I have had to work so much to help myself feel OK with feeling like I dont have to work hard or betray myself to earn things such as affection or self care, even! He was emotional at the time he said it, and my mother took it to her heart. She is highly controlling and also comes off as narcissistic. I have a scorpio moon and my younger siblings have a capricorn and aquarius moon. When you ask a question, this parent doesnt just toss back an instant response. I tried to cling to the illusion of a family my whole life and endured a life time of covert abuse. She belittled me. It's your need for her emotional attention that makes you focus on her and gives you insight into her emotional ups and downs. Her own birth chart seems all centerd on being a malignant narcissist, it's unbelievable. I try to be a good mother to my son who has a Pisces Moon. A way would be found, or a bargain located. Leader or drill sergeant? She might have been dominant, short-tempered, and impulsive. Court battles were another one of her power games she enjoyed. The pain of her rejection, which may only be temporary, beyond her control or for your own good, will make you reflect your bad feelings back onto her because they are too painful to claim as your own. My mother rejected me In 1900 divorce was extremely rare. And for the people commenting as well. My mother was violently abusive towards me. Or in many cases, she just seems to have a very difficult life, and your joys are dimmed in comparison to her hardships. Unless they have a lot of water signs in their chart, Aquarius moon is not someone who is into big emotional declarations of love. We live together and I was with my mom until she died. Eventbrite - Finding Your Voice Wellness & Retreats presents Your Moon Sign & Mother-Daughter Relationships - Sunday, May 7, 2023 - Find event and ticket information. Astrologers still look at the Moon to determine your potential relationships with your nurturing parent (s), and they look to Saturn to identify the disciplinarian. One of my biggest issues with my mother in my childhood is that she always wanted to control everything I said/did to play out to her advantage so she could have a better relationship with my stepdad. She tried her best for me and ultimately it has done more good than harm, truly. Because your moon represents your security needs, which are quite powerful especially in the formative childhood years, your moon colors your attitude toward your primary and immediate security provider, usually your mother. It's so incredibly hurtful, but it is not truthful. Her actions are not because of you, you did nothing to deserve them. She abused us physically, emotionally, mentally, verbally all our lives. I guess its difficult to generalize a moon placement when there are so many other details that tie into how its experienced but my mother simply did not let me be myself. He or she understands individuality and is able to furnish your room or buy clothes that suit you well. Your Taurus Moon parent appreciates value. Seldom the first person to jump into a conversation or argument, this parent often is the one who comes up with the ultimate solution to a problem. Book an Appointment Now. Your mother sparks more emotion in you than she realizes. But when its my birthday , not even a card or a happy birthday . The Aquarius Moon parent is a good observer of the human condition. Sincerely, a Pisces rising, Sag sun, Virgo moon. Provide information that you think is necessary to making good decisions, and relieve this parent of duties little by little as aging demands. Yet at times, you can't help but feel like you would like to be more of a helpless child. Can I ask how you feel about this now that your daughter is a lot older? The person's mother generally showed love through praise, so the Leo moon sign now believes that they are only acceptable as souls when they receive continuous affection and praise. I hope I can be present and involved in my sons life growing up. You may not like it, but its true. Her strength seemed unreal to me and early in my childhood she seemed to sacrifice so much for me and my older brother (Pisces moon). Matt & Nat. It will tell you a great deal about your instinctual nature, but will also give you valuable information about your mother and how you related to her. Instead, you may hear several questions to clarify and explore the situation. Your Moon parent is the one who taught you about consistency, and about the benefits of harmonious relationships. When I got a divorce and there was just my son and me I lived with my mom and we helped each other out. As adults, they have intense and spontaneous emotions. Does anyone else with Virgo moon relate to feeling like their mother was their worst critic? They often clash with her wants and needs because she was so used to controlling me as a child -- I was a very peaceful child and was painfully naive at one time, so I was easy to control. I, Your Moon Sign & Your Relationship With Your Mother. However, it doesn't take very long for her to catch on to your level of maturity and treat you more as equal from a rather young age. I remember times where I was very young, I would be sick, she would try to comfort me, and I would push her away. Leo The whole childhood thing can make you restless because you experience the world through the eyes of one of the older astrological signs. Moon in Aries people tend to be born to empowered, and sometimes dominant, mothers. Your Moon Sign & Your Relationship With Your Mother One hundred years ago, it was pretty much a given that your mother was your nurturing parent, while your father was the breadwinner and the more authoritarian parent. Once my brother and I became older we didn't really have a strong identity formed and we both suffered paralyzing anxiety/depression. Was she good at creating a supportive environment, or (for her own reasons) unable to express love and nurture? Very shallow and strained connection :/, The Moon represents the chart holder's mother Or the truth might come out in the most awkward moments. I'm generally very, very close to my mother, always have been and always will be. Masculine & Feminine Signs: Are you More Masculine or Feminine? This Mars-ruled Moon sign needs a lot of action, excitement, and a physical outlet for their emotions. So, if your mother allows you space, you see it as a bit flighty or disconnected at times. It can seem like a certain need for freedom seems to lead her away from you, and you often feel like you are more of adult than her. Which was basically telling me.. i had to keep her from crying, and not the other way around. When the Leo moon sign feels threatened, they need to hear compliments from an outside source to make it right. The Leo Moon parent desires comfortable, even luxurious surroundings. You learned how to go after what you want, and more importantly, how to decide if something is really worth the effort. To be a better parent for my child. Your Gemini Moon parent shares some of the qualities usually associated with siblings. I noticed every time i wiped her tears away, she would hug me. You sometimes only find out when you have pushed way to far at a time when your parent needs personal space. 12th House So, you aren't one to cry with her, hold her closely and have deep emotional conversations. Your Virgo Moon parent has the capacity to study any subject deeply. Which of your parents had a greater impact on your beliefs about nurturing style and responsibilities? Once you enter adulthood, your parent may become more of a friend or mentor, or even your personal cheerleader. especially moon in pisces comes off very negative, My husband and I both have moon in Cancer (mine is 4 degrees and his is 12 degrees). If your moon is in Pisces, you share an extremely intuitive bond with your mother. The Gemini Moon indicates a rather moody emotional life for your nurturing parent. She is fallible and often immature. I guess its difficult to generalize a moon placement when there are so many other details that tie into how its experienced but my mother simply did not let me be myself. Unconsciously you prefer your relationship to be exactly how it is. Comfort is a foundational principle in this parents approach to life. The parent represented by the Moon in your birth chart has the main responsibility for nurturing other family members. At these times, she seems flighty. And trust.forget about it! I've changed a lot for him and because of him. It is not the stuff of comfortable, stable daily life. Gayle- it sounds like a dreadful short straw you drew. He or she has held back to allow a situation to play out before committing to a specific course of action, not because of hesitation, but because foresight suggests that shifts will occur in the playing field. I hope you one day KNOW that her treatment of you does NOT define you. You get frequent flashes of a younger person living in this parents body. Libra is symbolized by the Balanced Scales befitting its shrewd and impartial nature and can manifest as a strong moral compass or a sense of blind justice. So that although she may believe she is molding your behavior as the mother in the relationship, you are actually molding each other's behavior, thus creating a tangled web. This is the parent to go shopping with. Some way or another, your mother always leaves you feeling vaguely guilty. For this reason, you see your mother as less mature than she should be. But I know that I must create a life around her & not with her So when i saw him argue with my mom, it just looked as if she had too much on her plate. My mother had me 10 months after the death of her first born child. You see your mother as someone who goes through a lot of emotionally exhausting times in her life. But despite everything that has happened and the emotional distance and lack of proper communication between us even under the same roof, I've been struggling to deal with my emotional turmoil of being affected by her versus trying to gain emotional control and independence to not feel guilty towards her for everything that I do which she disapproves of. There was nothing positive about it. Their relationship with their mom may be more marked by emotional . She is security oriented and very aware of the how the worst can always happen. I think they are being ridiculous but each of us had different experiences with her and even though none were horrible we each had a different view of her and handled it in our own ways. The Moon in Aries Person & Their Mother. So, you push her further. You also learn how to make and keep friends. I strive hard to be a better mother but I know I disappoint him mostly. Sudden expression of ideas and feelings convinces you that this parent has deeper, stronger undercurrents of feeling and imagination than you can see on the surface. It played out in both ways for me. Can be very manipulative as well. I didnt want anyone around me when I wasnt feeling well, I would much rather deal with my pain privately. Because of the inconsistent behavior, you may have feared this parents anger that came seemingly out of nowhere. Instead, each area reflects the emotional flow associated with that rooms activities. She recognizes your ability to act maturely and she often relies on you for practical and emotional support. To keep the relationship running smoothly, you must remember that your parent is the general in this army. Im also very independent and Anywho this article really resonated (-: Capricorn Moon in 6th house over here Very strained relationship with mother but unacknowledged because she is narcissistic and when you confront her you are the crazy one so I dont say anything anymore and come up with excuses about work not to have much contact with her. So cool! This can be a source of great irritation, as the information may be essential to family unity and calm. It came down to my survival and my health, and I finally accepted the truth. With regard to Libra Moons, I'd like to point out the "facade" aspect to Libra. You both deserve to enjoy it, not just her. You see this resistance as willful and you believe it is only meant to sabotage your plans because you fail to realize that she only looking out for your safety and well being. She didn't know what respecting someones privacy was furthermore the lying kinda closed the deal on that for me. My Pluto is in my 12th conjunct Asc., Moon is the 1st, so 1st house ruler is in the 12th. In fact I moved to another country to be away from this sick setup you call family. She reacted to my roller-coaster emotions. Aquarius moon relationships often start off as friendships before turning into romance. but when i hit rock bottom, it was my mom who saved me from downfall. I was reading an article about your moon sign reflects your relationship with your mother and I find this so interesting. 8th House But not really. Even your feeling life is open to criticism. I'm so sorry. It took me all my life to fully understand her and the extent of her cruelty toward me. My Pluto is in my 12th conjunct Asc., Moon is the 1st, so 1st house ruler is in the 12th. You sometimes find yourself cast in the role of fulfilling your parents dreams-dreams that you do not share. I think they were going over a book by Jeff Green if I remember correctly. It's opposite my Saturn and sextile my pluto. Haha. They are never boring, but the intensity isn't for the fainthearted! Consistency could be your Moon in Taurus parents middle name. You find comfort in communicating and doing something new about your ideas -amongst many other things. La luna paints a picture of our emotional expression. Then suddenly she becomes the mean person who is purposely hurting you, when you are likely just blinded by your own pain. Follow orders. From this person you learn how to get a broad overview and then gather data to flesh out every area of the subject. From this parent you learn the value of reserving information that does not show you in your best light or suit the immediate situation. Idk if it helps but my mom is a Virgo moon. Clothing and decorating trends, dance fads, the condition of the stock market or the weather-anything that has a rhythmic pattern of behavior fits within this parents perspective. We are no contact since then. Libra Moon You see your mom as someone who was very popularity oriented. It colors all the subconscious stuff going on below the surfaceyour deepest needs, and what helps you feel emotionally secure. People with the Moon in Sagittarius are parents who don't take themselves too seriously. She manipulated not just me, but others around her. For example, all those secrets add up to a way of withholding useful, even vital information. Moon in Cancer suggests a mother or maternal figure that experienced extreme and ever-changing emotions. But it also made me realize where I truly do lack an emotional attachment to many things in life, which comes as a positive for me. Here's how the Scorpio Full Moon May 2023 will affect you depending on your star sign. I'm still mostly in a good bond with my mom, but I wonder if it'll always be that way with each year that passes. My mom was a wonderful role model to me. I have Pluto in the 10th and although it is often difficult to be a woman In such a patriarchal society I prize my femininity. Well, one was more than the other. Significant amounts of money are spent on furnishings and other possessions. )was younger I was not as available to him as he would have wanted. Their sense of security comes from having . Your moon parent has a whole life that goes on inside the mind. In the film, family man Dan Gallagher has a whirlwind affair with Alex which takes a terrifying turn when she begins to stalk Dan and his family. The Moon in your chart shows how your mother nurtured you, what is needed to feel emotionally satisfied, and how you go about fulfilling those needs.
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moon sign mother relationship 2023