To R: National Security Advisor Bud McFarlane, US Attorney William Tyson and Attorney General Edwin Meese, at White House. WebOn the evening of 10 April 1963, Edwin Walker, a former Army general, was sitting in his study when a bullet entered his house through a window frame and struck the wall close General Walker was sitting in thecorner behind a desk that waslooking into the center of the room. This is the first relatively randomly selected group of healthy young adult Americans, who are the inheritors of our cultural heritage, our prejudices, our beliefs, our educational system and our military training, who ever had to live for a prolonged period of time, in groups, under a Communist-controlled state. WebPhotograph found in Lee Harvey Oswald's possession after the assassination of John F. Kennedy shows the house of General Edwin Walker, a victim of a Attorney General Edwin Meese at White House. Find out more. The Kennedy administration had been reluctant to pursue the radical Right, and it was not until the assaults became more frequent and concentrated that it investigated the phenomenon further. The critical evidence linking Oswald to General Edwin Walker is the "John T Martin film," which Walker had made of Oswald's arrest on Canal St. Change). WebOld news stories and photographs of Billy James Hargis and Edwin Walker are laid out on a table at a Waffle House in Pelham, Alabama. It was not until a year or two later that they realized their mistake; by then it was too late to close the open arms with which they had greeted all conservatives. In April 1961 Walker was accused of indoctrinating his troops with right-wing literature from the John Birch Society. Although psychologists and sociologists posited some explanations about the phenomenon, most observers believed that the root cause was a slackening of cultural values in the upbringing of American young men. Particular effort has been made to include links wherever possible to the vast number of primary sources that are now available online. After Roberts was dismissed from the army in 1962, he undertook a similar campaign on his own behalf, hoping to generate enough noise that the army would have to reinstate him. And why was he invited into the JFK Assassination saga at all? Where does Oswald bury a rifle in the inner city of Dallas, which Marina claims Oswald told her he did after firing at Walker? Lee Harvey Oswald did Oswald inexplicably bolts from Dallas to New Orleans in the days following the attack on General Walker. Targeting leaders of conservative organizations, Roberts focused on getting participants to the actual hearings in the Old Senate Office Building and generating a flood of letters to the committee that was to decide upon the necessity of an investigation. In Walkers case, the same sentiment would have undoubtedly applied, and further, it might have also occurred to JFK that doing this would not only get the General out of his hair but might possibly avoid further embarrassments of the kind that did subsequently materialize. Congressional RecordSenate, April 14, 1961, 5934. After Walker was arrested and charged with inciting riots at the University of Mississippi, a new wave of correspondence poured into the Home Office, again urging the society to defend the former general against the trumped-up charges. Besides sending reconnaissance missions into Soviet airspace to provoke the enemy, LeMay schemed to accumulate power he could use independently of presidential orders, particularly in time of nuclear war. agents have been ordered to cease their investigations of Communists. WebGeneral Edwin Walker will claim for the next three decades that Lee Harvey Oswald's role in the April 1963 attack at Walker's house was known by the Kennedys, whom he says quashed Oswald's arrest and forced Dallas officials into protecting Oswald from punishment. Their reason was that Walker caused a shore flap with the US Army newspaper during the Cold War. Even if it had some bias, as most documents do have, the index was factual and educational, as far as I could tell. U.S. Senate; Hearings before the Special Preparedness Subcommittee, pt. A Familys Retrospective: Troubling Times with General Walker, The family of a long-deceased man who once worked as Gen. Edwin Walkers assistant and driver at his Washington office (pre-Pentagon, during WWII) recently confided in me certain long pent-up, lingering memories of events visited upon them during a three- or four-month period of time, beginning about August or September, 1963. After federal marshals were ordered to the University of Mississippi in 1962 to quell riots and secure the admission of Black student James Meredith, the outspokenly pro-segregationist Walker was arrested on a federal warrant charging him with insurrection and seditious conspiracy. WebOn April 10, 1963, someone tried to kill a former Army general, Dallas resident Edwin A. Walker, who was making his name as a controversial right-winger. He asked me if I would have the Officer of the Day send someone to pick him up, his driver had parked in the garage and committed suicide. Even in the final year of his life, their father was very reluctant to discuss his time or relationship to General Walker. After serving as the commander of a Special Service Force composed of Americans and Canadians that fought at Anzio, Rome, and southern France, Walker continued to climb the army career ladder and received promotions without interruption. He promoted riots at the University of Mississippi when they tried to admit a black man, James Meredith, to their school. The fact that the persona of Walker kept materially changing throughout his life grew into a rather large and well documented major article in the New York Times on October 4,1962 (See Page 2). It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. In each case, a true believer is more opposed to heretics than to the unconverted, an attitude not uncommon among those with firmly held views about the JFK assassination. Other conservatives chose to drop their support quietly, explicitly or implicitly siding with more moderate conservatives. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, this essential book will help you make sense of the JFK assassination: A must read for any serious JFK researcher well written, comprehensive and concise. Bob, NJ on, The single best book on the assassination by far the clearest and most concise examination of the topic If you were to read only one book on the assassination, this would have to be the one. T. Pool on, Excellent. Edwin Walker, in full Edwin Anderson Walker, (born November 10, 1909, Center Point, Texas, U.S.died October 31, 1993, Dallas, Texas), U.S. Army general who served valiantly in World War II and the Korean War but later resigned (1961) with the rank of major general after receiving a public admonishment for having circulated right-wing literature to his troops in Germany and for publicly asserting that former U.S. president Harry Truman, Eleanor Roosevelt, and former secretary of state Dean Acheson were all "definitely pink.". Leaders in the New Orleans JBS chapter, the Courtneys were essentially a two-person front. While this NSC directive may be declassified, this author has not seen the original. Before, they believed Americans would benefit from educational seminars on the dangers of communism. On June 12, 1961, Walker, a highly decorated combat veteran of World War II and Korea, was officially admonished by the commander in chief of the army in Europe, General Bruce C. Clarke, for teaching his strong anticommunist views to his troops.1Close In designing his Pro-Blue program for his troops, Walker borrowed elements of Birchite and other extremist ideology and urged soldiers to question the loyalty of politicians and to prepare for the communist onslaught. Russell Baker, Walker Is Rebuked for Linking Public Figures to Communism, New York Times, June 13, 1961, 15. Every dollar helps. In 19611962 Kent and Phoebe Courtney, heads of the New Orleans-based Conservative Society of America (CSA) and publishers of the Independent American, turned the Walker case into their own cottage industry. If the file has been modified from its original state, some details such as the timestamp may not fully reflect those of the original file. For many years, their father would not allow the boys to own a gun. Most, however, followed the Courtneys' lead, seeing Walker as the flag-bearer for the entire conservative movement and believing that perhaps this incident would sound the alarm. The irony of Mayer's testimony and recommendations was not lost on the Senate panel; most of what they heard emphasized the need for conscious education rather than simply hoping that the values held by previous generations would be transmitted by osmosis.8Close Officers like Walker knew from experience what Mayer learned from research, and using what they believed was authorization from the 1958 NSC directive and their own initiative, they set out to save America. In many ways the differences in coverage between the Independent American and National Review symbolized the division between the far Right and the comparatively more moderate Right at this moment in the conservative movement. 1076, June 814, 1961, 218. Not JFK. Clarifying such a divide in 19611962 was more troublesome to the Democrats, since they were reluctant to publicly criticize the military or to risk being labeled anti-anticommunists. In a future blog, we will review more evidence that General Walker was not only a willing accomplice in the shooting incident but that he was very active in numerous other pre-assassination activities preparing for what was termed The Big Event in conjunction with a number of notable New Orleans- and Dallas-based operatives. General Edwin A. Walker was the only U.S. Army general officer to resign his commission amid his tour of duty in the 20th century. My Take: The shooting of General Walker was a sham designed to cement Oswalds communist credentials. For a wealth of information on the Pro-Blue program, see Archibald Roberts's Papers, cartons 15, Oregon Special Collections. It is the policy of the Department, therefore, to refrain from participation in any public activities which are not directly connected with its mission and which might give the public the impression that the Department was directly or indirectly sponsoring or indorsing [sic] such public indoctrination activities.45Close. Medford Evans, Citizen Edwin A. Walker: An Interview, National Review, December 16, 1961, 41112. This apparent unity, however, was deceiving in both its breadth and depth. They chose a path that, rather than uniting the most powerful elements of the Republican party, expanded cracks formed prior to 1962 and ultimately split the party and its incipient movement into clearly identifiable and separate entities. Called Pro-Blue because military maps depicted communist forces in red and free forces in blue, the program suggested a reading list, outlined a series of lectures, exams, and discussions, and eventually recommended to soldiers a list of candidates to vote for in national elections.10Close. Unlike Walker, who resigned from the army, Roberts did not want to give up his military career. Photographs of Walker's house were found in Oswald's apartment after the Kennedy assassination, and the FBI matched the bullet found at Walker's residence with fragments recovered in the Kennedy assassination. In mid-1961, Robert Welch was the only official spokesman for the John Birch Society. Unfortunately this is one of the reasons the CIA is linked to the assassination of JFK, even though the CIA had no control over the DRE and certainly no control over John Birch Society fanatics like Carlos Bringuier. Some members urged the Home Office to undertake a letter-writing campaign to convince Walker that he should expose communists or subversives in the government and to urge an investigation of the State Department and other important branches of the government. Some educational institutions insist that a name be attributed to every cited source. Fulbright's memorandum became famous among those on the Right; it was proof positive that liberals like Fulbright were out to sabotage the military. The familys home was located in Conway, Arkansas, about a five hour trip (350 miles) northeast of Dallas, where Walker lived. He was officially admonished by the commander in chief of the army in Europe, General Bruce C. Clarke, for teaching his strong anticommunist views to his troops. But given the context that it had occurred early in the administration, before Walkers subsequent offences, and his explanation that he had consulted with Douglas Macarthur, who was known to be strongly against American involvement it may have validity. This website uses cookies. Walker never gained such power, and died in relative obscurity in Dallas on October 31, 1993. With the agreement of President John F. Kennedy, Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara relieved Walker of his command and announced an investigation into the affair. Furthermore the directive licensed branches of the military to apply new training methods outside of traditional military protocol. Visitors using uptodate browser software will see the headings and navigation menus rendered in a narrow web font named, appropriately, Oswald. Furthermore the incident provided those on the far Right with a symbol they could appropriate for a variety of purposes, and Walker was preserved as a touchstone for years to come. The assistant assigned to handle the bulk of the correspondence, Frederick G. Dutton, emphasized that the Department of Defense understood the importance of educating the public about the dangers of communism, but such duties were simply not its responsibility. Of course the Walker case was not the only incident that helped determine which conservatives would be part of the movement and which would be cut loose. We do not believe that what masquerades as liberalism and a New Frontier is progression, but an effort to take us back into Medieval days.53Close, While it is impossible to know if these and the hundreds of other writers were sparked by Roberts's efforts, their impact was certainly felt on Capitol Hill. The documentary I believe was a Cold Case File and played for at least 4 weeks in the Spring possibly a bit longer until there was a disappearance of the program. Second, Walker and the controversy surrounding military muzzling became a cause clbre for the far Right, as well as for a great many closer to the center. Additionally, he ran unsuccessfully for Governor of Texas in 1962 but lost in the primary to John Connolly. In 1961, when Walker was commanding an infantry division in West Germany, a newspaper reported his circulation of propaganda among his troops, as well as the insults to public figures. WebMajor General Edwin Anderson Walker was a highly decorated United States Army officer who fought in World War II and the Korean War. Besides Robert Welch and Priscilla Buckley (an editor at National Review), Roberts targeted publishers or leaders who could communicate with large numbers of people. However, its most prominent member was the dashing Major General Edwin A. Walker. If not, his or her identity is an irrelevant distraction, albeit one that may be justified in certain circumstances. Since the public saw little except the results of the administration's policy meetings, this black box foreign policy forced them to judge their leaders on outcomes rather than on their decisionmaking processes.