Remember thoughts, feeling, and actions. Thank you, Donna! My mother was praying over the steering wheel, praying over the radio cast in the devil out of the engine. I tell you, God, we're going to get arrested out here. You have encouraged me with your kind words today. We're praying for you. How can bible verses on a shirt be bad? We need to simply say with Job: The Lord gives and takes away blessed be the name of the Lord., Thank you! As for the house, I am still praying for God to do His will and to send that home if He desires. I listen to Joel a lot and have read all his books and you have his messages all wrong. God will move heaven and earth to bring that promise to pass. You must love everything about God, his holiness is at the top that list. Hope to connect again with you soon. I'd say, come on, step up to the plate. Sign in to let us know how to pray for you. Hey Dawn, In the end its ALL about JESUS, honor one another. The truth is they may not all come to pass, but I'm not going to let my lack of asking keep me from reaching my highest potential. My name is Anastasia! Praying that God will lead us all to trust Him more and to know His Word better. I really appreciate you and your visit. Heaven is real but so is hell, and any person that calls himself a pastor and doesnt preach the whole gospel is a tool of the enemy. God bless and I pray you get that dream house someday! God says, I dare you to pray. Thats not how it works lol. Thank you for not opening up that door. Thank goodness the people who designed that plane knew thered be people like me on board. But as the bible tells us in the end days there will be plenty of false prophets who want to preach what itching ears want to hear. Without faith we cant please God. Be careful how you speak. Sure do appreciate you stopping by to leave a thoughtful word today. He is not a pastor or minister of Gods Word. And her father had already told the family that they weren't going to keep any more cows every time one was born. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.. Melanie.I was encourage to read this because from the first time I heard Joel I didnt like his sermon style. They prayed and prayed, and after an hour, the pastor announced, God has never let us down in the past and he's not going to let us down this time. Now, most of us adults, we'd never pray anything like that. The blogger sounds jealous. Im so glad we serve a God who knows what is best for us! As for me and my house, we will serve, the Lord says in Psalms, the seed of the righteous. I dare you to ask me for that car to start. I treat my body with love and care., 16. Maybe it would help you to understand what I was trying to convey if you would read Part 2 of this series, I just realized you had a part 2 that I didnt realize was there. Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment today. Just the other day something Joel said struck me as off. Actually much the opposite. Your words are very kind and encouraging. You will ask what you will and it shall be done. In Jesus' Name, Amen." How does he inspire millions of people around the world? He said astronomically. What Does the Bible Teach about Prosperity Gospel Theology? As a biblical counselor and as someone with family members who were steeped in that doctrine (one couple attended his church for many years), I can tell you it isnt harmless. Melanie. And, sometimes there is a unique tension of balance between two passages. Hey Christina, Be a Prisoner of Hope - Joel Osteen Daily Devotion (May-02-2023), Grow Through It - Joel Osteen - Sunday Sermon, Its Your Time - Joel Osteen Daily Devotional (May-01-2023), Peace, Be Still - Joel Osteen Daily Devotion (May-01-2023). Just saying. Im so glad that you stopped by and left such a thoughtful word. Blessings, God is moved by our faith. This is an American gospel. What about our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in poverty at the lowest levels in other parts of the world? Continue to pull me to Yourself, guide me in my journey, and hold me close in Your bosom until the day I come home to be with You forever. I have the ability to learn how to manage my money better., 19. I believe we have to position all scriptures in line with other scripture. I listen to Joel quite often and find that hes very uplifting and he will push my mind enough to have me to read my bible on the scriptures and stories he speaks of. Ask me for company centers. Go and pray about your ways lady. I wholeheartedly agree. It is great to see that not all that have listened to those of the mega churches can still come out to hear what Jesus is truly saying. I soooo appreciate what youve shared here and I am so glad that you had the boldness to write it. There are some but few that are not using the altered bibles. Joy is on the way. You bless me girl, and I cant wait to meet you! God says prayers. And, I hope you will stop by again and read future posts. Your words are so affirming and kind! Because a true servant of God never charges money for the Truth, it is given away freely. If events are not happening as quickly as you would like, or if you are not seeing circumstances change in your favor, open your grip on the situation; relax and learn to trust God. Those people who follow him live in a lost world that seems hopeless. And the Bible clearly stated that God doesnt bless sin. Sign Up for Guideposts Free e-Newsletters and Get Inspiration Delivered to Your Inbox. His motives and intentions are good . Thank you for stopping by to leave a comment. As well as a couple of Blue, Green and Orange Slipper chairs so I can finally have some company over and to replace the lift recliner that is also broken, the back and the footrest are broken on it. And, the way the blessings go out and get distributed is often a little confusing. I wanted a healthy baby 25 years ago, God had other plansand the stories go on. But God is full of mercy and doesnt bless us based on our performance. The day I needed this encouragement it showed up in my inbox. Sadly, that wont be an excuse the flock can use when they stand before God and He will say I never knew you. So dear lady, please ignore those comments that have criticized you for daring to speak against Joel Osteen. We thank You for the gift of life, and for the. Joel Osteen. I have a problem with pastors who want to put tv preachers down saying things like Im not going to preach a prosperity gospel while having a pearly white smile and wearing a $3000.00 suit. I listen to different preachers and try to take something good from them until they criticize others. Let him lead you and guide you. God had something else in mind for my Father.. something better but I was selfish thinking only of myself at the time.. wanting my dad to get better and I would still be able to visit him, etc.. The Lord has walked with me through many things, good and bad, and He has ALWAYS been faithful, sometimes even when I wasnt! Hey Sherri, May God work in your life in His timing with your hope of getting a place to call home. Appreciate you~. Keep sounding out the truth! His affirmations are life transforming, use them to alter your mindset and your life for the better. It sounds like you are dealing with some of these same issues. Our leaders are legislating sin and it is being woven into the fabric of society. But the more I listened the more I realised that it was more motivational speaking than sound biblical truth. My faith will not let me experience defeat., 13. God did not tell them to move out of their dream home and into the small apt. You sound just like him in your responses. You must be born again. Melanie. Would you pray with me? I found some tidbits of his preaching not biblical and friends of mine on FB that were celebrating their sin and not repentant at all about it, shared his messages as he affirmed their lifestyle.but, then a couple of months ago I stumbled across one of his messages where he said if you arent rich then youre basically not saved. Hey Tamera, Let God do it His way. Melanie. I couldnt believe it. She had that look in her eyes like do not mess with me. Well, Joel, God's God, if he wants to bless me, he'll bless me. Im just going to let it go. Every one of them has his or her own slant. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I can see that you probably dont make money on your blog. At the age of nine, her young son Victor was recruited by a gang. Ever notice theres no cross in sight? I am encouraged. But, if I may. Not judging her but our manual for life is so misinterpreted by man. Hey Mercedes, To give visit Join me as I claim Restorations galore for me , my son and his family and indeed all the families of my loved ones especially the family of our brother who passed suddenly in 2018. However, he does have a large following that live here. I have learned to let the Holy Spirit be my teacher and the Bible my textbook. God hears and answers every prayer. One way you know they're from God is they're so big you cannot accomplish them on your own. Hope you have a blessed day, One reason we don't see God do great things is we only ask for small things. Finally, I sat down across the aisle in a different seat. Repeat these faith affirmations to yourself daily and you will see a positive change in your mindset, your actions, and yourlife. My heart has been through these articles to remind folks to consider what Paul calls in Acts 20:27, The whole counsel of God. My lack of agreement with the Osteens pertains to the name it and claim it version of Christianity. ! Im so glad you are sharing this. So many people are in these type of posts. Joel Osteen is a motivational speaker making millions, because nowadays, people want to hear that it will get easier and they deserve the best Life is hard, but its our job to see the moments of happiness. The good news is that your promotion will not be one second late. Father, thank You that You are on Your throne and You are bigger than anything I am facing. After all he I am glad for your post, long ago I liked his uplifting message but life is full of more valleys that mountains & I need Bible truths. Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. I am sorry to read this article. God will use them to do amazing things like this. They fill their sermons with success stories, preach nothing about the everyday battles we Average Christian faces and fail to teach the masses that no ones life and experience with God is the same. I dont put much thought into those who seem to get everything they want. Appreciate your sharing these things with us. In Jesus' Name, Amen. . I realize this article is from years ago. No one can expect church to feed and give you the depth of what you get when you STUDY the bible. . God doesnt always give us what we think we need nor want, but like you wrote, how we pray is everything and HIS WILL will be done. Now don't pray small prayers over your children doesn't matter what they are or aren't doing right now. The question is will you believe? No doubt, Joel emphasizes the positive and fundamental teachings, but that doesnt make what he says false. We found out that we were not listening very good. Stay focused, ignore the distractions, and you will accomplish your goals much faster. He will be held accountable for his teaching, right? We need more evangelists to preach the word of God to the world. Your morning is coming. "Daily Readings from Your Best Life Now: 90 Devotions for Living at Your Full Potential". I look forward to getting them. Thanks so much for stopping by to share your story today! He may answer in unanticipated ways. It gives him pleasure to give you the kingdom. But if he's brown or spotted like the rest of our cattle, we're going to give him away. Ask me to give you the secret petitions of your heart. Jakes Prayer Line -(888) 868-2497. Quantico's 17. So many Christians, like you, love his teachings and then when their prosperity doesnt come, they turn away from Christ. Many times my life is so full of busy work that I neglect my relationship with You, and for that I am deeply sorry. Additionally,Melanie Redd is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to So grateful that our loving Father knows best I am sorry I mean this all love and you can choose to publish or not because I am really just talking to you but is you that is spreading false teachings. Please prayerfully consider this. Also I find that Im judged no matter what church I attend so most of the time its me God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Psalm 30:5, NKJV. This is why we put our trust in God and not man. Its great that many have accepted Christ while listening to Joel. I prayed for a college student right here at the altar a few weeks ago and she had just finished her master's degree and she studied medical research. Your words have been strong, and I have pondered and prayed over what you have shared. He is God, and He is good~ Like you I was and to an extent still am fan of Joel Osteens teachings. I do consider, read, and pray over every comment I receive. You are so right. God is good! What am I saying today when you pray God sized prayers God or show up in a big way, some of you are not seeing God do great things because you're only asking for small things. Miracles happen everyday and just because our miracles havent happened yet, doesnt mean that someone else that heard his sermon wont get their miracle soon because they prayed for it. Joel is well-trained and a great communicator. I do believe that some Pastors are what you call materialistic ministers who use the ministry like a business, rather than a humble passage to teach the word of God. I would have been so caught up in the excitement and I would have loved it so much, Im sure I just would have stayed right there at the university TV station. Thank you for your ideas, questions, and blessings. Im so glad you stopped by and left a kind word! Thanks for stopping by today to leave a comment. tell him personally and pray for him. When it doesnt come, they lose hope in God. Scripture tells us we are not better than our Master and He told the disciple who wanted to follow Him, foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of God has nowhere to lay His head. I dont believe Joel is appointed by God whatsoever! When we speak of heaven, we must also speak of hell. Praying for you to become the Queen of your life. And, I pray that many peoples eyes will be opened as mine have been! I appreciate your thoughts and I take to heart everything that is shared with me. All Rights Reserved. I am a magnet for money. I fear for the people Joel Osteen leads astray. Wow! Thats something to think on! If hes so non profit why is he worth 40+ million. Why are we putting time limits to God, then go around the world contaminating everyone with our impatience and lack of faith? Sure do appreciate you and your encouragement. Subscribing to your blog today! She was idolizing a house, and she has shifted her prayer and faith back to the one and only, Jesus Christ. Joel is positive. One is about judging souls (we cant) and the other is about making judgments with the minds God gave us, prayerfully and with consideration for His teachings (we CAN and SHOULD do this). I do take every single comment to heart. Joel Osteen has always thrown up red flags for meI didnt know why. I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life., 50 Inspirational Islamic Quotes On God, Life, Success, & The Hereafter, 35 Inspirational Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Quotes, 35 Inspirational Quotes On Knowing Your Worth, 20 Inspirational Quotes On Being A Good Person. God will give you the desires of your heart, I believe and declare. He can be so misleading. I love the sermons I told my husband but I hate the way they worship I explained. Amen I honestly worry about those who follow JOEL as if he is GOD. Life was at its bottom. Melanie. Thank you, Amanda! Quit blaming him. He would have this lasting dynasty. My reason in writing this post was to question and consider these lopsided theologies, not to impune or discredit any particular ministry. According to IndyStar, Joel Osteen gets his knack for preaching to the masses honest from his father, John Osteen, who was a Southern Baptist pastor . I pray that maybe some others will be encouraged to seek Him first not what they want. And God DOES SAY He will give us the desires of our heart, but this is the beauty of our devotion, that the desires of our hearts should be GODS DESIRES, It wasnt in your divine plan to have what you wanted when you wanted it. The production manager went out of his way to be kind to me. Maybe I wouldn't have met Victoria, maybe I wouldn't be up here. Unfortunately, it does not end with the house, there are a few more blessings/answered prayers that I am losing my mind over. She kept praying month after month, didn't look like anything was happening. For more on this topic, you may want to read the second article that I wrote Now I'm bold enough to ask you for it. That's kind of radical. When was the last time you asked God to do something impossible, something out of the ordinary? God help me to pay my rent. The topic of sin is taboo in most churches, and especially the big ones. Melanie. And, Im so thankful that God used Joel to point you to Jesus. I would hopei its not at the expense of someone trying to do the same. Absolutely! Also, my husband was paralyzed 5 years ago and I have prayed for healing since then. Hold my heart within yours, and renew my mind, body, and soul. Now what God has promised you, the dream he's placed in your heart may look impossible, but if you just dare do like David and say, God, you promised it. I try to stay close to God and mind my own business. True, I heard inspirational words, but these inspirations were more about life style and none about conviction. Thank You that You show how much You love me and honor me. Melanie. That is why we are rewarded or doomed by following the life we chose. Now if something is not for you your faith in god should be enough to keep Nowhere in the Bible does it say that we are going to be given large incomes, beautiful homes, and expensive cars. I wrote a follow-up piece to express my specific concerns. Affirming helps strengthen the beliefs that you hold within you whether they be positive or negative, so start to use positive affirmations so that you can reprogram your mind to believe in yourself to a greater degree. Thank you Jesus for all you have done and to God be the glory for all you have done for me in the precious name of Jesus! Prayers dont always get answered. In fact, none of us can know our own hearts. Thank you for helping us to see what Scripture really says, not what we want it to say. God is real. Hey JM, Dont be stubborn and hardheaded. Therefore, Father, I decree that no weapon formed against me (us) prospers this day or any day to come. I think the true test comes when He takes away. I stopped watching TBN for the same reason you stopped listening to Joel Olsteen. Context, context, and more context. I have not been able to drive in a car solo for over three years now. I hope you will stop by again. And, I pray that God will bless you~ His mother was so heartbroken she couldn't control her son. Instead, do what Jesus said, seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God and His RIGHTEOUSNESS. Thank you for the reminder that His will is to be done. Thank you, Susie! You need to see everything that's holding you back, every obstacle, every limitation as only temporary. Just thoughts to consider. Melanie. Positive affirmations lead to positive feelings, which lead to positive actions, which will lead to a positive life. Amen, Angie! I have faith in my confidence and confidence in my faith., 16. It immediately cranked up my mother, rev that engine so loud she had to have that pedal on the floor. And, I do believe God has used them to encoruage many folks. The Bible says that we are to rightly divide the word of truth. Keep on keeping on! You may not agree with everything he says, but your attack on unjustified and unwarranted and it seems as though you are stirring up strife and dissension. 21 Quick Powerful Declarations. We pray, God, my child's off course if you'll just turn him around and that's good. Thanks, Lillian! And, I do think lots of people are led astray by teachings like these. And my brother Paul and I and my friend Johnny got the battery cables and we drove my car up there and put the cables on my mom's car. But, God wouldnt let me. We can keep on asking and praying over issues. Melanie. Excellent post! Im thinking everyone is meaning for the goodness of God to come from all of this, and we all know that only good comes from God. Hes a wonderful person (with great intentions) on the platform and off and you should come by Lakewood Church and see for yourself. I have the power to be a financially successful person., 14. I believe I was. His teacher at school told the mother, your son is going to end up in the electric chair. The sinners prayer is just empty words without repentance, and yet many preachers, Joel included, are telling people that if they say a few words and just do the best you can youre saved. No matter what comes your way, don't lose your joy. He said David was a man after his own heart because he was merciful, and sang his praises. Wrong answer. Thankyou for writing this. Melanie. Let one of my descendants always be on the throne. Blessings to you, You were created to make somebody else's life better. And, Im so glad we serve a God who knows what is best for us too! 2.2K views, 251 likes, 46 loves, 15 comments, 7 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Joel Osteen: 3-Minute Mornings is a resource that will encourage you to pray with confidence. Praying is awesome and having others pray for is all good and great first step. He has said he believes there are many ways to God. His nephew had five degrees, was one of the smartest men alive, and they set up their tent and quickly fell asleep. Joel Osteen (March-28-2021) Daily Devotion: Pray with Expectancy. Oh, your God's got bigger things to deal with than me getting my car started. Thank you for helping to share this because so many believers are falling hook line and sinker for him. Hey James, I have the power to change my world.. Of that I have no doubt. Hope you have a blessed day~ Often, preachers take them to an extreme. I really appreciate you and your thoughtful words! She started pleading and pleading with their father. This faith-filled set includes declarations about the Word of God, Jesus, Peace, Favor, Joy, Hope, Health, Abundance, Confidence, and Destiny. I like that. Psalm 5:3, NIV. Its not about a Christmas list you have. You are welcome to share any posts for reference that youd like to share on your blog. (So do we in Izmir!) It is easy to be misled, isnt it! You don't have the funding, the connections. I think sometimes we get so caught up on what should be given to us that we miss the part where we have to do our on homework. The moment you speak something out, you give birth to it. God does this on purpose so that it will take faith. Try to share that prosperity teaching with brothers and sisters losing their lives in the middle east for their belief in Christ and unwillingness to give that up for any reason. I am exactly who I need to be in this moment., 6. A very wise Chaplain once taught my husband, when selecting churches or other Christian voices, pay attention to how much Jesus there is. Melanie. Your situation may look impossible, but don't ever rule out the favor of God. I not saying he and his family should live in a dump or be dirt poor but I really struggle with the fake-ness of it all. If you enjoy today's message, why don't you be a blessing and share it with a friend? Praying that we will be found very faithful! Though Ive never listened to Joel Osteen or had anything to do with his philosophies, your story resonates with me as Im in a similar situation living in a tiny apartment with our growing family and desperately searching and praying for a house. I appreciate you stopping by to leave a thoughtful comment. Joel Osteen Morning Prayer January 8, 2023 by Prayers Joel Osteen Morning Prayer : Mighty Lord, I come before you today to thank You for all the blessings that You have given me. It is not Joels message to blame. I appreciate your visit and your honest feedback. It is here, and only here that the main focus is on the Eucharist (Jesus Christ, body and blood as bread and wine) the homily (sermon) and therefore the priest, is a small part of a much larger experience of the mass. The Bible also says we are not to add to or take away from his word. Its sad. Blessings, Let's go try again. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment. I will pray. Thank you for stopping to leave a good word, Marie! All my actions, thoughts and words are guided by a divine power., 33. Thanks, Fred, for sharing your story with me! Attending church on Sunday morning does not save you. The first year I went away to college, I applied for a job at the university television studio. I understand, but most people believe good things are due to them. Daily Devotion (February 11-2022) Its great to connect with you! Keep it up girl!! God is not Santa Clause and now he is not just going to give you a house because you prayed for one. Thanks for sharing your story. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I appreciate you and your thoughtful comments. I really need for Gods help now. I know one cool method of earning money, I think you will like it. God wants to give you the desires of your heart, but you have to have the faith of a little child and be willing to ask as a father, who would I rather bless than my own children? What He started, Hes going to finish. When you pray bold, God-sized prayers, you're setting yourself up to see the greatness of God's power in your life! I'm asking you to increase me in such a way that I can not only pay my house off, but help pay somebody else's house on an ordinary prayer is God. You are wise and compassionate. (lol), Im a little late to the party, but I was fascinated by all the responses, as well as, your honest assessment of Joel Osteen. She'd give him a hug and say, Victor, God's hand is on your life. I dont believe I attacked the Osteens, but I have respectfully disagreed with them on some significant theological differences. He is a great motivational speaker. I had forgotten about Dr. Rogers comment. Do you know what I've learned? I will tell you that there have been sometimes Ive wanted to react strongly to comments. However, Im sure you miss him. Im sure hes a great guy. I believe in God almigh in His timing, I believe His about to send a right and God fearing person to be my future husband, this is my year of divine increase nd favour in every area of my life and family. It is everywhere in corporate America, the media, you name it. Thank you for this article. And all through the scripture, we see this principal Elijah prayed that it wouldn't rain for three and a half years. As an older woman, I have watched the name it and claim it gospel grow by alarming rates! That's when those thoughts will bombard your mind, saying, Who do you think you are? I hope you will drop by again soon~ Blessings to you~ She makes sure that God will hear her. You are always welcome here, and your comments are really appreciated. Hes a fake. I love how you call him out on the falsehood without being insulting or arrogant. We have to follow up with our own Bible study after listening to a preacher. Melanie. Blessings to you, Get a side hustle. What Joel consistently says is to put your faith in god and god will forfill the desires Jesus our lord and savior put in your heart. It was a very judgemental post with very judgemental comments with self-serving intentions. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment today. There is nothing on this earth more powerful then God. Get More Inspiration Delivered to Your Inbox, What Prayer Can Do: The Three Rules of Life. Dreams do come true. God is always on our side, we just need to learn to praise Him and thank Him even when things arent going as wed like because He has a plan (Jeremiah 29:11) and He knows best! Mother, take my car. It's about two o'clock in the morning when we got to our cars, my mother's battery was dead. phillip island classic 2022 tickets, pluto conjunct prenatal solar eclipse,
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joel osteen morning prayer 2023