It's really nice to meet you. (Both scientists pick up their younger siblings and went to upstairs to chat, leaving Lincoln and Linka.). Maybe We can go out on a day on town, Just the two of us, without his obnoxious sisters. (clears his throat)Hi I'm Lincoln Loud and these are my sisters, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. Luke: Sweet! The kids get in Vanzilla and they drive off to the Royal Woods Bowling Alley. (shrugs)But you know what I said, Thick skin. (Lincoln and Linka went upstairs to upstairs to her room. Lincoln: Well, almost. We parallel each other. (Once she reached her finger to Leon's nose, Leon bite her finger. Odine: WaitWere just getting started. Author's note :This is a deconstruction fic of the St.Lincoln trope. He tried to close his to think it was just another dream, but unfortunately when he open his eyes to turns out that it's not a dream. LOOK WHOS GONNA BE STAYING WITH US! Lola: You have no idea how dirty Lana is. Who said I was saint? Leni: Cause in our dimension, girls get to choose handsome boys. Odine is surprise by what the sisters did. Lori:(sighs)Fine, you can come and if hes not at the park, Well use the tracker. Clyde:Like helping an old lady cross the street. (Lisa push the button and the watch shoots out with blue beam and it opens to reveal the blue swirling that is the gateway to another dimension, her sisters were amazed.). Luan: Well, I hope you won with Betty or else youd be tied! Lane: I'm surprised we have enough dough! *Luan and Lane are in the House of Moo and they each decorate a cow face to match the picture and they both win. Odine and Lincoln run away from the sisters and then the sisters chase them through out the forest. Odine:Come on guys, Lincoln was about to get the remote. (sits down on the couch) I was trying to give us some time alone and to protect you, so you knowyou would like me. *Lisa and Levi are in the Shake Lab, making milkshakes and experiment with different flavours. Lincoln:Sorry, My twins locked up for running and lying. Odine becomes even more love struck upon he was able get perfect strike. They both eat their sandwiches. Lori: Aw, I nicknamed mine, Bobby Boo-Boo Bear. ), Leif: Ha. Lincoln:Okay, now that I got the cream out of my eyes and hair(tosses the towel aside)I can finally get to reading with Odine. We cut to Lincoln and Odine at the front door. (farts for real), Lori: EW! It's now the evening, and the siblings sans Lincoln and Linka, are gathered on the couch, watching the Dream Boat). Somewhat. We cut to the next day where Odine is talking to Rita in the living rooom. The portal closes and the sisters were disappointed.). Lincoln: Oh, Okay. (pulls out her phone)Their numbers on my phone(Lynn Sr. takes the phone) and Ill go pack my bags and Ill be going back to Germany. (walks offscreen). We cut back to the siblings and Lori has her phone to ear. Linka: Heck Yeah! (The Loud siblings jump in the portal, leaving their dimension.). Lola: So how long have you competed in pageants? Lincoln: If you want to rematch in Muscle Fish, let me know. Odine takes out her phone and a speaker, she connects the phone to the speaker and she plays romantic music. Lincoln:Yeah, I want you to stay and I want all of us to get along, right girls? Teen And Up Audiences. Odine:Wow, I guess I was wrong about your sisters. In contrast to Lola's tiara, he wears a yellow crown with an emerald in it. 59 parts Ongoing after no-Luck for Lincoln his whole family kicked him out of the house force him to sleep outside b. We then cut back to the Loud House, the Loud kids go upstairs while Odine hops on the couch. Were in the wonders of nature! Just us, at the park, with the nice sunlight, the nice breeze, and a nice view of the pond? Lincoln:(picks up the sandwich) Peanut Butter and Sauerkraut? Lisa explanation of how Linka and the brothers are real is base off Martian Manhunters explanation on how the Justice Guild of America are real in the Justice League episode, Legends. He wears a black t-shirt over a white turtleneck with black stripes, black pants, and white-and-black checkered shoes. Linka: Well, since I'm the only girl in this house, I gotta put some rules in place. Now Ill have plenty of money for us to go anywhere We want. (passes everyone a test paper including Lincoln, Clyde, Rusty, Liam, Zach and Stella )Not for you, Odine , since you didnt know about this test. (All the Loud Sisters and Brothers assemble. Leni kisses his forehead and Lily kisses him as well. Loki: Jean Juan's French Mex Buffet. The siblings plays some games and then Leni and Odine playing a Dance Dance Revolution!, Odine plays Ski ball with Lynn and then she plays air hockey with Luan. We see Girl Jordon trying to pull gum out of her hair. (rummages through her pocket and picks out a gross wad with a bunch of stuff stuck to it.) Lana:Its true and I did that by showing him how me and hops met. You up for round two? Rita: Sweetie, are you okay?! I like your Jersey! Lincoln: (voice-over )Hello, my name is Lincoln Loud. If you choose the red then that creates an alternate timeline where you choose the orange dress. We cut to bowling alleys arcade and we see Lincoln and Odine playing Muscle Fish: the arcade game. Lincoln: No way! Odine:In my country that series is called Muskel Fisch. You wanna go another round? Lynn Sr. :Whoa, Whoa Girls! The Broken House is a The Loud House fan fiction written by Omega Ultra. Lincoln walked over Linka.). Who's got any plans for the summer? She looked straight at him with a horrified expression and lincolns sisters has the same reaction as well. Clyde:Yeah, itll probably be better time with Tiango. Odine brings her lips closer to Lincolns, he become resistant and shakes his head, but then the moment is interrupted, Lincoln and Odine turn around to see his sisters and they are shocked looks on their faces. NOT UNTIL I HAVE A DATE WHERE YOU JERKS DONT INTERFERE! Hmmm I know! Lynn(Boy): Yep! They proceed to start eating the muffins as Lincoln and Linka sit in between them to watch Dream Boat). Lori: Well, thats because Me and Leni have been to Dairyland more times than We can count. Lincoln:And Lori didnt blackmail me into the dishes, I made deal that if I covered for her, shed give me money for Gus games and Grump. Lisa: Time passes differently in our dimension. During the scuffle, Girl Lynn and Boy Lynn stop playing and see them playing, they look each other and shrug, then they join the dirty twins' mud fight. They told us that they'll be back three in the afternoon. Lincoln also had a cast around his ankle. Linka: Please excuse Leon, He likes to bite people or his toys. I'm Late!! Lincoln:(to the audience)Huh, Kind of reminds of the praise I got in my dream. (uncovers main dishes) I made a Bratwurst , Rolls, Schnitzel , Spatzle , and for dessert(uncovers the dessert)Spaghettieis. ), (In Leif and Lexx Room, Lola and Lexx are having a tea party with his stuffed animals. Lincoln:Its okay, Odine. Odine:(giggles)Its okay, Im not gonna tease a good boy like you. Lincoln:Of course, sure they like to mess with me from time to time but that doesnt mean they dont care. (walks past her) Okay, You wil get your tests at the end of class. Your outfit looks fabulous! Linka: (facepalms)I didnt mean literally. He stand up and stretched out as we hear some cracking from his back. Lisa: Well I'm glad you appreciate it, my eldest brother. Loni: Like, I got friends at work too, their names are Michelle and Finn. (continues his game). Ace Savvy: Mystery of the Roulette Part 2, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Linka answers the door and finds the Pizza Delivery Guy holding some boxes of pizza. Luan:Man, dad for a brat this isnt the wurst (laughs)get it? He smiled.). "Well that stinks." He grumbled before grunting as Lynn flopped down and put her head on her older brother's stomach. We cut to Lincoln and Odine finishing their lunch and as they bring their plates to the sink, Lincoln sees Lori by the sink on her phone and she looks at him. (darts over to clubs and takes out a club) You like golf?! (blushes) And hes my boyfriend. In Lynn and Lars Room, Lucy and Lars are reading their poems to each other.). Of course I'm okay. Odine: Lincoln,Were points behind. Lincoln: Huh? Time for Mud Wrestling! Lane: Yeah! Lincoln:I guess the boys have rubbed off on them. Lisa: Then it would just keep going and going, creating infinite possibilities! from Loni, and "Dairyland!" Dankeschn! They could never interrupted that. After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Hateful, Hypocritical, Ignorance, Unfair, Selfish Selves, Unpleasent, Nasty, Cruel, And lastly, No Love. Fanfiction: Worlds Loudest Part 2. Lynn Sr. :Thanks son, thats nice of you.. Odine watches soundly as her crush passes out plates to everyone. Dont you mean Muscle Fish? Lynn:We checked all three parks and Lincoln and Odine arent there. Lynn:Yeah Odine, use your contractions and pronouns. Sweet! During their squabble, Lincoln flies out, and hits the table. Odine:(in her head)Okay, Lily may have gotten a strike but Im sure the boy of my dreams will get a strike. In this alternate reality, the Louds are, for lack of a better word, broken. Please,Stop before someone gets hur-(Odine accidently kicks Lincoln in the nose) OW! Almost instantaneously, Lincoln's sisters broke down as well. Lars: Before you go, what rhymes with sister? Lisa looked at her watch and gasp.). Odine: Surprise! (Lincoln and Linka went downstairs to play video games. The other sisters poke their heads out of their heads out of their rooms. Lincoln: Man, that was an awesome day out. Dont you mean Auntie Pams Parlor? Lincoln gets up and looks around the ground. We cut to the Loud house, where its dark and the siblings pull up in the driveway and Leni helps Lincoln out of Vanzilla as the family walks inside. Odine stops Lincoln from walking. Then she goes upstairs and goes to Lincolns room. ), (Suddenly, they heard a beeping sound. For instance, Leni, lets you have only two dresses in your closet, one is red and one is orange. Lola: I'm glad that I get to hang out with you, your grace. Lexx: Since about 4 years ago, I earned some awards and ribbons! Lori: Yeah,(gets an idea) How about We get some dessert? Lincoln:Now girls, Odine is only going to be living with us for two weeks and by friday, shell be going back to Germany but for now while shes staying, I suggest you treat her like shes member of the family. (farts with armpit), Lana: Cool, I can do that trick too! Lincoln and Odine turn around and they see Lana. I think We're really good friends. You were trying go on a date with Lincoln? Agnes: Okay then.Alright, class. Wanna play mud with me? Luna:I know, bro! (gets up from table), Luan: Yeah, We will see ya real soon. Well those stories arent really what they seem. Anyone want to explain? Once they go inside, they meet a girl that looks like Grant by having dark blond hair and two pimples but unlike Grant, her nametag says her name is Grace and she has lipstick on face and two helix piercings in each of her ears.). He also has the same paper clip earrings Luna has. Lincoln: What? My Nose! Lisa: And counting. Loki:(sucks on each of his fingers)Burpin' Burger was delicious. I pickLeni, Luan, Lynn, Lola and. Lincoln:(gives the squirrel the acorn)Here you go, buddy. What even gave you that idea? (Her sisters stand back as they were told and Lisa aims the watch at the TV.). Boy Lynn was impressed.). But this isn't a direct sequel, this takes place in season 4. We see they took their shoes because they got uncomfortable after a while. Lincoln hits just five of the remaining nine pins. Luna: Yeah, definitely dude. Loni tries on a Dairy Land Muscle-T and Leni tries on a Dairyland Tank Top, they both squeal in excitement and they take a selfie. Girl Jordon:I cant get this stupid gum of my hair. Odine:No, No (points to both of them)He said We were going bowling. He also has two chin hairs. Reininger's! Just in time for my latest creation. Lincoln:And Im sorry but Odine, I dont feel same way. The Loud sisters: You're the woman, Linka! . Odine:(shakes his hand)Nice to meet you too, Lincoln. The montage ends and We see Odine in Lincolns room, seating on her sleeping bag. (Point his finger at the Boys) These are the same boys that I've been encountered with. It's real. Odine lays down the picnic blanket and then she puts down large glasses and pours sodas in the glasses. Did you just say "rabbit's foot"? We cut to a Student Exchange Program flyer and Lincoln signed his name. The Loud sisters and the parents rushed to the front and Lincoln brings in Odine. What I am gonna do? Lincoln takes another sandwich and they both continue eating while Odine has her arms crossed. (flexes her bicep) I like your Jersey too. (translate: Thank you very much!). Lynn Sr. :Odine, look, I made some famous German dishes to make feel at home. Liam: This summer, I'm going toDairyland. Linka: You heard him. Rita:I dont know. Lincoln:No offense, Clyde but thats kind of average. (runs to the kitchen), Rita:In the mean time,Ill let you and the kids get to know each other. Lucy: I have the same secret too, the only one who knows is my brother, Lincoln. Check this. (grabs Lincoln by arms and drags him away.). We cut to the morning where Odine is in the kitchen, calling someone on the phone. Linka: All right, that's enough. The Loud House: We've Had It 7 parts Complete Lincoln has had it. No running in the hall! Feast your eyes on this! Lincoln: Yeah, I know but I dont know why Odine didnt know. (rolls his eyes) That was my shoes, classic girl excuse. Rita:Okay, Make sure you get home before it gets dark. (In Luke and Lane's Room, Luan and Lane are watching his blog video where Lane is at the store and he throws a pie at man's face, then the man falls on top of a cake and then he runs away.). Lynn(Girl):Wow, you and me have the same name. (Translate:Those sisters!). (stomach growls) Im hungry. Lincoln:Sorry, Odine ,Were gonna have some TV tomorrow. She heads downstairs and finds all of the siblings with grins and Lori is twirling the keys. Lana: Oh, me and Lola lost our baby teeth at the same time. Fancy seeing you here. Lola: I like extra cheese! from Lana, "Seriously?!" Odine strokes her chin to think of way to spend time but then an idea hits her like freight train. Take a deep breath. Lincoln, who had been trying to keep himself from crying for his sisters' sake, couldn't help but to let a few bitter tears escape his eyes. Leni: Like, Awesome! ), (Then moments later, Luna and Luke are seen sitting in metal chairs and looking on their phones.). Lisa: Siblings, May I have your attention please? Lincoln goes to his room but Lori grasps his shoulder and he turns around to face her and the rest of the sisters. Well, for my only sister, she is kind, caring, master of all plans and also makes a great Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich. Odine: Mrs.Loud, do you mind, Me and Lincoln go to the park, you knowjust the two of us. Odine wants to know if you want to go the park. Lincoln: I'm fine, mom. Lynn Sr. :Well, Im glad your excited to stay with us.In fact, Im gonna make a special dinner tonight. Lana:No way, nothing beats classic PB&J, well except a Rueben but Sauerkraut just makes the sandwich tastes sour. Levi: We really do! There's always room for one more, Come on! Even Chandler), Chandler:(mean)(chuckles) (whisper) Oh look it's Lover Boy! Lincoln then remember that he has wash the dishes, so he starts and Odine thinks in her head that Lori blackmailed Lincoln into washing the dishes. Lucy:(stoic voice)Not before Vampire of Melancholia. Lincoln:(looks at the picture on her wall)Is that your best friend? (Luna and Luke went outside to the garage. Lincoln:Oooookay (stands up) Okay, lets go home. Luna: Awesome! After a moment of silence, Odine leans in closer to Lincolns eyes. Lynn Sr. :Well not only have you lied, forced Lincoln on a date but throughout this week, youve been trying keep his sisters away from him. Odine growls in angry and much to her dismay, the only empty seat left is next to Lynn. (All of the siblings start cheering but then Lori pauses.). He wears a red and white jersey shirt that has the number 0, red and white shorts, and cleats. Loki! ( It was peaceful morning; Lisa is in her room and tinkering with the same watch that Lincoln broke. Linka:Yep, He and sister moved away to Great Lakes City but We're able to keep in touch. Odine:(whispers and crosses)Dont say Lincoln, Dont say Lincoln. Lisa: Our parents from our dimension will be home early in about 3 minutes. As they were eating, the loud start talking while Odine had her head against his hand. Rita: Conversation's off! It's now complete with 13 chapters. (It cuts to the siblings sitting down and they start eating again and We see Leni trying to play with Leon with her finger.). ), (Lola pours some tea in Lexxs teacup and they both took sips.). Its not what it looks like! Check it out! Lincoln jumps in and the argument rages on and They fight in a dust cloud. Until when he came downstairs, The whole family was glaring at him). Lana wraps the bandages around his arms and his ankle, Lola puts band aids on his cheeks, his knees and his forehead. (the siblings cease their fighting)Problem Solve! Loki: You know what's a great way to end it? Luna: In your dreams! (They trade each others desserts). Mrs.Johnson:Alright, Lets get started on our History Test. The fishmans shake their heads. Odine then wakes up and taps Lincoln on his shoulder. ), (Lucy and Lars went upstairs to his and Lynn's room.). Come on, guys, Lets have some fun! Lori: Wait, theres 22 of us, How are we gonna fit in vanzilla? (Linka smiles at the praise shes getting.). (The siblings cheerfully rush into the van and they drive off to Dairyland. Rita:(mad) What took you so long? Lincoln: Uncle Penns? The rest of the siblings comes scrambling downstairs and they were very excited. (pulls out her phone) Selfie? (Like Lori, the 17 year old boy wears a blue tank top, brown shorts, and blue sneakers. The squirrel rubs its stomach and sniffs a bit. Lincoln:Yeah, I did but Odine, the point is Im not perfect, none of us are. Odine:Did you really let her do that to you?! ), (Loki pays the pizza delivery guy and by time Loki closed the door, He was confused.). Lynn. Lincoln:(horrified) Y'know what Ms. Johnson, I think I'm fine. Lisa:Theyre in the woods near the North Valley B&B, Lori:I dont know but theyre unaware that they were supposed to be home hours ago. Luna:Dudes! Zach, Congo is a country, not a dance.Lincoln, your test was excellent. Luan: Yeah, It couldn't get any cheddar than this. Odine:(whispers)Good thing I lost some teeth, did a lot chores, got money for my birthday and opened up a lemonade stand. Odine goes to a desk next to Lincoln and his friends. Mrs.Johnson: Rusty, not bad. Lincoln: So Linka, how did you manage to get your brothers to listen you? Lori: Isnt my old watch, I got new one you know. So We convinced mom and dad to give you a second chance and to let you continue your time in the Student Exchange Program. Lincoln Loud Original Loud Character (s) (The Loud House) Psychological Horror Survival Lovecraftian Lovecraftian Monster (s) Lovecraftian gods Romance Angst Descent into Madness horror and fantasy Alternate Universe Loudcest (The Loud House) Lucycoln - Freeform cosmic horror Lori:Guys, Im pretty sure theyre at the park and time just got away from them. Linka: I'm Linka Loud and these are my brothers, Loki, Loni, Luke, Lane, Lynn, Lars, Leif, Lexx, Levi, and Leon. The morning, Odine steps out of Lincolns room with her suitcases and backpack. Leni: When we first stepped into a Mall, We began see the beauty of it and we began to go there more often. Odine: I heard stories from your friends like you saving Frogs from being dissected, Helping an old lady cross the street, Picking up trash by an interstate and saving a turtle. As for my other stories, I'm working on them. Lincoln: I keep in touch with Ronnie Anne. Lincoln: Yeah, mom packed extra. Lincoln: Sorry girls. When the dust settles, Lincoln is left to find a new path in life, with no old contacts, no trust in his mother, and only less than admirable people to . Lisa: Sweet Einstein! The Loud Brother except Leon: I'M A GIRL!!! Lincoln: Wow, I loved Ace Savvy since I was little too. Lincoln:No problem, Anything for my Foreign Friend.So, do you have any siblings back in your country? Lincoln: Wow, this is Lilys second ever sundae too. Fanfiction: Saints Alive. Ill go call him down. (runs to the kitchen). None of us are saints, devils or angels. Lincoln removes the blindfold and he becomes surprised by where are they are. Lori: So whats Bebe's favorite restaurant? The 6 year old boy looks like Lana by wearing a red baseball cap facing backwards, white sneakers with blue stripes, and blue overalls. Linka: Yeah, Us counterparts have to take turns. (The sisters talk each other, saying that theyre started understand. Lincoln:Alright, Everyone! As Odine watches, her pupils turn into little hearts and then She then imagines a Halo over Lincolns head as he ties Arties shoes. Odine sits next to Lynn and they start eating. I'm also aware of the changes in season 5, I'm just treating my fanfics like the Loud House comics . Lisa: Because I made(pulls down a little bit of her sleeve, revealing her watch)this. A/N: This is a sequel to "One of the Boys. Grace: Oh. Leif: Cool! Odine:(whispers)Phew, Now I can be on team with my crush. Lincoln:And Leni was in a jam so I decided to help model the dress. No way! Lincoln:Oh, those things. Lincoln:Muskel Fish? Lori: Wait, Why are you telling us all this? Lynn(Boy): Yeah, Im number zero and for me, Zero means Hero! (The siblings look at each other and looked back at Lisa with confused looks.). Odine:(teeth clenched)Lincoln, I really this should have been just the two-. Lincoln:Girls! He grabbed the ball and opened it. Lana:Theres one more park left, Tall Timbers Park. Odine:(puts her finger on her mouth)Shhh Its Okay, Dont worry, Im here. Luke: You made some great beats back there. Odine:(sighs in dreamily)Yes, Yes you are. The Squirrel eats the acorn and scurries away and goes to back up to his tree and Odine dreamily sighs. Lincoln opens the fridge, only to get punched in the stomach by a punching glove attached to a spring. The rabbits foot that Leif has, is an Easter egg from White Hare. (Lisa walks over to the TV, with her back turned to her siblings and her hands behind her back.). Leif: Well, take care Lana. It cuts to a montage of the 22 Loud kids having fun in Dairyland.). I learned by myself and I taught my sisters how to play. Odine then hears laughing and turns around to see Luan standing by the doorway. Linka: (chuckles)You wanna go check out my room? Lynn: I suggest that you should go first. Now look what you got your sisters into. Lincoln: No fair ,You cheated! Luke: Looks like We got two Swaggers for the price of one. The siblings drive off to Ketchum Park and when they get there, they still dont see Lincoln and Odine. He then stands up, looks back at the portal and then he surveys the living room and it looks exactly the same. Lincoln: Me? Roughly eight hours later, around 6:30 p.m. and Rita and Lynn Sr. are worried. along on the way. (Chandler threatens Lincoln by glaring at him and punches his own hand which tell that it he'd told the teacher about the note he just gave him, he would be him up outside of class. Odine:(sniffles) I understand. Lincoln:Dont worry, Ill give her a bowling ramp, just like I gave one to Lisa. I got free tickets when Lexx won the Little Miss Prim and Perfect Pageant! Lincoln: (Shocked) Oh my gosh, it's 8:30! My fears have all faded, my walls have fallen down As Odine eats her food, she looks at Lincoln and stares at his white hair and she sees him wave his hair back. It wasn't so bad after all. Even the strongest of marriages aren't impervious, and the Louds are no exception. )Its noon and its time to go to Dairyland! Loni: Man, Were like two peas in a pod or is it four peas? Grace: Okay, that'll be thirty-five dollars. Grace:(stunned)Wow, theres a lot of you. Linka: Yeah! See? Lincoln:For long time,We had a lot of adventures together, so thats what makes us pretty tight. You know We were just teasing you, right. Lynn:Fine! Odine peeks into Lori and Lenis room and sees Lincoln is modeling for Leni, who accidentally pokes him with the needle. The plot is simple: In an alternate Royal Woods, Michigan, the Loud family have a surprisingly. Lisa: Yes, elder sisters but I repaired it and now it serves a different purpose, it allows the user to have access to Multiple Parallel Realities. Linka: Yeah, but in your universe, hes probably a strong man but here, Ace Savvy is a strong woman, who protects the weak and downtrodden with her sidekick, One Eyed Jackie. Lincoln and his Sisters except Lily: Bye guys! Odine:Now, I know why you love your sisters! (To Lily) Could you kiss my poor finger? 1. *Lana, Lola, Leif, Lexx , Lisa and Levi are seen eating Funnel cakes. Lincoln:(smirks)Ha-ha! Lincoln and Odine go downstairs to the kitchen and they find Lynn Sr. cooking in the kitchen. Lori, can you go pick them up? Where do you think he ran off to? Odine: Okay, you can take the blindfold off now. Lincoln, I trade my Kebab and Knoppers for your Bolonga Sandwich and your granola bar. Leif: Okay, Forget Mud throwing! Lori: (sighs)Fine,(picks up the remote and turns off the TV)What do you want? Lincoln: (to the audience)For starters, I thought the boys from the other dimension were gonna beat me up and give me swirlies in front of my sisters, but instead when Linka was around she'll tell them to go easy on me. So cool! I dont want my brothers to know or they will tease me for the rest my life. Loki: And since theyre gonna be coming home late, you what that means. She then follows him out of the of the room. The students walk out of class and Odine goes to see Lincoln about him passing his test. One big Family 37 parts Ongoing We cut to back to the living room with Odine thinking. Lucy puts on an ice pack on his head and then Luan puts a pillow under his head and Lynn puts a blanket over him.