The whole set up and how they recruit explains how some very evil elements became presenters and as they would describe household names. whether we are off the gold standard that is alright, because nobody knows This phrase in particular has supposed links to both the Illuminati and Freemasons (and all the conspiracy theories), but the words alsoplayed a crucial part in Virgils Aeneid,which the Founding Fathers undoubtedly had read and would have likely found inspirational in their quest to establish a nation of laws and peace. The bald eagle on the dollar bill is a symbol of victory and courage. The first dollar note to be issued as a Legal Tender Note was created in 1862 and featured a portrait of Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase. Anybodys business including yours or the governments or 2. PipisCrew Official Homepage, 36. Ah, but we see and do know as Christians what Dolly What Does Bill Gates Carry Around in His Wallet? an unlucky number for them. By - March 1, 2021. Cults., Michael Tsarion, Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology. Coeptis is a form of the past participle coeptum from the verb coepi which means began. Web order out of chaos. There are seven 13s on the back of the dollar: These stand for the 13 families of the Illuminati: 13. The current design of the dollar, which is the one surrounded in mystery, wasn't printed until 1969. Google and Facebook) controlling the majority of screen time. You will be blessed. In his critical new presentation, he reveals the shocking truth about Bidens Executive Order And why its a direct threat to the freedom of every single American citizen. I was looking at a book called "Don't open" that had a picture of a dollar bill with basketballs in the "web" of it. the dollar bill stands for the Lunar Cult. blame God for the consequences of sin and evil. To give you a quick example, here is the cover of Lion King, Now here is the subliminal message on the cover. Drawing the star of david (also made up of 13 stars on top the eagle)on the great seal on the dollar bill, makes up the word mason. the other side has 33, which was a degree only given to the highest masons. What Do Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Ash Wednesday, And Lent Mean? That was followed by a short analysis of the power-base of the media industry, where you learned that over 90% of the mainstream media is owned by only 6 corporations. The first and last letters of Annuit Coeptis are A and S, and the first, middle and last letters of Novus Odro Seclorum are N, O, and M, indicating MASON, and if you trace them, you should get the Jewish Star or the Star of David. If youre someone who has a problem with that. The dollar bill also has many Latin phrases spread throughout. I would like to know the Latin phrase for "out of chaos, order" if there is one -- E chaotus orden Ifthe idea of the government brainwashing the publicsounds too crazy to be true here are the words of formerCIA Director William Casey: For further testimony, here is a 3min videowhere an official of the CIA effectively admits that the CIA was paying people who contributed to national news services with planted stories, though that of course doesnt evenscratch the surface. That is the mystery behind not each other, not our neighbor, not our family; our real enemy is the New in our cities, on intellectual; God wrote the Bible to all men. -The Lurker. Click on image above to see original animated gif in action. Let me reiterate that the Illuminati themselvesadmit to having shaped every major movement on this planet which to point out the obviousincludes every major war, conflict, major disease outbreak, terror events, etc. Alice Bailey's aforementioned book (which is Why the The three Latin phrases on the dollar bill are often translated and mistranslated by those uninitiated in the Latin language. To introduce the subject, here are some words from the 30th US President: Toelaborate on what Mr. Coolidge said, I will borrow some words from here. E pluribus unim. The people who appear on a screen or heard on a radio are trying to influence you, we think twice about letting someone coming into our house to sell us something, but we have been conditioned to gladly allow strangers talk to us via a screen since an early age! Atum- the sun-god, who was also represented by Horus, the falcon god, whose eye was said to watch over humanity. God's Word is a Gift Revealing By examining such phrases, the Latin student can apply common and not so common grammatical constructions that often have subtle but important distinctions. President Franklin D Roosevelt, also a 32nd degree freemason, liked the idea but opted to instead place it on the dollar bill. According to Henry Wallace, in a letter dated February 6, 1951, the Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum impressed me as meaning the 'New Deal' of the Ages. There are a lot of myths and controversies surrounding the dollar bill. All in all, I would advise staying away from their food. Web oac stands for ordo ab chao (latin: 10 let no one be found. The Hegelian dialectic. The Bible confirms this truth in Ephesians 6:12, obvious they make themselves in plain view, and yet people walk by and go about Warne became a global star in 1993 by bowling out Mike Gatting with the so-called 'Ball of the Century' - his first ball in Ashes cricket. It all points to a single religion, "Out of Many, One." MASON. I do have every intention on finishing those posts but for the time being they are still a work in progress until such time that I can find the time and focus to sit down and churn posts out again (which is easier said than done when one has a job to pay for ones existence unfortunately!). We can feel it at many levels; personal, organizational or even professionally. do believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:31), He is so very precious Thus, the idea was pushed forward. Now that Ive got your attention, lets belly flop right in. Coeptis is translated to mean crowned with success, or is so many people despise and hate Roosevelt like myself was a 32nd degree Mason. If that is too hard to believe then you canlisten to it come straight fromthe horses mouth exactly 10 years to the day before the 9/11 attacks no less What a coincidence (2min). Novus Ordo Seclorum means The (New) Order of the Ages/World, or The (New) Order of the Ages/World Shut Out. Simply titled The Great Seal of the United States, Elmer W. Claypool, 32, gives his own opinion of the symbolic meaning of the seal and then quotes from a 33rd degree mason who elucidates a more esoteric viewpoint. This list is by no means complete but should give people the general idea. Unfortunately these Luciferians have done well at keeping the majority of us content and asleep. If this is what an Illuminati is all about, thank God I am a Muslim, God is great, and I am not an oppressed Muslim lady. Israel, Germany, France, Chile, Italy, Honduras and many others. world order. And theoretically, any letters can be interpreted that way. It's shown on green mark, 16 is key. Theres a lot more to it which you can find with some quick Googling, but these are undoubtedly Illuminati companies. The eye on the pyramid is known as the All Seeing Eye, which is actually the Eye of Hours, which is actually the Eye of Lucifer (Satan). Is Amazon actually giving you a competitive price? Michigan singing Satanist, Glenn Danzig's song, Dolly What do they mean and, once deciphered, can they unlock a series of veiled messages from our forefathers? now called the 'Scottish Rite Journal'. I feel pretty naive right now. ie what percentage of people are like me? There is a cry in Freemasonry today that the eye in the At the time, it was even used as an exceptional example of physiognomy, the since-discredited theory that an individuals personality could be analyzed by looking at their facial features. Note in particular that the subconscious mind doesnt determine right from wrong, and absorbs all information like a sponge and this information then shapes our beliefs, emotions, habits, and values often without us even being aware of it! What followed from here were several iterations of the dollar bill, starting with a rather prominent change in 1869 now showing George Washington, with the switch partially spurred by the fact that Congress decided to pass a bill that prohibited living people from appearing on various items, including currency notes. 84. r/SaturnStormCube. olive branch, 13 arrows, 13 fruits, and 13 numbers. The elite criminals who are destroying earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof.. Secret Destiny (3:59 hour video Any significance with the "Order Out Of Chaos" & the Egyption Pyramid? Sign up for writing inspiration in your email. But some of these theories are stupid. Web gzmr camel velvet swivel pow, Ernest Race Antelope Chair . If your curiosity regarding the Founding Fathers is not yet fulfilled, check out this article on the words Alexander Hamilton introduced to our language. Les alignements de sites (Leylines) : Une introduction, 3. Please allow for a minute to let the hysteria of hearing the words mind controldie down a bit Ill wait. Linkedin. They They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, (6 points, 6 angles, Christians we already know what the future holds. Web 2 days agonpr's leila fadel speaks with miami herald reporter jacqueline charles about the ongoing challenges facing the nation of haiti. problem-reaction-solution paradigm used by the elites to drive world events, "Out of many, one." Chaos was required and so chaos was created. Gematria, Synchronicity, and Predictive Programming. This is a symbol representing the Bohemian Grove. World Order! People are so naive, gullible and woefully ignorant it to you. Pingback: Introduction to The Narrow Gate PipisCrew Official Homepage, Pingback: Introduction to The Narrow Gate Kill Your TV! Great article, though , Red-orange-yellow according to an art class i took are said to stimulate the appetite which is why most restaurants use them in some form or fashion. bret bielema house illinois; Grizzly Tools Catalogue; Instruction Manuals; 4 ingredient dump and bake pizza casserole Planets dont exist as solids as were taught in school; rather they are closer in appearance to stars, and are accordingly referred to as wandering stars in the Book of Enoch. (America originally had thirteen States. Thank you & bless you my brother. "Novus Ordo Seclorum" is a phrase that means "a new order of the ages.". Hence, "Order from Chaos." i heard that the dollar bill has some satanic signs. If you draw a six sided Star of David around the We will then take a look at just how atiny number of people manage to control the masses who vastly outnumber them which is a study that will center aroundtelevised media, withparticular focus onsubliminal programming and mind control. Of the 187 things on the menu at this evening go-to, the roast pork fried rice is one of the most ordered items and the crab rangoons and the salted spicy jumbo shrimp are two of the items that are most commonly ordered together. why is all this occurring now? Web if one suffers from chron, Ball Chair Replacement Bar . Antichrist Must Come Soon! Im glad to hear that youve found my writing interesting , Regarding posts 28-33, theyre supposed to be about Flat Earth for the most part to kinda round out the subject, but I decided to take a break from that and publish some things about television and mind control a bit. Alpha brain waves are associated with unfocused, overly receptivestates of consciousness. If the subliminalfrom the Al Gore commercial is anything to go by, the very least is that theyre still doing it. As youve probably heard from the internet, there is no getting away from the Illuminati, because they are literally everywhere, Clearly, if the internet is to be believed, the Illuminati is everywhere and is just a big conspiracy theory or inside joke, Thats just a coincidence, it probably doesnt mean anything, Dont be ridiculous, the Illuminati is just a crazy conspiracy theory, and the Illuminatidoesnt even exist, Maybe youre right but I dont believe in the occult so itdoesnt matter to me, Sticking your head in the sand isnt going to make it go away, (*except for a little bit oftime and your sanity), and it might just be interesting for you to find out why the Pope is a fan of television, Great! Also, if you want to know the truth behind politicians, look up the bilderberg group. Again, Order from Chaos. Small details that people may miss on the dollar include the number 1776 written in Roman numerals (MDCCLXXVI) to represent the US Independence; the controversial "In God We Trust" term; an unsupported shield to mean strength in independence; and the balancing scales, which represent justice, not economic progress as some have suggested.
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