Graphologist Definition In the course of the evolution of the studies on writing, the graphologists drew in parallel on the areas that were developing and expanding in psychological theories and practices, in particular important points of reference for them were Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung. Recent analyses of the cytoarchitecture and connectivity of neural areas have provided four key regions that appear to be important in categorizing the brains writing system [57, 71-73]. Rothlein D, Rapp B (2014) The similarity structure of distributed neural responses reveals the multiple representations of letters. Handwriting analysis draws reliable conclusions about the spirit personality of a writer. In the accredited graphology courses, students learn to understand from the writing traits that are illustrated to them, the graphological characteristics based on the four phases theorized by Freud regarding the aspects of personality. (1993) A clinical study of hypergraphia in epilepsy. Archetypal traces can also be found in myths, folklore, fairy tales and religious traditions, and some archetypes have undergone an evolution such as to constitute themselves as distinct psychic instances: the Person, the Shadow, the Animus and the Anima. Although incidence and prevalence rates are difficult to establish, attention has been focused mostly on whether prevalence is increasing with time and on the relationship between the number of graphology and active working population (Figure 1) [2]. Beeson P, Rapcsak S, Plante E (2003) The neural substrates of writing: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Some surveys indicate that it is rather rarely used outside of France, where estimates vary between 38% and 93% of organizations [31, 32]. Ward M (1985) Graphology Enhances education, part 1.10. In 2003, Furnham, Chamorro-Premuzic, and Callahan have demonstrated from their studies a certain estrangement between graphology and assessment of intelligence and personality [108]. This is the first reflection which aims to delineate clearly the identity of graphology, facing with critical rigor the epistemic contradictions and doubts related to this discipline to outline horizons in which systematizing its contribution. Sussex 19958, Delaware Carl Gustav Jung (1985) Lio e linconscio. The handwriting of patients was distinguished by a significant decrease in velocity and acceleration and an increase in the length, disfluency and pressure with respect to controls. Bollati Boringhieri: Torino. Graphology: Definition, Explanation, Purpose & Examples English Graphology Graphology Graphology 5 Paragraph Essay A Hook for an Essay APA Body Paragraph Context Essay Outline Evidence Harvard Hedging Language Used in Academic Writing MHRA Referencing MLA Opinion Opinion vs Fact Plagiarism Quotations Restate Summarize Summary Works Cited On the other hand, Rothlein et al. - 6 the term used to describe the analysis of a person's handwriting as a means of inferring stable personality characteristics or their psychological state. Planton S, Jucla M, Roux FE, Dmonet JF (2013) The handwriting brain: A meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of motor versus orthographic processes. To restrict the field to a psychological and psychological-clinical position, the stimulus that we felt in this exploration work could be to open a way of perspective comparison between different points of view in order to search for elements of correspondence in the study of personality and health mental, through the identification and use of tools that can be correlated between them by both parties respecting criteria of validity, sensitivity, reliability and significance. London. Handwritings analysis of these persons has also allowed the identification of a capacity not yet developed, and to invest in the right direction [21, 38]. Responsibilities of Editor and Editorial Board. It is possible to monitor the handwriting in itinere, that is, at separate times, taking into account the variables that can act and intervene on the human soul. In Lindeman opinion, confirmation bias would be ascribable to the so-called Barnum effect, with regard to which people would believe in horoscopes as such under the awning of the Phineas Taylor Barnums famous circus live together so many different characters and numbers that everyone can find something fun, through the paradigm of Barnum effect it has been then explained the reason for the success of the circus [118, 120-123]. The words that are written somehow tell the story of those who produced them partly in a language of movement and partly in a language of symbolic images; psychiatry and psychology, by approaching graphology, can acquire useful clinical information to outline a personality profile [124-126]. The discipline of psychology is broadly divisible into two parts: a large profession of practitioners and a smaller but growing science of mind, brain, and social behaviour. The findings from these studies, along with those mainly provided by clinical literature examining correlations between lesions and deficits, have promoted important insights into the neurobiology of writing activities. In accordance with this correlation, the author led to further investigations that identified aspects graphometrically identifiable on character traits of extroversion or similar to some inner conflict [53]. For Aristotle, in fact, it was important to capture the expressiveness of the writing gesture considering it as an element of revelation of the way in which the soul is conceived. investigate how children affected by autism spectrum disorder plan and control their handwriting actions [67]. Klages founded at Monaco an institute for the study of characterological psychology [5]. Oosthuizen S (1990) Graphology as Predictor of Academic Achievement. However, in the evolutionary process of the person, handwriting also leads progressively to a maturation modulating and modeling itself over time. Roux FE, Draper L, Kpke B, Dmonet JF (2010) Who actually read Exner? Dynamic disturbances in the handwriting of psychotics (part I). Ben Shakhar G (1989) Non-conventional methods in personnel selection. ii) The superior parietal lobule (SPL) is critical in guiding the movement of the body in the space, it has been linked with visuospatial and visuomotor neural processes and it is associated with the execution of writing [79-82]. in: Calvert GA, Spence C be Stein (Eds.). In 2019, Giannini and co-workers have tried to elaborate a handwriting analysis protocol in order to estimate severe major depressive disorder, achieving encouraging results [66]. The study adopted foregrounding as a . Outcomes demonstrated that individuals affected by schizophrenia spectrum disorder or bipolar disorder manifested significant motor impairments [65]. Unlike Freud, in the deepest dimension of the Personal Unconscious Jung intercepted a Collective Unconscious, a great repository of mnemonic traces deriving from mans ancestral past; it is the psychic residue of the emotional development of man accumulated following the repeated experiences of many generations, its contents are linked to human experiences intimately connected with the biological structure of the brain and inheritably transmitted. n. 1. an approach to epistemology holding that all knowledge of matters of fact either arises from experience or requires experience for its validation. And it is an art because the graphologist has constantly to keep in mind the total context in which . The action of writing represents a spatial, temporal and symbolic activity which imprints on the leaf surface a track with rhythms, pressures and energy of its own. Handb multisensory Process Cambridge, Mass MIT Press. graphology definition: 1. the study of the way people write letters and words, especially in order to discover things. Freud S (2015) Tre saggi sulla teoria sessuale. In this way, through studies and clinical practice, Freud traced in his patient the fixation conditions to one or the other phase. Freud distinguished four unconscious evolutionary phases of the psychic world as regards the maturing destiny of the drive energies, represented respectively by the oral, anal, phallic and genital phase [8]. iii) The inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) plays a role in in phonological processing and verbal working memory and encodes letterforms and words [83-86]. correspond pursuant to the graphologists to specific personality traits, cognitive styles and emotional states. Additionally, these anatomical findings corroborate findings in functional neuroimaging studies illustrated by Panton and colleagues that conceptualized a positive correlation between inferior frontal gyrus and handwriting [90]. In addition, the precision of the estimates did not depend on the contents of the writings, although the handwritten texts were spontaneously produced [115]. Like drawing, writing according to the techniques of graphological investigations illustrates a unique and unrepeatable way in every human being that is expressed more and more in the course of life in a spontaneous manner and through which the unconscious connotations of the human soul are projected. Handwriting analysisalso known as graphologyhas been deemed a pseudo-science by most. The influence of these two archetypes is much more difficult to delineate than the previous ones, but the awareness of both would allow the human being to discover and acquire the heterosexual element of his own psyche, widening the possibility and the conscience towards a greater wealth inner [11]. It is also known as 'the writing of the brain'. Graphologists use their skills to analyse the genetic characteristics of a person as well as their behaviour, traits and thought patterns. Robert NA du texte (1991) La graphologie: de la connaissance de soi au recrutement professionnel / Nolle Robert. Ben-Shakhar et al. The change in handwriting in accordance with the physical and mental condition of a person such as anxiety, fatigue, stress, pain, even within in the same day has been indicated by Singer as an unfavorable element regarding the identification of a person character by the analysis of his or her handwriting since such conditions can influence it [98]. investigated the use of handwriting in the study of motor abnormalities in patients suffering from bipolar or psychotic disorders. In a study related to school success, Oosthuizen investigated a sample of 50 university students who underwent a handwriting analysis and a personality assessment questionnaire [113]. In the second half of the nineteenth century, between 1806 and 1881, in France, the Abb Jean-Hippolyte Michon coined the term graphology catalogued as a series of recurrent graphic signs and empirically linked to specific aspects of the character. Not surprisingly, as it is commonly given to observe, the graphic elements proceed along more or less parallel stages to chronological and psychological evolution of the human being finalized to a communicative act. Harel S, Holtzman M, Jurgenson U, Reider I, Feinsod M (1985) Cerebellar astrocytoma presenting as deterioration of handwriting in a child. Morecraft RJ, Cipolloni PB, Stilwell Morecraft KS, Gedney MT, Pandya DN (2004) Cytoarchitecture and cortical connections of the posterior cingulate and adjacent somatosensory fields in the rhesus monkey. In addition, their paper argued the activation of inferior frontal gyrus is related not only to the volume, but also to a behavioural measure of phonological processes [57]. Consequently, more women re-enter for man in his image of internalized woman and vice versa many men picture for women the representation of their male ideal. Andre Deutsch. psychology. In Italy, the founder of graphology in Ancona, is considered the Father Girolamo Moretti (1879-1963), who wrote under the pseudonym of Umberto Koch, the manual of graphology and the first of many editions of the Treaty of graphology which is still now used. Their results revealed that inferior frontal gyrus may represent a key link between phonological processing and written production quality in beginning writers.