Everyone loves to be around a Pisces as they radiate warmth and love. Best Jobs for Capricorn: Manager, Accountant, Banker, Nurse, Teacher, Computer Programmer. It makes the Capricorns possess the precise mindset to keep a track of their spending and savings. Similar to the passion stemming from your fire sign power, your Midheavens down-to-earth qualities shine in more ways than you realize. For you, improving the bottom line may not be enough. Everything they do, they do to the absolute fullestthere is no in-between. Libras also excel on career paths that offer them support in decision-making, while retaining the right to decide what is just and have access to opportunities for professional growth. Scorpio is all about intimacynot just on a romantic level, but on an emotional level. Because she has such a new and innocent way of thinking, shes often labeled as naive or childish. Despite their soft nature, Pisces. All are welcome. Best Jobs for Virgo: Researcher, Investor, Therapist, Statistician, Machinist, Executive Assistant. Dont lose your balance! Scorpio. Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22) Gemini's sister air sign, Libra, is considered to be the social butterfly of the zodiac. It Gives Us a Sense of Control Therefore, astrology can be appealing to them because they believe it can give them a hit of good luck that might bolster them to seek other forms of internal reinforcement. They are shrewd, intuitive, and conservative; never one to waste peoples time or money. Its probably not surprising, then, that the founder of Facebook, one of the worlds largest companies and one of the wealthiest men on the planet, is a Taurus. Your mutable genius goes hand-in-hand with your all-encompassing Pisces Midheaven. The possibilities for your career are endless (and you know this firsthand). Managerial and ownership positions of companies with progressive policies and relaxed environments appeal to Sagittarius and their wanderlust, she says. The selfless man has performed over 550 funerals of unclaimed bodies which he calls a beautiful activity. Below are the 12 signs of the zodiac, including the typical personality traits that go along with each and the types of jobs that align with those traits. After all, working long hours and moving through bumper-to-bumper traffic every day of the week doesnt necessarily increase anyones productivity. Youre often celebrated for your carefree attitude and go-with-the-flow mentality, but thats not necessarily the best way to describe your professionalism, and career ethic. Image: Adobe. 05/5Pisces They treasure every relationship in their lives and never regret anything. And although youre so much more than an excellent strategist and a problem-solver, these are. In essence, they are the quintessential type-a personality. Female Cancers can be stubborn, compliant, furious, and docile, all in the same hour. Pisces are selfless andoften putthe needs of others above their own. If you find a bird with a broken wing or some other animal in trouble, you can be sure that Pisces will nurse it back to health and get a home for it. Sagittarius. Fixed signsTaurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquariusdenote the midpoint of a season and tend to be unwavering, loyal, and stable. Consider a career as an outdoor guide, fitness trainer, military officer, or management professional. If youre a Libra, youre a mediator at heart. Anything that requires you to process large amounts of information quickly is great for you, so a career in journalism, publicity, communications, and university-level teaching are perfect. Plus, Mercuryplanet of communication and logichappens to be your ruling planet altogether! In fact, you can easily master them all. She has written over 500 articles on the zodiac signs and how the stars influence us. Libra seeks balance and harmony and are a pleasure (and in my opinion, a necessity!) You have an allergy to hierarchy and tradition, and you love to work on your own schedule. TAURUS (April 20 May 20) Taureans are extremely tenacious, patient, and are industrious by nature. Now that Uranus is in Taurus, its forcing the world to see the value of working smarter, not harder. Each of these career fields will allow you access to a diverse array of fast-paced challenges that wont often let up, keeping you fully engaged. One field thats particularly well-suited to the Scorpios natural affinities is crisis managementthis requires both a high level of secrecy and a level of passion and energy to get through long, complicated projects. Using zodiac signs is one free option. If this is your sign, you find tasks that require patience and tenacity to be the most rewarding, and you enjoy a workday that with lots of routine. It contains twelve constellations and hence twelve divisions called signs of the zodiac. People born under the sign of Pisces are highly intuitive and generally have an emotional wisdom that makes them great at jobs that require patience and understanding. Youre extremely charming and persuasive, which serves you well in the professional arena. They are responsible and protective but can sometimes be perceived as having their "head in the clouds" as a result of their creative, day-dreamy tendencies. Gemini have many talents and are highly adaptable, but they must be challenged to thrive in the workplace. Your Weekly Horoscope Wants You to Pay Attention to Ready to Dive Deep? Having a 10th house cusp in the structured and pragmatic sign of Capricorn may not be the easiest to master at first but, by that same token, the discipline and grind come with the turf. The zodiac is split neatly down the middle by duality. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If so, you were born under the sign of cancer, and in order to fulfill your calling, you need to find a career that allows you to care for others. Gemini. You have a Mercury-ruled 10th house cusp, which adds to your innate versatility and mental stamina. To say youre incredibly hands-on in the workplace would be an understatement, Virgo. And that, dear Gemini, is where youll find your calling. Youre the celebrity of the zodiac and theres no use in denying it, Leo. Scorpio has a keen intuition and the ability to sense a soulmate connection. The Eight of Cups is not , Difference between Vedic and western astrology Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal zodiac a system in which positions of planets are calculated based on where they are actually observed in the sky in , Author Lakeesha Jones tells her lifes story in an uplifting way and offers information that can help readers improve their lives too. A zodiac sign may depict someone's personality traits and personal information. You have so much love to give and the world expects a lot from you because of it. All Rights Reserved. The zodiac sign that rules over your Midheaven describes the energy you project into the professional world, making it easier to understand what type of career youd thrive in. The information in our press releases, blogs, articles, testimonials, videos and presentations should be considered accurate only as of the date thereof. You choose to keep the peace for your own sanity. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. And when it comes to your career, theres no better time to talk about the ways that astrology can help you reach your ultimate potential. They enjoy making things work harder, run better, grow bigger. Exhilarating experiences quench your lust for life and you expect the same from your professional occupation! If you find yourself falling head over heels for their magnetic charisma and charm, go in with your eyes wide open. Aquarians enjoy a good challenge and demand roles that dare them to surpass their current level of knowledge. If you were, youre a Leo, and astronomers would say that you find your greatest purpose in inspiring others. You also thrive in fast-paced environments and this is no coincidence. We recommend our users to update the browser. Youre also quite the risk takernot to mention competitivebut its all to your benefit. And though the world is well-aware of your regal leadership skills, theyre hardly ever prepared for your persistence and stubborn ambitions. Pisces never loses its wonder [or] its ability to believe. Pisces can make wonderful artists as well as teachers, counselors, psychics, and astrologers! When you take charge, youre less concerned about gaining respect and collecting accolades. Some believe that you can do exactly this through the power of the zodiac signs. Thats how you find your purpose in life. If it doesnt set your soul on fire, then youre simply not interested, Scorpio. Cancer - The most loving and caring zodiac sign Which zodiac sign has the biggest heart? It makes a lot of sense that the sign identified as the Ram would be assertive, strong-willed, and competitive. Pisces is the keeper of the imagination of the zodiac, Dr. Perrakis concludes. Thats how you find your calling as a Sagittarius. Capricorns have won the most Gold medals, Silver medals, and Bronze medals but the difference is starkest when we look at the Golds. Taking care of people and providing the things they need most love, compassion, and the basic necessities is what Libra is best at. In addition to being an empowerment tool, astrology quenches your curiosities and helps you become more self-aware. Instead, the more room you have to freely observe, wander and tap into your imagination, the more inspired you become! Gemini people are fast learners. There is, however, a dark side to having a moody Midheaven in Cancer, as you are prone to being wishy washy about your decisions. Granted, the stereotype of your zodiac sign claims youre the friendliest and most socially conscious, but youre also intensely mysterious to the rest of the world. And if you happen to go outside on a clear night and realize that the stars have something to say about what youre going to do with your life, then heed their wisdom. However, in astrology, the main thing you should be looking at when making plans for your career is your Midheaven (AKA your 10th house of reputation, social status and public image). And fellow Scorpio (Leo Midheaven) native Katy Perry said it perfectly in her 2013 hit single Roar. Youve got that professional it factor, and youre always ready to put on the performance of a lifetime! It does not store any personal data. Like Taurus, Virgo is an earth sign with pragmatic values. Because they are popular and charismatic, this heartbreak can deal a major blow to your self-esteem. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER. This sign does not like to be boxed in or inhibited by traditions or rules. Taurus knows how to turn a dollar bill into a fat check. A place to discuss the topics of concern to the nurses of reddit. Theres no such thing as a coincidence in astrology and your perplexing Midheaven in obsessive, secretive and committed Scorpio is here to prove it. This year is a big year for Scorpio in general, but the upcoming month . This address the Nurses personality perfectly. It is the Karmic planet and believes in discipline. RELATED: 5 Strange Myths & Facts About The Pisces Zodiac Sign You Should Know (Even If You Don't Believe In Astrology). Known for their laidback ways and desire to keep the peace, Libra loves nothing more than making others happy. Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. Famous Aquarius: Susan B. Anthony. Similar to your fiery Midheaven sign, which happens to be in Aries, your instincts are your superpower, but your tenacity is also a force to be reckoned with. Which zodiac sign is kind hearted? The change-maker planet disrupted the status quo, forcing everyone to recognize the rights they are entitled to in the workplace. "They have a balanced vibe which makes them lovely to spend time with," Schmidt says. The irony of this is that despite your bold, fiery and daring persona, you typically pride yourself on your ability to bravely climb the professional ladder, making you more attracted to traditional occupations and strenuous career roles. Libra. They thrive in leadership roles, especially ones that bring them wide praise and acclaim. Aries will always give everything theyve got in an effort to out-do the competition. Youre polarizing to those around you, but with your zodiac signs association Plutoplanet of transactionsyour ability to get a return on your investments is off the charts. Being able to size people up, arbitrate, and clearly see whats right and wrong are great assets to a lawyer, police officer, or judge. There are many Leo presidents, senators, musicians, CEOs, and teachers. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. admired for your natural-born beauty, charm and grace, Libra. A symbol of your heart center, physical identity and soul purpose, the sun is a guiding light as are your unique talents, and childlike passions. Your zodiac signs archetype is symbolized by scales which validates your high level of empathy, relatability and your knack for seeing both sides of a situation. Lastly, the mutable signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces. They seem to have an endless supply of compassion and nurturing, and because of this, the world benefits greatly. RELATED: Which Zodiac Signs Are The Most (And Least) Compatible With Capricorn. Find a way to marry your caregiving nature with your artistic sensitivities, and youll find your passion as a Pisces. To make the most of their professional life, Scorpios must seek careers that are meaningful and help people advance, grow, or succeed in some area of their lives. Virgos are legendary workaholics. In addition to being ruled by the sunthe center of the universeyour warm disposition also brings joy to the rest of the world. Perhaps its a combination of your ultra-scientific mind and your innate ability to remain detached from your surroundings, but having a Midheaven ruled by Pluto in modern astrology validates your desire to remain incognito. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster, The universe is a mysterious place, but your soul journey wouldnt be nearly as riveting, choosing a profession thats right for you. The perfect makings of a murder mystery! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Youre great at reading people, understanding their motivations, and judging their actionsthis is a huge advantage in any career field you might wish to pursue. Can your zodiac sign really choose your career path and determine which field of nursing you end up in? Virgo. If youre having trouble deciding what to do with your life, lets take a look at the top professions for each zodiac sign so that you can enjoy some guidance from above. Above all, the Scorpio needs to believe in what he or she is doing. In Astrology Gemini is probably the most social and flexible sign in the Zodiac (thanks Twins!). So who do we know thats a total rule-breaker, trendsetter, and status-seeker? They naturally gravitate to the dramatic arts and make incredible musicians, actors, and filmmakers. Libras also have the virtues of being patient, open-minded, and easy to get along with. You are one of the most sensitive zodiac signs and would excel in a career involving public relations. The nursing profession, comprising of nurses and nursing assistants constitutes the largest working group in the health care sector.Nursing duties cover a wide range of functions and responsibilities that depends with the level of qualification and the working environment.Nursing Careers, jobs, Astrology, Career for . "Aquarius can be a very triggering sign because they are completely immune to peer pressure," says Honigman. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Woman's Day, and is a contributing writer toRavishly, I AM & CO, andYourTango. They are trustworthy, and someone in their care knows this and will feel loved and supported with Capricorn havingtheir back. If this is your sign, dont let yourself be swayed by promises of cash and power. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Libra (September 23 - October 22) In addition to your go-big-or-go-home mindset, youre also unapologetically flamboyant with your passion projects and professional persona. They are outstanding multitaskers who want to take on the world. Your privacy is our priority. Each of these signs corresponds to a general set of traits that lend themselves to certain careersto certain callings. Gemini is the sign of the intellect, Dr. Perrakis says. To keep this from happening, you need a career that matches your personality. Best Jobs for Sagittarius: Brand Ambassador, Public Relations Manager, Development Officer, Instructor, Investigator, Travel Agent, Personal Trainer. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Any job in healthcare can be great for a Pisces, but you can also shine in the arts, healing others through dance and music and artistic creation. Because of your natural affinity for inspiration, youll make a great politician, diplomat, actor, musician, or corporate leaderyoull fit in anywhere where you can reach large numbers of people with your work. Leos want all the attention in the room. Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn! For more career pointers, find out the 14 careers that can make you a millionaire before you retire. Witty and smart, youre at home in just about any kind of work environment. It is the child archetype of the zodiac. Theyre curious, cunning, and wont rest until theyve found an answer to what puzzles them. We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. While youre good at a great many things, a job that allows you to use these traits to care for others might just be what you need for a great career. Why cant Bruce Banner transform in Infinity War? Libras are loving and considerate nurturers. Scorpio. In fact, he knows humanity better than most of us. Instead, Geminis flourish when they can be mercurial, so they find success in . And although youre so much more than an excellent strategist and a problem-solver, these aresome of the many qualities that validate your sparkling professionalism. Nurse SocialJob opportunitiesEventsSubmit contentAmbassador Program, ContactLive chatPhone / SMSContact formFeedbackSystem Status, NewsInsiders magazineThe Nurse Voice#InTheFieldKnowledge center, Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Submission Agreement, 2017-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()), Knowledge Center - Resources, guides and tips for nursing professionals RSS. And although you have no trouble standing firm and fighting to achieve your goals, the last thing you want to deal with in your professional life is strife, confrontation and disrespect. One word of warning for the Taurus, however: dont allow yourself to become inflexible. Your natural-born charisma and artistic sensibility is a major aspect of your career. The DC universe tells us that the Joker was born on August 1, making our man of mayhem a Leo sun. Using your voice and relaying the message is also an integral part of your mission, because your words carry weight. According to astrologers, youre likely to be a natural leaderauthority comes naturally to you. Find a career that feeds your inner wisdom and desire for varied experiences. 2023 SheMedia, LLC. Dr. Perrakis posits, Scorpio makes a gifted therapist or psychologist because they intuitively understand the inner workings of the human psyche. If this is your sign, youre sensitive to the needs of others, and are a person of great compassion and intuition. sam be yourself net worth; used robalo boats for sale by owner; nolin lake ponderosa homes for sale; neville staple wife; university of miami pay grade scale c111 The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The word zodiac is used in astronomy and astrology to refer to the band of sky over which the sun, moon, and planets moveas seen from Earth, at least. They also need to feel that the promotion will be based on honest merit. Without further ado, read below for the career you should have, according to your zodiac sign. Billionaires star signs. Careers that provide a social outlet and a lot of variety will keep this Air sign happy. She holds a B.A. They abhor repetitive work and are not suited to pushing paper or sitting behind a desk for hours on end. If you want to find your calling as a Leo, get yourself in front of others. And though the world is well-aware of your regal leadership skills, theyre hardly ever prepared for your persistence and stubborn ambitions. According to a theory posted on , The Fool card represents care-free, bohemian spirits. Capricorns are also famously strict and stubbornwhich arent always desirable employee traits but can be a major plus for leadership roles and competitive industries. Leos love attention, but not necessarily in a selfish or narcissistic way. Check outher website, herFacebook writer's page, andher Instagram. Best Jobs for Cancer: Nurse, Caterer, Content Manager, Teacher, Speech Therapist, Social Worker. Known for their organized, sensible mindset, Virgos ooze quiet reliability. After all, youre adaptable, brilliant and multifaceted! You love to investigate the world around you, and can become lost in its wonders. That being said, Capricorns flourish in corporate environments, and their administrative skills are some of the best of all signs. Anna Howard is a passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog "Elemental Astrology". Many of us tend to meander through life, picking up odd jobs and chasing the occasional passion, but true purpose eludes us. As such, youre pretty good at everything, and you can be satisfied with a wide variety of careersa blessing in itself. Capricorns tend to be amazing parents, and the same qualities that make them wonderful co-workers, friends, and humans are the same that make them good at nurturing. An Aquarius can handle anything thrown their way. You are the bridge between the pro and the con, Libra! Having said that, the majority of you are probably familiar with your, Without further ado, read below for the career you should have, according to your zodiac sign. However, the part of you that not everyone sees is your is your selflessness, and sense of empathy in the workplace. Having a 10th house cusp in the structured and pragmatic sign of Capricorn may not be the easiest to master at first but, by that same token, the discipline and grind come with the turf. youre less concerned about gaining respect and collecting accolades. Admit it. However, because your 10th house cusp is in the meticulous sign of Virgo, it might seem contradictory to your optimistic and spontaneous personality, but its what helps you compartmentalize, strategize and capitalize on your extraordinary ideas! Youre one of the most passionate signs in the zodiac, but your penetrating devotion and secretive flair is feared by many. A Taurus, born between April 20 th and May 20 th, is as grounded, practical, and as hard-working as, well, a bull. As such, careers in childcare, teaching, human resources, healthcare, and law can all be great choices. You love to learn from a variety of people and situations, which often develops into a well-balanced wisdom you can use in the workplace.