One might experience or suddenly shift to periods where they experience no dream recall at all; Periods of extreme fatigue for no apparent reason that happens out of the blue, or upon awakening although being fully rested; needing to take naps more frequently or just close your eyes for a few moments and the fatigue suddenly passes; times where the opposite occurs, and you feel wide awake and energized despite lack of sleep, or being hyper-focused despite fatigue; periods of laziness or lack of motivation. There is more to reality than meets the eye. There may be pain, pressure or soreness in the body; physical tension or stiffness throughout the body or in certain areas that are not due to physical injury, strain or exercise. These techniques are helpful for Chronic Pain such as headaches, Aura: Not everyone will experience the aural stage, but if they do, sensory changes occur, as does sensitivity to sound and light. These weight fluctuations may occur despite attempts to lose weight in this area, and even if there are no changes in your diet and eating habits, or physical fitness and activity level. These mysterious black blobs magically appeared overnight and then swam up and down my field of vision like black spiders dancing on a web. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; You must have a clear idea about where these are ascension symptoms or not. Nature begins to energize you and bring you peace of mind and expand your heart. This type of expanded, universal love is created and energetically instilled in. Click the link below to read more about this offering: Thank you! You are as solid as a rock, and as strong as the Universe, and we think you will all find a way to re-discover that for yourself " It has to clear physically and emotionally. Forgetting the names for common objects at times; forgetting simple words during conversations or forgetting what you are about to say or do moments after thinking it; forgetting why you've walked into a room; experiencing periods of brain fog or brain freezes, being tongue-tied often; jumbled or scattered thinking. Remember you can use any of the library's recordings alone, you don't have to work with an entire program all the time. Just like markings on a map, the iris can reveal one's current health state along with strengths and potential challenges of certain organ systems, and even personality traits. Your anxiety will rise, and you will feel like you are powerless and loveless. Im still looking for a centre stone to place in my Tibetan Quartz crystal grid. The amount of information coming towards me since the end of last year and up until now has been very fast. The uncomfortable feelings or sensations may be localized to one side only, or might shift from one side to another, from time to time. But they are the symptoms of your spiritual enlightenment. As an energy healing practitioner, I did a session with a woman, who had suddenly developed severe eye issues along with the surfacing of emotions of fear. These energy waves or shifts can appear and are experienced in a variety of ways. We call it spiritual ascension. Otherwise, we call it spiritual enlightenment. Having strange or unusual dreams or dream-like visions during naps; increased astral projection or lucid dreaming experiences. The pain is also felt in the face area along with the head. It all depends on the accompanying sensation or feeling you get at the time. Awakening of the Third Eye (inner vision) may occur as you advance in the ascension process and attempt to bring higher realities/dimension (new ways of perceiving physical reality) into clearer focus. Here's a list of symptoms and what they could mean: Additional Supportive recordings in the library: All the Darkness we CANNOT see (True Colours- Part 1), Tuning the third-eye Chakra (Be All You Can Be and More- Track 1). You begin to develop multi-dimensional vision! All blog comments are checked prior to publishing. Insideyou will discover hundreds of audio-based meditations, energy transmissions, live video event recordings, short courses, e-books, music, and masterclasses. The body has an electromagnetic field around it, and we have an aura of energy that is our blueprint and can vary according to the state of mind of the individual, their level of vibration, and even health problems can be visible in the human energy fields of the body. 00:55. two people with the same name duality everywhere I turn!). Here many people get able to see and feel changes in their minds, body, and feelings. I felt that the latter was happening to me and also to the people writing to me. Thank you for sharing this! The energy vibration between people in higher dimensions is totally different. Its a total transformation of spiritual, psychical, and mental. Only one eye was affected. Feeling of intense or uncomfortable head pressure, head stuffiness or pulsating heat, often at the skull/crown area as if your head is being squeezed; feeling jolts of energy, static electricity, pinpricks, pins and needles, tingles along the top of the head. Noticing shimmers or sparkles of light within the environment, especially in nature, a strange haze, glowing halos or auras around trees and plants, animals and other people. 5. I have been feeling these symptoms off and in since then. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed. This happens because negativity and your old energy limits are trying to escape from the body. 2011-2019 The eye is a sacred, ancient symbol used for thousands of years in several of the worlds religions. My eye health was otherwise fine. As one experiences a Kundalini rising of energy from the lower Chakras being cleared, all of ones senses are heightened and enhanced, including extra-sensory perception, Smell can be particularly heightened, and phantom smells that seem to come out of nowhere occur, Can be different for everyone so pay close attention to information you are receiving through your senses and which of your senses are most dominant, Development of extra-sensory perception is highly accessible at this stage, as ones intuition is intensified, Extra-sensory perception includes: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clalirsentience, Claircognizance, Clairalience, Clairgustance, You will notice an increase in synchronicity and number sequences, take note as these are important messages for you on your ascension journey, There is potential to experience some physical ascension symptoms still at this level, headaches and muffled hearing/ringing in the ears as well as eye and face twitching have been reported, An increase in Lucid dreams and vivid dreams, Experiencing a random knowing, an unconscious download of new information you were not aware of prior to going to sleep (can happen while awake as well), Flashes of vision - flashes of bright lights, Picking up on messages from source - awareness of your purpose and mission, Increase in synchronicity, number sequences and coded messages, People you are meant to connect with will contact you, You begin making big changes in your life in order to align with the new energies coming in, Start to cut out lower vibrational people and habits from your life, May experience missing or lost time as your body adjusts to the new energetic frequencies as your light body becomes activated, May experience pressure in eyebrows and subtle headache in frontal lobe, You may see different coloured lights and mists when you close your eyes or unfocus your gaze, You begin to be guided by your higher self in all decisions and reactions throughout your day to day tasks and interactions, Your day flows and everything feels like it is happening in divine order, situations work out in your favour and timing is all in alignment, life flows with ease, At this level you start experiencing different tones/harmonics/frequencies of light and sound, You have an inner knowing, strong sense of understanding of the energies coming in, You are able to interpret and feel the desire to share this information with others, You maintain a high vibrations while helping to raise the vibrational frequency of others, There is a sense of time in suspension, an awareness of no time, the present is now, and you are able to experience awareness of the present moment in 3d space/time while simultaneously be present in all moments of all time in connection with all energetic beings as light energy, Physical changes within the body are common during this level, including fluctuation in weight as the physical body energy integrates with 5th density, By the eighth level one has fully released addictions, negative belief and thought patterns presenting resistance to ascension, One is fully aware of no separation and has released all attachments, Other physical changes can occur, such as changes in hair and eye colour, shimmery hair and skin - this is the integration of the crystalline light body, RECORD KEEPER / TRIGONIC RECORD KEEPER CRYSTAL, You begin to be aware that you are controlling your physical body (your Avatar) from a higher place, higher density dimensional realm, You are aware that your body is a vessel, a vessel for light energy, Your light body crystal is really starting to harmonize with your physical body, allowing you to move through different dimensions and timelines as a multi-dimensional being with multi-dimensional awareness and pure crystalline light connection to source and all that is, You begin to fully manifest new abilities to employ in your 3d physical body, in order to assist in raising the collective consciousness and energetic frequency of the earth, this is your mission as a light worker, Abilities such as telepathic communication, psychic vision, energy healing, distance healing come naturally to you or begin to open up for you to employ, You have accepted that youve descended here to 3d at this time because you are here to assist in the transition from 3d - 5d = ascension, Embodying your highest self in physical form, Life starts changing in big and unexpected ways, Your paradigm has shifted and you are connected with highest self, In this state manifestations happen rapidly, You are powerfully attracting all of your greatest desires as well as your ability to help others, CHANNELLER/TRANSMITTER/TRANS-CHANNELLER QUARTZ, This level is that of maintaining the light body in full crystalline integration, Your life is guided by your intuition and you are without fear or doubt, as you trust your intuition and connection to the multiverse, The low vibrations and negativity of others does not affect you or diminish your energy in any way, you are impenetrable, You continue sharing your knowledge, spreading light and uplifting others. When you close your eyes, you may experience more intense colors and shapes than normal; your ability to have clear vision (clairvoyancy) and other dream like visions may occur frequently. Fluctuation between levels commonly occurs. Remember that not all of these symptoms may be due to the ascension process. As you ascend, and as you raise your vibration and expand your mind to perceive a higher reality, you will naturally begin to perceive things you did not perceive before. What's more, is that I am finally remembering! You might feel out of body feeling. You may experience unusual or unexpected pressure and pain in or around the head and face area, including skull, eyes, ears, sinuses, teeth and gums, often times shifting from one side to another. Please follow your own inner guidance and consult a health care professional as needed. * Ascension to Higher Density and Integrating The Light Body Requires: * Releasing attachment to physical 3D body. This is the physical and spiritual point of psychic awareness and intuition. I finally get it. These changes will occur even after any other medical eye issues have been ruled out and despite corrected vision. Yourretinasends this information to your brain through the optic nerve, enabling you to see. Here are some signs that you're going through a spiritual awakening or are about to embark on one: Advertisement 1. Likewise, the list goes on. Sudden or extreme changes in body temperature; sudden increased sensitivity or intolerance to either heat or cold; circulation issues; having chills or feelings of being cold all the time without reason, or periods of feeling extremely warm, hot flashes, night sweats and waves of heat throughout the body or in certain areas; Increased psychic awareness and sensitivity; an increase in clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and other extra-sensory abilities; heightened intuition and the awakening of the Brow/Third-eye Chakra or 'inner vision'; prophetic or precognitive dreams or visions occurring more often; flashes of insight and inspiration; more intense or vivid dreams, unusual daydreams, visualizing or fantasizing more often. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; A Sign from Spirit Guides/ Angels They will guide you to ease your ascensions symptoms. The energy drain is another symptom. For that, you should consult a healthcare professional and check your psychical and mental status. So, as one of the first Starseed symptoms, you will feel a gnawing feeling of discomfort on a regular basis. It is time to start opening our eyes and realize--real eyes. Your sensitiveness and how you have connected decide how you experience the transition of dimensions. Blurred vision when reading or looking at long distances. At first, the spiritual awakening process can feel overwhelming and confusing. You get a headache, a stomachache, joint pain, dizziness, or any of the other common ascension symptoms (including but not limited to): pain behind the eyes loss of appetite rashes/hives nausea stomach issues neck pain shoulder pain overwhelming emotion crying for "no reason" confusion chills/excess sweating fever Your old memories will fade away, or they become unclear when moving into a higher dimension. Copyright 2023 Sacred Gemstone. Often, it's described as a 'crushing' feeling inside the head/skull -- as if one's head is going to 'explode', making one want to literally 'bang their head against the wall'. Sore neck (in the C2-C3 area) 8. Lights may begin to seem brighter than normal or have unusual halos of colored lights around them. Are you experiencing Ascension eye issues? Judy transmits energy words of New Creation from Source. Changes in sleep patterns or erratic sleep schedules; sleeping in short bursts on and off or disrupted sleep. I was meant to experience this! Most of you will know that we have another eye, a whirling vortices of energy called the third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, between our two physical eyes, and that this third eye chakra is related to our ability to create and manifest. These symptoms will occur even when there is no medical or physical condition present, and will not necessarily be caused by any physical substance that might alter one's balance or perception. Experiencing pulsating energy, pressure or other strange or unusual sensations in and around the heart and chest area. During the awakening process you begin to see the number patterns. Also, bloating or feelings of 'heaviness' in the stomach region, swelling in lower abdomen, or pain/pressure in the lower back. This is what our soul wants us to achieve and create through our physical existence. Ascension headaches are not normal headaches and feel quite strange. The physical vision changes are coincide with changes to inner vision and psychic abilities become more accessible. Abrupt Life Changes in job, friends, hobbies, interests, or living environments, or a sudden feeling of wanting to relocate or being drawn to a particular area. There may be other uncomfortable or painful physical symptoms in certain areas that come and go suddenly, such as muscle spasms, 'pinprick' or burning sensations. Ascension is very similar to the Eastern concept of Enlightenment found in Buddhism Receive a curated selection of Articles and Recordingsright to your inbox. You may begin to resonate with certain geographical locations or a desire to travel in general; a desire for profound change or deeper meaning in your life; chance encounters with unusual people or meaningful people entering your life in synchronistic ways whom may chance your life in meaningful ways. Experiencing more clumsiness, or bumping into walls or objects more often; lack of coordination control at times; dropping things more often; Feeling lightheaded or dizzy especially when sitting or standing up suddenly. Let the changes happen freely. 4D and 5D codes of information are contained within the vibrational frequency of the number pattern or sequence. Cravings for particular foods you may not have liked before, especially healthier, and more natural foods; sudden dislike of particular foods you might have enjoyed in the past, especially aversions to unhealthy foods, and those processed with chemicals and preservatives. Stomach ailments or changes in digestion that may or may not be due to changes in diet. 4. You feel disconnected or detached. Experiencing moments of 'audio dyslexia' where someone is speaking but it is as if you can't process the information or understand what they are saying; periods where words seem to lose their meaning or don't make sense in the same way they used to; One might also experience jumbled thoughts or trouble comprehending things; being easily distracted when listening to audio speech, or when someone is talking, often because your mind is racing with other associated thoughts or visuals. Buddha eyesare representative of Buddhas ultimate knowledge and power. Lots of love, Alicia, Cannot believe that Im reading this, thank you so much Kelly. Ive also become drawn to Smoky Quartz which incidentally you had listed along with the Tibetan Quartz. One experiences Feeling drained of energy, often around particular people or in certain places; unexplainable worry, feeling overwhelmed; a feeling that you are going crazy or losing your mind; nervous breakdowns; experiencing a 'dark night of the soul'; soul transformations or transforming events occurring all at once; sudden and unexpected changes and feeling that you are spiraling out of control. They might not even be able to focus so that you read. As more people experience their awakening and become aware of their mission on Earth to assist in the ascension process from 3D through 4D to 5D, many begin to notice more and more synchronicity. A few Twin Flame Ascension physical symptoms include nausea, flu, headaches, muscular pain and tension, and so on. It has to clear physically and emotionally. The self/soul-imposed restrictions to what was possible for me in life were being energetically removed, as per my souls driving design for this current incarnation. Ascension symptoms. Lack of sleepiness is another symptom. Changes in appetite; fluctuating between feeling hungry all the time to complete lack of appetite. For more details, you can visit ask angles. As I moved through the months of physical and consciousness change, I realized that what was happening to me was that my eyes, the windows to my soul, were casting off the shackles of past life limitation and the faulty past life programming of what I had previously deemed possible for myself. WE ALL EXPERIENCE AND HOLD ON TO TRAUMA WITHIN OUR CELLS. I also offer custom crystal grids, intuitively selected crystals for your ascension & spiritual journey. Headache in band around head 2. This only lasts for a shorter period. Headaches and sudden shooting pains in the head or eyes may occur and these may be signs that adjustments are being made in your energies. The pyramidal figure has always been a metaphysical symbol of transformation. Its all about ascension adjusting to a new higher vibration. Physical symptoms in the Heart or chest area; related changes in the respiratory or circulatory systems of the body. Ascension in a religious context is the concept of entering heaven aliveThe kindgdom of heaven is within you.. Periods of sudden nervousness or anxiety that comes and goes spontaneously 'out of the blue'; experiencing the 'jitters', sudden 'chills' or tingles along your spine or at the top of your head. You may begin to see auras around people, animals, plants and objects. But other times, when we perceive strange things, shadows, mists, lights, patterns of energy and other unusual phenomenon, then it is possible that we are seeing something that actually exists, but may be beyond our comprehension from this physical third dimensional perspective. So the back of the eye I deduced is. Moments in conversation where you feel energized with extremely clear and profound speaking and then not being able to recall or repeat it the same way or with the same clarity, as if it were profound wisdom coming from your higher self or Spirit. One might experience a pressure in the lower stomach area, or a feeling of being 'full' even if they haven't eaten. These heart symptoms may occur even when medical issues or conditions have been ruled out, and are usually not related to physical exercise or exertion.