They get jealous easily and have a tendency to be possessive. On the one hand we have people who identify as asexual, with no interest in sex whatsoever, while at the other hand are those whose sexuality is considered socially unacceptable or kinky. Fashion style - comfortable but stylish, earthy tones suit him the most. There's something about them that makes you feel comfortable. Libra: I liked him right away but not as much to make a move you know. the colors of scarlet red encase you with boundless ways of aggressive love. Cancer mars are very clingy in the streets and very passionate lovers in the sheets. Yea, he looked at me like that so idk. Very superficial. Usually the mars person takes the lead on this one and wants to try out anything with the house person, bc the house person gives off that kind of vibe. what are your thoughts on it?? you cant listen to others, unless topics range from food, drinks, herbs, medicine, and psychedelics. These are the directions to not only knowing how to calculate your birth chart, but to also find your asteroid lust in your birth chart. Aries moon have to be constantly doing something or else they feel like they're wasting time and energy that's why a lot of people find it hard to keep up with them, they really need to learn to just relax for a second. mars in the 11th house overlay - will try out any s3x position. there is also more focus on detoxing and wanting a better system of health. Mars in virgo loves to be right and usually is. gemini - upgrading to new technology or wanting to showcase even more detail to your job or projects. People say they want esoteric subjects like chart rulers but really want tickly, wickly subjects like sex appeal. your stomach is prominent and you may be susceptible to stomach aches depending on your mood. Scorpio Mars: surprisingly scorpio mars are very chill, and he lives up to that. Could literally outsmart anyone, that's attractive. *Pretty much all of them are born on a day where the moon sign changes, so there's always a possibility that it's different. That understands his passion and is supportive. it embodies everything, uranian individuals value the new. Very picky. Has . Cancer : I had a crush on him for like 3 years straight and he never knew bc I'm very lowkey but also because we were best friends and he had a gf so I wasn't going to make any mistakes. The astrology of sexuality: kinks, taboo and morality Our unique approach to sex is a complex combination of many astrological elements. Tend to talk a lot more when nervous. you desire communication that is honest, genuine, and straightforward. Our attitudes to sex can be very open-minded or exceedingly prudish and this too is often clearly written in our natal charts. Pisces moons are so adaptable that they can come across as fake at times. But their true self always shows when they're all alone. Everyone has fallen or will fall for this placement at least once in their life, be cautious. Pisces Moon: sweet. Are constantly debating whether or not their worth it, extremely critical to themselves. lots of disagreements and changes in the way you express yourself in groups and online medias. In relationships, oh boy,,, they usually feel like having new experiences is most important. natal Aquarius moons with Cancer moon in their moon pc may act very sweet & thoughtful around those closest to them. We were never really close friends, we had mutual friends so we would see each other every once in a while. But also can hide it pretty well so it just depends. venus in pisces males are into 'girly girls' or just that type of "feminine" energy while Mars in pisces males prefer someone with much more energy that leads them without hesitation. Fashion style - something that fits nicely to his body. Gestures, sounds, smells. Even though they are very patient and nice and will never try to hurt anyone intentionally, there's always something they have to say but rather stay quiet unless they have had enough lol. So sleeping could be one of their favorite things in the world. optimism and hand holding is a must. Someone that won't ever judge him and encourages him to be himself instead. in libra: love is a scenery full of loops and replays. risking yourself to be caught or to observe the mind of another is a turn on. your partner will shower you in gifts and many investments that will want you to stay with them, but also to crave the almost toxic connection you both could have. Very energetic, very easy to talk to and funny. Libra moons observe their surroundings to adapt which makes them great at getting what they want and desire. in libra : peace is better than pride. youre not someone to sit still or take the time to take things slow. Mars in cancer can be really rough at sex so some people would consider them 'bad' at it bc of this, but it's just about preferences. Taurus love the idea of 'closure'. They usually fantasice about each other when doing the most ordinary non sexual activities. im just reading the stars and sharing my findings. He was very into making things work as well so when times got rough, he was still holding on to us so that kinda helped me believe in relationships and i guess the amount of effort you can put into something you really want. aquarius is even more egocentric and self-centered than leo (as most people consider) but they have their way to people so nobody ever notices. the dark of the bedroom is the humble abode while understanding that its okay to make large changes over time. the head is sensitive, with the need to keep going and moving endlessly. balance will always be an issue, domination is often found in your connections. a lovely garden, a house full of homemade products. secondly, another trigger warning because im going to be talking about a sensitive subject in relation to the boys, and i know how some people in this fandom tend to overreact (which is part of the reason i havent talked about this until now. Recently, Ive been exploring the astrology of love and relationships, in general. scorpios hide their feelings so well, they don't even know them themselves. Give him lots, pls. leos are all very extroverted, if you know an introvert one it's bc they're not comfortable enough to show their true side yet. Someone that gives their all to him. "The dominant planet defines your personality more accurately than your sign and is calculated by taking into account every element of your astrological chart. Pluto tends to be very lowkey about their feelings too so one would rarely notice. asteroid lust in scorpio: the reproductive areas and genitals are highlights. capricorn suns/rising had to grow up too fast, that's why they could be very mature at such a young age. someone with a home and a big bed to roll in may be your cup of tea, but collaborating with someone with a business is better. It's very hard for him to get over old habits and routine. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. they can be very emotional, but rarely would you describe them as deeply feeling. I want to make a list of other astrology blogs here on tumblr, so if you are one, please reblog with your sun sign in the tags! This article was no exception thank you for sharing your illuminating knowledge. cancer risings usually have either big eyes/small nose/small lips, or small eyes/small nose/big lips. moon in virgo : your worries may be at the forefront of every event when it comes to your emotions. the mother is strong but hurt. this transit will keep showing you signs that you have to focus on you and not the long term connections that have shrilled up (and died). virgo - if youre trying to negotiate a deal with someone or with a business, stay a step back and reevaluate what you want from this deal. Specially in love relationship, they will literally cry if you don't touch them. But oh boy, he was very cool, open minded and fun. another venus / mars in sagittarius. Gemini : funny. But venus feels it just as much. this is a time where you will want to care or create new meals or items for your family members. your 7th and 8th houses hold the sign of your best lover or worst enemy. I put the one I believe is the most accurate, I'm going to change them as time goes, if necessary*. People always seem to follow them and trust them very easily! They can raise their voice or be mean but will immediately regret it afterwards. He was very very sweet. He does have a strong drive, a strong aura and great confidence but is not as quick to anger as some would expect. (also, please do not use this post to justify your ships. That's not afraid to change their hair colour/style. You can tell by the way he moves that he enjoys it so much he gets lost in it. youre traveling through life in privacy, never telling anyone your whereabouts or your plans. In relationships, he's very giving. what is there to do with your hands? Mars in the 11th makes great leaders because they care much about people and hate injustice. This could also indicate obsession from the house person (mostly). taurus - you will want to upgrade to brand new ways of budgeting and accounting. the men are self-centered and not very giving; the women aren't very patient or They often have to be stimulated mentally in some sort of capacity. Mars in leo pick a fight just for fun and sometimes they take it too far lol and even tho they are always fooling around, you will know they're annoyed. venus in gemini are not only smooth talkers but they have the ability to adapt to any preference! you take your time in choice making and through any process you place yourself in. asteroid adonis in scorpio - you may crave ideal types that are unavailable, scary, mysterious, secretive, or very experienced in the bedroom. moon in the 2nd house will try to fulfill that emotional side of the relationship by giving material things. pisces - there are ways to save what has been lost. Asteroids are able to point out why even the smallest points of yourself can lead to bigger and more obvious parts of the self; especially with what deeply turns you on in the spaces of sex and reproduction. Aries Moon: playful but not as crazy as some would expect. asteroid lust in sagittarius: the thighs and hips are sensitive, a need for public sex or voyuerism. One day he gave me a flower he made out of a napkin. We simply answer the questions and then pass the tag to "the most [adjective] [astroblog name . overwhelming, its easy to experience release and death throughout life. your 5th house is the you in the beginning of relationships and dating style (first dates, first kisses) while your 8th house shows the you when feeling the real connection, it shows your kinks, what you like sexually and how you like it. When he's mad, it's very obvious lol you can tell by his face, his posture, his vibe, and most of the time he lets people know by just talking sh*t or by raising his voice hahaha but also can act mad and hurt just to entertain others. Idk what it is about him but ;( The thing is I don't really know him, I've never talked to him, so I can only imagine. partners asteroid lust in the 11th: you may develop a very keen and strong sexual connection between you and your partner through a friendship; friends to lovers may be a big deal but also a desire to connect with others openly sexually may be a major influence from the partner. you may feel inadequate if others you feel protective of dont allow you to protect them. Venus in Aquarius: he likes mysteriousness and intelligence. getting into video games, racing, or even research around movement and direction may stimulate your senses. staying open to whats to come is your bestfriend. to read more on this post, please subscribe to my post plus (for $5.99) here. be careful that this type of synastry may indicate many flings and not exactly a concrete connection with this person sexually (but with lots of fun). moon in libra : stability, security, and emotional expression are always involved in group settings as well as with those that are able to influence you to upgrade in your life. He's not afraid to speak his mind, if he wants you, he'll let everyone know. Cancers can befriend anyone and everyone. in scorpio: endlessly claiming, possessing, and consuming. its important to understand the connections of the family structure so you may be involved with community building most of your life. siblings usually have same house overlays (ex. expressing your desires is healing. s3x here is out of this world once both are ready not only physically but mentally and emotionally. He was so funny, attentive and a great listener. It was interesting talking to him. venus&mars opposition: creates a sexual attraction between these two. They actually enjoy being annoying lol. I honestly rather stay away from him now but I used to really like him back in the day, we were really good friends. to be guided, taught, or desires by an older person/wise person is sexually desired. to be able to have a time to themselves for self care. Taurus Mars can't stand disloyalty they're not the type to be chasing someone that's in a relationship already but are able to wait for as long as it takes If really interested. many interruptions with taking charge in life, but self control is infused in time. partners asteroid lust in your 3rd: your thoughts, way of expression behavior wise, and the online world may entice your partner to understand what goes on inside your head. everyone has their own thoughts and emotions on certain events and you cant control them. take care of your health and dont be guilty to want what you want. #astrology on Tumblr rendezvouz-fling Follow Astro Observations #24 The moon in your moon persona chart might also be how you act/are by nature when comfortable with people! He never did any special treatment to me but he told everyone that he liked me so, okay, confusing. I also like to consider the phasal relationship between Mars and Venus for some clues. if youre into music and wanting to release an album, this may be a great time (though is in shadow). needing a person that can take care of you when youre sick, and can stay with you in any healing stage throughout life. This is why jealousy is they're whole theme but don't think they can not be players. since venus in the 1st house kinda gives someone the same traits as a libra rising, ill use this as a time to highlight moments where i think jungkook looks like a, one of the best entities to be influenced by, jupiter is a benevolent planet, it grants good luck and fortune to those under its wing, jupiter symbolizes growth and expansion, these are things jupiterian individuals strive for throughout every aspect of their lives, guiltily pleasures are common. the 2nd house rules the throat & voice: Gemini placements are hella funny and tend to have great sense of humor as well.