Your girlfriend has said she needs time to think, and youre wondering what to do. So being able to watch her body language will help you piece things together. Wanting love and companionship is perfectly healthy, but feeling a burning need and an inadequacy without it is not healthy. She deserves better than this so dont force yourself on her if youre not 100% sure that its what she wants. Did she sit you down and ask about marriage or kids? We agreed on that. Maybe your relationship is starting to feel more like best friends (or worse, brother and sister!) WebSome girlfriends will ask for space, others will be just fine and remain where they are. In fact, if you look back, you may have seen other signs that she started distancing herself from you before she said she needs space. i started to miss we used to have a text from morning saying good morning.what are u doing to have u had ur breakfast. This could make you think harder about the prospect of life without her. If shes told you that she needs time, youre perfectly reasonable for getting in touch after a few weeks and asking if she still wants to be together. Your girlfriend has asked for some space. Push the issue when she asks for more time. Most likely, she feels smothered. In fact, you should be on top of these things MORE than you were before you met her. She could tell you that she needs time after a breakup if shes not yet sure about her feelings for you. And thats what your girlfriend wants to be part of, They dont get a haircut as often, they wear the same clothes for months/years, and they lose the, Im sure youve heard how women love a man with, Complaining when she goes out with friends, Talking bad about another guy you think shed like, Constantly wishing you had more of something, Always act as if you want her, but never as if you. Still wondering why she asked for space? |, When a Girl Says She Needs Space: What She Means and How to Win Her Back, The 10 Reasons Why Men Need a Mens Coach to Breakthrough in their Life and Relationships, 10 Ways to Make Your Wife Happy and Make Her Fall in Love with You Again, 10 Sure-Fire Signs To Know if a Girl Likes You, How to Use Emotional Vulnerability to Build a Successful, Long-Lasting Relationship, How to Stop Ruminating, Quit Obsessing Over Mistakes and Move On with Your Life, She is spending less and less time with you, She no longer actively makes plans with you, She stops paying attention when you speak, She wants to get back with her ex-boyfriend, She is thinking of ending the relationship, She is confused about what she wants next, Your sex drive and how much intimacy you need, How much space do you believe is normal to have, What you expect from her in a relationship, How often do you each need to see your friends, Where do you see the future of the relationship going. me: careful on way home Be sure to take advantage of the help thats out there by booking a 1-on-1 New Client Skype Session with me. This is a sensitive issue and you shouldnt judge or make fun of anybody whos different from you. If she agrees to this, its a good sign that she likes you and is just trying to figure it all out. Short texts, an irritated mood, and showing up late (or canceling plans often) were probably your biggest clues that she needs space because you are too attached. No woman wants a needy man who cant take no for an answer. When a girl says she needs time to think, then she is usually trying to figure out if you are worth the commitment. Always remember that women love and live for new experiences. What do your friends think? Try to use I statements, such as, I feel horrible inside when we dont talk, rather than accusatory statements like, You dont care about anyone but yourself! Only speak for yourself, and keep your emotions in check so shell be more likely to let you in. And no, her time at work or school doesnt count as time away from you. This happens because your relationship becomes something very, VERY bad: It might take a month, 6 months, or 2 years; but trust me, she will get bored. In my personal experience, there are two major ways that she will let you know whats up. Women are not inanimate objects you can keep for yourself. A real woman will make a man better and make things work. Now, I love this girl to death and I cant stand the thought of losing her to someone who broke her heart time and time again. Learn how your comment data is processed. So here are some ways to prove yourself to her: So this has been what it means when a girl says she needs time to think about something. Especially if youre just dating her. I can talk from personal experience here. Dont take it personally and dont try to force her into saying she likes you back or anything if she doesnt feel comfortable saying that at the moment because it might make her feel pressured and uncomfortable. But that doesnt mean it never happens, and in fact it happens quite a lot. Hack Spirit. Were not yet a couple and were in a long distance, but during this past 4 months.. we have been sharing everything about each other stories n interest.. sometimes she calls/chat me after her work or when she arrived at home ..she chats me even in her busy time even though it may took her some hours to reply back (cause shes work as a smartphone promoter), but its ok for long as she has time to communicate with me.. and sometimes we wishes each other good morning n good nights, it all went well until i started to feel the changes.. we do talk bout it in a nice way and shes really open bout it and telling me that she really need time for herself already .. so in there, im trying to understand her by intentionally seldom texting her and intentionally force myself to get in bed early than i used to, so that i dont disturb her in her rest time when shes already at home.. day by day ,.still as usual, im giving her some space to breathe but at the same time .. i do texting her just to know on hows she doings , to let her know that im cared for her.. so time passes by .. and she made a call.. and we talk bout her work and stuff..then there i said to her..that i feel some changes..that were not the same as we used to.. and she said that she do notice that and she told me that since their management change.. she really dont have time for herself and she felt like day by day shes feel exhausting till whenever she reached home, she doesnt felt like want to talk and need her time alone.. and i respect that.. so i keep continuing giving her some space.. then suddenly .. i felt whenever i texting her ,..she seems losing her interest already eventho she replied back.. then the next day.. she started rarely chat me.. , her whatsapp is online status but she rarely texting me back n then it suddenly reached to a point when she said shes busy with her work group and she cant reply me..and i ask whts the reason of it.. and Alternatively, if youre both having a good time but arent necessarily moving towards anything serious, it could simply mean that she wants to make sure she enjoys the second date before deciding anything longer-term. She Says She Needs Time How Long Should I Wait? Paul Brian Chances are that she just needs some space in order for her to heal and become a whole person again rather than just a damaged, empty shell of her former self. Its easy to feel lonely when youve been single a long time, but nothing gets rid of that feeling and produces its opposite like being in a relationship. Now, she might sit you down and hit you with the old We need to talk line. Its always easy to take a bad situation and let it make you bitter or resentful, but dont do that. Just dont take it personally or assume its always the case. Besides packing on the pounds, some men also get lazy with their grooming. Neediness isnt a good look for anyone, and it can totally shut relationships down. Its just a matter of how much you trust the girl and how willing she is to take that risk with you. Once your calendar is full with multiple women youre seeing (even if theyre just first or second dates) you wont have time to brood about this relationship. So if youre overbearing or are pressuring her, she might say this as an excuse to get some time away from you. But only do this if you really feel like its your best path forward. she asked me why you told your sis? It doesnt always mean shes thinking about leaving you when she needs space. Sometimes youre so excited about a new relationship that you dont stop to think about what you actually want in one. If something is bothering you, take actionand fix it. WebYou need to give her the space and time she needs. Maybe she just got divorced or just broke up with someone. As her boyfriend, its your responsibility to lead and guide her. Does height matter to women while dating? Was it when she saw your air-filled mattress? Short texts, an irritated What do you both need from it? Shes perfectly entitled to take some time to think because sometimes people need to take care of themselves first and foremost. They get nervous that she is fading, and so they get the urge to text She might be asking for space because shes reconsidering how long she wants to wait. You might have met her when she was a certain way, but as time went by, shechanged. (More on this later). Either way, youll end up with more insight about how to create a long-term relationship. When your girlfriend still texts you after saying she wants space, then shes not playing fair. I wonder how many men have heard their girlfriend ex-girlfriend say I need space. her: okay . Some relationships can be overwhelming for girls because theyre not used to such an intense connection or have a hard time handling the emotionality involved. Are men just incapable of keeping a woman happy? In the same vein, she may be worried about oversating her feelings for you and risking that she could get too attached. We all have different ideas of space. April 14, 2023, 10:29 am, by In some cases, a girl tells you she needs more time but what she really means is that she misses her independence. When a woman youve been with for a while says she needs space, there could be other things going on. I sometimes think I need space and to be by myself for awhile. me: ill be looking forward for that Anyway, she still follows me on Instagram and she hasnt blocked my number. I didnt know what to say or do. Do you communicate intelligently and ask questions, but ultimately accept it in a mature way, or do you flip out and get paranoid and sad? 2023 Knowledge For Men. This is a guide for a child/little princess. i told her u can text me on gmail if u wanna talk with me How Do I Know If She Likes Me or Only Sees Me as a Friend, How I Avoided Being Friend Zoned By Women My Entire Life (Plus a Smooth Way to Make The First Move), How to Give Women Unique and Sincere Compliments to Increase Attraction and Succeed With Dating, How to Succeed With Your Plenty of Fish Search, How to Win Her Back: 10 Steps to Get Back The Woman You Love, One Simple Trick To Increase The Level of Attraction and Fun During Dates With Women, The #1 Thing You Must Do To Keep Women Attracted and Interested, The Difference Between What Women Say They Want And What They Actually Want, The Most Attractive Body Part To Women (and how it will skyrocket your dating success), The Nondestructive Way To Get Over a Breakup, Why You Should Be Mysterious About One Thing During The Early Stages of Dating Women (and why it makes her want you). This situation can be a little tricky. Sometimes asking for more time is a way of waiting to see if she meets someone whos more in line with her values and lifestyle. This doesnt necessarily mean she wants to break up with you. If you and your girlfriend do that exact same thing every weekend, shes going to get bored. As I mentioned before, MegaDating is the practice of dating multiple people at once. Why men consistently settleand ignore the most important areas of life like the quality of their intimate relationships, social life and happiness and how to optimize all three without sacrificing professional growth. If she has said she needs space for a few weeks, take that time to do whatever you please. So instinctively put your value first. You may be asking yourself, She says she needs time how long should I wait? Here are a few things to consider: Ultimately, only YOU can decide how long to wait for her to be ready for a serious relationship. Pearl Nash How the need for space is communicated and responded to matters more than the act of taking space itself. If they are constantly with you, they may never get the chance to really figure out what they want or who they are. i feel lil relaxed hearing it and i said ok tell me when you are here. When it comes to relationships, you might be surprised to hear that theres one very important connection youve probably been overlooking: I learnt about this from the shaman Rud Iand. Its a simple thing to say, but MegaDating actually proves it to you in real life. That might be hanging out with her girlfriends, spending time alone, or even taking up a hobby. after that she said idk WebIf your girlfriend has said to you that she needs some space or needs some time to find herself, it can often just mean that shes bored of how the relationship makes her feel. ), How to stop being insecure about your girlfriend, You constantly are seeking attention and validation, You are trying to rush the relationship or stick a label on it too soon, Career and financial frustration thats taking up all her attention. We were having a normal conversation at dat but with few and short texts.She told me she is with her friends at home.I thought its okie. If you are a constant complainer, you must stop immediately. There are never "breaks", its just her thinking she needs to let you down gently. are u seriously going to leave me? No other woman is going to want to date a man who has poor me syndrome. 2011-2023 emlovz, llc. She says she feels unappreciated and ignored by you. something changed in my behaviour make my sister lil doubtful and she message to my gf everything okie? Make plans with your friends, go on that vacation youve been eying up, or even hit the gym every day. Ask her directly whats going on. There could be a number of reasons for this, and many of them may not even be your fault at all. My passion is reporting on individuals, faiths, nations, and situations that impact us all on the journey of life. Shes at the point where she says she doesnt know what she wants anymore and shes asking for space from both of us. Having someone you care about say theyd rather spend less time with you feels like a gut punch. Try to convince her that youll make the necessary adjustments in order to keep the relationship moving forward. Once respect is lost, space is requested. There are countless new things for the two of you to experience together. The reason she needs space may have nothing to do with you. When you notice these signs, chances are she needs some space to figure things out. Shes perfectly entitled to take some time to think because sometimes people need to take care of themselves first and foremost. So she tells you she just needs time, but what she really wants is a chance to try out another handsome hunk. The only reason she comes back is because shes used to being with you and misses what the two of you had. If you do that, then youre an insecure, emotionless jerk and should feel bad about yourself for not respecting her feelings. By guest, 10 years ago on Dating. 2) Those who do something about whatever is bothering them. After all, if youve been reading my articles, you know that Im a huge proponent of MegaDating, which is the practice of dating as many people as possible at once. her: okay ..hope u already ate ur dinner Dont just listen when she talks. Sometimes you remember all of the good things that happened between you in the past and all of the good things that could happen in the future, but she doesnt see it the same way. Also, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, if shes asking for space from you instead of them, then you might even be losing that competition. to my bench press every week or Im going to learn how to make just $5 per day online. I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend when she suddenly said she needed time to think. She has a young son and is concerned about bringing him into the chaos. So what are the signs that shes not interested? This doesnt necessarily mean she wants to break up with you. You may have noticed the shift in her attitude and just forgot about it. Breaking up is breaking up, and if shes done with the relationship but too scared or sad to let you know, then shes a weak and hurtful person. Make plans with your friends, go on that vacation youve been are u there? Her needing space doesnt have to be a bad thing. If you allow them, overtime, she will lose respect for you. Dont worry, you dont need to give her a new experience every week. Let me be blunt: Being clingy scares women away. To get her back, you have to make sure and thats the conversations i had with her.. so, wht should i do? Just be supportive and understanding during this time and things will eventually work out. Now she was telling me she wasnt sure about us. If your answer is no, thats a BIG problem. Maybe youre a strict Buddhist who doesnt eat meat or drink and shes a party girl whos living out her mid-30s in a blur of rum-soaked revelry. When she says she needs time, sometimes it just means shes got another guy in mind. And thats what your girlfriend wants to be part of, the rush you experience. Each day Ron and Maxine Flewett wait for the phone to ring, hoping it is the news they have waited 20 months for. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my coach was. Shes not asking to break up so you dont need to go nuclear on her. Its normal to feel a little bit worried or even scared when your partner wants some time alone. Are you willing to give her the time she needs, even if it means things move slowly? So if this is the case, then it means you need to just be patient and give her some time to see what happens. Well, she may want space, but that doesnt mean that she should be the only one making demands. by Your girlfriend wants a break, so you have some free time. The reason that hearing she needs time is disturbing to a lot of guys is because we all know that its usually a bad thing. Last and far from least, theres always the chance that your girlfriend or love interest is testing you. Instead, try to see what good can come from this. Obviously its not really fair for her to test you or play games in this kind of way. So, before I start playing the guessing game and try to tell you the exact reasons why your girlfriend wants space, let me give you the top 10 most common reasons. Systematically criticizing A woman can only ruin your life if you let her. This isnt necessarily a bad thing. She voiced some concerns about interactions weve had which were bothersome for her. Some girlfriends will ask for space, others will be just fine and remain where they are. If you havent heard of Relationship Hero before, its a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complicated and difficult love situations. It also depends enormously on the strength of your connection with this girl. A woman needs time alone to think, shop, do her nails, cry, laugh, vent, relax, etc.