The Virgo man will keep the Pisces woman grounded. Just like putting yourself down doesnt help you one bit. These two will be able to form a deep and close bond with one another that will last a lifetime. zero sense. Virgo Man - Pisces Woman Compatibility In Love And Relationships (5 Opposite Personalities), The Virgo man and the Pisces woman are of opposing zodiac signs. Its like theres a joy and spark in curiosity theres something charming about the fact that the other one sees things so differently. While Virgo is interested in expanding their world view, Pisces has a genuine curiosity and compassion that allows them to listen tirelessly. Weirdness abounds. I believe that it is not just our zodiac sign that are our personalities, but MANY other factors. Now..I just cant argue that. Often, they each have what the other needs most and are able to develop a deep and intimate understanding of each other because of their connection. yes we are young. Rebecca M. Farrar, MA, archetypal astrologer, Taryn Bond, professional tropical astrologer practicing synthesis of evolutionary, modern, traditional, and intuitive techniques rooted in a humanistic, soul-based astrological approach, Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, This article was originally published on 08.24.21, These 4 Zodiac Signs Are The Best Matches For Sagittarius, These 4 Zodiac Signs Are The Worst Matches For Scorpio, The Reality Dating Show You Should Go On, Based On Your Zodiac Sign, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. I played my cards wrong the first time, was unfaithful and pretty soon she the betrayal caused her to resist giving herself to me which of course drove me Virgo(private perverts) up a wall. A Virgo man and Pisces woman can be a good working team, but they will have some challenges. im am a virgo married with a fish for the last 7 years and have 3 lovely kids. But, as far as I was concerned, it didnt feel real. Thats to say that when we ended things, there was a lot of unraveling to do, but not so much filled with accusatory charges just an EXHAUSTING amount of unraveling. I want to say something but I dont want to be an asshole about it and I dont want to create a confrontation. Though the sex likely wont be too wild, it definitely wont be lacking passion. Dearest Pisces Woman, Im am dreadfully sorry about your relationship. The Virgo man and Pisces woman will soon be drawn together. Funny, they say Virgo men are not big on PDA, but from the jump he wanted to hold my hand and be affectionate no matter where or who we were around. differant language . There would be constant friction here and it does not matter if one of the them ultimately ends up mentally devoid. Really, Pisces, we all know that youre in love with everybody It depends on the upbringing. You might think pragmatic Virgos and idealistic Pisceans would butt heads, but according to astrologer Clarisse Monahan, having the perspective of the other is actually mutually beneficial. I have to stop having that 1 % that just sits there and gives me hope for me. The level of compatibility between the Virgo man and Pisces woman depends on each individual relationship. Pisceans will love how Virgos support all their dreams and schemes but always bring them back to reality before they drift too far. A Pisces woman would rather live in the world of dreams and fantasies. Well he had known in the beginning his life was all over the place, but yet he still went ahead and built me up to this point and i put up with the shit because i thought that in the end it would be worth it, i wanted him to feel like he was worth it, he has nobody, he had nobody, but me. Oh my love! His reasoning for the breakup was that he had too much going on, and that he couldnt be in a relationship with me right now, that he still loves me, he just cant. It is easy to see how a Pisces woman would rely on a Virgo man, but he will rely on her just as much. Does that mean he is done with me? And when I read your story it tears my heart apart because it it is something else, something stronger. But we havent talked in almost two weeks, and when we tex its short. so weve moved onto more interesting things as a couple. I love him with all my heart but I refuse to beg a man to love me, and I told him this, he acts as if im crazy and that he hasnt been ignoring me. Cancer Man - Aquarius Woman Famous Couples: A Match Made in Hell or Heaven. Im a pisces and my boyfriend is a virgo. Hey, Steve Jobs and Michael Dell are Pisces and they are enormously successful tech icons! Click here for your Free Numerology Report! I thought it was because I was in love with a Virgo man before. I think the biggest pitfall was just getting on the same page in the first place. This balance will help them to moderate their worst traits and to bring out their best ones. A Pisces woman benefits from having a partner who is willing to take on the mundane chores of daily life. They encourage Virgos to have big dreams rather than tunnel focus on where they are currently. I considered breaking things off,but then I realize how much I do care for him. Whats up colleagues, its enormous paragraph regarding educationand entirely Tell him what you think you did wrong. While sometimes the intuition of a Pisces woman may come from psychic sources, there are other times it comes from her ability to see the world from a different perspective. When it comes to a partner, a Virgo man wants to feel useful in some way. Our differences have only made us stronger. This can create tension and cause issues in his love partnership with the Pisces woman who begins to believe that she is not good enough to ever reach his high standards. This my heart could not understand, but slowly my mind allowed my heart to. A Virgo man will give a Pisces woman grounding and assist her with the practical details of life, and a Pisces woman will soften a Virgo man and help him to relax. Good luck. I have to stop thinking that im not going to make it end like all the other shitty ones on this page and other pages! He doesnt understand that I overreact sometimes but I am sensitive not selfish. It seems like since he knows my feelings are there he can do whatever. A Virgo and Pisces marriage can be incredibly successful. I would only read his lips and I blanked out for a sec- he said I like you because- you are kind, caring, helpful and I dont remember the rest. I dont like the way u describe a pisces womanthis is stupid. He was never really my type, but its in those exact ways that he won me over. Sure, were sensitive people, but not all of us weak. Where the public only gets royally curated bits and pieces of Meghan and Harry's life, Riverdale fans. He called me finally with Sorry as his only thing he could say.. He is big on spending time together and in the beginning was almost wanting it to be 24/7. But at least my man lives me and we are just at the point where its a joke and its helps with the arguments. we are pretty young but were not stupid or ignornant. Their differences help to make the relationship stronger. The analytical abilities of a Virgo man are unmatched in the zodiac. I get along very well with my virgo roommate we think EXACTLY alike. I currently really like this virgo male, and I know that we are complete opposites. She will be gentle and loving, but she will have difficulty with discipline. and if he is gone that means he is gone fore ever. Even if it wasnt sincere, I had to just relax and enjoy the moment because hey, Ive dated guys for months even years who didnt like PDA and this guy didnt hesitate from day one. A Pisces woman is able to see the big picture, and she does not worry about what she sees as trivial matters. A Virgo man and Pisces woman combination have high compatibility and generally do very well together. Image: Shutterstock. He texted me later that night saying he has never had a better relationship, that we have things to work on as individuals, and that he has alot of mixed feelings and emotions but when I closed the door he said it sunk in. A Pisces-Virgo pairing creates a "safe space" for both people. This is the closest description of what my experience with a Pisces woman has been. Since i was 17 years old. Typically- if you are honest with a Virgo (and you can keep your composure, be calm and take the objective point of view), you will capture his attention and you can draw him into a constructive discussion. Really, Pisces, we all know that youre in love with everybody and in this relationship it works to be yourself. The Pisces and Virgo will experience issues, especially at the beginning of their love partnership. This is because she would be too emotional and sensitive which cannot be fathomed easily by the Virgo guy. He was definitely afraid of me bacause Im known to be weird, unworldly and sometimes a bit angsty and unapproachable. Virgo Man - Gemini Woman Compatibility. There was plenty of romance in the relationship, but it was almost phony. Date and have fun but less drinking. Your relationship is not complicated. He is helpful and finds it easy to locate solutions for problems, making him a good person to have around the house. This post may contain affiliate links. Im a nonbionary with a cis man and idk. Together they will be able to find the perfect balance. I am a Pisces woman and Im with a Virgo man,we started off as good friends through a mutual friend, until he told me how he felt about me,he told me everything I wanted to hear,he is my first serious boyfriend nowEverything was good up until a few days ago when I realized he was really insensitive,he doesnt like showing affection in public,and he tends to be harsh with his words even when he doesnt realize he is. So, I came about to be a relationship advice writer! ive been with my Virgo man 10 years. He gets mad over little stuffs. What. . He held me tight from behind, we laughed a lot, we have many similar interests and when I was on top of him I told him that now this game has to end and you are mine, when opened his eyes and told me I was his and he was mien or so I remember- I told him about my achievements and he smile d and I guess was proud. He will do anything to make me feel better if Im upset. Your words And I also feel that guys and girls are very DIFFERENT while expressing their emotions- he did express them, now I want a virgo MAN to tell me why do they disappear out of the blue. It started out as our usual friendship which led to a friend with benefit type deal, then next thing i know, hes asking me out and telling me he is in love with me. The Pisces woman recognizes Virgo's apparent coldness and practicality as a caring man and appreciates his subtle nature. and it is important that they are knowledgeable on how to deal with such difficulties when they arise between them. They both appreciate the importance of taking initiatives, even if one (Virgo . Their opposing natures make them perfect and natural partners for marriage because of their ability to bring balance to one another. The way we experience and approach our sensitivity is very different, but its something we share. The Virgo male and a Pisces female do not have much in common to share a compatible marriage. Weve had acouple blow outs but any other time things have been great. This can ruin his relationships and cause him to be even more unhappy. Okay- Jiya first of if he has a gf, like you mentioned earlier than HE WOULD BE COMMITTED TO HER. he doesnt believe that astrology should be a basis/foundation on which to build a relationship. You should get some payback (good) for this. He has high expectations and often sets unachievable goals for himself and his relationships. The twelfth sign of the zodiac, Pisces, is understanding, intuitive, artistic, and sympathetic. Let her miss you for a while. Yeah, it sucks too cause were also very prideful, but its from this world we live in, its discusting to think what it does to us. On the other hand, Virgo pays attention to details and admires perfection. we are literally complete opposites. In fact, when these two signs get together, they may even feel like theyve met one of their soulmates. Also sometimes it seems that the relationship is on fire with much passion involved but then it is not. i know my texts are short and boring but its hard to interact when ur far far away, i might not show my emotions much but im full of it im rly sorry to hurt ur feelings and i will always love u all my life even though i have no idea where u r i hope i will meet again one day!!! Since then things have been up and down.. Dating a Virgo Man. Where the Virgo struggles, the Pisces will show their strength. I dont know. Often opposite signs complement one another and make their love partnership as a whole stronger and more intimate. Though both are known to be individually emotional and romantic, sex would be a forbidden area for the duo. it may not always work but in the end we are so in love with each other and so passionate we overcome any problem that comes our way. did it ever occur to her their partner may be tempted to do the same? Obviously Im a sensitive soul if Im taking offense to this. Pisces woman Virgo man soulmates have to be accepting towards each other's character. Both Capricorns and Taurus people fall under this element. Why does Virgo never take risks, Im a pisces girl Im not a weakling. The couple has learned a lot from each other, but has grown closer together than ever since ditching their royal duties. A Pisces woman is known for her powers of imagination, and she can be quite brilliant in many ways. like amy, i also have a moon in aquarius which sometimes make me detached to certain emotions. Pisces helps Virgo step out of the box, lift up their head, and look beyond the horizon at new possibilities. Is it time to move on or wait for him to come around. Required fields are marked *. There are so much more to it than this. most of the things written here are true to me .she has a lot of negetives as of my self , we make each other mad but when we rest we do love each other selfless. In Virgo-Pisces relationships, Pisces can provide Virgo with unconditional love, while Virgo helps keep Pisces organized and on top of things. Once I made my cut, that is quick and clear, both mine and his life got much more healthy. I am interested in a virgo man. Dress up and be his lil porn star. But he was very sincere and genuine about it so I gave him a shot. I honestley dont want things to end terribly with this second man, Im scared to be hurt again. Then I was hung over- I then decided to drop him to the bus stop- for the first time I asked him to hold my hand and he did- and at the stop while waiting for the bus- we had our fav- French vanilla coffee- from the same cup- then out of no where he said it- I LIKE YOU , I LIKE YOU AND I LIKE YOU. now i realise in life there has to be a fall guy so that insecure people can feel good about themselves. i am very flirtatious and hes very jealous. its fun and wonderful having him in my life. Fast-forward 4 years and I met her but here is the twist, she was from my past. as a virgo male i needed to be with a more evolved person whose got her basic shit in line. Stop racking your brains over who has to text or call first. Yes, I am emotional and intuitive, but also rational due to my Capricorn moon. Definitely lots of attraction. But this is perhaps not the best use of the energy. If they do marry, Pisces will be able to be a clinging vine to a resolute Virgo who helps her with everything. So we met at a party and started making out and ever since then our sexual desire hasnt died down. I love his scientific approach to problems and perfectionism. They will enjoy each others company, and the more they are together, the more they will find that they complement each other. I can not tell a lie, I didnt immediately get what I wanted but if I said she wasnt receptive to my advances I would be lying. I dont believe I would have gotten through half of the things Ive gone through without him. This would not be a healthy relationship and it grows worse with time and children around to look after. He is more practical and an introvert to sway to her whims and fantasies. This pairing can work, and it can be amazing. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights but nodded his head yes. He is my best friend and we are both weirdos. The Virgo man brings practical knowledge and rationality, where the Pisces woman brings softness and kindness to their love partnership. Were both in college right now and he is the ultimate gentleman. But to me omg he melted my heart, it wasnt money or looks, or his body that first attracted me it was his oso calm, cool ,confident swag that grabbed me, but yet sweet and manly everything I ever wanted in a man. Were always fighting over stupid stuff that has no matter of fighting. i am a pisces gal n married to a virgo. we certainly clicked. Try it out for yourself or youll actually never know. These two get along exceptionally well, thanks to their shared mutable modality. Famous Libra-Pisces Couples: Christopher and Dana Reeve, Paul Simon and Edie Brickell, John Krasinski and Emily Blunt. Often, there are ways to work around the obstacles and difficulties. Then after that I was just smiling and didnt say anything- he kissed me and hugged me for a moment- anyway he told me he has a girl friend- I got super mad and realized I think he meant to say I am his girl friend- I didnt react so he said we are friends- I think. im hindu and she is philipinnes. On the other hand, he tends to see things in a very cut and dried way, and he has trouble seeing shades of gray. However, this does not mean that they will never encounter conflicts in their love partnership and it is important that they are knowledgeable on how to deal with such difficulties when they arise between them. Honestly, I am scared like a hell to share this on net. He is gentle, compassionate, honest, loyal, hard working, and talented. I fell in love with the sign after my first brush with it. I recommend that the couple in this combination try very hard to always take off their rose-colored glasses and see what is really going on under the guise of romance. They'll get the feeling right away that they've found their soul partner.. Save. To wrap up my long article (lol), I have expressed my likes and dislikes in hhs behaviors, and now Im falling back. But it also sounds that you two entered into a romantic relationship for all the wrong reasons as described in the compatibility post. But once you find it you wont fell chaotic anymore because in learning yourself youve almost completed that difficult puzzle. My virgo had been in a bind and he didnt have much of anything, we have been friends sense we were 8 and i felt that i could be the one to uplift him. The sex, laughs, everything was perfect, soon it all changed, we spent less and less time together. I said alright and walked back in my place and shut the door. someone HELP! Receive weekly tips & tricks to improve your love life. if its real & true and straight from heart . Hes pretty patient with me and letting me set the pace, which is currently at a snails crawl, but is comfortable because I seemed to be easily spooked. I hate explain myself. idk but anyways i always had the option of movin back to htown and its been three years and its kind of getting worse ..i kno in my heart i love her and she loves me but she doesnt show it anymore we hardly talk we act like a old senior citizen couple .i want it to work ,i have no problem with being faithful and being a good husband she not getting the big picture i have a screwed up sitiution and i need help iam kind of depressed because of this realatonship i love her and i want it to work. The Pisces woman enjoys having a partner who is able to carry out the boring practical chores of everyday life. there is so much negative stuff i read e.g airheads, submissives, unloyal, lazy.etc. As opposite signs, a Virgo man and Pisces woman are the natural marriage partners for each other because they balance and complement each other. He is loyal to his partners and he does not enjoy mind games. From the astrological theory, virgos are shy and patient and honorable and such, Well my virgo was more of a outgoing, out spoken, and full of trouble. Generally with Pisces-Virgo [in the bedroom], Virgo would probably take the lead, adds Bond. Is it like pulling teeth getting him to spend time with you? all women out there especially you fellow pisces do your thing and be anything you want to be doctors, scientists, architects, bankers, CEOs or even art-based professions (if thats what you want really want) no one can stop you. However, this can create issues too. In public all he does all these years is stare at me and his friends would like tease him or whatever- both our friends know each other and hate each other- cause of the fights we had in the past. We both hate long distance relationships so were trying to figure out how to make it work. My dominant elements are fire and water with fire slightly edging out water, air also places strongly (earth is a no show). They both draw from their ruling planet, Mercury, and so value the importance of applying the mind. "Virgo helps bring Pisces down from the clouds into a more pragmatic viewpoint, while Pisces helps take Virgo out of the day-to-day monotony of life, she previously told Bustle. It helps that he has a scorpio moon and cancer venus. This will help him get over any inhibitions that he may have. Take this quick quiz and get matched with a real relationshp coach that can help you work through those problems! They Have A Strong Intimate Connection While these. He knew damn-well of how I was, I just never connected that with our relationship hah! It is important to understand their connection in more depth by looking to astrology and to the zodiac. They may be able to achieve perfection in their understanding. His just amazing and he drives me crazy. He may not hear it right then and there but once weve taken some time apart he respects what I said. *touch wood** Actually when he kisses me and woos me I can feel the magic all in my body, when we first having sex (*fyi he took my virginity), I didnt come and its been having for a few times. Maybe thats just another pisces trait? For example, it is romantic to yearn for someone impossible to have. There was definitely friendship woven between us I think that was why it lasted for longer than it should have. Wow!!! They are both independent signs but are able to support one another in a positive way that relieves stress and hardship from their lives when they are together. I have to say because of the other elements in my chart, I am not a typical pisces.