Other than that, I spent like three hours today petting my cat. And I specifically have felt this pressure because a lot of the stuff that people know me for is like explicitly about transgender identity, and I've gotten countless, countless messages of people saying, you know, your work made me realize I was trans or so so much, so much shit like that. Holly:I'm, I don't know, it feels weird. The (IR) camera might not turn on, the feature might hang, or one of the following This page requires Javascript. Holly:It's always the dumbest shit it's great. And then it just like somebody chimes in with just like three words or something. So-, Holly:A woman with many faces I guess. At the same time, you need to understand that 85% of what we put on was bullshit on purpose. [Both laugh]. fractalfruittrees reblogged this from thegleampt2fromtheglowpt22001. We're really Pocket Camping our way into the future with [Holly laughs harder] anarcho communist communes bubbling up all over the place, mutual aid funds and everything. I did a little bit of improv stuff just as a hobby with various different groups. And then when you're putting stuff down yourself, try to make it a sort of- make it have enough of like a, what's a way I can put this enough about comedy foothold so that they can like grab onto that themselves and work with it as well. Sarah:Oh, God. And it's like managed chaos and the fact that it comes off as being completely spontaneous. Like a lot of people were like, oh, did you have like a bunch of lines pre recorded so that you could like, play them when you didn't know what to say? end ID]. I cant find anything like HP Reveal which makes it all the more annoying theyve dropped it. Holly:Like this is something that I've been trying to get better about for years and I had to very suddenly get very violently good at when I was suddenly thrust into the public eye, and a lot of creative types that I've been looking up to for years, were suddenly reaching out to me like Hey, I really liked your work, or Hey, I think you're really cool or Hey, do you want to be friends? Sarah: But the fans can get a little over invested in certain things. Well, thank you so much for coming on, Holly. This is eternal proof that I was here and I did something that's fucking amazing to me. to a USB stick, "Somewhere" you can access the files should the computer become unavailable. Hollowtones is an actress, known for Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (2020), Real-Time Fandub Games (2018) and Sonic Destruction (AI-Generated Sonic Script) (2021). Holly: [Holly laughs] That's how we tend to goes, doesn't it? Jun 01, 2020 The realisation is like through a cartoon or a dumb movie. ARKit. I don't know. Anyways, sometimes I like to just pull up a Wikipedia article and read it out verbatim because something about that is really funny to me. Sarah: [Sarah laughs]Yeah, yeah, it's got to be the thing where it gets increasingly more difficult. Now, with the launch of HPs new offering, HP Reveal, augmented reality is about to take a big step beyond entertainment and become incredibly useful. Oh, I that's that's the kind of thing that whether you like it or not, you were going to become very, very precinct-p-p- Be very, very aware of. Khosravy was part of the latest generation of computer scientists intrigued by AR, working at different companies on the technologys development over the past decade. For example, the camera in this sample shows the proper type of FHD IR camera. Sarah: And I think right now we're in a weird moment where with the combination of quarantine and political disillusionment and disempowerment in general, everybody's bored out of their minds and sad and looking for somebody to beat the shit out of and Homestuck people are really easy to do that with because they're wearing grey face paint and candy corn horns so like [Holly laughs]. It's just kind of like, huh weird. Sometimes the stupidest ideas are secretly the best ones in disguise and you need to learn to nurture them and cherish them. They're fucking hydraulic presses. Please wait while we gather your contact options. Does anyone know how long we will be able to continue to use our Aurasma's? But honestly, what YTP was such a formative, part of who I am. Content, Skip to make sure you back up all your important files. What? Patrons get access to 29 bonus episodes and counting on intermission. Please refer to the following link for more information. The first one is The Golden Rule of improv where whenever something is brought up as a topic or an idea or like something to move like the act forward with. And I think that's like yeah, go ahead. I've been on streams with much more talented or experienced I should say, streamers and improv people and felt myself being self conscious and like flubbing lines and stopping and trying to correct myself and I think the hardest impulse to learn is to just sort of like go oh, I fucked this up. What's your history to the extent that you're willing to share, Holly: So the quick and dirty of it, I don't want to go into too much detail because a lot of this is tied to my dead name. Does anyone know how to contact HP to ask what is happening to the HP Reveal technology. Please refer to the following link for more information. Holly: Also, just like improv in general. And it can be something complete bullshit like, oh, someone can say like, oh, I've got this dog. And y'all are just like improving and going wild. Please try again shortly. And it's like, my heart grows seven sizes that day. So Benrey's, actor, Scorpy, is I want to say one of the most interesting people I've ever known in my life. And it's just a video of like, oh, here's the king from Zelda cdi saying dinner over and over again for 10 minutes actually no I changed my mind. In light of, uh, meeting all of them, May 1st through 7th is now the ! Youtube Poop is absolutely. And B you need to fucking put the work in and you need to try to like keep trying to make something that you can look at and be satisfied with. Sarah: Okay, yeah, cuz I remember finding it- I watched it with my girlfriend,-. So I might as well just try and focus on that. We've kind of covered some territory of this, but let's see. Holly is nice. Right. And in lieu of a lot of props. By using this site, you accept the. WE HAVE REACHED ALL OF OUR STRETCH GOALS!!!!!!!!!! And now I have no heroes. Specifically because I think, I don't want to say it's so brave,[Holly laughs] but it is really cool to see a trans woman like doing the voice of just like a dude in this series and not making a big deal of it, I guess. Sort of like how we put it together and managed to make it work there was a lot of factors that went into this like being something I mean, I hesitate to use the word cohesive because at the end of the day, it was just like a bunch of jokes that we hamstrung together into something. Welcome aboard! It's made out of fire. Sarah: It's a very specific archetype. Will they consider selling it on to a new developer. Windows Face logon requires the high-grade IR camera Another quick way to check whether the computer thinks it can do this: Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options If Windows Hello is not available, you will see a message: Windows Hello Face This options is currently unavailable - click to learn more Next Preparation Recommended / General Information Of course, Viz, the company that owns the website and publishes the books, is not doing a great job of keeping the website up there now. I would suggest you contact HPReveal support They may know the information. By using this site, you accept the . Sarah: That's a word for it for sure. In terms of like other creative stuff, I for a couple of years have been doing online streaming on and off. Episode 93: Anti-Cop Propaganda. I mean, I guess I have some experience with that with like, trying to be like someone as openly trans as I can and the situation that I am where people are gonna be like, Oh, well, you're just a fucking weirdo on the internet. You take what your partners are doing and you use it as a stepping stone for something to go towards. See HP PCs - Back up your files (Windows 11, 10). There's a character who shows up in Act six, which is the entire second half of the comic, named Caliborn and who is, Sarah: Yeah, he's basically like the epitome of shitty men online that's a misogynist troll type person. If the issue persists, continue to the next step. Holly: I'm looking up games on the Atari Jaguar, it's time for us to break out 2000 from our chains. In the PIN area, click Remove, and then click Remove again to confirm. Where am I And it caught me so off guard that I think it knocked all of my anxieties clean on its ass so I could pull out a knife and stab it.So. Because like. But remember when it comes time for you to face off against the police don't be afraid to go into a Super Smash Brothers brawl. Type your password in the password box, and then click OK or Sign in, depending on your account type (local or Microsoft account). TheHP Reveal is stopped. How long ago was it that y'all started doing the half life VR but AI is self aware? [Holly laughs] Listen on this, literally on this podcast network there is a show dedicated exclusively to talking about Vriska and Terezi. The HP Fellow for HPs Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Compute Lab is teaching computers to see patterns and flaws. features that use the TPM, and then use the TPM management tool to clear the TPM. Go to HP Customer Support- Software and Driver Downloads, and then enter your PC model number. And I watch it. When the Startup Menu is displayed, press f10 to open BIOS Setup Utility. And like they were still drawn to this just because they were like, Well, I know a little bit about this I know enough to know this isn't how it's supposed to go normally. You're a visionary I could never hope to like, be as high as you are. That was fun. People are like, how do you come up with those jokes all the time? Holly:And some of it I do feel bad about it because it's like people that are like that see parts of themselves in these series like we got a lot of questions like, Oh, I'm really attached to doctor Coomer. I've been in chats with them and other folks that are like they'll just go on quoting those for like 40-50 minutes and I'm sitting there because I completely missed that side of the internet and they'll be sitting there just like reciting these things and getting the weird like ways that those fuck up your voice down to perfection. We went for a lot of physical comedy like this, was a bit I came up with that, I was really proud of the idea of using people as chairs instead of actual chairs, that's to show off the sort of decadence and sort of vile ravishness of these people. And I mean, I'm preaching to the choir at this point, I'm sure but it's like, have you ever gone outside? But like, I personally think it's very worth reading. I kiss your feet and it's like, number one. So @ Rinlikesmemes on Twitter asked Have you ever worked in other mediums of storytelling, and if so, do many skills translate between that and improv? It works on two different levels. watching hollys go fish streamThe moment when heavy got traded away in the middle of drawing the first picture. I was the fucking theater kid. Dr. Coomer does this; it's a character trait of his. I'm just a human, people fuck up all the time and just be willing to go. Oh God it is. Javascript is disabled in this browser. That's really defeatist and you get nowhere with that you just get really, really tired and sad and you wonder what you're doing with your life. But. See your browser's documentation for specific instructions. Holly:[Holly laughs] Oh, my friend, if you've come here for scalding hot Wikipedia opinions, you've come to the right podcast. And Benrey as an antagonist consistently is baffling entirely because you're just like, Wh-wh-What? Like you get the perspective of Oh, this horrific completely unknowable abomination that just can't be reasoned with, its motivations cannot be understood or scrutinized it is here, it is going to do what it will and you are going to try your damnedest to stop it all in vain. Sarah: Oh, that's incredible. This is like a really weird tangential story. If the feature was set to Software Controlled, set it to Software Controlled again. Yeah, his specific, like, I don't know his cadence and the way that he is just always trolling Gordon specifically. SnapCube's Real-Time Fandub, an improvised comedy fandub series by Penny Parker (based on Real-Time Fandub by Charley Marlowe) was one of the earliest and most significant productions to involve the group, as its voice actors were becoming household names as early as the show's fifth episode. Sarah: Yeah, that was made real by way of a Toblerone wish. Holly: It was around that point where I was like, finishing up high school or starting college or something along those lines. It was act five. Yeah. The new working-from-home reality requires business leaders and companies do everything they can to set their employees up for success. HP Customer Support- Software and Driver Downloads, HP PCs - Back up your files (Windows 11, 10). Watch true stories of lives changed by a the discovery and creationg of printed photos. Sarah: Yeah. [Sarah Laughs] Please. I'm sorry. My brain mixed up all of the words. When the camera screen is displayed, position yourself so your face is displayed in the center of the window, and then hold Really, you've done yourself a favor by peacing out because It sounds like you pretty much skipped all the stuff that people get the most obsessive over. This show is supported by listeners like you on Patreon. Learn how Gen Z is changing the world, one brilliant idea at a time. A Dominant Seventh Sharp Ninth Chord Moved Randomly About The Fretboard Of A Poorly Tuned Guitar, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Dark Chocolate, Sonic Adventure 2 (Dark Story + Final Story), Prove Me Wrong: A Transgender Princess Musical, Stronger Than You (Real-Time Fandub Version). So, pretty decent all around, I'd say. But like, maybe it's just not really my right to say. I do have another question that wasn't answered when I filled out the contact form that I hope you can answer How long until my current Aurasma's scan? Right, yeah? I did a lot of drama classes and school plays stuff like that. Sarah: Uh, well, okay, so I am personally of the mind that all of Homestuck is very good. Use the sign-in options in Windows Settings to add a PIN and set up Face Recognition. It's I mean, we're definitely not the first people to do something like this, as you say, we're certainly not going to be the last. And like that wasn't like the event that spurned it off, but it's always funny in retrospect to look back on that and be like, Oh, yeah, that's what that meant wasn't it. How do you roll with that, not just go silent, especially live and any guidelines the things you'd like to keep in mind did not drop the ball? Transcribed By Sarah:Yeah, it is. Kind of dropped off at some point. to the next step. Sarah: And this is of course a Homestuck podcast. He is a coward and a bad man. Oh shit, right the big reveal of fuck Oh, god damn it. Set an entire squad's voices to this 2. go on any mission with said squad 3. in quick succession, blue move and overwatch with every squad member That's really fucking funny. They were hugely useful separately, but Khosravy envisioned combining them to create a single powerful platform with the whole range of AR capabilities image recognition, watermarks and location tracking all triggered by print. What a get. I know this. I'm gonna run with this. [Sarah laughs] And that one specifically, and also there's a bit in one were these crushing pendulums, and I forget what the name is, not pendulums, pendulums is what I called them by accident. On a side note, the creator of the show needs your help! And it's like, Oh, right. This list is incomplete by its nature and you can help Wikipedia by expanding it. i am watching holly hollowtones play bugsnax so anyways here is my grumpussona which will probably require changes when the game reveals its dark twist Please sign in with your PIN. We did a show of a, I think it's a Dutch play. Do you want to come hang out with me and do something with me? We are a world community of volunteers dedicated to supporting HP technology. Use the right arrow key to select Security. It's important to just realize, okay, that's possible. SUBMIT VIDEOS FOR SOCKS TO WATCH https://bit.ly/2TU4Y7mJOIN THE REDDIT https://www.reddit.com/r/Socksfor1Submissionstoday Socksfor1 reacts to TbhHonest's FACE REVEAL? ClownHouse (founded as WikiBox, later WikiBox and Co thanks to a viewer poll) was formed around June 2019. And then that's what makes them realize she's trans. In the Security or System Security settings, disable the following security features, if they are listed: BIOS configurations vary. Type your PIN or password in the PIN or Password field. in the BIOS before clearing the TPM, re-enable them. Main platforms Right now I can still scan them and they work in the app. Holly played Dr. Coomer in HL:VRAI. Thank you for any ideas! Holly: I appreciate you being smart enough to do it. I just drank a bunch of tea that was way too hot and injured my tongue. Sarah: It's sort of like you want to be able to go hey, go to homestuck.com and read the webcomic. I'd like to extend a sincere thank you to our donors, who raised over $5000 dollars to help LGBT+, Our CONE CHALLENGE FUNDRAISER for RECLAIM THE BLOCK just raised over 11,000 DOLLARS AAA, SOURCE FOR THE SOUL HAS RAISED $3,776.02 FOR THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION! Sarah: In the weirdest dumbest ways. The promise of like, taking something familiar and like, flipping it on its head, making it do like a spin until it drills down to the center of the earth and melts an unrecognizable heat that if you smell it just right on a Tuesday you go Oh, that's Half Life. I'm a snob about this because it's like oh, there's some of these things that other people think are like, Oh, this is really funny. ClownHouse's association wouldn't be mentioned by name until "Until Dawn - Part 1" with the debut of some new members. My third eye is open. This was a delightful conversation. But like, some of it's just like, either it doesn't matter or it would feel weird confirming this because it's not really my right to say oh, Dr. Coomer. Holly:Thank you very much for having me. Sarah:Yes, I'm sure. Windows Hello Face Recognition does not work. You can also decide the click events on individual custom objects floating in the AR environment. SUBMIT VIDEOS FOR SOCKS TO WATCH https://bit.ly/2TU4Y7mJOIN THE REDDIT https://www.reddit.com/r/Socksfor1Submissionstoday Socksfor1 reacts to TbhHonest's. But like, there'll be a lot of stuff people will be like, oh, this is a really funny video. Holly: I think describing both Benrey and Scorpy as the fucking hit and run of people is very apt. Please refer to the following, Give us a virtual high-five by clicking the 'Thumbs Up' icon below, followed by clicking on the ", First Time Here? I love him. Holly:I'm glad you enjoyed this series enough to like, have enough of an attachment to be curious about these things. Previous It's like, it feels sort of like the natural conclusion of a lot of things like theater and, like online Let's Plays and things like that just sort of like all coalescing together into this weird mishmash, where when you look at it, like, objectively, from an outside position, you'd like it extensively doesn't feel like it should work. [Sarah sighs] And how would you say this is directly correlated to Einstein's theory of relativity [Sarah laughs] you dumb son of a bitch and how it's not real? This is just who he is. And it's like, you got to understand that there's nothing that separates people who make things that you like from you as a person as a listener or viewer member of any audience. Your session on HP Customer Support has timed out. I really think it's always tempting with things like this to sort of lean too hard into the lore that you start building and start taking it a little bit too seriously. And Scorpy just messaged me and he said, don't worry about it. Didn't find what you were looking for? At the same time, someone taking a chair and describing it as like a raised surface with four legs and the back commonly used to sit on something about just like the absurdity of trying to break down a chair to its base essentials like you're trying to describe it to an alien or a dog that has learned to understand human speech is really goddamn funny to me. TheHP Reveal is stopped. Sarah:Yeah, I think that speaks to how a lot of skills that you might think are kind of worthless or weird, end up coming into play in the stuff that you do. ClownHouse Or you could cut them off abruptly as a joke and like, Listen, I'm glad you think that highly of me that I'd be like that prepared. I know it's scary out there. I think the important thing to do is just if you do fuck up, and like, if people do tell you, hey, you fucked up here. Holly: Well thank you. And people notice me and like, sometimes they'll be like, hey, Holly, when this happened at like, in Act Three, part two, exactly 27 minutes and 43 seconds, when Dr. Coomer mentioned the existence of Wikipedia, even though the Half Life series purportedly takes place in the early 1990s, when Wikipedia doesn't exist. I'm curious how you feel about this mode of storytelling. I'm glad other people find this funny. If you would like to thank us for our efforts to help you. Browse Adobe Labs You're not good at it. And it's actually all the more frightening because he's legitimately incomprehensible. Episode 91: DEATH! And, you know, people are working on trying to get things fixed, and-. I don't know. "New" is not the only key - the webcam / camera in the computer must the the correct type of high-grade IR camera. It's been baffling for me with my own work. I encourage it personally, I think it's great all these things that people are coming up with. 92 twitter.com/hp_hollowtones Posts Tagged No Posts Yet Im incredibly grateful. The music for this show is by Goomy. And it's like, it's that's incredible and wonderful, and I'm so happy and that's literally what I wanted. I want to be kind of like him when I'm older and cooler. I think especially coming from my perspective where like, I know all these people. And whenever he does talk to us, either in text or he'll just turn on his shitty rock band mic and make an awful sound and then mute again. Sarah: And I always identified with him the most. error messages might be displayed. Our combination of AR technologies is sparking people's imaginations, theyre saying, hey print can be a powerful, unique trigger for digital experiences, says Moe Khosravy, HPs vice president of software and firmware for 2D print and 3D print who leads the HP Reveal project. And I don't know that I like what I saw. Ask the community. It's a greased wheel. Prior to 2020, the group was named "WikiBox" which was a blend of the co-founders' Tumblr usernames instead of their Twitch usernames "paper-mario-wiki" and "paperboxhouse", respectively. In Settings, remove your Face Recognition and PIN settings from the sign-in options. Then, last year, Pokmon Go burst on the scene, sparking a frenzy with its hunt for a wacky lineup of AR characters and shining the spotlight on the growing potential of applying augmented reality to real world situations. Sarah: One person makes a joke and then another person echoes it later on and it starts building up. But like, and also you get things like, Oh, this is a list of deceased individuals. Like I felt that made me even more invested than I already was. [1] Its members are include voice actors, Vtubers, illustrators, and musicians based in the United States and Canada. Thank you all so much for your support this month. His like entire character direction was Wayne basically decided Scorpy I think it would be funniest if you were playing yourself in this game. The Fortune cover gives just a hint of what is possible. Holly:Mm hmm. But I guess sort of a mindset of like, trying to play off something that is allegedly serious or scientific or scholarly in tone when it is absolutely a goddamn joke in every single identifiable way possible, which I guess works pretty well, when you're playing a scientist that also knows nothing. Holly is a master of shapes. Like there's all these moments that I could look back on and be like, oh, maybe that was something like oh, when I was a kid and I watched Sailor Moon a lot with my sister. Sarah: It's great. You can use alternative third-party software. It's funny because it's different. Which I learned the hard way many times throughout my life but, it's important to realize that you can take that voice and realize that means Okay, this means I want to improve how can I act on this How can I be productive with these thoughts? But like, god there was this horrible nagging pain we finished the whole series and we rolled the credits that was pre recorded. A site on The Booru Project was made on September 11, 2019 for the group's fans to share fan art based on events and jokes aired on their livestreams. Duration Sarah:Thank you all so much. Holly: But uh so it was it was an exercise in like trying to go with like this like pre established scripts and like trying to bend it in our own interesting ways. The HP Reveal is stopped. Help the community by editing it! And like also the fact that like the majority of us have all been friends for like, oh god, what like 12-13 years at this point, so like, at this point, it feels like we have a psychic connection that we can use between each other to be like, okay, I want to make this dumb joke.