7, no. One of these UPI-students, Yuri Koptelov, reported footprints as if people were positioned shoulder to shoulder. 2) The place of an ex-labour camp 2nd Northern, during the Dyatlov tour, compared to a photo from today. It would take another two months before the final four bodies were found 75 meters into the woods and buried under four meters of snow in a ravine. *closed captioning available*Like this video? This is furthermore not the kind of respect the Dyatlov group deserves - or their surviving relatives for that matter. .main-custom-header {position:relative;} Photos: Dyatlov Foundation / Richard Holmgren. 11) One of the last photos taken by the Dyatlov group - approaching their final campsite on Kholat Syakhl. Considering that this was the Dyatlov group's first larger uphill challenge during their tour, carrying heavy backpacks alongside a possible time pressure to reach beyond the pass, the question might be pertinent - considering details such as their light dressing in the tent during the last evening. In this instance it might explain peculiarities in decisions and behaviour. Think again if an extraterrestrial civilization appeared in the pass or if a surviving ape from the past is roaming the taiga, then the mystery of the Dyatlov accident fades in comparison. Their shoes were nicely stacked against one side of the tent and their sleeping bags placed in a row - close to each other to keep warm. The original group was made up of ten Grade 2 hikers seeking Grade 3 certification which was the highest available in the Soviet Union. The group hastily tried to seek protection which they did in an immediate dug out ditch along the trail. Nr vdret frsmrats och man beslt att ska skydd utan att f klart fr sig vilka frutsttningar som fanns i nrheten grvde man en frdjupning, dike, som p grund av den ringa snmngden endast var cirka tta decimeter djupt och dr taket hela tiden hll p att blsa av, medan det bara 15-20 m t ena hllet fanns 5-6 m djup sn. Only one of them survived since he was in constant movement and was fortunate to be saved by two people later on - although losing all his extremities. Even if the pathologist in the Dyatlov case only mentioned a red substance, we can presume that it in fact was blood as a result of hypothermia. Instead, he explains it as Soft tissue injuries of the head [] are postmortem changes (putrefaction and decomposition) of Dubininas corpse, who was recently in the water before being found. This could be anything from her last meal to any other substance finding its way down her throat whilst she was positioned with her face against running water for many days. Hibinaud is an archive of all of the original Soviet reports on the incident. Extremely high winds would furthermore make it hard to stand upright. Event 8- The two men working on the fire struggle to get it started due to the intense wind, and in a final bid to warm themselves they place their hands into what little fire they had. It is based on a similar accident in the Swedish Anaris mountains in 1978. Careful analysis of all available evidence supports the hypothesis that the group was in fact driven from their tents by a unique type of high wind experienced on mountains, called katabatic winds. This is not a wise choice for creating a suitable sleeping surface, but vital to succumb impending winds from above. A storm would give you time to dress and secure or dismantle a tent properly. Regeringen tillsatte en utredning vars frslag var att staten skulle ha det vergripande ansvaret fr fjllskerheten, och redan 1979 bildades Fjllskerhetsrdet med samordningsansvar. They would learn upon their return that the temperature the night after they had camped on Kholat Syakhl had dipped below -52 degrees Fahrenheit due to another bout of strong winds on the slope. It had been cut from the inside and a flashlight was sitting on top of the collapsed shelter. Photo: Richard Holmgren. In fact - it was exactly this that killed the Anaris group, where the only survivor escaping the shelter, was the only survivor. Four people died after two cars were 'swallowed' by an open crater on an avenue in the city of Araraquara, So Paulo. Probably and as their footsteps vaguely demonstrate, they went as tight as possible in order to keep together sometimes venturing apart, likely due to extremely strong winds battering their shoulders. This specific wind is also known as a fall wind, a downslope wind or a gravity wind. This is a forum site run by Theodora Hadjiyska, one of the worlds leading experts on this case. The trail towards Vallbo goes over a high mountain pass with a nice view over the Vattensj lakes and the Ott mountains. Our approach to the Northern Ural and the Dyatlov pass had two main purposes. Dyatlov Pass Incident Photo Investigation 4 Oct. 2020, https://imgur.com/gallery/EQN3nVk. Strong wind is already present. In the far right, a hand colored print of the local Mansi people of the region. in an area of 1,004 km 2 (388 sq mi). The exertion from digging these shelters likely helped these seven keep their body temperature up, allowing them to survive for a little while longer. Biting her numb knuckles, Kolmogorova along with her two friends, finally fell asleep from one of natures many sinister occurrences - a somewhat rare but otherwise well documented, katabatic wind. 180 people lost their lives, 47 of them due to illness and mostly due to a cardiovascular problem. }. This low temperature was furthermore complemented by an immense storm - although not being a katabatic wind, it still would have had a force enough to put us in an extremely hazardous situation. RT @gchahal: JUST IN: #BNNBrazil Reports. This is not forwarded as any criticism to the professional hikers, but something that might have helped them temporarily under any possible turbulent event involving strong winds. While this seems strange at first, its important to note that both Kolevatov and Krivonischenko had at some point worked at a plutonium production facility. Brignolles had been killed by major skull damage, while Dubinina and Zolotaryov had major chest fractures. In their recent episode Return to Dead Mountain (The Dyatlov Pass Incident - Part 3), their video and Podcast depicts our expedition and new theory of 2019. Utflyktens frsta dag, 22 februari 1978, skidade sllskapet frn Vldalen till Lunndrrsstugan. It very much resembled the Dyatlov-groups approach from the Auspiya valley and up to the ridge next west of the now named Dyatlov pass. I nrheten fanns sndrivor med ett sndjup p fyra meter, vilka hade kunnat fungerat bttre som grvplats.[1]. In the event of a katabatic wind, the Dyatlov team acted skillfully by shadowing the steps above. Araraquara ( Portuguese pronunciation: [akwa] or [aakwa]) is a city in the state of So Paulo in Brazil. One Italian police officer was wounded in the encounter, although his . Photo: Dyatlov Foundation. The inquest showed the nature of all the deaths were not what would have been expected. It also offers - along with the Anaris's remarkably low weight - voluminous luxury for the solo traveler. Although not as a result of Lyudmilas tongue being detached while still being alive. He walked to a bus stop nearby, and took a shuttle bus to Sesto San Giovanni . If not - an excellent source of information is the comprehensive website containing almost everything surrounding the Dyatlov pass, found at Dyatlovpass.com. Event 7- The party splits up into two groups, Krivonischenko and Doroshenko staying behind at the tree line to attempt to build a fire, as the other seven move slightly further into the woods to build two impromptu shelters, called snow caves or bivouacs. These small changes in air pressure are barely noticeable on the meteorologists' weather maps and could still easily lead to the devastating effects that we have seen in the Anaris accident - for that matter, even during our own night on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl. 9) Andreas Liljegren taking a well deserved break from tough skiing through the woods. Unable to fit inside the crowded and by snow blocked entrance, they eventually wandered out apathetic in the storm. And - a sincere apology to all offended yetis lurking around in the forests of Ural. These are comparable to so called zastrugi or in Russian, . In 2020, a total of 3471 mountaineers found themselves in an emergency or had an accident, more than in any previous year. It was there that the Dyatlov group started to experience a steady airstream - compared to a jet engine. Available Options. But in reality, the Anaris follows a direct genetic line from our . Slope of Kholat Syakhl. Nr vinden bedarrat den 25 februari 1978 frskte han med bara hnder grva fram och vcka de andra, men gav till slut upp. Anarisolyckan var en fjllolycka som intrffade 23 februari25 februari 1978 i Anarisfjllen, cirka 100 kilometer vster om stersund, dr tta personer frs ihjl och en verlevde. There are several cases where changes in gastric mucosa have been seen in hypothermia-related deaths. Saying this, I must add that I never understood TV documentaries, podcasts and other articles putting emphasize in cryptozoology and flying saucers as alternative explanations to the group's death. ), rather than being anchored into the ground or attached to heavy stones on the slope, we can assume that the wind at the time of pitching wasnt too strong. We attempted this and didn't get very far before we realized that it was not a current route. Ulcers and multiple bleedings in the stomach as a result of severe hypothermia are quite normal. The incident occurred in 1959 on a mountain named Kholat Syakhl--a Mansi name meaning Dead Mountain. It was Friday, October 13, 1972, and the Uruguayan Air Force Fairchild F-227 had crashed into a glacial valley high in the Andes. Cat. 10) The chilling temperatures on the 1st of February 2019, between the Dyatlov pass and Kholat Syakhl. This page presents this information in a format that is easy to read and understand. The young men at the fire must have struggled hard to get a fire going, which was also evident from their unsuccessful attempts. The people wearing valenki (felt boots), like the ones found on Zolotaryov, would have last much longer. Dyatlov Pass Answers. Aquiziam, www.aquiziam.com/dyatlov-pass-answers/. https://www.arcdoc.se/se/blogg/dyatlov-expedition-new-theory-41712449. .main-custom-header .new-book {position:absolute; top:50%; right:9%; display:block; font-size:16px;} The canvas of my anorak almost teared apart because of the ripping effect caused by the wind. My outline to the theory of the Dyatlov pass incident is rather pragmatic and will probably disappoint those seeking a cryptic mystery. With temperatures below 50 degrees Celsius at the day of arrival to Vizhay and additionally on the day after having left the area, we were fortunate. "Anaris" is a mountain area in Jmtland, in northern Sweden. 30 Dec 2022 00:24:50 } To the right Andreas Liljegren is seen standing outside our tent, near the position of the 1959 campsite. I performed my own investigation into these photos and have linked it in the references of this essay. The weather then unexpectedly changed to the worse and an enjoyable skiing tour rapidly turned into an tormented state of survival. The second heaviest task regarded the low temperatures in general. As Andreas and I are heavy drinkers (water), it was hard to get sufficient with liquid. Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/globalassets/sharepoint-dokument/artikelkatalog/ovrigt/2002-110-14.pdf. However, difficult skiing through the day, pitching of the tent, cooking, sawing and chopping wood, made each evening into a sleeping pill itself. They never succeeded, but knew exactly the direction to the tent. The shelter that was only 0,8 meters in depth (c. 2.5 feet), had its top cover repeatedly blown off. The files include first-hand testimonies, autopsy reports, and the documents relating to the official investigation. The latter place is the name of a rolling terrain that bear much resemblance to the passes south of Otorten in the Urals. This case was the perfect ground for conspiracy theories and speculation given the strange events, unexplained injuries, alleged government coverup, and an unsatisfying conclusion. Why Katabatic Winds are the Most Likely Cause of the Dyatlov Pass Incident, Scan this QR code to download the app now, www.arcdoc.se/se/blogg/dyatlov-13-steps-44590868. This site also contains a forum where people like Holmgren and Hadjiyska share their thoughts about the case, and interact with those who are less involved, but still interested in the details, theories, and reports surrounding the incident. The Scandes is a beautiful mountain chain. The blood in her stomach can also be explained away as normal, given that her cause of death was internal hemorrhage from a crushed chest. The story of the Anaris Close. From their group diary we know that around noon, on the day before their last campsite on the slopes of Kholat Syakhl, the wind escalated. Schrock, Carson. These last four were Dubinina, Kolevatov, Brignolles, and Zolotaryov. 1172 people were rescued in good health or only with minor injuries. The unexplained deaths of nine hikers involved in the Dyatlov Pass Incident is the subject of a number of overly complex and fantastic theories, but it can be better explained by a much more mundane hypothesis built around an extreme weather phenomenon. Sidan redigerades senast den 11 april 2023 kl. While some parts of this website are not entirely reliable, all the information on this page is corroborated by other official and reputable sources.