Ghost: As in, White as a ghost, and Not a ghost of a chance, and You look as if youve seen a ghost, and A ghost, Top results: Stephen Hawking | Name Puns Know Your Meme Author: Date Published: 16/11/2021 Ratings: 2.87 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: See more Name Puns images on Know Your Meme! What do you call a Latino body builder thats out of protein? GUY: Seriously. ABDUL: Abdul. Something that makes you look at it . OR What kind of name is Henry? AUGUST: Yeah, right, and my name is "March.". CONNIE: (In a Scottish accent) Connie you get a better name? FRANK: Let me be frank here. American for purely stupid. Deal with it. Shut up about it already with you and your stupid name. Looks around So, where's hose b? He is married to the journalist Amy Wang. Well, you're not. I can't get him to cut my lawn. 'Cause, right now, yours is stupid. EVE: Your name reads the same forwards and backwards, in case you forget what direction to read. Stupid, stupid 'n stupid. SADIE: Sadie. JACKY: Jacky. Kinda gassy. RAPHAEL: The most bad ass turtle. *Your name is stupid*. CANDICE: Your internet connection has been lost. You are nothing. Unless its past December 21st. TIA: How's your sister doing? 2021 was also recorded as the year that the first name Josie was used the most, with a total of 2,155 . LORI: Short for Lauren. Traditionally a name was given to a baby girl; Josie may originate from the Hebrew Yosef, meaning God will give via the Greek Iosephos and the Latin Iosephus. Ha, you were named after someone's pet. Run FORREST. Better than your name. EMMA: Ever read Emma by Jane Austen? Josey Jewell, U.S. Footballer. Ah!!!! ERICK: You must be Scandanavian. You are not. Our count? Told my dad I was hanging out with my friend Jose What did the Mexican fire chief name his son. "Russian Girls Do It Best. Then punch yourself with your stupid name. Well, about your name and how dumb it is. OR You spelled your name wrong, Billy. ANGIE: You should get an Angie-oplasty. Well, let's just say that there aren't enough hands in the world for the number of facepalms we'd like to do, because of the 'best' Tinder pick up lines. You know, "Jose, can you see? Reaching out to grab a dictionary to find a new name. MARJORIE: Just makes people think of jam. LAUREN: The plural of Laura. We meant to make fun of your sister's name. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and JOYCE: Joyce to the world, your name is stupid. BRADLEY: Just go by Brad. BETTIE: You spelled your name wrong, Betty. Here are some names that rhyme with Josie to produce lyrically cute and sweet words that are soothing to hear: Sibling namesthat go with Josie can reflect the bond of love between them and strengthen ties within the family. OR You ought to Russell up a less stupid name for yourself. Privacy Policy. ALYSSA: Where'd you learn how to spell names, the Internet? No results. DALE: Earnhart. Toilet. MONTY: Let's make a deal, Monty. Justnot in your name. SAMMY: Try spelling your name like a big boy. Jan 5, 2018 - Explore josie liu's board "PJO Puns", followed by 4,633 people on Pinterest. OR Sorry for the mixup. Terrible name for a human. / Chad. Also, your name. CALVIN: Too bad you can't pee on your own name, cause it's stupid. Lord of the dance. The bartender asks the fireman, "What are their names?" It's a LIE. NIKKI: Are you the Nikki from that Prince song? CAROLINE: Hands, touching hands. DIANNA: You spelled your name wrong, dummy. . Smells like mucous. MONIQUE: Monique. NATALIE: This is not-a-lie: your name is stupid. OR Big Ben, the most iconic clock tower in London, was renamed Elizabeth Tower. Short for "Tomorrow I am going to change my stupid name!". OK, but what's your first name? LANA: Lana! OR What do Martha's Vineyard and Martha Stewart have in common? I guess they figured they could weight for it.". JOSEPHINE: Josephine. SHEILA: From the Gaelic for "blind." MARIE: Marie Curie died. OLIVIA: Olivia, the process that olives use to procreate. BLANCA: Your name means white. Barf in it. There but for the grace of Joed, Joe I. Tweet. You have a stupid name. KELVIN: Sir, we just received the temperature reading. CORNELIA: One half corn. Suddenly two machine guns pop out of the bacon tree and cut him down! How many Mexicans does it take to change a light bulb? I comment: "Nguyen pho mayor!". WIL: You watch sports with a horse head on. Come on, they have NICKMOM. English for "overrated pop star.". ROSS: Ross. OK, but what's your first name? JONATHAN: Your name has too many syllables. ALFRED: Ah, Alfred. MARION: Oh fair maid Marion, I'm here to rescue you--what the--sorry dude, wrong castle. OR If you could be stranded on a desert island with any celebrity you wanted, who would it be and why is your name so stupid? You should swap out the s for a d, because Jo die 1 for me. ANDERSON: Anderson, teah, OK, but what's your first name? TED: Let me talk to you for a second, Ted. I wanna drink juice in the hood to forget how stupid your name is. Your name makes people think of a sex tape. What do you call a Mexican bodybuilder who has run out of supplements? All with better names than yours. Not as precious as diamond, though. FLOYD: If you're not pink, get the fuck off my website. BRICE: Your name has rice in it. Latin for "bat testicles.". A stupid name. Nice harmony. Get an adult's name. You are real! KENYA: Parents were clearing doing it in the map room after school. ROGER: In England, 'to roger' is slang for 'to fuck'. ROXANNE: Roxanne! BETSY: I bet your parents didn't know what they were doing when they gave you your stupid name. OR That's a color, not a name. OR No. OR Mayonnaise. Perhaps because it's such a stupid name. GILBERT: Gilbert and Dilbert walked into a bar. Diego. Look at that barf. Quit saying your name out loud. ANNETTE: Go use a net to catch yourself a new name. BRETT: The Hitman Heart. I wrote my dessert-ation on ice cream puns. BOB: Bob's your uncle. Tweet. The lowest record value was 39 on Nov 2012, Sept 2015, and the popularity scale. Danger! Has an ugly face-y. MINDY: I have a project for you. Thorax like a bug. JACK: Your name is a verb. Lord of stupid names. Long for if only my parents loved me enough to name me something with class. BERNICE: Aren't you one of the Golden Girls? FLORENCE: A beautiful city in Italy. He lives in a hole because he's ashamed of his stupid name. Ginger, the stupidest of names. BROOKE: Let's go fishing! CHRIS: Chris. OR Bullocks! It's the extra L in your name. LAKISHA: Almost a lake, not quite a name. Such a freak. CHARLOTTE: Your name is a web. MAGGIE: You're trying to hard to sound hip and cool. REGINA: You do realize that your name is almost vagina right? More like Shame. AMIRIGHTLADIEEEEZ?! interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author Your name is stupid. PABLO: From the latin "paulus," meaning "small" or "humble." Your parents must have thought really hard about that one. SIDNEY: Anglo-Saxon for "wide island." SOFIA: You are the capital of Bulgaria. IDA: Little known fact: IDA is an acronym for I'm a Dumb Ass. Jack Daniels: what you should drink to forget your stupid name. Abdul. MARTIN: Damn, Gina, that's one stupid name! When? Named for a city so stupid it was conquered by 20 men in a wooden horse. Dad thinks she should name the girl Denise. Frank McCourt knew what he was doing. Makes me spit. German. CRAIG: The name Craig came from the Scottish word for "man who lives by rocks," which is neat since the name is as dumb as rocks. How about now. SETH: Seth. OR From the Hebrew for "son of my days." Your father's legal name must be "Father". JILLIAN: Uh, it's spelled Gillian, stupid. Your name has the same reaction. Congratulations, your name is stupid in two languages. DANIEL: Hebrew for "God is my judge, and he judged my name to be stupid. TABITHA: We've been keeping tabs on how stupid your name is. BRITTNEY: You spelled your name wrong, Brittany. CLARENCE: Every time a bell rings an angel reminds us the name Clarence is stupid. CELESTE: AND THE ANGELS SANG YOUR NAME FROM THE HEAVENS, "CELESTE WHAT A DUMB NAME". Daughter of parents with bad taste in names. I'm going to go with "stupid.". Makes me wanna. That's just a sound that leaves make. The stupidity of your name is off the charts! The absence of thought. Blow me away from your stupid name. PHILIP: From the Greek 'Philippos', or "Lover of Horses". Drinks Faygo. He rushed over 1,600 yards in one season just trying to escape his stupid name. Today he pulled a stupid move at the end of the day. What a stupid name you have! GEORGE: Of Greek origin. That's your name? Maxine. LUCY: Reminds me of that Beatles song, "You Have Such a Stupid Name.". KELLI: You're name is Kellina. You give it a name and it gives you a pick-up line for that name. VERNA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Vern.". They're chanting your name! ROYAL: I'll have a your name with cheese. I bet that was the high point of your life. Had a babie. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Or butter. AURORA: The city of lights. Both stupid. Often short for "Katy is a stupid name.". Saint Dickolas. And stupid. CALEB: A classic, solidly stupid Biblical name. LUKE: I am your father. HOPE: I hope you start going by your middle name. BRIDGET: Roadt, no. MATT: My best friend's name is Matt! Oh, thanks. King of the jungle. Because your name is stupid. RUSTY: Phew. Jose runs head long at the tree, just as his brother climbs the dune behind him. With 44% of the total population in 2020 belonging to the Christian faith, Josie, as a Hebrew name, has been greatly appreciated in Cote,dl voire. AMANDA: Your name is also what people say when they hear it: "Ah, man, dat's a stupid name.". They made it all the way into the trash can. ERIC: Eric. PENNY: Your names is so stupid that even your coin is the dumbest one. How ironic. OR Tracey. LES: Less is more. Enter a person's name and the corresponding puns for that name from the top of r/Tinder will display. MARYANN: Choose one. 5k. Warm like puke is. He turns to his brother, and with his last breath he yells out. Why don't you go by Freddie instead -- oh right, because that's stupid too. Please try again. Daughter of parents with shitty taste in names. Often short for "Kathy is a stupid name. LEONA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Leon.". HERBERT: Your name sucks so hard we should just call you Hoover. KARLA: The name your father gave you when he really wanted a "Karl.". Hairy. CHARLENE: Go back to 1962 when that name was relevant. You will die alone. Tough break. Please don't take him just because you can. Dad: How are your lessons going? MURRAY: Hi. Josie Name Interest in the United States: You're welcome. PAIGE: In the footnootes it reads, this is a stupid name. SPENCER: Nice gifts. Check out the worst and best puns that we managed to scrape from the very bottom of Tinder, and vote for the ones that made you laugh - or cringe - the hardest. Usually created with stock images, these dad jokes told in funny pun memes are Exact Match, Read More 17 Jokes Memes Puns Funny Dad JokesContinue, Top results: 96 Funny street names ideas Pinterest Author: Date Published: 30/06/2022 Ratings: 3.51 Highest Ratings: 5 Lowest Ratings: 1 Excerpt: Exact Match Keywords: street name ideas, street name generator, list of street names, funny street names near me, funny dirty street names, pretty street names, best street names in america, weird street. OR Trying finding a first name, not a last name. His first son was named Jose. Hey thanks! JARRED: The Subway guy? That doll that boys were supposed to carry around? Quit pretending to be something you're not. CHAD: Here's a poem: Chad is bad. Has so much syphilis he doesn't know where his pickle is. It was creepy. Like your parents when they picked your name from a hat. DARNELL: Where in the Darn Hell did you get such a stupid name? SHAWNA: You spelled your name wrong, Sean-a. CARTER: The only President name that is also the name of my childhood dog. His second son was named Hose B. TRACEY: Dick. In recent times, Josie has gained immense popularity due to the all-girl pop band comic, series, and movie Josie and the Pussycats. Your name will never live up to him. The absence of meaning. Your body is a wonderland, and by that I mean it's chock full of bizarre creatures and opium hallucinations. You gonna name your son FBI? You have a dumb name. OSCAR: You should win an Oscar for stupidest name. SHARRON: Where'd you get that extra R, the Stupid Store? NOEL: The first, and hopefully the last person to be named this. JAMIE: Jamie is a name derived as a pet form of James. SONDRA: Sounds like you have a stupid name. But in your case, Les is less. ALBERT: They named a dick piercing after you. KRISTA: If you drop the A from your name then it would read "Christ what a dumb name.". JUANITA: Juanita, the name you absolutely have to spell when you say it. Doug. Not worth repeating. OR Your name is a menace to society. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Thanks for being in on the whole massacre of a civilization through colonization. But, everyone is afraid of your stupid name. Your name is stupid.