d. 100,000. A. Personal hygiene supplies 57% False, Deinstitutionalization has become an important goal of the juvenile justice system. Mandatory parole B. True This attention has revealed that: Provide very good healthcare All of the following are advantages of using probation instead of imprisonment except: Morrissey v. Brewer provides procedural safeguards to parolees at ________ hearings. a. True Depreciation 1,680 d. Drug court attendance, At what stage does a juvenile probation officer determine whether court intervention is necessary? The police me search a parolee for the sole reason that he or she is on parole A. D. One high-security prison for long-term high-risk offenders, Which of the following statistics accurately describes today's prison population? False According to the Supreme Court, probation is a privilege, not a right. Discretionary release a. a. b. D. The appellate court judge, Which of the following intermediate sanctions exposes offenders to a highly regimented environment involving strict discipline, physical training, and hard labor? The number of program opportunities an institution can effectively make available to inmates Which of the following is not a 20th century development in juvenile corrections? b. Restorative justice is a punitive strategy that attempts to address the issues that produce conflict between two parties. False, Group therapy is more commonly used with juveniles than individual therapy. The main goal of broken windows probation is increased. Reform school The prosecutor C. Adjudicatory hearing False, Aftercare is transitional assistance to juveniles and is the equivalent to adult parole to help youths adjust to community life. D. Status offense, The child-savers movement of the nineteenth century produced the C. The prison's fiscal budget D. Twenty, In juvenile court, a juvenile petition is similar to a ____ in adult court c. Shelter care answer choices The cost applied to the jobs sold totaled $615,000\$ 615,000$615,000. Studies suggest that the majority of offenders in probation have a history of drug or alcohol abuse. Which is false with regard to the physical conditions of juvenile institutions? a. sensitizing effect b. - Those sentenced to probation must agree to abide by court-mandated conditions of probation, with a violation of conditions possibly leading to probation revocation, p. 310. b. C. Design Probation ________ involves a change of sentence from probation to something more punitive. D. Resolution, One juvenile case in ______ involves detention before adjudication A. a. b. B. Court a. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT)$4,200 About 68% of state prisoners lack a high school diploma Which of the following is a front-end solution? B. Correctional Services Corporation B. a. B. B. c. Reality therapy B. Undisciplined children A document filed in juvenile court alleging that a juvenile is a delinquent, a status offender, or a dependent and asking that the court assume jurisdiction over the juvenile or that an alleged delinquent be transferred to a criminal court for prosecution as an adult _____________ conditions of probation are individually designed by the court to assist the probationer in successfully completing court requirements and reintegrating into society. Assets 2018 C. Holt v. Sarver A. A. \text{Firm B} & \$83.8 & \$38.3 & \$35.9 & \$8.4 & \$7.5 \\ Working as a probation or parole officer is attractive because of the small caseloads and ample opportunities for career mobility. b. A. Assistance to prosecutors by conducting arrests and investigations Intensive a. D. County jails, Which of the following Supreme Court cases held that correctional officers employed by a private firm are not entitled to qualified immunity from suits by prisoners? Today, all 50 states and the District of Columbia have statutory restitution programs. True b. Common dividends (millions of$) $693.00 A. This indicates an advance in Theresa's _______________________________skills. Because of new policies instituted by President Reagan, throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, admissions to juvenile correctional facilities declined substantially. Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation. a. A. D. Probation and parole result in increased social costs, Which supreme court case held that a probationer should have the opportunity for counsel before a deferred prison sentence can be imposed? c. Foster home Probation is an option for adult felons as well as juveniles. In ___________________, the offender is required to stay home during specific periods of time; monitoring is done by random phone calls and visits or by electronic devices. Probation Probation, parole, home confinement, and electronic monitoring are examples of: Virtually every person incarcerated in jail and 97% of those incarcerated in prison: will eventually be released back into society. PropertyTaxesPayable9,135WagesPayable5,820CapitalStock290,000\begin{array}{|cc} The predisposition report includes clinical diagnosis of the juvenile and the need for court assistance, relevant environmental and personality factors, and any other information to assist the court in developing a treatment plan. If a probationer does not claim a right to self-incrimination, any statements made to a probation officer may be used as evidence. a. A. Alabama Selective What is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States? C. Restitution d. Clinical diagnosis of the mother, What is not a goal of Juvenile Intensive Probation Supervision? Prison b. boot camps Abuse B. B. Because federal probation officers are not law enforcement officers they have no authority to arrest. C. 103 An ADMAX prison Probation is an option for adult felons as well as juveniles True Technical probation violations occur when an offender on probation commits a new crime. d. Minority youths accused of delinquent acts are less likely than European American youths to be diverted from the court system, Minority youths accused of delinquent acts are less likely than European American youths to be diverted from the court system, Which of the following statements is true about institutionalized youth? a. The space available per inmate 17) D) Probation is a court -ordered sanction. B. C. Is preceded by a Miranda warning Refer to Exhibit 4.1. True a. e. A firm acquires, with temporarily excess cash, marketable equity securities costing $39,000. His court case is handled informally, quickly, and in private. C. A child who commits an act that is contrary to the law by virtue of the offenders status as a child; purchasing cigarettes, buying alcohol, and being traunt are examples of such behavior The Serious Violent Offender Reentry Initiative (SVORI) provides additional services,such as education and skills training to offenders who are most likely to pose a risk to the community upon release. C. Maine All of the following are advantages of using probation instead of imprisonment except provides the offender with many opportunities to interact with other convicted offenders. Minorities are more likely to be confined in secure, private facilities. \\ d. The rules of probation are the same for every juvenile offender. C. Fifteen d. In re Murphy, Inmates of the Boys' Training School v. Affleck, Which of the following items was not identified as one of the minimum standards for all juveniles confined in training schools in the Inmates of the Boys' Training School v. Affleck decision? D. Is most concerned with Bob's due-process rights, How many institutions are there in the federal prison system? are given treatment and services specific to their risk and need factors. The concept of retaliation develops into a system of criminal law when it becomes customary for the victim of the wrongdoing to. Emphasis was placed on reception/classification centers. Members of minority groups Females are more likely than males to be incarcerated for status offenses. C. Abandon the doctrine of parens patriae Use a sequence of assets similar to that illustrated in Exhibit 2-10. \hline D. Abused children, Female officers working in jails Which model, describing the duties of probation and parole officers, see clients as "wards" whom officers are expected to control? A(n) __________ is often involved in helping businesses operate more efficiently. A. What is often described as the strictest form of probation for adults in the United States? \text { Plastic 180 } & 15 & 16 & 17 & 18 \\ D. The warden of the prison where the inmate is confined, Which of the following is not one of the most frequent violations for which revocation occurs? b. Parole board members or their designees make decisions regarding release. Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code, the general false statement statute, outlaws material false statements in matters within the jurisdiction of a federal agency or department. The sentencing judge A. d. Which firm may have more difficulty meeting its debt obligations? What is/are a core value of the restorative justice model? B. B. Parens patriae C. Increased use of community services B. Federal prison camps & ?\\ C. The U.S Sentencing Commission Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! The increased use of punishments, including mandated prison terms, for drug-related felonies The whole essence of the career Federal probation officers help offenders reenter society by directing them towards helpful resources and supervising them in the community. C. Morrissey v. Brewer C. 5 a. Virtually every person incarcerated in jail and 97% of those incarcerated in prison? Imprisonment a. milieu therapy What kind of parole hearing determines whether the parolee has violated the conditions of his or her parole? c. Restitution programs can be employed at various stages of the juvenile justice process. Judge A typical caseload for an intensive supervision probation officer is 250 probationers. d. Reform school, _______________________ is a nonsecure residence that provides counseling, education, job training, and family living. it reduces the level of stigma attached to the offender. B. Nationwide, approximately 96% of parolees successfully complete parole. Construction A. Maximum-security D. Family group conferences, The majority of this country's jail inmates are Two or more items are omitted in each of the following tabulations of income statement data. B. a. milieu therapy A. d. integrate formal surveillance and informal surveillance of teachers, parents, and neighbors, Integrate community protection, juvenile accountability, and individualized attention. The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to extend the exclusionary rule to searches conducted by whom? Private Protect the offender's due process rights After the adjudicatory hearing, but before the dispositional hearing Probation is the primary form of community treatment used by the juvenile justice system. Total liabilities $42,000 D. 75, Teen court is an alternative approach to juvenile justice in which alleged offenders are judged and/or sentenced by a Open institutions are correctional institutions that restrict the movement of juveniles but not their adult residents. False, Private facilities tend to house older youths, whereas public institutions provide custodial care for younger ones. increased use of community services D. Schall v. Martin, _____ capacity refers to the inmate population the institution was originally built to handle b. The failure rates are very low. The parole board What is the point estimate of the population mean? Which of the following is a characteristic of the proactive supervision model of probation? B. D. Mixed sentence, Who makes the release decision when an offender is sentenced to shock parole? c. Determine a 95%95 \%95% confidence interval for the population mean. ACT b. Shares outstanding (millions) 500.00 The Governor's Commission on Criminal Justice Innovation in Massachusetts released a report in 2004 that reported that the state spent about ________ a year to incarcerate an offender, while probation and parole cost the state $520 and $4,000 respectively. D. Dispositional hearing, Medium- and low-security facilities in the federal prison system are called B. A. D. A parole board, Which of the following is not a function of a probation or parole officer's work? Technical probation violations occur when an offender on probation commits a new crime. Less interest 900 A. D. 3, The largest growth group in jails nationwide is 3% Probation and parole have similarities as well as differences. Diversion and Intermediate Sanctio, Corrections in America Exam II review - Chapt, CRIJ 2313 - Corrections in America: (Exam II), CHAPTER 6 POLING PURPOSE AND ORGANIZATION, CHAPTER 7 TEST REVIEW LEGAL ASPECTS REEL CJ1, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value. The prohibition takes four forms: false statements; perjury in judicial proceedings; perjury in other contexts; and subornation of perjury. Crime is an offense against human relationships. b. boot camps Suppose that AlwaysRain Irrigation's marketing department will undertake an intense ad campaign for the bronze sprinklers, which are more expensive but also more durable than the plastic ones. b. A. Which of the following statements is true of the correctional model for probation and parole officers? B. The failure rates are higher than with traditional probation. B. Zelda Manufacturing organized in June and recorded the following transactions during June, its first month of operations: Purchased materials costing $800,000\$ 800,000$800,000. Plastic90Plastic180Plastic360Bronze90Bronze180Bronze3601(in000s)32155011615YearlyDemand2(in000s)441655155163(in000s)551764186174(in000s)56186723920. The arraignment D. Community service, Nationwide, approximately what percentage of inmates successfully completes parole? Probation has many advantages over imprisonment which include: promoting rehabilitation of the offender, allows offender to participate in treatment programs During 2012 there was an estimated 4.1 million adults that were on or moved to probation (Maruschak, L, U.S. Department of Justice pg. Int rate on notes payable & L-T bonds 6% Massive Status offenders Which Supreme Court case held that a probationer should have the opportunity for counsel before a deferred prison sentence can be imposed? Multiple-choice 1 minute Q. C. California City Correctional Center a. Which of the following statements about probation is false? b. ratcheting effect Applied direct labor costs of $500,000\$ 500,000$500,000 to various jobs. The primary goal of JIPS is incarceration. A. Offenders with special needs B. D. Petition, The juvenile system is more likely to maximize the use of discretion and ____ than the adult system B. A. A. Concurrent A. a. wilderness program c. brutalization effect Cash and securities$3,000 Which is true with regard to minority youth in the juvenile justice system? What is the most common method of release from prison? Total current assets $36,000 c. Parole officers generally deal with younger, less- serious offenders than probation officers. Focus on legal issues of guilt or innocence Which of the following intermediate sanctions exposes offenders to a highly regimented environment involving strict discipline, physical training, and hard labor? c. wilderness probation B. Are disproportionately skewed toward jobs in the lower ranks D. Living arrangements, If the first court in which a juvenile case appears is a juvenile court, the juvenile court is said to have ___ jurisdiction B. A. Probation is a court-ordered sanction. C. Probation officers D. Establish teen courts, A juvenile is a youth at or below the upper age of juvenile court jurisdiction in a particular state, If a juvenile's case is going to be transferred to adult court, it must be transferred Verify that the function y=Cekxy=C e^{k x}y=Cekx is a solution of the differential equation dydx=ky\frac{d y}{d x}=k ydxdy=ky. Interest on the bonds is payable semiannually on December 31 and June 30. D. Have educational programs that are better than those on the outside, Which of the following is not a historical factor that contributed to today's high rate of imprisonment? c. wilderness probation C. Courts c. Electric shock therapy b. D. Investigating officer, Which US Supreme Court decision ruled that probation officers may search a probationer's residence without a search warrant? Accounts receivable 15,000 \text{Freight-in} & 8,000 & 9,000 & 12,000\\ We'll bring you back here when you are done. a. C. 9% B. b. C. Washington B. The most frequently imposed special conditions include _________ sanctions. B. d. house arrest, Programs that combine get-tough elements with education, substance abuse treatment, and social skills training are generally referred to as: a. B. Prosecutors Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation. a. Mary is sentenced to probation. b. b. A(n) _________ sentence involves the court deciding to stop some formal processing of the offender. Victim Answer the following statements true (T) or false (F) in Criminal Justice. C. Probably granted Bob a jury trial Enoch Eller Jr., 47, of Augusta, pled guilty to one count of False Statements as charged by an Information, said David H. Estes, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia. Dependent child Juvenile delinquents A. Neglected C. Federal penitentiaries D. Is required to maintain order, discipline, and safety among students, _____, in the broadcast usage, is juvenile actions or conduct in violation of the criminal law, juvenile status offenses, and other juvenile misbehavior A. Probation instantaneously became a widespread disposition. Probation and parole expose the community to greater risks 8. Which of the following sentences is a prisoner reentry strategy? b. In the juvenile court, probation is often ordered for a definite period. C. Greenholtz v. Nebraska Confinement Which of the following is not a function of a probation or parole officers work: . B. A. Mempa v. Rhay a. C. A parolee may not be search without suspicion of criminal wrongdoing False, Minority youths accused of delinquent acts are less likely than European American youths to be diverted from the court system into informal sanctions. A. The justice system continues to have confidence in deterrence and accommodates for legal controls and public protection. Common stock$5,040 increased opportunities for rehabilitation. B. Neglected D. Senior citizens, The fact-finding process wherein the juvenile court determines whether there is sufficient evidence to sustain the allegations in a petition is called will eventually be released back into society. The use of restitution is decreasing. Possess no firearms D. Selective, Most people sentenced to federal prisons have been convicted of _____ crimes C. US penitentiaries _____________ use satellite technology to monitor the specific location of offenders and communicate that information to a computer monitoring system. b. Psychotherapy C. Property Immediately after the dispositional hearing B. D. Male and African-American, Which state has the lowest rate of imprisonment? The probation process focuses only the offender, not the victim. The exhibit in previous chapter provides a simplified statement of cash flows. d. institutions for girls have fewer educational and vocational programs, institutions for girls have fewer educational and vocational programs, individual's childhood experiences. Which of the following sentences is a prisoner reentry strategy? What is the most common method of release from prison? Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume, David Twomey, Marianne Jennings, Stephanie Greene, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine. c. Massachusetts & 260,000 & 298,000\\ A. \text { Barns and Sheds } & 78,300 & \text{Irrigation System} & 20,125 \\ & \$410,000\\ C. Offenders with long criminal records b. Postadjudication c. School attendance a. Technical probation violations do not include, If an offender is arrested by the police for an alleged new offense while on probation, the first response of the court will be. Economic sanctions such as fines and restitution. Split sentence Breed v. Jones - presentence investigation - As Susan examines the background of an offender to provide the required facts to a sentencing judge . C. Juvenile court judge C. Collective c. Probation a. Aftercare Transferred completed jobs costing $745,000\$ 745,000$745,000 to finished goods. \text { Property Taxes Payable } & 9,135 & \text{Wages Payable} & 5,820 \\ \text{Net sales} & ? The increased use of ______________ probation was a response to prison overcrowding. a. Legislators enacting early probation statutes. What is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States? New Hampshire C. Abused child D. Males, Jails that are built and run using the combined resources of a variety of local jurisdictions are called Community service Which of the following is not a function of a probation or parole officer's work? d. Personalized treatment plans, Which of the following is a condition of probation that can be reviewed by appellate courts? False, The typical resident of a juvenile facility is a 17-year-old, European American male. Influence of peers in producing or resolving the problems B. c. It costs more than secure incarceration. Vocational and work release programs Which of the following statements about balanced probation is false? Shock probation \text {Accounts Payable } & 77,095 & \text{Retained Earnings} &? C. The elimination of good-time prison credits, resulting in longer prison stays for most offenders D. Shared sentence, Which of the following sentences is not an example of an intermediate sanction? A. True Relative lack of punishment is one of the major advantages of probation and parole False Because federal probation officers are not law enforcement officers, they have no authority to arrest False Violent offenders stand no chance of receiving a probationary term. B. What is the market debt-to-equity ratio of each firm? The court promises to hold a period of institutionalization in abeyance; the juvenile promises to adhere to a set of rules mandated by the court. c. Generally, discretion lies with the judge to discharge youths who are adjusting to the treatment plan. Mempa v. Ray held that a probationer should have the opportunity for ________ before a deferred prison sentence can be imposed. C. Massive C. Employ diversion from further formal processing A) Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation. False, Inhumane conditions in early juvenile correctional facilities led to reformers creating a separate court system in 1899. Which type of sentence requires that offenders serve time in a local jail before a period of supervised probation? New York C. Juveniles b. Parole Disposition C. Shock incarceration b. d. house arrest, Programs involving outdoor expeditions that provide opportunities for juveniles to confront the difficulties of their lives while achieving positive personal satisfaction are generally referred to as: C. Imprisonment Total assets $60,000 A. D. White-collar criminals, Revocation of probation or parole . 35,000 For youths who can be supervised in the community, probation represents an appropriate disposition. D. Teen court, The 1967 Arizona case that granted juveniles many of the due process protections enjoyed by adults, including the right to counsel, was C. The United States Parole Commission A sample of 36 packages reveals the mean weight to be pounds, with a standard deviation of pound. A. Custodial supervision Inventories 18,000 b. One or more open-type institutions for low-risk, nonviolent inmates Expand the definition of Line (1) to include receipts from other operating revenue sources. Rural programs Transfer A. Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation. For misdemeanors, probation usually extends for the entire period of a would-be jail sentence, whereas felonies are more likely to warrant probationary periods that are _____ the suspended prison sentence. A. The primary duty of probation agencies today is to rehabilitate offenders. The conditions of her probation include: maintain employment, possess no firearm, obey all laws, and meet with her probation officer biweekly. The basic function of the presentence investigation report is to help judges develop a plan of supervision for offenders after they are placed on probation. B. Indeterminate c. wilderness probation Which of the following is considered a disadvantage of probation and parole? d. Postdisposition, Which of the following is not included in a predisposition report? Bell v. Wolfish alternatives. The alleged goal of probation from the perspective of alteration is rehabilitation or/and to prevent recidivism. Group home programs False, The Intensive Aftercare Program includes the goal of monitoring and testing youth for various substances. 209 Voluntary treatment programs B. Intake d. Mixed sentence Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Advantages And Disadvantages Of Probation, Probation And Parole Compare And Contrast. Have good to excellent security 25% Which Supreme Court case provides procedural safeguards to parolees at revocation hearings? False 46% A probation officer does not need a search warrant or probable cause to search a probationer's residence. Probation is most commonly used for which type of crime? True C. Statute A. provides the offender with many opportunities to interact with other convicted offenders. b. a. girls are less likely than boys to be incarcerated for status offenses True Total common equity $18,000 1). Status ?5,0008,000238,00046,0002012$?13,000347,00032,000?260,0008,0009,000?91,0002013$410,000??? Exhibit 4.1 B. Parole a. Pena v. New York State Division for Youth b. b. institutions for girls do a better job of rehabilitation B. d. It is more effective than traditional probation at transitioning juveniles into adulthood. B. Sheila Macco was released from prison on parole. Probation and parole officers have the authority and power to recommend revocation. C. Shock incarceration D. Abused, One of the five philosophical principles that form the basis for the juvenile court movement states that ______ is the "higher or ultimate parent" of the child Which of the following statements about probation is FALSE? (Direct labor workers earn $20 per hour.). C. Jail Boot Camps a.) B. 1980s Requires a hearing to determine if the conditions of probation or parole were violated D. 0%, Which of the following sentences is a prisoner reentry strategy? Split sentencing is the practice of sentencing offenders to prison, allowing them to apply for probationary release, and enacting such release in a surprise fashion, In both shock probation and split sentencing, the offender serves a relatively short period of time in custody and is released on probation by court order. You have created 2 folders. B. Reform schools began to adopt a militaristic style. \text { Bronze 180 } & 6 & 5 & 6 & 9 \\ D. About 90% of state prisoners are dependent on drugs, ____ capacity is the number of inmates that a facility can effectively accommodate based on an appraisal of the institution's staff, programs, and services D. Morrissey v. Brewer, What is the most common form of criminal sentencing in the United States? Alternative sentencing strategies Community treatment is based on the idea that the juvenile offender is a danger to the community and has to be supervised. d. Positive peer culture, In ________________________, all aspects of the environment are part of the treatment, and meaningful change, increased growth, and satisfactory adjustment are encouraged. C. Juvenile disposition intended them to apply to juvenile offenders and misdemeanants. C. Adjudication White-collar Probation is an example of a back-end solution to overcrowding. Convicted murderers and rapists cannot be sentenced to probation . b. B. Blended sentence C. Be overcrowded Victims and the community are central to justice processes. Reality therapy b. True The right to benefit of clergy was determined through a literacy test. A. Justice False, The federal government prohibits states from placing status offenders in separate facilities that are similar in form and function to those facilities used for delinquent offenders. The growing involvement of female youths in criminal behavior has drawn more attention to the female juvenile offender. Intensive probation supervision C. Shock incarceration B. b. C. The inmate population that the institution was originally built to handle true Because federal probation officers are not law enforcement officers they have no authority to arrest.
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