
Month in Review: November

We started November with the task of distributing the recently printed Red Cell News to hospitals around the Network. I’ve taken trips to Lewisham, Croydon, Guy’s, the Evelina, and Wooden Spoon House, and posted the newsletter far and wide. The newsletter is published four times a year and it can take me a couple of …

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New App for Children & Families Affected by Sickle Cell

Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity have just released a new app designed for children and families affected by sickle cell disease. The app, ‘Little George and the Dragon’, is a creative way of explaining sickle cell to children aged five to ten in a gentle and accessible manner. Families visit Waggle Avenue and follow Little George …

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Expert Patients Programme for Lambeth Residents

The Expert Patients Programme (EPP) is a six week self-management course for Lambeth residents or someone who has a Lambeth GP, run by King’s Health Partners. The course aims to provide the skills and knowledge needed to help people with long term health conditions or impairments improve their management of their condition. The course looks …

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