Kwazii along with Octo-Agents Pearl and Paani embark on a research mission. ? Tweak, Tweak, are you all right? But when she looked up they were under a mistletoe. < Octonauts Wiki:Fanon View source FanFiction FanFic p.1 [Shellington, Barrot,Tunip, and the other vegimals arrive to see Dashi looking up the weather,and Inkling looking at the map to the cave.] "Well Peso, they can actually camouflage in color, as that's one of their attributes. Juliana: Juan, the Whales are trapped so we should help to prove our worth. I opened my eyes. I saw Dashi, lying on the floor of the gup c, pale as ice, with Peso kneeling next to her, I couldn't take it. Siblings: ." unfortunately, I haven't. In fact, I haven't really been able to catch a glimpse of them while I . Up in the HQ, Barnacles scrambled to the centre of the room. But they had to get it to the captain by sundown in the next four days or he'll die. Shellington: Ok to make everything official, Dashi is the bride, I am the groom, Kwazii is the best man, Peso is the ring bearer, Inkling is the Justice of the peace, Tweak is the bride's made, Tunip and the Vegimals are in charge of music, andWait! Dashi: Perfect! ? So Peso? Tweak: Over there! She was slipping into unconsciousness. [He blushes.] (Kwazii: But we didn't mean to.) Quiet! Inkling: Heavens no! Shellington Sea Otter has only been an Octonaut for a month and already needs help doing his job. When he wakes up in a ps A secret location. Our mission is to help them! #dashington Shellington and Dashi were both seriously injured, and Tweak was out cold. Magic cookies. Dashi: Maybe I should. Bless Shellington and Dashi and however many kids they have! When finally she got to bed, she slept like a log, but always had to get up early to get everything ready for a mission. Shellington: Hey, why not have a wedding? I'd have let you have a break if you just asked." Dashi, Shellington and Kwazii were all talking about what creatures they had saved that day. But he just stared, curious as he shook his head. Tweak flopped down on her bed, sighing heavily. this is A lot of people are making these. Tweak fell asleep, her troubles ceasing to harass her in sleep. After a while, the other Octonauts came up, chattering excitedly about their adventures. How hard she had been working recently. ", Peso shook his head aswell, adding to the conversation, "I sure haven't seen a lot of creatures while I was swimming around the coral either.". The entire crew often gets a headache when he plays his accordion, as he has trouble playing it correctly sometimes. Peso: We are staying at Maui's fanciest hotel! Those whales are trapped! Kwazii and Peso crash, while Barnacles is anxiously waiting for their return. So far, the only ones to appreciate the music have been a pod of Orcas. Also because I don't want to get kicked off. I closed my eyes. Just choose a girl? Peso sat up the unconscious polar bear and gave him the elixir. Can we see her, I asked him. Then the others decided to check the Sick Bay to see if Barnacles was all right so he could more work for them only to find him laying unconscious on the bed completely exhausted with an IV (Intravenous Therapy) and bloody bandage attached to his paw. He answered with an I think so. A few days later Barnacles woke up one morning feeling much better and his paw was almost completely healed. join Peso and his friends as they adventure throughout high school! I pulled off the last one and sighed. Most hobbies are exclusive to the books and dont reoccur in the show. If you're from my school then plz leave I stg. Barnacles: You two get your very own bedrooms right here in the octopod! I can't believe we didn't notice how tired she was!" Kwazii asked and Barnacles declined. His fever was so high that his cheeks went all rosy. At this Tweak began to sob even harder, and I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Tweak, Tweak, are you all right? Tweak's POV: I was no longer on the floor of the gup. :D. Originally, I would have wanted nothing to do with this stuff because it seemed silly to me, but this was requested after I punned it as a joke, and I thought, why not Kwazii has a secret one he never intends to tell.. After Barnacles finished his extra large workload for the day he flopped onto his bed and sighed heavily. Those are personal! This is just a bunch of scenarios of what would happen if you were adopted by the octonauts [Tunip wakes up]Tunip: Buk duo doo {Translation:Thanks for waking me up, Barrot!] Kwazii: Yeow! Color: When he finished he was so exhausted he could barley walk. " I had a crush on you and I love you so much" he kisses her again and he walks away. Barnacles replied. I picked her up and laid her in her bed. There's nothing more to do but hope. The Octonauts and the Vaquitas. [Shellington grabs Dashi's hand and runs](When the other Octonauts got out, Dashi and Shellington were on the ground staring at each other)Dashi: Thanks Shellington! "But I think I know which creature you seem to be talking about!" The poison forced Barnacles into a poison coma and he couldn't hear what was going on which was a good thing because there were all sorts of animals yelling at him saying bad things about him. Tweak: After I got married to Captain Barnacles, We did some stuff, and now I am pregnant! She then quickly started typing up some stuff and pulled up pictures. She looked down at the green rabbit, still sobbing, but quietly now. When they went into the medical tent they gasped at the condition Barnacles was in saying, "Oh no! White, Blue Peso, and Dashi are using the gups to transport supplies from the Octo-port to the Octo-repair station. So, what's up? The Whale Shark saltgrass shrimp stuffed jalapenos. "Do you want Peso to bandage that up for you, Captain? Shellington: Fine! Around the campfire that night the Vegimals made spicy algae burgers for the crew and bamboo for Min but Barnacles didn't feel well or hungry. We're just dating. A rollicking pirate adventure crossed with an Octonauts mission, with some build up toward the eventual romance in Penguin. She had a little crush on the captain but she never had a great time to tell him. Captain Barnacles: Not me, either. (Sings) YOU GUYS ARE KISSING, YOU GUYS ARE KISSING, YOU GUYS ARE KISSING HA HA HA! We're sorry we overworked you. Eventually. Tweak, Captain, Peso. "Dashi, tell Peso we have an emergency." Barnacles has a bad dream. I knew it! Fanfic /. (Babies are given birth to)Tweak: Wow,they're cute! Dashi put her arm around tweaks shoulders, allowing Tweaks head to rest on her shoulder. . He turned to me and stared into my soul. Because of your selfish actions Barnacles ended up in the Sick Bay! But I didn't know if she felt the same way. Ive recently been obsessed with Octonauts after re-discovering it and even though I haven't finished many episodes of it, I do have my eyes on a specific "couple". Rated T for mild injury and fear. This is my first work on this website, so sorry if it seems a bit wonky! ? One day when the Octonauts were in China helping Min the Mapmaker collect special herbs in the Chinese Bamboo Forest, Barnacles wandered off from the group and discovered a snake which bit him in his left wrist out of self defense. Captain Barnacles is often seen playing the accordion in the books. Back at camp Barnacles was looking at his left wrist while sitting on his bed saying "Ouch! Yeah B, I wanna hear what you think about this.. The moment we got there Peso rushed Dashi upto Sick bay. (At the Launch Bay)Captain Barnacles Bear: Peso,into the Gup-A with me,Kwazii,you're in Gup B. He has a habit of saying "Octonauts, to the" when he hears the Octo-Alert, even if he wasn't the one who sounded it (episodes "The Kelp Forest Rescue", "The Crafty Cuttlefish", "The Mantis Shrimp", etc.). Barnacles decided one more round of assistance couldn't hurt but when he got into the ship he had a slight headache but he didn't care. The other crew members don't know about Barnacles' claustrophobia. Have you ever wonder what the octonauts do after they finish the episode? She's about to be hit! This is my first ever story so there will be mistakes here and there, I will PTSD. It was already eleven at night and all the other Octonauts had probably gone to sleep. She knew that the other Octonauts would be coming back soon, so she went up to the HQ where the Vegimals were preparing fish biscuits and kelp cakes. Tweak's POV: I could hear the Captain calling my name, Tweak, Tweak, are you all right? The captain's face had gone completely paler than normal and Peso was trying to stabilize him by the time they reached the medical unit. "NO WAIT I ALSO LOVED YOU TOO!" I wonder what it is Perhaps a kitten of his own? In Above and Beyond, hell be more on his vulnerable side and more worried for his crew. Peso: Captain? It seemed like just a normal day for the Octonauts. It was too much work for one person. Barnacles POV: Will she be ok Peso? A sting ray is stuck! Four junior officers are trained to become full-fledged Octonauts. : But, what will you do? She lifted her head and saw on her bedside table a bunch of juicy carrots and a note. Eventually, she grew tired of the chatter. He is also an oceanographer and a map finder. Curse me and my autistic butt. I had a bad feeling about going up into the HQ. For the past few weeks Barnacles was exhausted because he had done ALL the work on the latest missions.And that caused him to suffer from insomnia because he hasn't slept for weeks and he was getting sick. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). He'd had a feeling that they'd be friends. One day, however, Tweak convinces him to let his guard down and long story short; she finds out. If we had just realized," "It's OK. Please consider turning it on! Enjoy! It is now up to the crew to find and help free the captain from captivity of these creatures who call themselves humans, will they succeed?********. Lots of colors, very pretty colors!" Peso nodded, saying, "Yes Captain!" {Translation: Great Great!} He will experience what real life is like outside of his world. Shellington: Dashi, nooooooo! He surveyed the chaos in shock, then saw Dashi with an unconscious Tweak in her arms. Nephews: Captain Barnacles' family might be from Canada, as seen from his room decoration, where had a banner called "MV Manitoba", a reference to the province of Manitoba. That afternoon Barnacles recovered completely from the poison but had to stay in bed just to be sure. Because the crew has been lazy, they left the others that WERE working hard extremely exhausted. I feel better already. The captain is accidentally sent to the real world by a mysterious underwater formation. But she couldn't just leave them. When they weren't looking Barnacles snuck out the tent and went after them because they were heading into Golden Snub-Nose Monkey territory. She just thought barnacles would just shake her hand or just hug her. Captain Barnacles: Do you think I should speak to Professor Inkling about it? Before he became an Octonaut, he was the family's medic. Inkling told Peso and Tweak to put on some headphones and play some music in the Sick Bay with Tunip while he scolded the crew in the HQ.The rest of the crew was really really nervous because they never saw Prof. Inkling this mad. Then in the playroom he was seen lifting weights overworking himself to the point he was too weak to hold the weights or stand. Shellington and Dashi [both smiling,laughing and blushing]: Kwazii! Juan: Awesome! Captain Barnacles is claustrophobic (fear of tight spaces), as shown in the. But one day tweak was walking around the octopod until she bumps into barnacles and his eyes widen. Peso's POV: We arrived at the Octopod in record time. I saw Tweak crying on the Captain's shoulder, and the Captain trying to comfort her. Cause if you are,I'll post you kissing on the internet. #inkling Everyone gasped and quickly rushed over to the unconscious polar bear. What secrets do they keep? ? Somewhere along the way Tunip started to follow me. My First Fanfic; Language: English Stats: Published: 2023-02-26 Updated: 2023-04-25 Words: 14,265 Chapters: . . What will they do to him? She called Peso into the playroom and told him "We have an extreme emergency." . Peso: About what? But the crew didn't know they were acting THIS lazy towards Barnacles. And as you said at Captain and Tweak's wedding to me, It says that in your files that you cannnot be the justice of the peace! (They get to the underwater hospital)Kwazii: We need you're help doctors! "Alright." Barnacles tried to slow the zeal. Kwazii. She switched position and began to cry on my shoulder. to himself when Kwazii noticed the bite mark on Barnacles's wrist was turning blue and purple. This a request book and head canons stories to feel/heal my soul :), ((Will not make smut or any NSFW writing. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it :). (Translation: How exciting is that?) He then quickly waddled away. (In the HQ)Inkling: Now, Shellington just like Captain and Tweak's wedding I can be the justice of the peace! very factually accurate things that i make at 3am when i get random bursts of energy to do literally anything but write a good fic. It's a top secret location. Juliana could have been the flower girl INKERS! Shellington: Sure! Her throat was dry and her head hurt badly. Octonauts Game Night . Slowly, I opened my eyes and blinked. Shellington: Congratulations Tweak! "Dear TweakWe hope you are feeling better and we are sorry for all the work we have put you through recently. He grinned. And the conversations the others were having only made his headache worse. Her head was throbbing now and her paws were raw and exhausted from making all those suits. [Tweak throws the bouquet of flowers][Dashi catches them!] [Dashi drives the Octopod to Hawaii](On the beach in Hawaii)Professor Inkling Octopus [fighting with Shellington]: As the founder of the Octonauts, I have a right to run the wedding! . This would be a whole night's work, she knew it. Now I understand why she might've been so worried about all of her tiny little eggs, poor thing. Thank you so much! Black : I got it! [Blushes back.] Kwazii, Peso into the Gup A! Shark: MMM more lunch served! Dashi smiled, turning her chair around. Inkling: Dashi Puppy Dog do you take Shellington Sea otter as your husband? The Gups had been in a state and she had to clean them. One day everyone was on a walk to get some exercise when Barnacles clutched his stomach and vomited blood onto the floor. She opened the Octo-Hatch and waved them off, then decided to design the suits that Captain Barnacles had been wanting for a while. And have they found their eggs yet?" Tweak, you can talk to me. But my body refused. "That is very interesting, Dashi" Captain Barnacles nodded his head, looking at the pictures. Shellington: I should give Dashi a cookie. I hesitated for a moment. . Alright, but only you and Tweak. (Meanwhile)Tweak: I know i'm a tomboy type of rabbit but I know how to make you rock that wedding dress Dashi! POSSIBLE TW FOR DESCRIPTIONS OF MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND DISORDERS! It had been a long few weeks and he was extremely exhausted. Kwazii: KwaziiPeso: PesoShellington: ShellingtonDashi: DashiProfessor Inkling: InklingTweak: TweakTunip: Turnup {translation: Tunip}Barrot: Beeot {translation: Barrot)Other Vegimals: Veveemals {translation: Vegimals}Barnacles: Octonauts! Barnacles: I think.. then collapsed only to land hard on the forest floor making his bite wound bleed. ", Professor Inkling tilted his monocle up, replying with sheer confidence, "It's a Blanket Octopus.". While Barnacles was taking a nap, everyone came in and surprised him with hugs. Come to the launch bay as fast as you can. Coco gets sucked into life in the crew when she least expects it. Captain Barnacles An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works I froze along with Tweak. "Excuse me, if you don't mind me interrupting. For the last few days, she hadn't been getting much sleep, always staying up late at night to get things clean and fixed for the next morning. You put on your sting proof gloves and help it! Nieces: No-one came to speak or check on him except Peso and Tweak. It just goes to show you that I can be the Justice of the Peace! Their diligent captain had come home. Then the crew realized they were slacking off and giving the captain too much work like Tweak exhausting both of them to the point where they both got sick and fell unconscious ending up in the Sick Bay. So Peso decided to give Barnacles stitches and bandages for his wound and let him rest. She was very badly injured where she had slammed into the dashboard, with a long and deep cut running across her head. Before he lost consciousness he was able to send Peso his location coordinates so he could come help him.