In the mean while, I would encourage to keep your back and shoulder moving as much as possible. Take note of the curve in the lower back. This areas is commonly injured with lifting with a flexed lower back. Is this normal? Anybody have success stories and/or before and after photos of correcting APT? Hi there I am currently struggling with lower back problems and shoulder problems. When I stand straight its pretty bad, I can see it my hips tilting down in the mirror alot, I think Im just overthinking lol Thanks for the reply be well! Do you think its because I have 2 degenerative disks? The PTs I have gone to are not helpful so I just do home exercises at home for anterior pelvic tilt. I have the perfect post for your X leg shape! Feel free to send your photos through the Facebook page. I would really appreciate some helpful feedback. If it is standing, then you should fix your standing posture. This can lead to weak and lazy postural muscles. Im facing several conditions at the same time, I know I used to have the worst posture but its going better, however, theres something Im having troubles getting a hand on. Because Im starting to worry lol. I have a very badly arched back but it has been that way since I was born. What can lumbar Hyperlordosis increase the risk of? If you havent watched my APT videos, please check them!Fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt: to Fix and Prevent APT:\"About me\": 0:41Actual topic starts at: 1:19Strategy 1 (Lengthening Spine): 1:19Strategy 2 (Posterior Pelvic Tilt): 3:55Strategy 3 (Pelvic Rotation): 7:10Suggested book(s):- Awareness Through Movement:*Disclosure: Above are my amazon affiliate link(s). Learn how to engage your core: This is Ronnie. We are movement coaches and researchers who help people beat chronic pain without drugs, pills, or unnecessary surgeries. Thanks in advance, Milica. Hi, I have a bulging disc in my L4-L5 last February but I think thats not the issue now. Its more frustrating than I can explain, and she is starting to complain of lower back pain. Hi I have hyper lordosis and my MRI said i have spondylolysthesis l5 on s1 By the way im 18 Im so sad about it cause it makes my posture terrible Is there any way i can fix it or its just permenant? And how much height have i lost beacuse of it Thanks for responding. But youre saying that we can Ideally, I should stay constantly alert, but in reality I dont. I feel like starting immediately! Try sleeping on your side, or on your back with your knees bent. Hi Mark, My younger son has no issue with this, and could sit normally as soon as he was able to sit. Is there a possibility that someone has little bit APT, little bit hunchback , little bit flared ribs which in whole creates excessive hyperlordosis. So what to do ? Also when i sit i hunch. My question is, is there some kind of excercise I can do to prepare my body for the Dead bug excercise? my backpain is almost totally gone. If you are indeed fused, then there will be a limitation how much change you can influence in the spine. So if I keep correcting my posture it will get better? I had a big accident, and from during of this I always have complained of this pain. How to explain the disconnect here? Thirdly you will need to identify what kind of posture you have so that you can do the specific exercises to help you maintain a more natural posture. Due to thick lower back muscles I struggle to feel if the spine actually moves off the floor despite not being able to put a finger underneath my back when lying down. hips, thoracic spine), Hi Mark I have scoliosis is it natural to have lordosis with it or I have another problem too?Thanks. That would definitely make sense that its more of an APT, however Im really not sure, but Ill do what you suggest there in the article. Position of your rib cage can definitely influence the way you breathe. Hi, Mark 1) No Having APT does not mean you will have any issues. I am a 14 year old girl who has experienced a pooch persay due to this condition. Aim to feel a stretch on the side of your body to the lower back. Keeping your rightknee bent towards your chest, slowly lower AND straighten the left legtowards the ground. The tight muscles which are involved with increasing the arch in the lower back will need to be stretched. Also, how do you deal with Hunchback, Arched Back, and maybe even Head-Forward posture all at the same time? This really helped. As in first fix my hunchback or APT. Once your symptoms have resolved, I would generally then suggest to start working on your posture. I dont know your exact situation but it is very rare that you will require surgery for a hyperlordosis. For sure! Thanks so much for getting back to me, really appreciate it! Hey Mark, thanks for this article. ^ Now, I have bulked up, but still remain in my normal weight. If you are over using the QL, you might not be use your abdominal muscles enough. I would like to know if you know any sports that are very good for posture? Make sure that you do NOT hold your breath! Although doing exercises to relieve those muscles prescribed by my physiotherapist, I find difficulty while walking. Maureen. Let the weight of your legs pull on the lower back. I think the pain in my back gets stronger when I wash my hair, its really uncomfortable But maybe its okay? An imbalance of muscles pulling on the lumbar region of the spine or pelvis in general often contributes to the tilt. A large belly will shift the center of mass forwards leading to the body being pulled forwards. First of all a big fat thanks to you for all your blogs. I am so scared sir! BEST PRESSURE RELIEF Dusk LUXE. I think it was not only increase because the time past but also because I was injured in the knee and I got a cyst (ganglion) in the middle of the cross and a little bit of the strap was torn. So what do you suggest in this regard??? Seems like i have many issues and i think that doing some exercise may help some positions and hurt others. They come in different firmness depending on your tolerance. So am on thyroxine for my thyroid and about 70k IU vit D/wk for a 3 month cycle- they dont know if the low vit D is messing with the thyroid or if it is the other way around. Sounds like you could have thoracic kyphosis. Kind of like the arch in you foot. After urging my doctor to help and getting regular C1/2 adjustments that never seemed to hold, I gave up and started DIYing my care. But within the last 6 months, Ive developed a pain on the muscles immediately next to my spine in my mid back on my right side, just above the small of my waist/below the chest. In regards to your tail bone pain, have you been doing any exercises whilst sitting on the floor? Hello Thanks for your detailed explanation! I have been doing physical therapy for 5 weeks but we werent exactly addressing the lordosis reversal. After 3 months of chiropractic, Im still in great pain. I did message your on face book aswell so if you see Ross H you now its me, thanks Reducing belly size will help keep the center of mass over the feet and reduce the need for the lower back to arch backwards. If you feel that you have done everything you can for the lower back, it may be time to look for other areas that are driving your back into a hyper lordosis. Hello sir. The best thing to do is to do exercises for it. Im starting to think that the QL is simply weak and needs strengthening, thats something you didnt explicitly mention in your post, or I missed it. What do I have, do i have everything? Do you believe this is mostly a muscular issue for me, and that the solution for me is to do the above exercises and get my hamstrings more flexible? If you notice that your Is it common to see both anterior pelvic tilt and lordosis together? Its pretty severe my family noticed as well. Only your leg should be moving. Check out this post: How to fix a Twisted Spine. Your feet should not be in contact with the floor. do i have to continue doing these moves? I looked at my back afterwards and I see a difference. But just make sure you dont suffer from knee issues. Hi Mark iv been back and fourth your site now for a year or so Do I have a chance of correcting my posture and living pain free? You are truly a giving person sharing this knowledge. This pulls my neck and shoulder out of alignment and I get tension headaches and shoulder pain. Did you do a lot of W sitting as a child? The information, including but not limited to,text, graphics, images and other materials contained on this YouTube channel is for educational and information purposes only. I just tired a couple of the exercises and feel better already. I follow a good diet and have decent sleeping habits. I am worried that if I try and fix all at the same time I will take on too much and probably just end up giving up! Keep your back straight by engaging your abdominal muscles throughout the exercise. Hi, Shouldnt it do to my body what the prayers pose does? This page is super helpful and I really appreciate it! We decided not to break my bones to fix it. Never experiencing pain in my lower back, but always in my middle/upper back. Wow! Ive quite a deep arch in my lower back. First of all, thank you for all the help and knowledge you provide to everyone. Its quite hard to say how long it is going to take. The arch on the right at my lower back is alot. I cant thank you enough for these exercises. Personally I dont use equipment very often as I find the exercises/stretches will give great results. Also there is a pic of yours in the Web page of hyperlordosis which reads things to avoid in which you r overarching your back. The pec muscle on the one side is locked in spasm and my physio has no ide what to do. This basically means you feel a bit better when you arch your back backwards to an appropriate degree. Thanks for your reply Self decompression for lower back at home, How to stretch the different parts of the hamstrings. 2. I also have anterior pelvic tilt which is my normal standing position and my muscles are stif because i cant do that exercise of neutral pelvic allingment while standing i am a overwheight child or obese you can say with a weight of 98 kgs. Even with Yoga they dont seem to ever stretch out much which could be most of my problems. Could the weight that I have gained be affecting my arch in my back? Whats stretches or strengthening I should do and avoid? I can fit both arms on top of each other while doing the lordosis wall test.Is that normal or do I have hyperlordosis?If I do then how many inches do you think I could possibly add? This usually occurs around the T9-12 region. I looked back at my MRI and saw that was really the only thing significantly wrong. How do i fix this? It feels like I should stop sitting but that is obviously difficult to do. Unfortunately, There is no splint ( that I know of) that is used to address this issue.