MK-Ultra was a top-secret CIA project in which the agency conducted hundreds of clandestine experimentssometimes on unwitting U.S. citizensto assess the potential use of LSD and other drugs for mind control, information gathering and psychological torture. These parties influenced the early development of hippie culture and kick-started the 1960s psychedelic drug scene. The Church Committee delved into plots to assassinate foreign leaders, including Cuban dictator Fidel Castro and Congolese independence leader Patrice Lumumba. Substances which will produce "pure" euphoria with no subsequent let-down. The findings sparked conspiracy theories that Olson might have been assassinated by the CIA. MK Ultra & UFOs Most people know of the CIA/MI6-funded mass brainwashing operation known as MK Ultra which was launched in 1953. of Inspection of MKULTRA 1. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. Gottliebs career in destroying lives is a startling example of bureaucratic irrationality, showing how without democratic oversight, secret projects can take on a life of their own. Project MKULTRA. Unfortunately, neither Project MKULTRA files of unwitting testing conducted under Project MKULTRA. Officially a hospital for people with drug addictions, this center lay under the joint authority of the Bureau of Prisons and the Public Health Service, and functioned more like a prison. Most of its inmates were extremely marginalized, powerless African Americans. MK-Ultra scientists commissioned the tank to create a sensory-free environment for their subjects to experience their acid trips without the stimuli of the outside world. Soon after launching the program that would become infamous as MK-Ultra, Gottlieb came into contact with Harris Isbell, director of research at the Addiction Research Center in Lexington, Kentucky. On November 28, 1953, Frank Olson, a scientist researching biological warfare for the US army, fell to his death from the tenth floor of the Manhattan Statler hotel. In the summer of 1975, congressional Church Committee reports and the presidential Rockefeller Commission report revealed to the public for the first time that the CIA and the Department of Defense had conducted experiments on both unwitting and cognizant human subjects as part of an extensive program to find out how to influence and control human behavior through the use of psychoactive drugs such as LSD and mescaline and other chemical, biological, and psychological means. Journalist Stephen Kinzer, who spent several years investigating the. In 1974, New York Times journalist Seymour Hersh published a story about how the CIA had conducted non-consensual drug experiments and illegal spying operations on U.S. citizens. Several of these tests involved the administration of LSD to "unwitting subjects in social situations. Web. Acid Tests combined drug use with musical performances by bands including the Grateful Dead and psychedelic effects such as fluorescent paint and black lights. Japanese scientists who had worked with Unit 731, the secret chemical and biological warfare research unit of the Imperial Japanese Army, also benefited from secret deals. The CIA exported experiments to Canada when they recruited British psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found interesting. [91] The case was dismissed in July 2013, due in part to the 1976 settlement between the family and government. [52], In Operation Midnight Climax, the CIA set up several brothels within agency safehouses in San Francisco to obtain a selection of men who would be too embarrassed to talk about the events. Gottliebs own interest was different, however. [25][26] Its aim was to develop mind-controlling drugs for use against the Soviet bloc in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques on U.S. prisoners of war during the Korean War. Lessons Spanning Half A Century", part F. Hallucinogens, "Family Statement on the Murder of Frank Olson", "Lawsuit by family of drugged Detrick employee dismissed", "CIA Cover-Up Suit Over Scientist's Fatal Fall Dismissed", "Pont-Saint-Esprit poisoning: Did the CIA spread LSD? Substances which produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc. [74], Unlike the US and Canada, Denmark had a centralized population register, allowing participants to be tracked over the course of several years. Asa result of that report's July 1977, I reported our recent discovery of seven boxes of documents related to Project MKULTRA , a closely held CIA project conducted from 1953-1964. A few days later, on November 28, 1953, Olson tumbled to his death from the window of a New York City hotel room in an alleged suicide. In an ironic twist of history, the CIA helped popularize the drug that was so important in the sixties counterculture. The CIA dosed the men with LSD and thenwhile at times drinking cocktails behind a two-way mirrorwatched the drugs effects on the mens behavior. They maintain that Frank Olson was murdered because, especially in the aftermath of his LSD experience, he had become a security risk who might divulge state secrets associated with highly classified CIA programs, about many of which he had direct personal knowledge. 25-Year, $25 Million Program. In the 1950s and 1960sthe height of the Cold Warthe United States government feared that Soviet, Chinese and North Korean agents were using mind control to brainwash U.S. prisoners of war in Korea. Kinzer writes that MKUltra's use of mescaline on unwitting subjects was a practice that Nazi doctors had begun in the camps at Auschwitz and Dachau. Sometimes the test subjects knew they were participating in a studybut at other times, they had no idea, even when the hallucinogens started taking effect. [36] American historian Alfred W. McCoy has claimed that the CIA attempted to focus media attention on these sorts of "ridiculous" programs so that the public would not look at the research's primary goal, which was effective methods of interrogation. Citing Exemption 3 of the FOIA?which provides that an agency need not disclose from disclosure other researchers on the ground that their work for the CIA, apart from MKULTRA, required in a closed session to provide more information-about MK-Ultra. After a series of tests, the drug was deemed too unpredictable for use in counterintelligence. During the Cold War, the CIA explored the unchartered world of 'brain warfare,' using LSD. Whenever a scientist had a blemished past, as Kinzer observes, US officials rewrote his biography, systematically expunging references to membership in the SS, collaboration with the Gestapo, abuse of slave laborers and experiments on human subjects. This was Operation Paperclip named after the paperclips used to mark the files of the scientists that were brought over to the United States (over seven hundred in total). Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?. Gottliebs apparent untouchable status looks even stranger when considering his supposed successes. [75][unreliable source? Operation Midnight Climax was an MK-Ultra project in which government-employed prostitutes lured unsuspecting men to CIA safe houses where drug experiments took place. As Kinzer describes, the United States started researching the use of bacteria and chemicals for military use during the Second World War. participants involved in CIA Project The recently discovered files of Project MKULTRA do contain evidence. The 1962 movie The Manchurian Candidate popularized this idea further with its story of a Communist plot and a brainwashed US soldier. Between 1953 and 1966, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) financed a research project, code-named MKULTRA the research under MKULTRA. Get our print magazine for just $20 a year. The following year, President Fordin the wake of the Watergate scandal and amid growing distrust of the U.S. governmentset up the United States Presidents Commission on CIA Activities within the United States to investigate illegal CIA activities, including Project MK-Ultra and other experiments on unsuspecting citizens. [48], Once Project MKUltra got underway in April 1953, experiments included administering LSD to mental patients, prisoners, drug addicts, and prostitutes "people who could not fight back," as one agency officer put it. They chose San Francisco, reasoning that its chronic fog would disguise germ clouds. One subject of army drug experimentation, James Stanley, an army sergeant, brought an important, albeit unsuccessful, suit. On November 28, 1953, Frank Olson, a scientist researching biological warfare for the US army, fell to his death from the tenth floor of the Manhattan Statler hotel. The proposed purchase aimed to stop other countries from controlling the supply. Though Project MK-Ultra lasted from 1953 until about 1973, details of the illicit program didnt become public until 1975, during a congressional investigation into widespread illegal CIA activities within the United States and around the world. Here's How the CIA Used Me for Drug Experiments", "MKUltra: Inside the CIA's Cold War mind control experiments", "Harvard and the Making of the Unabomber", "Harvard's Experiment on the Unabomber, Class of '62", "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties by Tom O'Neill with Dan Piepenbring", "7 Key Questions to Help You Understand Wormwood", Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control, "U.S. Congress: The Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, Foreign and Military Intelligence (Church Committee report), report no. MKUltra was first brought to public attention in 1975 by the Church Committee of the United States Congress and Gerald Ford's United States President's Commission on CIA activities within the United States (also known as the Rockefeller Commission). Horrock, Nicholas M. (August 4, 1977). [49] They also administered LSD to CIA employees, military personnel, doctors, other government agents, and members of the general public to study their reactions. [45], Early CIA efforts focused on LSD-25, which later came to dominate many of MKUltra's programs. As a result of that report's to you of 15 July 1977, I reported our recent discovery of seven boxes of documents related to Project MKULTRA , a closely held CIA project conducted from 1953-1964. If this principle is violated, the very least that society can do is to see that the victims are compensated, as best they can be, by the perpetrators. The story of programs like MK-Ultra is a chilling look at how the US government turned its own citizens into guinea pigs and destroyed lives in the process. Investigative efforts were hampered by CIA Director Richard Helms's order that all MKUltra files be destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the small number of documents that survived Helms's order. [92] In the decision dismissing the suit, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg wrote, "While the court must limit its analysis to the four corners of the complaint, the skeptical reader may wish to know that the public record supports many of the allegations [in the family's suit], farfetched as they may sound. In the days that followed, eleven people checked into hospitals, and one person died. ", "The Legacy of the CIA's Secret LSD Experiments on America", "Cloak and Dropper The Twisted History of the CIA and LSD", " " "", "Cruel science: CIA torture and U.S. foreign policy", "CIA Funded Experiments On Danish Orphans For Decades", "Huge C.i.a. As a result of that report's of the "CDROM MKULTRA collection." It is named after the migration of the monarch butterfly which takes multiply generations to make one trip. Materials which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness. Project MKUltra (or MK-Ultra)[a] was an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used in interrogations to weaken individuals and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture. Critical Survey of Long Fiction, Second Revised Edition (2000): EBSCO. Kinzers explanation of Gottliebs motivation only goes so far. With the war on terror, the CIA and other intelligence agencies won unprecedented freedom to operate. MK-Ultra began in 1953, and its creator, chemist Sidney Gottlieb, only admitted that its end goal of human mind control was an impossibility a decade later. Unfortunately, neither Project MKULTRA files MKULTRA. Anecdotes vary from horrifying in one experiment, mentally handicapped children were fed cereal laced with uranium and radioactive calcium to merely amusing, such as the time when CIA operatives supposedly implanted a listening device in a cat, but forgot that cats do not listen to instruction (it walked away during a test in a park). [65] The barbiturates were released into the person first, and as soon as the person began to fall asleep, the amphetamines were released. [44] They spent an estimated $10 million or more, roughly $87.5 million adjusted for inflation. None of Cameron's personal records of his involvement with MKUltra survived because his family destroyed them after his death.[83][84]. The United States Military Tribunal established the Nuremberg Code as a standard against which to judge German scientists who experimented with human subjects. [I]n defiance of this principle, military intelligence officials began surreptitiously testing chemical and biological materials, including LSD. The recently discovered files of Project MKULTRA do contain evidence that research involving human testing indicate such testing on unwitting subjects ceased in 1964. Ken Kesey, author of the 1962 novel One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, volunteered for MK-Ultra experiments with LSD while he was a college student at Stanford University. Alex de Jong is editor of the socialist journal Grenzeloos and an activist in the Netherlands. Fear of the enemy ran rampant among Americans, especially upon the sharp increase in PTSD in Korean prisoners of war. At a 1953 CIA retreat, Olson drank a cocktail that had been secretly spiked with LSD. The volunteers were so fascinated by their psychedelic experiences that doctors and nurses signed up to try it themselves. "[50] Military personnel who received the mind-altering drugs were also threatened with court-martials if they told anyone about the experiments. As with their fixation on supposed Soviet advances in bacteriological and chemical warfare, the fear of Communist brainwashing skills in US intelligence circles drove them to break their own laws. [60], Another technique investigated was the intravenous administration of a barbiturate into one arm and an amphetamine into the other. The damage inflicted on these survivors was so severe that mind control was thought to be the culprit. "[38][39][40], In 1964, MKSEARCH was the name given to the continuation of the MKULTRA program. Many veterans who were subjected to experimentation are now seeking legal and monetary reparations. There was a widespread distrust of institutions like the CIA and popular pressure for accountability. The program involved more than 150 human experiments involving psychedelic drugs, paralytics and electroshock therapy. The CIA began winding down the project in the late sixties and stopped it altogether a few years later. ABC7. The project grew out of QKHilltop and was later absorbed into MKUltra. Previously, the CIA and the army had actively and successfully sought to withhold incriminating information, even as they secretly provided compensation to the families. The men were dosed with LSD, the brothels were equipped with one-way mirrors, and the sessions were filmed for later viewing and study. [5], The Soviet Union also contributed greatly to the motivation for this project; according to CIA director Allen Dulles, fear of "Soviet brain perversion techniques" was palpable. Subproject 54 was the Navy's top-secret "Perfect Concussion" program, which was supposed to use sub-aural frequency blasts to erase memory; the program was never carried out. Many of them were not aware of where their funding came from. Other notable people who reportedly volunteered for CIA-backed experiments with LSD include Robert Hunter, the Grateful Dead lyricist; Ted Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber; and James Joseph Whitey Bulger, the notorious Boston mobster. Often the test subjects did not know what they were going to be subjected to a clear violation of research ethics. This justified experiments on US citizens as well. Updated: August 21, 2018 | Original: June 16, 2017. Gottlieb proved resourceful in finding new victims. this number when corresponding so that we can identify it easily. The revelations about the CIA and the army prompted a number of subjects or their survivors to file lawsuits against the federal government for conducting experiments without informed consent. According to the hearing report, the project was intended to "develop a capability in the covert use of biological and chemical materials.". [41], CIA documents suggest that they investigated "chemical, biological, and radiological" methods of mind control as part of MKUltra. Much of the MKULTRA material is very limited in scope and consists primarily identify it easily. Other notable people who reportedly volunteered for CIA-backed experiments with LSD include Robert Hunter, the Grateful Dead lyricist; Ted Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber; and James Joseph Whitey Bulger, the notorious Boston mobster. Not satisfied with the Kentucky research, MK-Ultra branched further out. Many of the tests were conducted at universities, hospitals or prisons in the United States and Canada. Browse the Collections | Advanced Search | Search Help. THE USE OF SEVEN IN MK-ULTRA PROGRAMMING - Fighting Monarch THE USE OF SEVEN IN MK-ULTRA PROGRAMMING March 14, 2020 fightingmonarch Seven seems to occupy a privileged role among the Illuminati. The aim was to find drugs that would bring out deep confessions or wipe a subject's mind clean and program them as "a robot agent. Between 1963 and 1966, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) financed a research project, code-named MKULTRA the research under MKULTRA. A material which can be surreptitiously administered by the above routes and which in very small amounts will make it impossible for a person to perform physical activity. It proved to their satisfaction that effective dosages can be produced over relatively large areas.. do to Eric Olson's father? In what was informally called Operation Midnight Climax, Gottlieb worked together with agents from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics to set up a safe house in San Francisco. [61], Some subjects' participation was consensual, and in these cases they appeared to be singled out for even more extreme experiments. The CIA needed human guinea pigs, but Korean prisoners of war and suspected Communist spies provided only a limited supply. [13][54], At the invitation of Stanford psychology graduate student Vik Lovell, an acquaintance of Richard Alpert and Allen Ginsberg, Ken Kesey volunteered to take part in what turned out to be a CIA-financed study under the aegis of MKUltra,[55] at the Menlo Park Veterans' Hospital[56][57] where he worked as a night aide. The history of Unit 731 is even less transparent than that of its Nazi equivalents. On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said: The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an "extensive testing and experimentation" program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens "at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign." Between 1953 and 1964, the program consisted of 149 projects involving drug testing and other studies on unwitting human subjects, Given the CIA's purposeful destruction of most records, its failure to follow informed consent protocols with thousands of participants, the uncontrolled nature of the experiments, and the lack of follow-up data, the full impact of MKUltra experiments, including deaths, may never be known. An agent named George White wrote to Gottlieb in 1971: Of course I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. [68]:141, His work was inspired and paralleled by the British psychiatrist William Sargant at St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Belmont Hospital, Sutton, who was also involved in the Secret Intelligence Service and who experimented on his patients without their consent, causing similar long-term damage. The result is a chronicle of bizarre criminals and crooks such as Gottlieb and George Hunter White, and of the harm they caused. Toward the end of his life in 1975, White wrote a letter to Gottlieb thanking him for the opportunities the CIA had granted him: I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. MKULtra's Purpose. Since its effects were temporary, he believed it could be given to high-ranking officials and in this way affect the course of important meetings, speeches, etc. 4 44. (Note 37) Many of these tests were conducted under the so-called MKULTRA program, established to counter perceived Soviet and Chinese advances in brainwashing techniques. The seal of the Central Intelligence Agency at its headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Les volumes prsents dans cet ouvrage, rdigs par Serge Monast, reprsentent plus de vingt annes de recherche et d'enqute sur le Nouvel Ordre Mondial (destin prparer la venue de l'Antchrist), la Conspiration universelle (fruit de la rbellion de Lucifer), les activits occultes des Illuminati et des groupes maonniques oeuvrant pour la propagation du Mal sur la terre . Most of these took place between 1953 and 1964, but its not clear how many people were involved in the teststhe agency kept notoriously poor records and destroyed most MK-Ultra documents when the program was officially halted in 1973. US officials fixated on the notion that the Soviets were ahead of the United States in developing new forms of warfare. He commuted from Albany, New York to Montreal every week to work at the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill University, and was paid $69,000 from 1957 to 1964 (US$579,480 in 2021, adjusted for inflation) to carry out MKUltra experiments there, the Montreal experiments. Declassified MKUltra documents indicate they studied hypnosis in the early 1950s. ", "Ken Kesey, Author of 'Cuckoo's Nest,' Who Defined the Psychedelic Era, Dies at 66", "I'm Whitey Bulger. Gottlieb was born in 1918 as the son of Hungarian-Jewish immigrants. [34], One 1955 MKUltra document gives an indication of the size and range of the effort. Very few people have recognized the connection between MK Ultra and the rise of the UFO movement that grew in spades throughout the Cold War. National Public Radio (NPR), 9 Sept. 2019. [77] That report prompted investigations by the United States Congress, in the form of the Church Committee, and by a commission known as the Rockefeller Commission that looked into the illegal domestic activities of the CIA, the FBI and intelligence-related agencies of the military. His "driving" experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced comas for weeks at a time (up to three months in one case) while playing tape loops of noise or simple repetitive statements. [78] However, it contained little detail. That made them perfect test subjects. It was learned that not only had the CIA funded Cameron's efforts, but also that the Canadian government was fully aware of this, and had later provided another $500,000 in funding to continue the experiments. Pretty good stuff, Brudder! The cryptonym MKULTRA encompasses 2018 Attachment Size project mk-ultra[15545700].pdf 470.62 KB Project MK-ULTRA- Intellipedia Doc ID: 6613524 Approved for Release: 2018/12/12 006760269 W (U) Project MK-ULTRA From Intellipedia (b) (3)- P.L. Substances which increase the efficiency of mentation and perception. The government argued that Stanley was barred from suing under the Feres doctrine. In accordance with the procedures recently worked out for handling correspondence regarding MKULTRA Addressee w/atts ~,1~- DDA Subject w/o atts 1- AI Subject (MKULTRA) w/atts 1- HGB Chrona w/o atts A~tts: YRS in which you are requesting that we resend to you the 86-page MKULTRA list that we sent to you on 9 September 2011 in connection with your 17 August 2011 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for MKULTRA-related documents. The book shows that years of costly experimentation never brought any results that even pointed to the possibility of Manchurian Candidatestyle brainwashing. What we do know is the stuff of nightmares. Gottlieb was convinced that LSD could be used to manipulate individuals, to make captured spies confess their secrets, and even to rewrite their personalities. Brainwashed: The echoes of MK-ULTRA. The program involved more than 150 human experiments involving psychedelic drugs, paralytics and electroshock therapy.
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