Shes quite beautiful! His mom was all over you, You felt bad so you didnt say anything to her, Shugo appreciated it but secretly wants you to be his girlfriend oop, Bokuto always makes you set for him while he practices solo which you didnt really mind and always help and always made sure to bring ice packs for his hand, He liked the way you said that, okay lets go! He drops the ball and grabs your hand dragging you out which made you burst out in laughter, To him your hand fits perfectly in his hand, Sakusa asked you if you wanted to go out to a museum with him which you gladly accepted god it was the best day ever, Museums never had crowds it was perfect, the way you were excited made him excited too, he was hesitant of holding your hand but manned up and did, At first you were surprised but he didnt even look bothered even though he was panicking in the inside, You two had a pleasant day with each other, a day he will never forget, Atsumu and Sakusa would still bicker but once you come into the room they fight over who will talk to you first excuse me boys! Hinata bounces over to you hey y/n want to go to Miyagi with me to visit? He asks, you didnt have the heart to tell him no so you accepted, Atsumu and Sakusa is heard to be grumbling to this day, You and Hinata had the best vacation together, a lot of people mistakenly you as his girlfriend, his little sister didnt let you go at all and made Hinata jealous of her, Everyone got drunk one night at the hotel and Bokuto was sleeping in your bed, Shugo didnt want you to stay in that hotel room (Bokuto is dangerous), You stayed in Shugos room instead,hes a gentleman and slept on the floor, but when you had a nightmare he was the one that calmed you down from it and hugged you all night, They loved how you cheered for them during games which made them invincible, You would always cooked food for them after a tiring game and Sakusa would never miss it like ever; your food is heaven, It was Christmas and Adriah couldnt go home because all the planes were booked which meant he was alone for this Christmas, which sadden you a lot Adriah come celebrate with me! You smile, he literally combusts and spends Christmas with you and sent it to the team group chat, Everyone sent the middle finger emoji while Adriah was having a blast, Atsumu helped you bake a cake for Shions birthday, it was a whole mess it was you sitting on the counter eating the left over icing as he jokes around, he was covered with flour so were you you look dumb you look dumber you stuck your tongue which made him roll his eyes but in the end of the day it was worth helping, You were sad because of a movie Bokuto was next to you, dont be sad y/n its just a movie he pulls you into his chest, but its sad! I know he smile at your childish antics, holding you in his arms felt so right, Their feelings started to run deeper like they couldnt function without you at their sides, Sakusa woke up because of a dirty dream featured you, He literally jumped out of bed and took a cold shower for 2 hours, During the long rides on the bus you would sit next to Shion and accidentally fell asleep on him which he didnt mind, The guys glared at him but he ignored them and fell asleep too, Since you were so attractive that they had to have their guards up because every guy you pass will come flirt with you, Hinata got you out of a sticky situation from a guy that was on the opposite team, All them have feelings for you but they wont confess as long they are sure you have the same feelings for them, And for the team they have a strong bond that wont break them apart even if losing you was the cost then so be it as long you are happy, Finished with work you were ready to go home, unfortunately Akaashi had practice so he couldnt come visit, Walking home you felt someone following you, Turning around couple of times no one was behind you, maybe it was paranoia, Turning your head once more you see a group of men following you, You started to speed up your pace so did they, then you started to run to the nearest store you could find, They were running too trying to catch up to you which scared you a lot, Getting out your phone when you got to the store immediately calling Akaashi, Akaashi just finished practice and was talking to Konoha and Bokuto about their next game, His phone rings and he quickly answers it, Hey love Akaashi Im at a store and some guys are following me and I dont know what to do your voice trembled, Akaashi immediately turned pale, Bokuto and Konoha started to get worried watching Akaashi shakes in anxiety and anger, Stay right there, Im going to come get you send me your location hanging up the phone rushing to get his stuff, Akaashi whats wrong! Konoha stops him, a group of men are following y/n, everyone heard and got their stuff ready following Akaashi out, running to the place you were at, At the distance they could see the group of men waiting outside, it was already 8 pm and they were already drunk, The team slowed down their pace and acted nothing was happening as they entered, Washio was holding Bokuto off who wanted to beat them up, Akaashi lost his cool and looked for you in each aisle to find you holding onto your bag staring at a random vending machine, Y/n Akaashi started to clam himself knowing youre safe, Keiji, Running into his arms where he held onto you tightly, y/n he whispers lowly, holding onto you, His whole team looked so relieved once seeing you, you scared us! Bokuto pinches your cheek scolding you almost, Youre hurting her dumbass Sarukui pushes him away, Okay time to plan and loose those losers they formed a huddle and whispered, The plan was for everyone to buy snacks and make a leave, Akaashi gave you his jacket holding your hand tightly, His team surrounded you so they wouldnt see you, The group of men didnt notice at all and still thought you were in the store, Youre not walking home by yourself anymore he kisses your knuckles taking you home where it was safe, Its been happening for days actually for months with the stalking, these group of boys would just stalk you but never harm you, Knowing Atsumu he would attack them and he would get in trouble in the end so you brushed it off because they havent tried to harm you, You dont know them probably from another school but they smell like alcohol from a mile away, It was just another day walking down the streets going home, The same group was standing by the street lights hanging out, You try not to make eye contact and walk pass them quietly unfortunately today wasnt your day HEY you come here! Which startled you a lot but ignored them, Unfortunately they didnt get the memo and started to follow you by whistling at you, You started to fasten your pace, so did they, Taking your phone out of your bag quickly you dialed Atsumu who was in your emergency contacts, Atsumu was taking a break he was causally arguing with Osamu and Suna, getting a call he immediately picks up because it was you, Hey baby girl Tsumu this group of guys are following me and Im running please help you huff out in panic, Atsumu could hear the whistles and shouts in the background that made him beyond furious gripping on to his phone tightly, everyone could see his knuckles turning white, Go to an alleyway baby and send me your location try to lose them Ill be right there! He shouts, Whats wrong Atsumu? Kita stops him from going anywhere let me go,a group of guys are following y/n Letting Atsumu go, following along, dropping the balls for later not caring if their coach would yell at them, All of them rushed to your rescue, Atsumu was running little bit faster trying to get to your spot, Meanwhile you were hiding in the shadows but those boys are still looking for you and not leaving, Your phone rung, unfortunately they heard it and got ahold of you, They started to ask questions and holding onto your arm tightly causing a small bruise to form, you were trying to kick them away and fight back but they were much more stronger than you, Leave me alone you idiots! You gritted at them, throwing a kick. Kuroo were are not allowed to be here you pull him closer to you as you two reach your destination. you just looked up at him with wide doe-eyes, not expecting an insult to slip off his tongue. tweet me: @DAZAAIS . Is that so, he says walking over to you, well I think you look great in red. He grabs your hand and pulls up into his arms, liking the feeling of your bare skin under his hands but I think youll look even better underneath me.. Oikawa had always been a bit insecure. "Why are you so annoying?" He felt like at this moment you and him revealing your relationship to the team will just mess up thedynamics or whatever thats supposed to mean. It was almost four in the morning and decided to call it a night. When you two were alone he immediately asked you if you wanted to end it with him. Wanna take me home?, Sitting next to each other in the train, both sharing a earphone listening to music, you guys were so close. But now with the restrictions being lifted, Atsumu got to go back to practice and playing some games although you still got to work from home. "You're the most beautiful girl ever." "Please just leave me alone Harry." Whats up with that creepy smile? Yaku furrows his eyebrows in confusion, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over to their captain. Is that person behind you? Yea baby Ill see you here, Ushijima immediately grabbed his stuff, whoa whoa Ushiwaka whats wrong? Tendou asks there is a guy following y/n you mean that secret admirer? Semi gasped, It take long for the rest to follow their captain out, he was quicker than them, yet they tried to stay at his pace, He finally made it and found you in the corner, y/n he says out of breath, Toshi you pull him into a hug trembling a bit, The guy that was following you left the store but as you watched the whole Shiratorizawa caught him and started to interrogate him, Tendo was ready to fight him, he was stopped by Ushijima, you behind him, he glared at the guy before him, You should never make a girl feel unsafe and uncomfortable, never again will you follow or try to talk to my girlfriend again got it, The guy started stumbling back trying to get up, Semi told Ushijima to bring you home while the rest went to report him, Ushijima took you home hugging which made you cling to him; he didnt mind, He stayed at your house for a few days till your parents got home even if youre parents are back you will wait for me after practice no matter what he kisses your forehead, cheek, lips, nose, Once you got there, Bos team already won but there was a aftermath after it, Not finding your boyfriend anywhere, Hey Akaashi wheres Bokuto? You ask, Akaashi looked stressed and exhausted Hes in his emo mode again, What why? "sorry, i'm just hungry". i promise." he murmurs against your skin, and even like this, his hold on you doesn't relaxhe keeps you there with him, scared that you'll withdraw from him. while he's reading or doing something independent, he'll go out of his way to be near you or in the same room while he does it. "I disagree with your earlier statement, there is no one better for me than you. He goes into you bedroom and see you on your bed and silently gets into it next to you. You knew he kept his camera off, so you didnt hesitate to walk over to your husband and sit directly on his lap. is the king gonna explode? Why dont you whip your loyal subjects into shape?, All the stress of winning only ended up in losing, You could see the saddness of his team, Kageyama wanted to beat Oikawa for so long only to be defeated, Hinata was in a state of shock well everyone was, You walked into the gym after they thanked the crowd, Kageyama couldnt look straight into your eyes knowing that Seijoh were celebrating their win, It was really heartbreaking to see him crushed, Tobio you chanted out, He picked up his head in surprise it was your first time using his name, Y/n he called out before he could ask anything, you flung into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him down just to give him a kiss, He wraps his arms around you, picking you up from the ground so it would be easier to kiss, pulling away you did amazing Kageyama, amazing you whispered before returning for another kiss thank you, Everyone from the crowd started to cheer for Karasuno, it was like they won. He makes sure to reassure you in new ways a bunch how much he loves you! you dont have to do it if its too much tho, also thank you so much for your headcanons they make me really happy and i lowkey wanna be your friend , YES I LOVE THIS SO MUCH AAalso youre too sweet please be my friend ><, Haikyuu bois comforting insecure!ReaderBokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Sugawara KoushiGN!Reader. He might look like a bad boyfriend to people but for you he was a sweetheart ; He wasn't the one for pda but he doesn't like it when you get insecure about those fan girls; Before a game he comes up to you "kiss me" "what?" "Kiss me" he mumbles ; You didn't pull his mask down but just gave him a kiss over it "I love you Omi" I love you Koushi, Im so lucky to have you.. No fair! Even if you do look absolutely stunning. He pulls you into a hug and hums, content. As years passed on Oikawa hoped and prayed that maybe, someday, hed wake up to find that black ink washed away and replaced with something new. "i know you get insecure sometimes, but," he runs his hands along your side, stopping to squeeze your plush hip. ahhh so I posted this, please let me know what you think of chapter one I hope you enjoyed it. He had known her for a minute yet he was already growing on to her sarcastic nature. Kuroo comes into the locker room with a huge ass smile. Once you enter your house, Suna rushes towards you enveloping you in a big hug murmuring aOh thank god I was so worried he tried to give you a kiss on the forehead but you recoil out of it, just as he did to you earlier. Since your loud and talkative personality mixed with his quiet and nonchalantness, You were walking to miya onigiri ready to pick up Samu to go home, But when you got to the front door you see Osamu in the shop winding touching another girl, You couldnt see the girl or Osamu properly because of the angle you were at. Gulping at your dumb fear, you hear another tap come from your window. so he pushed his plate towards you. An absolute tsundere, he acts so outwardly when he's jealous but denies strongly about his feelings towards you; His best friend being naturally flirty did not help at all, if Oikawa makes any sort of gesture indicating he wanted to date you oh believe me don't be surprised when you feel the wind of a violent volleyball flying towards the pretty setter's head AUTHOR NOTE: I was really excited to write for Suna and Atsumu but I have a fat migraine so im so sorry for it not being thattt gooood today :// but I hope you enjoy it regardless. heated argument ( s. todoroki x reader ) a nightmare after an argument is sucks and make you all sweaty shit . After practice Adriah walks up to you, can you help me practice a bit more and help me with pronouncing? He asked you, of course you helped him out. Oh hi Kuroo mumbles, I forgot my book bag you were embarrassed by this. Cheating Misunderstandings with the haikyu boys (Osamu,Atsumu). These very words were the foundation of his facade. Because haikyuu has been postponed because of the virus and most people are egar to watch it so maybe reading the manga might help! Why wouldnt I be happy my partner looks like an absolute model? Hes genuinely confused, and the sincerity of his tone is more than you could ever ask. You were so shocked, how could he even think that, you loved him. After many efforts from Atsumu, you definitely fell back in love with your body wether you were bigger or small you didnt care cause you knew you were beautiful either way and so did Atsumu which he reminded you of that every single day. These words are why Im stuck here screaming by myself at 6:00 at night! Its good he mumbles, continuing to shove food in his mouth. Well volleyball started to get boring for me well more like it got me depressed since my teammates didnt want to toss me the ball anymore you sighed, I joined volleyball out of fun then I turned a overnight ace to a drop out who just wanted her team to take her seriously and not as person to use to win you finished your part of the gym. Kuroo calms down sitting on the bench with a huff. Youre tremblingare you cold? He asks looking down at you softly as he grips your hand little tighter afraid that you would let go. So could I ask u to do a part two of the "When they say they don't want a baby and ur secretly pregnant" part 2 w Iwa, Atsumu and maybe Tsukki? It has to be done. these are longer than the first one oops,, my eyes kinda watered maybe it was because i was listening to mitski, idk! You and Suna have always surprised people when they find out that youre together. Do you need help? You ask coming closer to him, what? Do you need help? He trusts whoever he's dating a lot. You and Atsumu started dating a month after Kita introduced you in your first year, Youre now in your second year and still going strong. Miya-san im a big fan of you! he started making Atsumu chuckleI was just calling Y/N to say im available next week saturday to start training, Training? Atsumu thoughtCan I ask what training youre preparing for with Y/N he asks. "I'm sorry Chan". A bit bothered by the lack of response, you decide to talk about the newest episode in the hopes of lighting the mood. 8 Study Buddies. If it were up to me Id say something completely different but hey, if it makes you feel any better, every literature teacher Ive had for the past seven years has used me as an example of poetry because of the words you said.Thats not as bad as depreciation.In my third year of middle school we had to do a writing prompt on my wrist. She snorted, looking down at the words. chapter one: Im going to make things official, warnings: swearing, mentions of sex (no smut). These words are why Im so annoying His tantrum slowly decrescendoed as he looked up at her, her eyes wide and bloodshot, her fists taut at her sides. Holding out his hand towards you, lets have a nice night okay he smiles, nervously taking his hand, he intertwines your finger together like it was natural, for you its nerve wracking. His comment threw you off, even though you know that he probably didnt mean anything by it but from the comment on his twitter earlier and how you already feel about yourself it just didnt help. After a few minutes of practice a girl came in, ooo whos gonna get chocolate this time? Lev sings song silently watching the girl look around the gym, then she spots the person. You didnt stop smiling the whole time. Hinata, Kageyama, Ryu, and Nishinoya have minds filled with volleyball, which means their studies suffer. tsukishima kei x reader, kozume kenma x reader, iwaizumi hajime x reader warnings. Nekomas new manager is y/n, female division national ace. Bokuto definitely was not back in an hour. Meiji! He quickly turned on his mic and said to the guys Sorry, something came up Ill be back in an hour, leaving the call and shutting the laptop lid, picking you up by the waist running straight to your bedroom. He wasn't sure if it was due to his superiority complex or being outshined by Kageyama, or what. I don't want this to end." "So, please." "I love you too, Oikawa." Tags #haikyuu imagines #haikyuu texts #haikyuu headcanons #haikyuu angst #haikyuu fluff #haikyuu!! You spend the rest of the night arguing over which character is better and decide to start Demon Slayer together, with Suna enjoying your after episode talks that you have. yumeko is better he said teasingly. like, he just wouldnt understand how someone as pretty as you could be insecure! Or blind. How long are you going to be on the call for Boit would be sad for me to be all alone withno one to play, with, you complained with him nodding in agreement at your volleyball innuendo. You really wanna talk about hell, missy? You should start making your moves by now, its weird seeing you in this state Kenma shakes his head its almost like you and Bokuto share the same brain celloh wait you do KENMA! Kenma quickly leaves his room. Maybe it was the way he looks at you makes you melt into his hands like putty. AN: mai I literally only write iwaizumi for you now , General taglist [1] [bold cant be tagged]: @saxuuxi, @iimoonii @hamdehlesmis @Shoyosupremacy, @iambashfulperson @kayleighbeccaa @bakugouswh0r3 @xedspirits @borpcorp @soft-angel-clouds @foxxtrot-116 @Xogiaaa, @jesssobs @apple-poptarts @galagcica @letssssus @random-734 @rinyx @rybunie @cant-think-of-a-username @kuroohoeee @kellesvt @jojowantstocry @shinsouscatpisssmell @succulentmom @jihyunieeee @mysterystarz @flushphoria @tetsunarin @joyaphoria @elektrosonix @maizumis @fandomsgotmefucked @drageonix22 @uwu-queen-420 @crapimahuman @tesoromia @pelicanpizza @conchetucona @akaashis-wife @crystal-lilac @bokutoslittledoll @taroboba111 @asaitashi @arrogantsonofabiscuit @jihyuniepark @mariyeahh @milktyama @pansexualproblemchild @kouushiii @erensnubs @danasaan @menheraryn @bucinhajime @primsonnn [join the taglist here], When they see you wearing tiny shorts (Matsukawa, Atsumu, Ushijima), AN: I WILL EDIT MY PRETTY FORMAT LATER IM TIRED and agitated and this close to just dying , request: hey hey !! A punch was thrown at one of them, dont touch her Atsumu and osamu pulled you towards them as Omimi and Hitoshi hold off that group with cold glares. I swear, oh we will swallow down the bitter taste, baby. Going into the closest room that wasnt being used, Y/n he growled, it wasnt his teasing voice anymore it was more a dominant one which made you weak to your knees, He gently (forcibly) took your clothes off and his throwing it around the room, You look hot he whispers as he glided his fingers down your chest to your legs, He tapping his hard tip on your pubic bone, Tendou pulling him for a heater kiss as he rubbed his member on your thighs making you grind into him, Grabbing your wrist pushing your hands on top of your head, Not tonight baby, I will take full control his tone went deeper slipping his tongue into your mouth, He was completely a different person, the whole night he didnt even tease you to the point to tears instead he pounded you to tears, You went to a party with him along with Iwaizumi, Makki and Mattsun who was hosted by one of their friends from highschool, Both of you were just straight up chilling until you got a bit tipsy and he got a little reckless, You didnt smoke but he did with Mattsun who was talking to a girl now, Little by little Oikawa got more clingy than usual, he started to hold your hand tightly only to slide his hand on to your knees, you didnt think about it much as you kept talking to some girls, Little by little it started reach your inner thighs, You ignored it and kept laughing and talking, You notice the way he started to grip your thigh as he messaged his thumb close to your heat, It started to get dangerously close to heat only to end up into your panties, Pay attention to me baby he whispered in your ear, Letting out a soft moan as he kept tapping on nub of your clit, You cut the conversation short and pulled away from the crowd, Back hugging you as you two walked with his chin on your shoulder whispering how much he loved you, Going into a unused bathroom he already had your shorts down along with your panties, Leaning against the wall pulling his hair back playfully watching him eat you out, Licking your inner thighs messily to your wet slit, You were already a mess by the time you came the third time, yet that didnt stop him, Your heat was already wet and puffy just the way he liked it, Youre so beautiful he winks dipping down again, the hotter it got when he looked at you with hooded eyes staring at you so lustfully, Lets go home soon he whispers as you came the fourth time, Turning you around pushing you against the wall eating you from behind, His friends dragged him to the club and he pulled you with him because he didnt want to get bored (more like spend time with you), Talking to his friends he started to smoke and offered you some which you accepted, The club was dark and muggy as music boomed making the place shake, Slowly his friends started to scatter to talk to girls for the night leaving you two alone, It was so hard to see him since it was so dark and the only light source was the red l.e.d lights, He started to get restless by the minute, a little happy to say at least but was very calm as you started to get horny, Kei you kept whispering into his ears as you kept biting his ear lobe to his lips, He didnt really think about it much but he pulled you onto his lap, your back against his chest, Lets do it right here he whispered giving you goosebumps, Wrapping your arms around his neck as your head was on his shoulder, It didnt take long for him to take his member out his pants and moving it under your dress, You know what to do he smirked as he pushes your panties to the side, Moving your hips around him, you kept trying to suppress your moans, Tsuki lets go somewhere else, its too hot you wanted to strip and feel him all over you, Okay both of sneakily fix yourselves up and rushed to the nearest darkest alley both of you could find, It didnt take too long for Tsukishima to thrust into you, pulling your hair back as he went deeper, Youre so dirty princess, you like being fucked outside huh? He kept whispering and biting you lobe in the process before attacking your neck, Kuroo dragged you two to Bokutos party which was packed to the fullest, everyone was dancing and drinking, It didnt take long for Kenma to find some weed from his old classmate, He of course smoked some, you were already tipsy and took a puff out of it, He gave it back to his friend when he felt a bit hot, You take him out to the dance floor to dance, which surprisingly he follows along, You were grinding into him as he held your waist guiding you, Facing his chest as he dips down to bite down your neck, Kenma! You smiled, hand up to his hair gently lacing you fingers around his hair, I need you bringing your hand to his bulge which was already hard, Kenma you smiled pulling him into a heated kiss, Tongues intertwining, grinding into each other, Pulling away from his puffy lips, lets go you smirk, pulling him away from the crowd by hand, Going to his car to get some needed privacy, throughout the way he kept slapping your ass gently even grabbing it, Getting into the car you already pulled his zipper down and gently pulled his pants off along with his boxers, Kenma you called as he watched you with his cat like eyes waiting what you were going to do next, Teasing his tip with your tongue you kept rolling it on his slit, Dont tease just do he whined pulling your hair a bit as you slowly but sucked his member whole into your mouth, You feel so good! He gasps as he spasms a bit, Youre in it for the long ride you smirked pulling your dress up moving your panties to the side, You were their manager that worked for them, you brought them food, updated their schedules and even made sure they were in good health and even made sure they were always healthy and have a strong mental state, At first everyone liked you as a friend, Sakusa was distant but treated you like you were apart of the team, It took a while for them to have feelings for you, Shugo came into practice really late because he overslept and apologized to everyone, he didnt eat at all and didnt even eat breakfast, You immediately noticed because you heard his stomach grumbling, You had spare time on your hands, you rushed to the nearest store to get him some food, After everyone left to the lockers you stopped him, you should eat Shugo or youll get sick you were quite small in front of him, ruffling your hair thank you y/n come Ill share oh you dont have to- its fine come pulling you to the corner of the gym you two joked around while eating, that sparked something between you well at least to him, Adriah had a hard time pronouncing some words which was understandable, you were there to help because the rest of the team kept teasing him non stop, Leave poor Adriah alone you warned the rest then began to tease what are you gonna do shorty pants? Atsumu teases, oh Ill show you! You grab a metal spoon come here Atsumu you started to chase him with a spoon while he started to laugh like a maniac.