious event their valuable attention. In 2000, Susan Parker and Wendy Scott were married here in Wait Chapel. Our research motto, Innovation That Matters reflects the fact that our faculty and students are particularly strong in translational and applied research areas. We fear that the loss of scholastic achievement may be traced to the artificial tendency of making social qualities the only test of membership-rather than the essentials of a strong, vigorous, aggressive manhood that stands for the highest and best things in life. Part of any honest reflection on the past requires honoring the parts that fill us with pride and critically analyzing where we have fallen short. Fraters, grit and determination have been the cornerstones of TKE successes throughout our history. In 1899, a group of men living together in Bloomington, IL and attending Illinois Wesleyan University got together to form a study group. Each Fraters journey to Tau Kappa Epsilon is individualized but often rooted in finding a community. Tekes never just sit back and rest on their laurels. As we celebrate the 119th anniversary of Tau Kappa Epsilons founding, we once again have an opportunity to recall our origins and use them as inspiration for continued excellence in our lives. In 1963, the General Assembly authorized a new campus in Baltimore County. The percentage of Americans with a college degree increased to 6 percent in 1950, and then to about 10 percent by the mid-1960s when UMBC was founded. With a vision of forward-thinking, growth for Tau Kappa Epsilon, the Grand Council of TKE has released our 2020-2025 Strategic Plan. Celebrate with your fellow Fraters by sharing on social media the memories of your fraternal experience using #IAMTKE. My name is First Lieutenant Despite our growth, accolades, and achievements, we do face important challenges as a campus, including our funding per student given our mission, the expensive nature of some of our programs, other campuses recruiting away our faculty; the need to deepen the diversity of our faculty, and the unevenness of progress across all disciplines in improving teaching and learning a key component of our ongoing effort to improve student success.
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