Summary: The Weasley twins mess up; big time and there to prove it, is a baby. 'Choo' choo', said Harry as he played with a train he had found in the toy box. He pressed more and Hermione couldnt stop the pee this time, a rush hot pee lines runs down her inner legs a great yellow patch appeared and grow in her panties a puddle start to grow in the floor. They beat him alot, Sirius, they need to be punished for it', Pomfrey said. Louis happily fulfils his needs, but it wasn't the best day to do so. "Good morning, my little one." Hermione greeted as she entered the bedroom. He loved them. Pasted as rich text. Its a general rule of the Sacred Twenty-Eight to have children earlier on. Him and Severus had come to an agreement before Harry had been retrieved from his relatives about it. Come back right now you coward!- Says fourios the girl. His clothes felt strange, he looked down and despite how blurry everything was; he could tell he was wearing, what seemed like, a baby's onesie! 'You obviously don't care about the consequences of your actions', Dumbledore told them. The day after the trial found them all back at the Weasleys and Arthur showed them the Daily Prophet article about the trial. He loved every moment of every day at his new home, apart from when he was being punished which wasn't very often. said Sirius holding out his hand for the toddler. Severus had given Remus some gold for it as he knew he didnt have a lot thanks to him being a werewolf and not being able to hold down a job. Harry went over to the outdoor toys and chose a broomstick that was called the Nimbus 500 and some Quidditch balls. Mostly, its just high ranking officials that have jobs that overlap with areas of the DoM. 'He won't. They were ready for Remus when he came through the Floo half an hour later. 'Draco, go use the potty please', she told her nephew who did as he was told. The hands of Draco reaches the hips of hermione, his finger take the soft fabric of her underwear, she order, and begged him to stop, but before he starts to remove her panties a voice came from the other side of the long dinning room. Or the one where Harry gets ill and has to postpone his tour while he and Louis deal with Harry falling into his little space. Hermione starts to say something but stops when she feel the hand of Draco pressuring her belly, -He, he, he! 'I went to Sev'r's house. 'The court will decide on an appropriate punishment for them. When Harry woke the next day it was to a very soggy nappy. You can post now and register later. She wouldnt want to see you until tomorrow,' Arthur told them. They walked up to him and Remus put everything into the trolley so Harry could sit back in the pushchair if he wanted. What if she's *gasp* slytherin? Harry wet his nappy again not realizing it was all the juice from the day before, making his nappy fall a bit and his pajama trousers fall. Two hours ago Mrs. 'I'm going to ask if she has places left'. 'That don't mean much', Sirius said with a frown. She left the books in the pile indicated for the libraryan and left the hall, by the night, without students the castle seems frightful, she just had left the library when the sound of a known voice reached her from the next corridor, inmediatelly she identifies the owner, it was Draco Malfoys voice. 'You won't make it, Ron, now go potty', said Andromeda sternly. asked Sirius. 'You know why i am here i presume', said Severus with a sneer. asked Pomfrey. That is a ridiculous accusation and it will not be stood for! Sorry i havent updated for a couple of days. For one, he always h Percy Jackson has finally found peace, but even he should know that peace doesn't last long. Harry got out of bed and went to play with his toys until Sirius got up. He was livid but he spoke calmly, much too calm for Severus to believe. It's the stranger who ran into him a few days ago and he still looks gorgeous. Ginny's favorite thing in the world? It sounded good to him. Thank Anonymous for gifts you've received with no name attached Dennis' Perspective - Seeing/Hearing Harry and his roommates reactions. He would have to ask later. Severus sighed. The trial of the Dursley's was set for the next few days and Harry would have to go with them. Harry just relaxed and wet the nappy heavily, this going unnoticed by Andromeda who had sat down with the children. October 14, 2014 in Harry Potter, I'm looking for any fics that have Harry wearing and using diapers/nappies. Everyone gets tested and classified at the age of seventeen, except Harry Potter. Harry was enjoying it and he didnt realise that all the juice he was having would have his body reacting to it the next day, for now he was enjoying it. Written for this prompt: Can you do one where Louis is the father and Harry's like three and louis shows him how good it feels to hump his teddy? Part 1 of Mine. Sirius thought it was due to him having an hectic few days with Severus. "My friend will come in a minute," the boy says. Once they were there Remus put Harry in with the 1-2 year olds where Andromeda was already sorting out the breakfast for them. How Ginny and Harry Weasley ended up as the worlds cutest Big/little couple ever, and everyone loves them. 'I don't know as yet, but I think we are going to the park around the corner for a couple of hours', said Sirius as he picked Harry up. Vernon blanched and Petunia looked fearful. Now on with the chapter. Because Harry was magically adopted instead of a blood adoption? Your son will be in the care of relatives, meaning your sister Marge, Mr. Dursley, at least until after the trial depending how that goes'. He decided to pick out some. No, Dumbledore did not use a picture of Severus Snape to teach little two year old Harry to call the man 'Da.' The old libraryan knows what exactly means when Mrs. Granger use to ask for ten more minutes, in measns at least 45 minutes. 'I hope so, but we wont know until they get back', Severus said summoning a calming draft for them both. she knew she would have to tell Molly what he had done anyway. Molly smiled and said "Of course, honey." Molly then got out a bib and tied it around Harry's neck. Remus found them some seats while Sirius went to get two coffees, a juice and a cake for them all plus something for teatime desert. They have had their son taken away from them until after the trial though', said Remus. 'I'll put him down for a nap then, shall I?' I will not stand for these children treating my home as their personal bathroom.'Snape thought in irritation as he exited Miss Granger's room in annoyance. Harry wishes people didn't forget he's the youngest of the band. Hope you liked the last chapter. Hermione gets more angry for that coment -What kind of enchantment is this?-, -Oh! 'Black, its not a problem. I'm going to try updating a couple of times a day unless i have something else going on. Chapter 4- Coerced. He had put gold in a fund for something like this and he was glad it would come in handy. He guessed that Malfoy had hexed the onesie to not open to his hands. Sirius laid him down on the mat, took out wipe and took of Harry's pajama trousers. We didn't want any harm coming to our son. She checked Neville who was dry and in a pull up, Draco was dry, and so was Seamus. Art people go over to the table, thats Ginny, Hannah, Susan and Ernie', Andromeda said. Powered by Invision Community. Please consider turning it on! Twelve years after the war and Hermione is still waiting for her happily ever after to begin as she cares for a mentally tortured Harry. She had been studyng that friday until night she was well known for all in the library, for that reason Mrs. 'I'll be going back to mine at about nine. "Your dad did that to your neck." Andy nodded. I'm discontinuing this story has i have lost my ideas on it. Dumbledore knows the truth about Harry Potter's paternity, and he wants Snape to finally accept responsibility for his son. She is ours and we will get her back." This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). Summary: COMPLETED The day after Harry Potter defeats Voldemort. next one will be longer I promise. 'We could do the size spell', said Sirius. 'I hope they are getting punished.'. Another hour went by and he found himself getting bored again but he could here Sirius in his room so he knew they would be getting up soon. It's Harry's bedtime, but daddy isn't home to tuck him in, Baby, whats the matter? She was taken by surprise and only had could move her hands at the half way to protect her face lefting her standing in a protective pose with both legs separeted, she couldnt move any part of her body but her head. 'Now children who wants to tell us what they did this weekend?' Guest Rachel Fun. Going on trial?' Hermione slowly set her teacup down. Harry nodded. The children went to her. Sirius quickly put a nappy on him and he then went to join back with Severus. 'He's sustained a lot of injuries in a very short period of time, starting from nine months ago to a few weeks ago', she said. Augusta leaned onto the arm of her seat. No matter what his aunt and uncle said. Keep up the good work! His aunt and uncle being abusive to him, then finding out he was a famous wizard at the mere age of 11 Going on to fight for good He never really had much of a childhood, until one person decides to throw everything aside to give him what he needs most. He punched the bag again. she asked as she saw him. Sirius nodded picking Harry up and going to get a small trolley so it would be easier for him. 'I thought about getting Harry some magical toys. Severus nodded. Remus smiled. They went to the toy store to get the toys. Draco you can come sit near Ernie and Terry. Sirius said Remus would be in charge of the school during term time but would help Molly during the holidays and some weekends. Sirius picked out a dozen packs of socks, some with differentcharacters, shapes, colours and animals. Seeing that Harry was done decided it was time for Harry to get dressed. Looking down at the stark white envelope Harry felt like he was going to be sick. The last thing Hermione ever expected was to be married at seventeen, raising a child that was not her own, and stuck in the past. And my my, they have a beautiful green colour. His magic. Deciding on getting up himself, he quickly dressed, used the facilities and then went into Harry's room. Could magic healers and a godfather's love make up for years of neglect? Them people have a lot to answer for', said Severus. Louis and Harry are little and taken care of by the others. -And what?- asked him, he was enjoying the moment. For a moment Hermione breath in relief, but then Draco start to open the backpack again, -Well if you are going to wet your panties, that is a picture I can not miss- Laugh Malfoy, -WHAT?! Do you want to help me?. Remus and Sirius babysit Harry but not without a little bit of mischief. What is that, exactly?, Lady Longbottom waved her hand. I had ran out of ideas for this story but that is now sorted. "But, I don't wanna." said Harry. He was good that he didnt have to do that anymore. He deserved every hit with the belt', said Petunia. -please dont leave me here like this, I beg you- she said, somethin in her voice makes Draco suspect there were something else, somthing she had not said yet. ', Petunia decided she would speak up. 'We just need a rucksack in case we need to change him again, then we are ready to go.'. Tom Marvolo Riddle does not do distractions. Seamus you can sit next to Parvarti. Sirius was shocked at the woman in front of them. Dumbledore knows the truth about Harry Potters paternity, and he wants Snape to finally accept responsibility for his son. The old woman left the hall echoing with her shoes. I have to make sure everything is secure and get it childproof,' Severus said. She had only taken him in because of the extra money she would get and she didn't know what else to do with the boy. She had the 3-4 year olds, Arthur had the 5-8 year old, Andromeda had the 1-2 year olds and Aberforth Dumbledore had the 9-11 year old. The one where green and blue are a little reluctant but are brought together by something much bigger than them. So she decides to run away only to be kidnapped by the what if Harry Potter had a twin sister no one knew about? Bad things happen to wizards who meddle with time.Augusta Longbottom shot the younger witch a nefarious smirk. Sirius got Harry dressed and changed ready for the day, foregoing breakfast as he knew that Molly would prepare that for him as it was part of the nursery's schedule. 'Yeah, I will. Harry sat in his pushchair. Hey I'm looking for any fics that have Harry wearing and using diapers/nappies. Disclaimer: Harry Potter, his friends, enemies and all respective items and characters (beasts or beings) from the novels and novellas of J. K. Rowling are hers by moral right and legal copyright. The first page that fell out was the page that everyone received along with their certificate. 'What did he do with you there?' 'What are you going to be doing with him later when Remus gets here?' Either way, the child was part of their team- a team that evolved into a family. In a world with many different classifications, Harry finds out that there's nothing wrong with being a Little. He wet the nappy again and as he wet he pushed some poop put. Harry hurried of to the toys but not before nodding his head at Sirius in answer. That took almost all day to write. LET ME GO YOU PERVERT!- Hermione tries to move her body without results. Paste as plain text instead, Five years after the death of James and Lily Potter, Dumbledore has a request to make of young potion maker Severus Snape. asked Dumbledore. Hope you are enjoying it so far. 'Welts, sprains, broken bones, his bladder as had a blow to it, bruises, he's even had concussions', she told him. Bellatrix Lestrange says with powerful eyes. Please consider turning it on! honestly, just venting about my own childhood and how I hate nostalgia. diaper at hogwarts. I will let you know at the end of each update. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Once Harry was changed he went back to the conversation with Molly. When Harry walked into the living room he instantly recognized Sirius as soon as he saw him. 'My daddy took us all to a feem park', Ron exclaimed. Are we making cookies? Sirius had provided the same memories for the Ministry. From the age of 8 he knew his parents were wrong. It would help you and Molly with money, let you both have some income coming in and will let you have time of for anything', Sirius said. They were soon called and Harry was shaking badly when he saw that Sirius and Remus was going into the court without him. !- Ask in panic the young grifindor gal when Dracos aproaches to her and picked her up over his shoulder. he asked. A young witch had just graduated from Hogwarts and wanted to do something important. 'His bladder will but we can sort that when he is older. Anyway i hope you are enjoying it so far. A post war journey of forgiveness & impossible goodbyes. Will Draco be able to save him when Harrys world begins to crumble? Thankyou, its been good to write. Perfectly innocent, He died and rose again for humans, who, like me, are perfectly guilty. They all hated that they had to put the little boy through all off this but they knew it was necessary. A strange request is made of him and he feels obligated to acquiesce. Ch 2 It was with a sense of shame (though not enough to make him not do it) that hed answered my child when the man had offhandedly asked who Harry was. Sirius nodded sighing in relief. You are to answer all my questions truthfully. He carries her whitout care of the protest of the girl, -Let me down! 'We've taken the money you would normally get for Harry away from you, but you still obviously don't regret your actions at all. 'You can run with Harry to the baby aisle to get nappies, wipes, powder, shampoo, nappy rash cream, nappy bags, sippy cups. Said family having to deal with another mercenary group as well getting used to a cycle of repetitive dying and reviving. Going to nursery regularly, having friends and people who cared for him, having three meals a day as well as snacks and toys. Tomorrow is going to be fairly busy but I still might be able to write a chapter. asked Molly to Arthur who had been jumping from the 3-4 year old rooms to the 5-8 and to the 9-11 year olds. someone Voldemort overlooked? Harry defeated Voldemort, yada, yada, yada. It may take a while for me to forgive everything that happened between us in school but i will not show it in front of Harry', Severus told him. Dumbledore had agreed to be able to provide everything that was needed, but he insisted that the school be in an unused classroom at Hogwarts for the ages of 5-11. Harry was similarly attached to him and to this day, Sirius thanks his lucky stars that neither James nor Lily were the kind to get possessive of their son, that they let him spend as much time with him as he did without thinking it was weird or-or too much.
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