First you don't need both @RunWith (MockitoJUnitRunner.class) and MockitoAnnotations.initMocks (this); at the same time. Updated the example, even with this set, it is still returning null. Thankyou Rammgarot. "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection. You should read the Javadoc of Mockito.RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS which explains this in more detail and also has some warnings about its usage. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. As for the error occuring when not mocking core classes. in an @BeforeEach setup. rev2023.5.1.43405. Also, always include the full stack trace if there is one, and try to remove as much noise as possible from the code that has no relation to the issue. Which language's style guidelines should be used when writing code that is supposed to be called from another language. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. THANK YOU!!!! IMHO using the MockitoRule is the best one, because it lets you still choose another runner like e.g. Trying to upgrade Mockito from 3.4.6 (3.4.8 wasn't published to Maven central) to anything 3.5.x (3.5.7 included) and I get some weird NPEs, which don't happen if I run each test on its own: Initially I thought it might be caused by the new MockedStatic usage, but I've marked those classes with @Disable and the exceptions happen anyway and the test classes that are affected weren't using MockedStatic anyway, so I'm not exactly sure how to investigate this further. So we mostly read now only what is new = e.g. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Content Discovery initiative April 13 update: Related questions using a Review our technical responses for the 2023 Developer Survey. I got null pointer bcoz of @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class), instead of that I changed to @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class). Unlike the mock() method, we need to enable Mockito annotations to use this annotation.. We can do this either by using the MockitoJUnitRunner to run the test, or by calling the MockitoAnnotations.initMocks() method explicitly. What is this brick with a round back and a stud on the side used for? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. We can also configure Spy to throw an exception the same way we did with the mock: 6. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. Eigenvalues of position operator in higher dimensions is vector, not scalar? Mockito : how to verify method was called on an object created within a method? How to verify that a specific method was not called using Mockito? How do you assert that a certain exception is thrown in JUnit tests? Have a question about this project? Debug and check if you are returning something. If I run it with SpringJUnit4ClassRunner, I get application initialization error if I change from MockBean to Mock for Consumer because the Consumer is AUTOWIRED in the service class, I added a sample using SpringJUnit4ClassRunner in combination with SpringBoots @MockBean annotation. Not the answer you're looking for? I'll add that note. Mockito : how to verify method was called on an object created within a method? The issue I have is that the code stops working when I static-mock more than one method in my code. A temporary workaround is to fork each test, though build times suffer somewhat. So for everyone else landing on this page in the future, try your best to find in your code mocking of java.lang.reflect.Method and address those tests. This seems so basic that I must be doing something . If you are sure by your mocking skills, the issue will be probably somewhere else. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. In my case (not the case for this question), I was trying to mock a dependency for another Mock for the UUT (i.e. For example, to mock a function that takes a primitive long as parameter, instead of using any(), you should be more specific and replace that with any(Long.class) or Mockito.anyLong(). You might get NullPointerException exception when you try to mock object in your tests. in testing class it mocked object is mocking perfectly but when it goes to corresponding class that mocked reference is becoming null. If I run the test class in a suite of tests (e.g. Mockito.when(parentFeedReader.enabled()).thenReturn(false); one or more moons orbitting around a double planet system, Ubuntu won't accept my choice of password, What are the arguments for/against anonymous authorship of the Gospels. So what I want to do is, to set: But no matter which when-clause I do, I always get a NullpointerException, which of course makes sense, because input is null. Optional optional = stockService.getProduct(productId); Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? The default return value of methods you haven't stubbed yet is false for boolean methods, an empty collection or map for methods returning collections or maps and null otherwise. @David I think your problem should be a new question with a complete example. Especially when for String you got error but for java.lang.reflect. for String class so some error message that point to this. I tried to add a mock for two other classes in my code and the DBConnectionManager mocked objects always return null. Wondering if it is the version of mockito: Ok - figured it out - it is because the method is final. Debug and check if you are returning something. When calculating CR, what is the damage per turn for a monster with multiple attacks? I finally reached the issue. However I'm trying to mock a net.sf.ehcacheCache object. How to subdivide triangles into four triangles with Geometry Nodes? Is it safe to publish research papers in cooperation with Russian academics? Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! The test keeps failing with a null pointer exception. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I also notice that DAO was null so I did this(Just to mention, I did the below step to try, I know the difference between springUnit and Mockito or xyz): How do I mock external method call with Mockito. For example: Or alternatively, you can specify a different default answer when creating a mock, to make methods return a new mock instead of null: RETURNS_DEEP_STUBS. Maybe this will help the next poor soul. Null pointer exception when stubbing Ask Android Questions, 7 different ways how to get NumberFormatException in Java, How to figure out if a character in a string is a number, How To Turn Number To String With Padded Space or Zeroes, How to remotely debug Java application |, How to build with Maven without running tests, 3 basic mistakes for NullPointerException when Mock, How to trigger action with Scheduler and Quartz in Camel |, How to download a file from Azure Claud Storage. In my case, my Mockito annotation didn't match the JUnit Version. Any chance to get an error or a warning for these classes if we try to mock them? The source code of the examples above are available on GitHub mincong-h/java-examples . Second, if you want to test whether the method will throw an exception then dont tell the mock framework to do it for you because you won t be testing the behavior of the method anymore. Did the drapes in old theatres actually say "ASBESTOS" on them? DiscountCalculator mockDiscountCalculator = Mockito.mock(DiscountCalculator.class); #2) Mock creation with Annotations. The most likely candidate for the regression is probably #2004 @raphw does this exception ring any bells? private StockService stockService; public GatewayResponse findProduct(String productId) { To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Thank you so much . Does a password policy with a restriction of repeated characters increase security? try{ 5. I haven't used mockito on Groovy-based projects, but I have done Groovy based projects in the past with copious use of test doubles. Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. My NPE was happening as I did not explicitly set the class under tests' dependencies to be the classes I had mocked. StockService stockService; And what I knew was the code enters to throwable after getting Null Pointer Exception on getUnsuccessfulCallData(false, syncMessage) and the test fails Saying something like view.hideProgressDialog() wanted 1 time but was 2 times. Take a look at the following code snippet. Are these quarters notes or just eighth notes? Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. product id..); Stubbing Method will therefore lead to undefined behavior. Mockito.doNothing () keeps returning null pointer exception. one or more moons orbitting around a double planet system. Maybe would be nice solve it in same way as is e.g. What can we do to help you to solve this issue ? Please create a small reproduction case, e.g. Matchers wont work for primitives, so if the argument is a primitive you will will need the anyChar/Int/Boolean etc. So given case class ValueClass(value: Int) extends AnyVal, what you want to do is ValueClass(anyInt) instead of any[ValueClass]. But for sure, NullPointerException happened because you want something which is not there. Specify Mockito running class. Corner case: our application uses JUNIT5 , same issue occured. 566), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. So what might be a problem if you know how the mocking works? In the following example, we'll create a mocked ArrayList manually without using the @Mock annotation: @Test public void whenNotUseMockAnnotation_thenCorrect() { List . Already on GitHub? Also ran into this issue when upgrading from Mockito 3.3.3 to Mockito 3.6.0 (from spring-boot 2.3.6 to 2.4.0). { I used import static reactor.core.publisher.Mono.when by accident. So I started writing tests for our Java-Spring-project. Use Mockito to mock some methods but not others, Mockito test a void method throws an exception. Having the same problem using Junit 5 , I resolve it using : @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) instead of @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) . What does 'They're at four. From current documentation it isn't really clear if this is or isn't supported. Most likely, you mistyped returning function. In my case I am mocking an interface, final is not involved. Sign in the object in when() must be a mock created by Mockito.mock(), it does not work for manually created real objects - not sure if that's your issue, since I'm not really getting where your problem is Added some code. a GitHub project that we can run and debug. Example Error: Thanks !!! In Groovy, you have meta-object protocol or MOP that allows you to use meta-programming techniques. Removing the annotation, which wasn't needed in my case, did the trick. I have a class named Pinger Service which calls a HttpAdapter opening up HttpURLConnection and returning it, where getResponseCode is then called to find out if the URL was 200 or not. Any pointers on what i should do? I just want to make sure, that if any class calls this method, then no matter what, just return true or the list above. 566), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. view.hideProgressDialog(); It allows you to mock a specific bean in the dependency graph. Getting a null pointer exception when invoking a method on a mock. And there's a problem in your test code you are telling the mocked instance to return null when calling method findById(), so most probably if that was to happen, you'll get a NPE in the main code, when trying to use the .orelse() method. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Sorted by: 1. Most spring boot applications have a class @SpringBootApplication annotation somewhere that will be found when the test is launched. Removing the mocking of the java.lang.reflect.Method made everything green again. { The stack trace which is in surefire reports would show exactly what other mocks you need. When you run mvn test maven will report the location of this directory. For future readers, another cause for NPE when using mocks is forgetting to initialize the mocks like so: Also make sure you are using JUnit for all annotations. When this class that contains this mocking is run alone that the test is green in Eclipse and maven too. As per Mockito you can create mock object by either using @Mock or Mockito.mock(Context.class); , I got NullpointerException because of using @RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class), instead of that I changed to @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) it works fine. @pyus13 This should be a new question with more code. When using JUnit 5 or above. You signed in with another tab or window. It's not them. Two MacBook Pro with same model number (A1286) but different year, "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection. Just note that your example code seems to have more issues, such as missing assert or verify statements and calling setters on mocks (which does not have any effect). Leaving this comment for the next poor soul." with stubbing behaviour of the MyService mock instance: When you do this, the MyRepository test suite mock instance can be removed, as it is not required anymore. However, questions do not belong in answers, which is why I've removed it. What is Wario dropping at the end of Super Mario Land 2 and why? Otherwise thanx for your input. It's a simple matter of checking each object returned to see which one is null. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Why are you mocking something that you're autowiring? Content Discovery initiative April 13 update: Related questions using a Review our technical responses for the 2023 Developer Survey, Spring Controller Testing using Mockito , Null Pointer Exception, Mockito Test With java.lang.NullPointerException.