The unexpected possibility of repopulating the air temples within one or two generations suddenly became a reality. Its possible that Azulas cruelty and hatred caused her flames to turn blue. Exile was the sad fate of many young Air Nomads who turned from their pacifistic values, but sometimes even those who abstained from violence could be considered "renegade" if they indulged in "worldly" affairs. Many fans believe that this is meant to symbolize the restrictiveness and rigidity of the Fire Nation. Form of government [41] At the beginning of the era, the Earth Sages blamed the Air Nomads' detachment for Kuruk's failures as the Avatar. Abbot Sonam warned Avatar Yangchen about using her spy Kavik in her investigation into the shangs, fearing how world leaders would react if they discovered the Air Avatar was launching operations from the temples. [54] With the population of the Air Acolytes continuing to grow, many began to think it was the right time to start the repairs to the temples. Elsewhere, a group named the Air Acolytes was formed to carry on the teachings, culture, and traditions of the Air Nomads. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, the Air Nomad tattoos have significant cultural significance among these pacifistic benders. After becoming fugitives, Zuko and Iroh cut off their top-knots and threw them into a creek to symbolize their rejection of their homeland and the beginning of their true exile. [14], The Air Nomads also preached against the concept of revenge, viewing it as being akin to a two-headed rat-viper: by destroying your enemy, you poison yourself. The surrounding area was patrolled by Fire Army units, sometimes plagued by bandits, and there were some dark spirits haunting the area. [11] One hundred years later, he was awakened and released by Katara and Sokka, who helped him succeed in his quest to restore balance and peace to the warring nations. She funneled all her negative emotions into her firebending, causing it to change colors. Airbenders fight defensively, using their enemies strength against them and quickly maneuvering to avoid attacks. The Air Nomads organized a ritual to remember this deal, eventually naming the yearly ceremony as "Yangchen's Festival". From the information thats given, she died peacefully at the end of her life. The revelation made Aang feel that his childhood was taken away from him and everyone suddenly treated him differently. Jesa was a renegade Air Nomad nun, crime boss, and the mother of Avatar Kyoshi Originally considered a promising airbending master and much respected among her people, Jesas life changed upon meeting an Earth Kingdom thief named Hark and partaking in one of his heists. Once she passed, it was the Air Nomads' responsibility to keep up these arrangements, or else risk offending destructive spirits. [70] Shaving one's head is voluntary, though was encouraged so the airbender could feel the air around them. [14] By 174 AG, the nation's population had grown, as more new airbenders, including some from the Fire Nation,[60] came to train in the art on Air Temple Island. Before the ceremony, the hair of the master-to-be is shaven, and their limbs and head are tattooed. [28] Her people continued to honor her deals with the spirits, most notably keeping the ruins of Tienhaishi free of human civilization to placate the spirit General Old Iron. For more information, please see our [51] Aang himself also scoured the air temples' ruins for relics of his people, attempting to use what he found to revive their culture. 8 The Spiritual Center Of Airbenders. Airbenders are thus at their strongest in this season. She funneled all her negative emotions into her firebending, causing it to change colors. [52][90] His efforts paid off, and the Air Nation maintained a unique cuisine after his death. [44], The Fire Nation's government went on to spread vicious propaganda about the Air Nomads to justify their act of mass murder. Heads of territorial divisions: Head monks, abbots[101] (Northern and Southern Air Temple) and mothers superior (Eastern and Western Air Temple) This was until his granddaughter Jinora received her tattoos at the age of eleven in 171 AG. [52], The Air Acolytes did their best to recover every relic and piece of documentation they had on Air Nomad culture, and began to memorize Air Nomad holidays, stories, and rituals, in order to reconstruct the lost culture to the best of their ability. Like any airbending Avatars, their tattoos would naturally glow, radiating the power of Raava as they enter into the Avatar state. Capital: No overall capital, To preserve the culture of the extinct Air Nomads, Avatar Aang founded the Air Acolytes, a group consisting of mostly Earth Kingdom nonbenders that would uphold Air Nomad philosophies and traditions. It is said that the original Airbenders were the bison. With water, you have a large ammount (like a small river) right below you. This Avatar Airbender tattoo is perfect for beginners as well as experts. The arrows on Aang and Jinora serve as a guide for the airbending motions and where they must concentrate their chi. [10], The Air Nomads' philosophy and teachings became influential across the other nations, including the Fire Nation. Avoid and evade.. These early tattoos roughly resembled those seen on later Airbenders such as Aang and his son Tenzin --except the former ones did not form arrows. Government system: Ecclesiastical senate Avatars tattoos are somewhat linked to being the Avatar as it shows a level of devotion to either mastery of the elements or spirituality. None, though Air Nomads used foreign currencies[2][3][4] As a result, he enters a coma and his hair regrows , so when he wakes up, he looks like a totally different person. They were definitely airbenders , as all air nomads were born with bending powers. As we know, all air nomads, including females, get air nomad tattoos when they master air bending. [14] In this capacity, Kai and Opal forcibly halted the escape of three bandits, who were terrorizing the capital of the Earth Kingdom state of Yi, in 174 AG. By 174 AG, the new airbenders from the restored Air Nation had taken to wearing wingsuits, colored primarily red with additional yellow and gray accents,[15] which permitted agile gliding over short distances without the need for staffs or bison. Zaheer is the Forgotten Son Aangs teachings about Air Nomad culture and history would be the foundation for Zaheers radical philosophy. [35], The Air Nomads also hosted and trained Yangchen's successor Kuruk, although he regularly caused trouble at the air temples. Khandro began to hear reports of violent acts supposedly perpetrated by members of the Guiding Wind across the Fire Nation, and speculated if the Fire Lord may have been responsible. Katara. Why did Aang Get His Tattoos so Early? The Air Nomads continued to look inward during this time, resulting in some Earth Sages accusing them of inactivity and arguing that the Air Nomads' intense detachment of the world had disrupted the Avatar Cycle. This can be seen in the Legend of Korra. In The Legend of Korra season 3, new airbending abilities began to randomly appear in non-bending people from all nations. After the Air Nomad Genocide, Appa was believed to be the last of the flying bison However, during his adventures after the Hundred Year War, Aang discovered a new herd that started to grow again with colonies of healthy bison residing at all of the air temples. After being put in a coma by Azula at the end of Book 2, Aang awoke at the start of Book 3, only to . This initial bond between Air Nomad and bison marked a connection that would last the lifetimes of both companions. Iroh The wise, tea-loving Fire Nation elder gets top pick as the strongest bender in the series. Most recent known head: Four Councils of Elders Why do only Airbenders have tattoos? The tattooing tradition was inspired by the first airbenders, the sky bison. [105], Contrary to the propaganda spread in the Fire Nation, the Air Nomads did not have any form of military, as they were firm believers in peace and non-violence. What Does Amy Winehouse Blake Tattoo Mean? Capital Acting, as a classic symbol of romance, the rose tattoo design paired with the wolf stands for romantic love, Ive engrained this bull in my DNA for two decades, The Rock captioned an Instagram post. The Southern Air Temple Council of Elders had a prominent place in government. His mother either lived in the Eastern Air Temple or Western Air Temple, because both of those exclusively housed nuns and female Air Nomads. [23] Around 3,829 BG, Guru Laghima lived at the Northern Air Temple, before the political establishment of the four nations. Four Nations Tattoo @graph_ink7 via Instagram - Love this design? They lived in large temples and travelled the world on flying bison. This happened as a result of the . Kyoshi, having begun with her native earth , trained in firebending with her bodyguard and friend, Rangi, while simultaneously learning waterbending from her friend, Kirima. When an Air Nomad or Air Nation airbender has been deemed a master, they receive their tattoos during a special anointing ceremony. For more information, please see our [56] This proved to be a daunting task, as most of their new prospects rejected the idea of leaving their loved ones and worldly possessions behind, and in spite of their newfound abilities did not see themselves as Air Nomads or monks. [59], Airbenders who have attained a level of mastery in the art are marked with the arrow tattoos. Two weeks later, with his left arm still bandaged, he witnessed Jinoras anointment ceremony as a master airbender, during which her arrow tattoos were revealed. Why is Azula's fire blue? Avatar Kuruk's mission to destroy dark spirits left many spiritual sites in the human world unattended. [13] However, the two sides found it difficult to find a middle ground due to Tenzin's expectations of the volunteers to be identical to the old Air Nomads. [85] Furthermore, despite teaching tolerance and compassion, the Air Nomads were particularly condemnatory of criminal acts and wrongdoings committed by fellow Air Nomads as they represented a flagrant violation of their sacred vows of nonaggression, resulting in punishments of exile and banishment from residence in the air temples if perpetrators were found guilty as well as a denunciation of previous status. Aang, for example, earned his tattoos at age 12 when he invented the air scooter. where is the serial number on vera bradley luggage. The Air Nomads have the smallest population of the four nations in the world. As the only airbender to be born in over a hundred years, Tenzin was extensively taught the traditions and customs of the Air Nomads by his father and eventually earned the traditional Air Nomad arrow tattoos, symbolizing his status as an airbending master. Momo is a lemur from Avatar: The Last Airbender He is Aangs pet that Team Avatar found at the the Southern Air Temple, and has been apart of the team since. They are sex-segregated between temples, have a strict vegetarian diet, bond with an animal companion at an early age, and undergo regular ritual meditation. Meditation was an important part of the airbenders' daily routines, as it helped them to focus their energies and understand the potency of their element. aang was the youngest to receive his tattoos at 12 years old. how do airbenders get their tattoos. Despite the flattering nature of being an Airbender, he does not find it pleasant that they have tainted the sacred airbending tradition by bestowing tattoos just casually. The arrow tattoos serve as a visual representation of their mastery over the element of air and their deep connection to the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Air Nomads. [7][8] Their culture valued both altruism and detachment from wealth and worldly affairs, and their relationship with the other nations varied between different eras. Male nomads have their entires head shaved off whereas females on have the front half shaved off Since the An have died off, will Ikki and Jinora be required to shave their heads. He is an incarnation of the Avatar, the spirit of light and peace manifested in human form. [77] They also act as caretakers of the spirit portal in Republic City, along with the lands that surround them. Kyoshi, having begun with her native earth , trained in firebending with her bodyguard and friend, Rangi, while simultaneously learning waterbending from her friend, Kirima. One particularly unique tradition is the Air Nation tradition of arrow tattoos. They made up the smallest of the other nations and lived a peaceful life in tune with nature. As far as fans know, he was last seen with Suki. Make sure you don't rush your artist. In previous eras, all Air Nomad members were benders thanks to their strong affinity for spirits. Childhood to Adolescence. Air Nomads Get Tattoos Once They Master Airbending Airbenders fight defensively, using their enemies' strength against them and quickly maneuvering to avoid attacks. The Air Nomads accepted that reversing what was happening was a lost cause, and thus focused on protecting the sites while they remained and recording what knowledge they could before it was lost to humans forever. When choosing a design for a, What do Roman numerals mean in tattoos? The arrows on Aang and Jinora serve as a guide for the airbending motions and where they must concentrate their chi. Another way to earn these tattoos is for an Air Nomad to single-handedly invent an all-new airbending technique, regardless of how many tiers of training that bender has already completed. Territorial divisions: Five air temples Or her daughter was adopted. It was obviously the pinnacle of airbending. After receiving their tattoos, the airbender is anointed a master during a special ceremony. Jinora resurrected Rava With a part of lightness. However, the construction was a divisive issue, and the Guiding Wind spoke out against its construction, demanding an end to Air Nomad affiliation with the ruling classes. Unlike the other nations, those born to the Air Nomads were, without any seen exception, all benders due to the high level of spirituality of their people. The Blue Arrow tattoos are traditional air nomad tattoos tenzin, like Aang has them because they are Air Monks, Korra doesnt because shes water tribe. the arrows run along the chi paths and also mimic the arrows of the sky bison who taught the air nomads how to bend. Answer (1 of 9): When an air bender achieves a level of mastery over air bending, they are marked with the arrow tattoos Aang gained his tattoos after his creation of the airscooter He was also one of the youngest air bending masters, only surpassed by his own granddaughter Jinora (Edit: Comme. Despite knowing the secret to immortality and using the method to extend her life, Kyoshi still eventually died at 230 years old. Another component of airbending mastery is spirituality. Although the Avatar State provides Aang with an intense spiritual connection, Airbenders (or any Air Nomad, for that matter) tend to be spiritual; their philosophy bearing a striking resemblance with that of Buddhism. He's always looking for a wonderful new anime to watch or manga series to read. The feat would not be accomplished again in millennia. While Tenzin had never met this airbender, he hoped that they could be set on the right path after learning nomad traditions. The Airbender keeps his hair shaven in order to show off his peoples tattoo While Aang does grow out his hair when the need calls, the hero is more himself when shaven. Upon reaching the level of master by completing all thirty-six tiers of airbending , airbenders are tattooed with five light blue arrows: one extending from the base of the spine to the forehead, one for each arm pointing to the hands, and likewise for the legs and feet (when possible). No overall capital Tensions were made stronger by the fact that Sozin's sister, Princess Zeisan, intended to renounce her wealth and titles to join the Guiding Wind, and proposed a political marriage to Khandro. NickALive!. After the genocide, all temples showed damage incurred during the Fire Nation attack or outright deterioration from a century of neglect. The tattoos signify more than just a glow spot for immense power. This, of course, enabled them to not only get their tattoos but wear them proudly. Airbender Mastery Shown In The Avatar Tattoos In order to achieve airbending mastery, an Air Nomad must go through thirty-six tiers of training. [7][8][36][75] They lived according to montastic traditions, and the Northern and Southern Air Temples acted as homes for Air Monks, while the Eastern and Western Air Temples acted as homes for Air Nuns. In the movie, Aang says that, to get airbending tattoos, a person has to meditate for long periods of time without losing focus and that some of the Air Nomad monks could even meditate for four days. Even right out of the ice, Aang was a practiced Air Bender, hence him having the arrows at age 12. air nomad tattoos glow when in the Avatar State because they follow chi lines in the body This has been stated by the Creators in DVD Comments of Sozins Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang. July 9, 2022. air nomad tattoos glow when in the avatar state because they follow chi lines in the body This has been stated by the Creators in DVD Comments of "Sozin's Comet, Part 4: Avatar Aang". Two weeks after Zaheer was taken down , Jinora received her airbending tattoos and was anointed as a master airbender. Its been shown that Azulas firebending wasnt always blue. So to put it in short Sokka married Suki, had two kids Tonraq and Unaloq , then Tonraq married Senna and had Korra, while Unaloq inherited the position of chief, married Malina and had two kids Desna and Eska. They also wore brown shoes like the men but did not wear the white leggings.[18]. All Avatars' eyes glow when they enter this state, but Air Nomads alone have glowing tattoos to match, making for quite a visual. Due to their high spirituality, the monks believed that hope was only a distraction. At some point, the Air Nomads emerged as unified people, building temples as their homes while often traveling the world to interact with other people. When Korra collapsed soon after due to having been exposed too long to the Red Lotus poison, Jinora spurred Suyin to action upon revealing that the poison was metal-based. For the longest time, Tenzin hopes that he will be the one to lead the new Avatar through . This training involves centering oneself and taking the path of least resistance to direct chi through the body. [91] As Air Nomads were vegetarian, animal husbandry for food was largely unnecessary. So, the tattoo was not associated with airbending mastery as it became at a later date. The Tattoos Help The Flow Of Chi Chi is the internal energy that powers bending, so every bender must learn how to control and direct it. As we know, all air nomads, including females, get air nomad tattoos when they master air bending. [89] The Air Nomads cultivated special breeds of vegetables and fruits, many of whom went extinct following the genocide. Four Councils of Elders (formerly)Tenzin (for the Air Nation) Whatever size you decide on getting, you are going to look extremely cool with this tattooed on your skin. (732)548-0013/0015. I thought I read somewhere that they either had to master a certain number of techniques (I think 21) or create a new technique. the Fire Nation is an innovative and aggressive place, Avatar's Timeline Is Even More Mysterious Than Fans Realize, Avatar Legends Finally Reveals the Origins of the Yuyan Archers, Avatar Legends Reveals More About Roku's Era Than Ever Before. Once they do that, they get a blue arrow on their head, hands and feet, all pointing outward. [50] After the acolytes' formation, the air temples were each administered by abbots and abbesses. Aang got his for the air scooter ability, Tenzin updated that to make the air wheel. Aang and Gyatso had a close relationship. The Air Nomads are sometimes addressed as "the wandering nation". Government system: Unitary Pseudo-Ecclesiocracy The earliest known ancestors of the Air Nomads lived on top of the air lion turtle during the era of Raava. In real life, monks shave their heads and faces to show commitment to their spiritual life and to discourage vanity In the World of Avatar, the same act holds for all native airbenders, though nuns only shave their foreheads to show the ends of their arrows. Louis Kemner has been a fan of Japanese animation since 1997, when he discovered Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z in elementary school. Not only must the nomads contend with people looking to exploit the portal for personal gain, but they must also work with the spirits who wish to live in the mortal world. The young boys of the Southern Air Temple were known to travel to the Eastern Air Temple in order to choose their own personal sky bison. [13] After the insurrection of the Red Lotus, Tenzin decided that the Air Nation would roam the world, helping people of all nations to stop corruption and disorder. This training involves centering oneself and taking the path of least resistance to direct chi through the body. The Air Nomads consequently provided support and shelter to Kyoshi, as she faced great opposition from many Earth Sages. Jimu- The Avatar born after Korra died He has an incredibly rebellious attitude that often gets him in trouble. Bumi is Iroh IIs father His clothes actually look like theyre Fire Nation. During the era of Raava, the ancestors of the Air Nomads lived in harmony with the spirits. In some periods, they were almost completely isolationist in fear of being led astray by the often violent paths of other nations, while in other ages, they forged close ties with foreign governments in order to provide aid and help as many people as they could. by | Oct 29, 2021 | peter hughes escape to the country | pinocchio's london road sheffield menu | Oct 29, 2021 | peter hughes escape to the country | pinocchio's london road sheffield menu Im just wondering like , do they ink it on them or it just appears. There is one extending from the base of the spine to the forehead. Bumi is Iroh IIs father His clothes actually look like theyre Fire Nation. [30][31] After Yangchen apprehended all members of the Unanimity project when they started a great combustionbending display in Bin-Er, the Northern monks started to tend to the city with alms and blessings. After the Air Nomad Genocide, Appa was believed to be the last of the flying bison However, during his adventures after the Hundred Year War, Aang discovered a new herd that started to grow again with colonies of healthy bison residing at all of the air temples. [35] No threats of war occurred for an entire generation after Yangchen's death, ushering a prolonged period of peace across the world. The name of Tenzin is taken from Tenzin Gyatso, the fourteenth Dalai Lama, and means Upholder of teachings. In the opening theme, it is the most recent Avatars who are seen performing their respective bending: Earth is by Kyoshi, Fire by Roku, Air by Aang, and Water is by the current Avatar, Korra. 1734 Oak Tree Road Edison, NJ. Aang. [33], Due to the non-materialistic culture of the nation, the Air Nomads did not excavate the rich mineral deposits filled with iron and crystals that lay beneath their grounds.[24][81]. So Kyoshi most likely married/dated another guy after Rangi. [59][92], Air temples allowed people from other nations to farm the crops that would grow within the mountains, allowing the monks and nuns to pick up what resources they needed. While being presented to the congregated airbenders, Air Acolytes, and other witnesses, the airbending master presiding over the ceremony removes the robe to reveal the tattoos on the new master. Iroh The wise, tea-loving fire nation elder gets top pick as the strongest bender in the series. The island itself has an air temple which is the smaller than the other four temples. [18] With the rise of the Avatar, the lion turtles renounced their role as protectors of mankind, and the people left the safety of the cities to built large temples on remote mountains. More than any other nation, the Air Nomads maintain a deep spiritual connection with nature that disciplines their lives. [72] Because of this, when an Air Nomad Avatar tattooed in this fashion enters the Avatar State, these tattoos are known to glow, along with the Avatar's eyes and mouth. [49][50] In the following years, interest in the nearly-extinct culture also grew in academic circles, with archaeologists exploring old Air Nomad sites. Most of them went ignored, but a few had small hamlets that could be sustained as long as crucial supplies arrived regularly. By 170 AG, however, radios are installed for outside communication purposes. However, during the Red Lotus attacks, the Northern Air Temple was destroyed when Ghazan used lavabending to melt its foundations. They never had a formal military as they never really cared about much of those details. Cookie Notice Most Air Nomads have gray or brown eyes and a light complexion. At this point, the ancestors of the first Air Nomads left the lion turtle settlements.[18]. Eventually, both parties made amends following a bison rustler attack and resumed training. Simple social psychology says that relatively few non-Air Nomads would even want them. Light clouds can represent pleasant and cheerful times ahead, whereas stormy,, The violet flower symbolizes modesty, innocence, virtue, affection, care, and love. Needles. [73] If the body has received an injury deeper than the tattoo, that spot will no longer glow while in the Avatar State.[74]. [71] The arrows mark the paths through which chi travels through the body. [68][69] The Air Nomads wore yellow, orange, and brown clothing. With her training starting at such a young age, Korra quickly became the youngest fully-realized Avatar at age 17 (at least chronologically). For this reason, many monks chose to involve themselves in spiritual matters instead, no matter the nation they found themselves in. In 171 AG, the energy shift caused by Harmonic Convergence resulted in several nonbenders obtaining airbending abilities, expanding the world population of airbenders beyond the bloodline of Avatar Aang and speeding up the reformation of the nation by generations. All airbenders grew up to become monks and nuns unless they chose to leave the Air Nomad life behind or were exiled. Because they were pacifists, Air Nomads led peaceful lives and avoided conflict when possible, though were willing to fight when there was no other option left to take. Best Episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender, In Season 2, Episode 19, Avatar Aang learns about 7 chakras from, Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of those very few shows that, The live-action Avatar film is titled The Last Airbender. It was released, Meelo is the grandson of Avatar Aang and is one of the, Automated page speed optimizations for fast site performance, __CONFIG_colors_palette__{"active_palette":0,"config":{"colors":{"f3080":{"name":"Main Accent","parent":-1},"f2bba":{"name":"Main Light 10","parent":"f3080"},"trewq":{"name":"Main Light 30","parent":"f3080"},"poiuy":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"f83d7":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"},"frty6":{"name":"Main Light 45","parent":"f3080"},"flktr":{"name":"Main Light 80","parent":"f3080"}},"gradients":[]},"palettes":[{"name":"Default","value":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"var(--tcb-color-4)"},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(11, 16, 19, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":206,"l":0.06,"s":0.27}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(11, 16, 19, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":206,"l":0.06,"s":0.27}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(11, 16, 19, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":206,"l":0.06,"s":0.27}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(11, 16, 19, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":206,"l":0.06,"s":0.27}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(11, 16, 19, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":206,"l":0.06,"s":0.27}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(11, 16, 19, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":206,"l":0.06,"s":0.27}}},"gradients":[]},"original":{"colors":{"f3080":{"val":"rgb(23, 23, 22)","hsl":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09}},"f2bba":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.5)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.5}},"trewq":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.7)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.7}},"poiuy":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.35)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.35}},"f83d7":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.4)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.4}},"frty6":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.2)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.2}},"flktr":{"val":"rgba(23, 23, 22, 0.8)","hsl_parent_dependency":{"h":60,"s":0.02,"l":0.09,"a":0.8}}},"gradients":[]}}]}__CONFIG_colors_palette__. As a result, the prestigious and accomplished monk Kelsang of the Southern Air Temple was appointed to watch over Kuruk; he went on to join the Avatar's team of companions. The other temples are currently housed by the Air Acolytes and the airbenders of the Air Nation. Having an Air Nomad say a few words of spiritual blessing over a new barn or baby was considered great luck. The Guiding Wind argued that the Air Nomads' new relationship with the nobility and wealthy elite of the other nations had impeded the spiritual growth of people across all nations. The bottom tip of the triangle on the forehead end just between the eyebrows, while the arrows on the hands aim at the middle finger. The Air Nomad culture closely resembles that of Hindu priests and Tibetan monks. T.J.L. Air Nomad culture became strongly built around the lessons that they learned from the sky bison.