The report also reminds us that casualisation is an equality issue, with women and BAME staff disproportionately likely to be on various forms of insecure contract. Overall, more than seven in 10 members who voted (70.1%) backed strike action with 84.9% voting for action short of strike, which could include a marking boycott: Big mandate for strike action at UK universities over pay & working conditions. Strike action will run for three days from Wednesday 1 December to Friday 3 December, and the higher education committee has decided to call action short of a strike (ASOS) from 1 December, starting with working to contract only. UCEA was also unwilling to engage with the pay-related elements of our claim, including workload, job security, and pay equality. There is no excuse not to restore pay to acceptable levels and provide secure pensions for university staff, UCU said today. In a message to members, UCU general secretaryJo Grady revealed there was now a 'nationally orchestrated move by employers to bully and intimidate UCU members' with threats to deduct up to 100% of the pay of members taking legal ASOS action. A marking and assessment boycott commenced today at 145 UK universities after employers failed to produce an improved offer in the pay & conditions dispute. UCU's national disputes committee (NDC) gave its support to UCU's continuing strike action. Cymru/Wales 2022/23 pay claim. I was able to negotiate location and salary with my employer at the time based on the fact that I had received an offer to move to a different organization., Dorothy Rogers, chair of the religion department at Montclair State University, told me that in faculty hiring, If you have two offers, let both parties know (even which institutions are competing for you), and if the salary is way lower at one of them, let them know that, too. (ii) A MAB beginning on April 17 to target all final/end of year summative assessments beginning that month. By continuing to use our website you are consenting to their use. UK higher education - a workforce in crisis [217kb], based on a survey of almost 7,000 university staff at over 100 institutions. Please read the joint union statement below. Unite attended the first meeting as an observer. at issue, but the reprisal for doing so. These groups have not delivered real change for members in the past and we have no reason to believe the situation will be any different this year. All HE members are asked to engage in branch meetings called to discuss the disputes. According to UH Administration, all 11-month faculty are tentatively scheduled to receive their 3.72% salary increase on their July 20, 2022 pay date while all 9-month faculty are scheduled to receive their 3.72% increase on their August 20, 2022 pay date. Delegates also voted for the ballots to be conducted in an 'aggregated' format, meaning that the 50% turnout threshold, and consequently which branches would be called to take action, would encompass the entire voting membership. It involved an offer of a 2.75% sub-inflationary rise on the majority of pay points, with bottom loading on pay points 3-19 ranging from 6% at point 3 to 2.8% at point 19, to accommodate the legal requirement to meet the new national minimum wage. Web18 May 2021 Pay 2021-22: Final offer presented. Information on the UK-wide higher education negotiations for 2022-23 which take place within the Joint National Committee for Higher Education Staff (JNCHES). Read more here on the formal consultation results here. 4. The precise dates are to be announced by the union next week: 70,000 university staff to strike on 1 February, UCU higher education committee (HEC) decided today that members will be called to strike for 18 days between February and March in the disputes over pay, conditions and attacks on pensions. Instead, you can hold firm, politely restate your case for the compensation you deserve and choose your next move without giving any ground. It's too early to say whether UCEA will make an offer that represents a meaningful attempt to address these vitally important matters. Then I ended by saying that Id be willing to discontinue discussions with my current institution if we were able to come to an agreement on the final sticking points of salary and start-up funding. I got a mix of clear, pragmatic advice along with evidence of systemic problems requiring different solutions. UCEA also made some limited proposals in regards to the pay related and equality elements of the claim. We use cookies on our website to ensure that we give you the best user experience. The finding comes from a new UCU report UCU general secretary Jo Grady wrote to members on our demands for sector-wide change as part of our 'four fights' dispute arising from the repeated failure of employers to address this aspect of our annual claim. [295kb]. The committee also agreed to re-ballot staff at all 150 universities to renew UCU's mandate and allow the union to call action well into 2023, including a marking and assessment boycott from April, unless the disputes are settled. Sometimes its strategic, she added, to just sit with it and give the other person the chance to take their time to answer, since the ball is in their court. As well as a marking and assessment boycott, delegates also voted to hit 39 universities with a further ten days of strike action. ballot staff in disputes over pay & conditions and pensions, University marking boycott begins despite 'lock out' threats, marking and assessment boycott will begin from Monday 23 May, voted for a marking and assessment boycott, thirty-six institutions have voted to continue strike action, with 74% of members voting YES, 'there is no doubt whatsoever about members' commitment, warned of a staff exodus from UK universities, UK higher education - a workforce in crisis [217kb], is causing material and reputational damage to the sector, The new ballots over deteriorating pay and conditions, UK universities to face five more days of strike action before Easter, Strike action over pay and conditions continues next week at UK universities, there was now a 'nationally orchestrated move by employers to bully and intimidate UCU members', Staff warn rogue university bosses to prepare for more strike action over pay deductions, Official statistics show why university staff are taking strike action, UCU general secretary Jo Grady has also written to members on the action here, Universities will see strike action next month unless employers meet pension and pay demands, Strike action from February in the USS and Four Fights disputes, another 12 universities have voted in favour of joining industrial action, Jo Grady told members the results are another powerful signal, University strikes begin after bosses refuse to budge on pensions, pay & working conditions, Huge numbers of staff and students on campus picket lines up and down the country, Vice-chancellor pay exposes 'cavernous' gap between staff & management, UCU writes to university bosses setting out how to avoid pre-Christmas campus strikes, latest from the general secretary on next steps, Big mandate for strike action at UK universities over pay & working conditions, Jo Grady said this report should cause every vice chancellor in the sector to hang their heads in shame, the extent of precarious employment in HE, wrote to members on our demands for sector-wide change, University staff pay cut by 20%, new figures show, Your ballot papers arrive this week: vote YES to industrial action, Jo also spoke with student newspaper The Tab, the timetable for action on both the pay and USS disputes, special higher education sector conference (HESC), special sector conference on 9 September 2021, the employers' 1.5% pay offer is not god enough, You can read the full claim here. You do not have to take it as cue to revise your offer down. As has long been the case, the wage gap is smaller for workers ages 25 to 34 than for all workers 16 and older. Similarly, Dinuka told me, a job seeker might accept a lower-paying offer if it will allow them to explore a particular career path they value. Understand the big picture, he said. UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. UCU general secretary Jo Grady had earlier updated members on the latest decisions made by HEC and UCU's officers. UCEA: final pay offer 2022-23, May 22 [311kb]. First negotiations see the employers agree that there needs to be a rise in pay for hard-working higher education staff. At the HE sector conferences in September and December 2020, a number of motions resolved specific demands to be included in any joint trade union claim. WebThe union ultimately negotiated a 2.25 percent annual raise from 2022 to 2024, and a 2.5 percent annual raise from 2025 to 2026. Tuition fee income, in particular, increased by 40% between 2014/2015 and 2019/2020. Be ready for that conversation with your manager. The gender gap in pay has remained relatively stable in the United States over the past 20 years or so. At that meeting the employers asked us to agree to open the 2023-4 pay round early. When we challenged employers to meet CPIH in August, they refused, saying that 'they did not have a mandate' to meet even their own preferred inflation rate. When I spoke with Dinuka Gunaratne, career education strategy and communication specialist at the University of Waterloo, and Calvin Chan, a recent biology Ph.D. who now works as a career adviser at Waterloo, they told me how they worked together to help Calvin navigate multiple offers at Waterloo and elsewhere. I looked over all of our colleagues' records of publication, teaching, and service and made the case that two faculty of color were underpaid given their accomplishments. This was followed by GMB doing the same on 12 January 2021. Simply, silence is not a reason that you should be giving ground. In 2022, women ages 25 to 34 earned an average of 92 cents for every dollar earned by a man in the same age group an 8-cent gap. General secretary Jo Grady told members the results are another powerful signal of members' commitment to address the issues of low pay, inequality, workload intensification and precarious employment. To allow our ongoing negotiations to continue in a constructive environment UCU has agreed to pause strike action for the next two weeks. Even though one can feel the pressure to fill the air with talk, don't. UCU today confirmed it will move ahead with plans to ballot staff in disputes over pay & conditions and pensions. Members in thirty-six institutions have voted to continue strike action over the Four Fights pay and conditions disputes, with 38 meeting the threshold for taking action short of strike action.
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