The Best Speech-to-Text Solution for Your Business Learn how Rev fits into your businesses workflow. And though that made sense in many ways, generations of older people have found themselves lost in the gap. "The hampers came from the castle, and we all mucked in to put the food and drink out on the table. When I stood on the steps of Downing Street, I promised to fix this crisis. 'Good afternoon, everybody. The indomitable spirit of Emma Raducanu, her grace and her mental resilience when the game was going against her. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. The way you conducted yourself, the language you used and the message that you brought helped to lay to rest many of the ghosts of our shared history that have cast their shadows over relationships on these islands for centuries.". Is that really the view of responsible Conservatives? Whats labors answer, by the way? An official in Johnson's Downing Street office confirmed the prime minister would announce his resignation later. Because of the speed and urgency of what you did, everybody involved in this government, to get this economy moving again from July last year in spite of all the opposition, all the naysayers, we have and will continue to have that economic strength to give people the . We call these Pareto improvements, right? When Thomas Gray stood in that country churchyard in 1750 and wrote his famous elegy as the curfew toll the knell of parting day, he lamented the wasted talents of those buried around him, the flowers born to blush unseen, the mute inglorious Miltons, who never wrote a poem because they never got to read. They do. Boris Johnson: (24:57) We have unemployment 2 million lower than forecast. We will be able to cherish our landscape and our environment in the way we choose. To persevering in the vital task . I remember her innocent joy more than 10 years ago after the opening ceremony of the London Olympics when I told her that a leader of a friendly Middle Eastern country seemed actually to believe that she had jumped out of a helicopter in a pink dress and parachuted into the stadium," he said. And on beating coronavirus and rebuilding our economy. Text size Small Medium Large Line Spacing . The funny thing was that she then paused and looked at me, not sure whether I had actually made a joke. I want you to know how sad I am to be giving up the best job in the world, the British prime minister said in announcing that he was stepping down. We have taken back control of every jot and tittle of our regulation. With the UKs share of fish in our waters rising substantially, from roughly half today to closer to 2/3 in five and a half years time after which there is no theoretical limit beyond those placed by science or conservation on the quantity of our own fish that we can fish in our waters. There is absolutely no reason why the kids of this country should lag behind and why so many should be unable to read or write or do basic mathematics at 11. Correct. Speech-to-Text live streaming for live captions, powered by the worlds leading speech recognition API. Because if I have one insight into human beings, it is that genius and talent and enthusiasm and imagination are evenly distributed throughout the population. And today, we are going to fix this economy and build back better than ever before. Ian Blackford, the Scottish National Party leader in Westminster, said: "She was a monarch who reigned with compassion and integrity and established a deep connection with the public. Not only the achievement of those elite athletes, but a country that is proud to be a trailblazer to judge people, not by where they come from, but by their spirit and by what is inside them. Boris Johnson: (01:50) Its fantastic to see that leveling up. "She was the rock on which modern Britain was built. Here's his statement in full. Add English on-screen subtitles for videos. Boris Johnson: (13:03) They are the means of leveling up. "And the fact that today we can say with such confidence 'God Save the King' is a tribute to him but above all to Elizabeth the Great, who worked so hard for the good of her country not just now - but for generations to come. Provided we understand who they are and what they want to contribute. I want to thank the wonderful staff here at Chequers here at Number 10, and of course at Chequers. Boris Johnson: (35:33) And my friends in politics, no-one is remotely indispensable and our brilliant and Darwinian system will produce another leader, equally committed to taking this country forward through tough times. In his speech to the high-level debate at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson declared that it is time for mankind to grow up and take responsibility for the damage we are inflicting on the planet. Its an incredible thing, incredible thing to come, yet again, in the top four, a formidable effort for a country that has only 0.8% of the worlds population, in spite, Jacob, of all our best efforts, but we of some of us. And I have agreed with the Graham Brady, the chairman . I read a learned article by some lawyer saying we shouldnt bother about pet theft. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Fantastic to see you all here. Thats what we want to do. Boris Johnson said it was the depth of the publics grief at Queen Elizabeth IIs passing that revealed how much she was loved, as MPs of all political stripes paid tribute to her life. I urge you all to get your jabs, because every day our vaccine defenses are getting stronger and stronger. And yet under this government, we are turning the tide, and weve not only built more homes than at any time in the last 30 years. And you can paint the front door any color you like. Every Labour government has left office with unemployment higher than when it came in, every single one, ever since the party was invented. Were doing the Borders Bill. The subsequent week, [it held] a successful meeting at deputies' level in Mont Pelerin, but since But while COP26 will not be the end of climate change, it can, and it must, mark the beginning of the end. And I mean the long term, structural weaknesses in the UK economy. It is still a grim fact that in this country Thats right. Transport is one of the supreme leveler uppers, and we are making the big generational changes shirked by previous governments. Overcrowded trains, endless commutes, two little time with the kids, the constant anxiety that your immemorial view of chalk downland is going be desecrated by ugly new homes. And the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice will come to an end. Well, government cant do it a alone and taxpayers certainly cant do it alone. Were, Never be separated from the Americans. Pretty good advice, I think youll agree. You can change your cookie settings at any time. I laughed too, and then she laughed again - whether at me or with me, I could not figure out," he said. Extend your content reach and maximize your engagement rates. And we need the spirit of the NHS nurses and the entrepreneurs, because each enables the other. Thank you. And I mean, the spirit of the footballers who took England into the final of a major knockout tournament for the first time in the lives of the vast majority of the people of this country, and probably looking around at all you young thrusters, the majority of the people in this room. Pet theft. Boris Johnson: (11:32) Boris Johnson: (39:56) And Ive agreed with Sir Graham Brady, the chairman of our backbench MPs, that the process of choosing that new leader should begin now and the timetable will be announced next week. Good morning, everybody listening. So perhaps we should all thank each other. And if we can do that, in this country, we will be the most prosperous in Europe. If you want a supreme example of global Britain in action, of something daring and brilliant, that would simply not have happened if wed remained in the EU, I give you AUKUS. Its all about opportunity. I want to thank the peerless British civil service for all the help and support that you have given our police, our emergency services, and of course, our fantastic N.H.S. Crime has been falling. A few years ago, they started a school not far from the Olympic Park. ", She also offered an insight into the private audiences each prime minister has with the monarch. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. Since that time we have been getting on with our agenda: enacting the points based immigration system that you voted for and that will come into force on Jan 1 and doing free trade deals with 58 countries around the world and preparing the new relationship with the EU. And I should stress this deal was done by a huge negotiating team from every part of the UK, and it will benefit every part of our United Kingdom, helping to unite and level up across the country. We wouldnt have the fastest growth in the G7. Okay, right, right, here we go. Thank you. "These were not meetings with a high and mighty monarch, but a conversation with a woman of experience, knowledge and immense wisdom," she said, before joking: "They were also the one meeting I went to that I knew would not be briefed out to the media.". COVID pushed out a great bow wave of cases. Well, now that we have fiber optic broadband of a very high quality, we can inspect the library, or is it perhaps the billiard room of Ian Blackfords croft? Read the transcript of the speech here. Boris Johnson: (09:52) Since Gray eulogized, Buckinghamshire has leveled up to be among the most productive regions in the whole of Europe. But as weve seen at Westminster the herd instinct is powerful and when the herd moves, it moves. Well send you a link to a feedback form. We will fight these gangs at home in abroad because their victims are invariably the poorest and the neediest. And we in turn thank the volunteers, the public health workers, the council workers, the pharmacists, but above all, our untiring, unbeatable, unbelievable NHS. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson bowed out of his final showpiece parliamentary appearance with a round of applause from his party, jeers from opponents and an enigmatic exit line: "Mission . Last modified on Tue 23 Nov 2021 09.49 EST. . Boris Johnson: (39:04) Liz Truss, who became the late Queens 15th and final Prime Minister after taking up the position in Balmoral on Tuesday afternoon, said: "Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was one of the greatest leaders the world has ever known. Boris Johnson: (26:27) Boris Johnson: (28:19) They dont like leveling up. Full text: Boris Johnson's Brexit deal speech. Boris Johnson: (07:23) People did not or could not seek help. If young people are to learn on the job in the way that they always have and must, we will and must see people back in the office. I picked up some cheese, put it on a plate and was transferring it to the table. A tide of anxiety washing into every A&E and every GP. Boris Johnson: (10:46) Boris Johnson gave his final speech as Prime Minister on the steps of Downing Street. And to that new leader, I say, wherever he or she may be, I say I will give you as much support as I can. Last modified on Fri 8 Jul 2022 04.22 EDT. Boris Johnson: ( 02:54) I urge you all to get your jabs, because every day our vaccine defenses are getting stronger and stronger. A comprehensive Canada style free trade deal between the UK and the EU, a deal that will protect jobs across this country. An answer that is straight from the powder rooms of North London dinner parties and nothing to do with the real needs of this country. The answer is to control immigration, to allow people of talent to come to this country, but not to use immigration as an excuse for failure to invest in people, in skills, and in the equipment, the facilities, the machinery. Boris Johnson: (00:00) Boris Johnson: (25:40) Build back beaver, I say. And to you, the British public. What monkey glands are they applying in Ribble Valley? Boris Johnson: (23:19) Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Youve been paying attention [inaudible 00:23:34] this. our Queen was at the heart of this nations life. Vast, untouched moorland, hills, and broad-leafed forests. Above all, I want to thank you, the British public, for the immense privilege that you have given me and I want you to know that from now on until the new prime minister is in place, your interests will be served and the government of the country will be carried on. Remember? And we need to remember how and why weve been able to back people through this pandemic at all. Its wonderful for years, the SNP leader in Westminster, Ian Blackford has been telling the Commons that he is nothing but a humble crofter on the Isle of Skye. Weve seen off the European Super League, and protected grassroots football. And fixing those backlogs with real change, because the pandemic not only put colossal pressure on the NHS, it was a lightning flash illumination of a problem we have failed to address for decades. Behind those vaccines are companies and shareholders and yes, bankers. His Royal Highness, The Prince of Wales. "No one else wanted to have anything to do with me, but the Queen wanted to see me. And we are of course providing the short and the long term solutions for our energy needs, and not just using more of our own domestic hydrocarbons but going up by 2030 to 50 GW of wind power, that is half this countrys energy electricity needs from offshore wind. Thats what happens if you spend a year trying to argue with Lord Frost, the greatest Frost since the great frost of 1709. Go on, try it. His Excellency Mr. Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - Boris Johnson said on Thursday that he would resign as Britain's prime minister, bowing to calls from ministerial colleagues and lawmakers in his Conservative Party . Our nation endures. Please review our, You need to be a subscriber to join the conversation. But they like it for the way it emerges organically. And that matters deeply because we are embarking now on a change of direction that has been long overdue in the UK economy. "And I've agreed with Sir . Good afternoon. But the NHS saved me and our wonderful nurses pulled my chestnuts out of that Tartarian pit. Calculate how much it costs to transcribe, caption, or subtitle your content. I mean, you can try a cautious fist bump, because its okay now. And he ended with the observation, Man is spirit. I think he was right there, dont you? Above all, were investing in our skills. Boris Johnson: (03:57) That is why leveling up works for the whole country, and it is the right and responsible policy because it helps to take the pressure off parts of the overheating Southeast while simultaneously offering hope and opportunity to those areas that have felt left behind. 22 September 2021 UN Affairs. Boris Johnson's speech in full: 'first, careful steps' to ease Covid-19 lockdown This article is more than 2 years old Read the full text of the UK prime minister's address to the nation on . My friends, there may be underprivileged parts of our country, but Stoke Poges is not now among them. And Ive today appointed a Cabinet to serve, as I will, until a new leader is in place. "It is clearly now . Fair use is permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. And that is how we solve the national productivity puzzle, by fixing the broken housing market, by plugging in the gigabit, by putting in decent, safe bus routes and all the other transport infrastructure, and investing in skills, skills, skills. When the Murdoch-owned Herald Sun ran a cartoon depicting Serena Williams throwing a tantrum. I have traveled to every part of the United Kingdom and, in addition to the beauty of our natural world, I have found so many people possessed of such boundless British originality and so willing to tackle old problems in new ways that I know that even if things can sometimes seem dark now, our future together is golden. Well, I say to Cruella Deville, QC, if you can steal a dog or a cat, then there is frankly no limit to your depravity. Thanks to Rishis super deduction, the pace is now accelerating massively as companies thrust the fiber optic vermicelli in the most hard-to-reach places. And I rejected that approach precisely because beating Covid is our number one national priority and I wanted to end any extra uncertainty and to give this country the best possible chance of bouncing back strongly next year. Sir Iain Duncan Smith talked about the time he was invited to see the late Queen after being ousted as Conservative Party leader in 2003. And though I have every sympathy with people genuinely in fear of their lives, I have no sympathy whatever with the people traffickers who take thousands of pounds to send children to sea in frail and dangerous craft and we must end this lethal trade. Good afternoon. Convert your audio or video into 99% accurate text by a professional. And thats what brings AUKUS together. Mr Johnson later added: "It was that indomitability, that humour, that work ethic, that sense of history which together made her Elizabeth the Great. Were helping young people onto the property ladder with our 95% mortgages. Boris Johnson: (27:29) Boris Johnson: (41:22) [inaudible 00:44:24]. And I know there has been a certain raucus caucus from the anti-AUKUS caucus, but AUKUS is simply a recognition of the reality that the world is tilting on its axis, on its economic axis. I have no hesitation in saying that of all the Heads of State and Government, the most impressive person I met was Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.