7. (i) representations are made that a live-link should not be used to carry out the interview, or that at any time it is in use, its operation should cease and the physical presence of the interviewer arranged; and. As far as practicable, meals provided shall offer a varied diet and meet any specific dietary needs or religious beliefs the detainee may have. Ond gall niweidio eich amddiffyniad os na fyddwch chin sn, yn awr, am rywbeth y byddwch chin dibynnu arno nes ymlaen yn y llys. 8.3 Blankets, mattresses, pillows and other bedding supplied shall be of a reasonable standard and in a clean and sanitary condition. 12.11 A record shall be made of the following: (a) the reasons it was not practicable to use an interview room; (b) any action taken as in paragraph 12.5; and. 4. A detained person must be permitted to consult a solicitor for a reasonable time before any court hearing. See Note M1. This does not negate the need for regular visiting of the suspect in the cell. If an audio or visual record of the interview is made, the arrangements in Code E or F shall apply. 9.5 The custody officer must make sure a detainee receives appropriate clinical attention as soon as reasonably practicable if the person: (a) appears to be suffering from physical illness; or, (c) appears to be suffering from a mental disorder; or. 17B A sample has to be sufficient and suitable. If the custody officer charges a vulnerable person with an offence or takes such other action as is appropriate when there is sufficient evidence for a prosecution this must be carried out in the presence of the appropriate adult if they are at the police station. Impracticability concerns the transport and travel requirements and the lack of secure accommodation which is provided for the purposes of restricting liberty does not make it impracticable to transfer the juvenile. 16.3 When a detainee is charged they shall be given a written notice showing particulars of the offence and, subject to paragraph 2.6A, the officers name and the case reference number. may not take place except in the presence of an appropriate adult. 3I An interviewer who is not sure, or has any doubt, about whether a place or location elsewhere than a police station is suitable for carrying out a voluntary interview, particularly in the case of a juvenile or vulnerable person, should consult an officer of the rank of sergeant or above for advice. EU Directive 2010/64 (see paragraph 13.1), Article 2(6) provides Where appropriate, communication technology such as videoconferencing, telephone or the Internet may be used, unless the physical presence of the interpreter is required in order to safeguard the fairness of the proceedings. This Article permits, but does not require the use of a live-link, and the following provisions of this Annex determine whether the use of a live-link is appropriate in any particular case. Any officer or police staff with relevant information must inform the custody officer as soon as practicable. (b) C their right to be informed about the offence and (as the case may be) any further offences for which they are arrested whilst in custody and why they have been arrested and detained in accordance with paragraphs 2.4, 3.4(a) and 11.1A of this Code and paragraph 3.3 of Code G. 3.2 The detainee must also be given a written notice, which contains information: (a) to allow them to exercise their rights by setting out: (i) their rights under paragraph 3.1, paragraph 3.12 and 3.12A; (ii) the arrangements for obtaining legal advice, see section 6; (iii) their right to a copy of the custody record as in paragraph 2.4A; (iv) their right to remain silent as set out in the caution in the terms prescribed in section 10; (v) their right to have access to materials and documents which are essential to effectively challenging the lawfulness of their arrest and detention for any offence and (as the case may be) any further offences for which they are arrested whilst in custody, in accordance with paragraphs 3.4(b), 15.0, 15.7A(c) and 16.7A of this Code; (vi) the maximum period for which they may be kept in police detention without being charged, when detention must be reviewed and when release is required; (vii) their right to medical assistance in accordance with section 9 of this Code; (viii) their right, if they are prosecuted, to have access to the evidence in the case before their trial in accordance with the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996, the Attorney Generals Guidelines on Disclosure, the common law and the Criminal Procedure Rules; and. If the suspect has asked for legal advice, their solicitor should be involved in the assessment and in the case of a juvenile or vulnerable person, the appropriate adult should be involved. www.gov.uk/guidance/equality-act-2010-guidance. This is because after that caution: (i) you asked to speak to a solicitor but have not yet been allowed an opportunity to speak to a solicitor. Source: www.buync.com Us inspected and passed by department of agriculture. ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS CODE. Frozen Ready Meals Slimwell Ready Meal Meatballs & Pasta 550g Slimwell Ready Meal Meatballs & Pasta 550g 1 Unit Product ref: 4088600209630 Specifications Disclaimer Please read all product labels carefully before use or consumption. 11B The Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 Code of Practice, paragraph 3.5 states In conducting an investigation, the investigator should pursue all reasonable lines of enquiry, whether these point towards or away from the suspect. If an intimate search is carried out by a police officer, the reason why it was impracticable for a registered medical practitioner or registered nurse to conduct it must be recorded. Documents and materials will be essential for this purpose if they are capable of undermining the reasons and grounds which make the detainees arrest and detention necessary. This paragraph does not prevent officers in revenue cases or acting under the confiscation provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 or the Drug Trafficking Act 1994 from inviting suspects to complete a formal question and answer record after the interview is concluded. Note:Chief officers must be satisfied that live link used in their force area for the above purposes provides for accurate and secure communication between the detainee, the detainees solicitor, appropriate adult and interpreter (as applicable). 2A The purpose of paragraph 2.6A(b) is to protect those involved in serious organised crime investigations or arrests of particularly violent suspects when there is reliable information that those arrested or their associates may threaten or cause harm to those involved. if it is clear a person will only be detained for a short period and is not to be placed in a cell, the custody officer may decide not to search them. 9.3A As soon as practicable after arrival at the police station, each detainee must be given an opportunity to speak in private with a member of the custody staff who if they wish may be of the same sex as the detainee (see paragraph 1.13(c)), about any matter concerning the detainees personal needs relating to their health, hygiene and welfare that might affect or concern them whilst in custody. the arresting officer or an appropriate healthcare professional, see paragraph 9.13. 9H The purpose of recording a persons responses when attempting to rouse them using the procedure in Annex H is to enable any change in the individuals consciousness level to be noted and clinical treatment arranged if appropriate. Reminders of the right to legal advice must be given as in paragraphs 3.5, 11.2, 15.4, 16.4, 16.5, 2B of Annex A, 3 of Annex K and 5 of Annex M of this Code and Code D, paragraphs 3.17(ii) and 6.3. (ii) in all other cases, by allowing those who are given the opportunity to make representations, to make their representations orally by means of the live link. 6E An officer who takes the decision to exclude a solicitor must be in a position to satisfy the court the decision was properly made. This statement is true. If this solicitor is not available, they may choose up to two alternatives. (b) at other times when carrying out duties conferred or imposed on them that also entitle them to use reasonable force, for example: when at a police station carrying out the duty to keep detainees for whom they are responsible under control and to assist any police officer or designated person to keep any detainee under control and to prevent their escape; when securing, or assisting any police officer or designated person in securing, the detention of a person at a police station; when escorting, or assisting any police officer or designated person in escorting, a detainee within a police station; for the purpose of saving life or limb; or. (e) if an x-ray is taken or an ultrasound scan carried out: K1 If authority is given for an x-ray to be taken or an ultrasound scan to be carried out (or both), consideration should be given to asking a registered medical practitioner or registered nurse to explain to the detainee what is involved and to allay any concerns the detainee might have about the effect which taking an x-ray or carrying out an ultrasound scan might have on them. They manufacture chilled ready meals and distribute them to restaurants, supermarkets, and caterers in the UK. 3.22 If the other location mentioned in paragraph 3.21 is any place or premises for which the interviewer requires the informed consent of the suspect and/or occupier (if different) to remain, for example, the suspects home (see Note 3I), then the references that the person is not obliged to remain and that they may leave at will mean that the suspect and/or occupier (if different) may also withdraw their consent and require the interviewer to leave. 9.16 If a healthcare professional does not record their clinical findings in the custody record, the record must show where they are recorded. See paragraph 17.1; and. The detainee may also be examined by a medical practitioner of their choice at their expense. failure or refusal to answer or answer satisfactorily) may be given in evidence to a court in a prosecution. 3.5 The custody officer or other custody staff as directed by the custody officer shall: (a) ask the detainee whether at this time, they: (i) would like legal advice, see paragraph 6.5; (ii) want someone informed of their detention, see section 5; (b) ask the detainee to sign the custody record to confirm their decisions in respect of (a); (i) is, or might be, in need of medical treatment or attention, see section 9; (ii) is a juvenile and/or vulnerable and therefore requires an appropriate adult (see paragraphs 1.4, 1.5, and 3.15); (iia) wishes to speak in private with a member of the custody staff who may be of the same sex about any matter concerning their personal needs relating to health, hygiene and welfare (see paragraph 9.3A); help to check documentation (see paragraph 3.20); an interpreter (see paragraph 3.12 and Note 13B). 17.6 Before requesting a sample from the person concerned, an officer must: (a) inform them that the purpose of taking the sample is for drug testing under PACE. When the writing of a statement is finished the person making it shall be asked to read it and to make any corrections, alterations or additions they want. Examples of action which need not be delayed unreasonably include: procedures requiring the provision of breath, blood or urine specimens under the Road Traffic Act 1988 or the Transport and Works Act 1992; searching detainees at the police station; taking fingerprints, footwear impressions or non-intimate samples without consent for evidential purposes. (b) if the search is under paragraph 2(a)(ii) (a drug offence search), the detainees appropriate consent has been given in writing. An example might be to have an appropriate healthcare professional present during the interview, in addition to an appropriate adult, in order constantly to monitor the persons condition and how it is being affected by the interview. It explains how your defence at court may be affected if you choose to say nothing.. 10.1 A person whom there are grounds to suspect of an offence, see Note 10A, must be cautioned before any questions about an offence, or further questions if the answers provide the grounds for suspicion, are put to them if either the suspects answers or silence, (i.e. if the juvenile is aged 14 or over, their consent is given in the presence of the appropriate adult (who may or may not be their parent or guardian). when a detainee is informed of their rights under this section and of any requirement in paragraph 7.2; of any communications with a High Commission, Embassy or Consulate, and. See paragraph 3.9. 3.21 A The interviewer must inform the suspect that the purpose of the voluntary interview is to question them to obtain evidence about their involvement or suspected involvement in the offence(s) described when they were cautioned and told that they were not under arrest. 16.4A If the detainee: cannot read, the document may be read to them; is a juvenile, mentally disordered or otherwise mentally vulnerable, the appropriate adult shall also be given a copy, or the interview record shall be brought to their attention. 15.3 C The decision on whether the review takes place in person or by telephone or by live link (see paragraph 1.13(e)(ii)) is a matter for the review officer. I understand that I do not have to say anything. 9.5A This applies even if the detainee makes no request for clinical attention and whether or not they have already received clinical attention elsewhere. A person is deemed to be at a police station for these purposes if they are within the boundary of any building or enclosed yard which forms part of that police station. 1.9 A When this Code requires the prior authority or agreement of an officer of at least inspector or superintendent rank, that authority may be given by a sergeant or chief inspector authorised to perform the functions of the higher rank under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE), section 107. by refusing to leave their cell to go to a suitable interview room or by trying to leave the interview room, they shall be advised that their consent or agreement to be interviewed is not required.