i have a horiz loop 280ft of wire fed with ladder line and up 70ft.does not tune up great on 160m but works great on 80m to 10m.signals equally as good on 17m as a 12element log at 90ft.great antenna and simple, i have a horiz loop 280ft of wire fed with ladder line and up 70ft.does not tune up great on 160m but works great on 80m to 10m.signals equally as good on 17m as a 12element log at 90ft.great antenna and sim ple. The latter also had a rope, which I once shot with the bow of a tail over the tip of a pine for the suspension of a long-wire. Antenna covers all bands 80-10 meters + 30, 17, 12 meter WARC Bands This antenna works as a Full Wave Loop on 80 Meters and also works as a 2 wavelength open loop or Bi-Square on the 40 Meter band 80m 2 element Yagi antenna 2 elements short boom yagi for 80 meters Receiving antenna for low bands K9AY loop antenna installed at PA6Z Contest group. 1983I am sold!I have been telling other ops about how Dimension "B" is the length of antenna wire called the base (width) of the antenna. Post #1554. /* Ad banner 160 x 600 */ Hi Jerry, I had a similar antenna up for a while. If the loop is going to be used as a single-band antenna (meaning that it will provide a feedpoint impedance of around 50 Ohms) then using coax for the feedline will work well. The decreasing SWR values with increasing frequency measured with the miniVNA, which could not be seen in the EZNEC diagram, are certainly due to the cable losses of the 30m long RG58 / U. The Delta Loop is not only a great transmitting antenna but a low noise receiving antenna. The direction of fire is broadside to the antenna. Why the obscure but specific description of Jane Doe II in the original complaint for Westenbroek v. Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity? a lot of detail on gain (see ref #4 below) in his article so I won't get I had great results with it from Alaska and the Yukon on It did however work as an awesome 160 receive antenna option. Yes I am mostly interested in data and CW. Each of the three sides is a shade over 88 feet long. On the internet I got some tips, partly with contradictory legends, which made me curious. //-->. diagram. Please check for current shipping costs the shopping basket or on the checkout page. Then the spruce side was raised again and a new measurement was made. The antenna is a 60 foot dipole, bent into a rectangle, and fed at one corner with Radio Shack TV Twinlead into a MFJ 4:1 balun and tuned with a LDG Z11 Pro autotuner. Am I glad I just happened to build it when I didyou bet! What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? into that here. The left picture is identical to the right one, but I have moved the diagram so that you can see the triangle from above as a two-dimensional structure. A classic. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Well, the Add an antenna "tuner", a sturdy rig, such as the Yaesu FT-817, a microphone/cw key, and a simple grounding system, and you have a fully functional, nearly invisible ham station in your backyard. pileups on the first or second call. 20m.I am primarily a cw op but I do get on phone as tower and three masts, each 35 to 40 feet long, made from 2 inch Jim / W6JHB. Which was the first Sci-Fi story to predict obnoxious "robo calls"? We ship worldwide. It was perched on a 2.5 inch OD, 1/4 inch thick wall, moly steel mast and turned by a Tailtwister. in QST over the years on loop antennas. My favorite vertical loop for portable and fixed use is described below. Tune Around!SEARCHCQ-Calling All All information, images, product configurations, and documents on this website are the sole property of Palomar Engineers, Inc. Any reuse or redistribution of the contents of this website are strictly forbidden without authorization from Palomar Engineers, Inc. 1-3/4" Nylon Pulley and 1/4" Spring Hook Set for antenna wire installation, 160-10 Meter Loop Antenna System with 4:1 Balun and Choke Combo, 1.8-30 MHz, 1.5KW/5KW PEP, 40-6 Meter Loop Antenna System with 4:1 Balun and Choke Combo, (40, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10, 6 meters) 500/1.5KW/5KW PEP Options, 50:100 (2:1) CUBE Balun/Unun 1.8-61 MHz, 2KW/5KW, Loop Antennas, 50:112 (2.25:1) CUBE Balun 3-30 MHz, 1.5KW/3KW/5KW, 50:200 (4:1) CUBE Balun, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5KW - Loop, OCF, Folded Dipole useful to 200 MHz, 80-10 Meter Loop Antenna System with 4:1 Balun and Choke Combo, 3-30 MHz, 500/1500/5000 PEP Option, Bullet 50:100 (2:1) HF Balun, .1-61 MHz, 500/1500 Watts PEP, Loop Antenna, Bullet 50:200 (4:1) HF Balun, 1.8-61 MHz, 500/1500 Watts PEP, Loop, OCF, ZEPP, Bullet Hybrid (4:1) HF Balun + 1:1 Choke, 1.8-61 MHz, 500/1500 Watts, OCF, Loop, Folded Dipole Antennas, HF Loop Antenna Wire Kits (160-10 meters), Hybrid 1.5:1 Current Balun + 1:1 Current Balun in one enclosure, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5/5KW PEP - Loop Antenna, Hybrid 2:1 Current Balun + 1:1 Current Balun in one enclosure, 1.8-61 MHz, 1.5/5KW PEP - Loop Antenna, MAXI-CHOKER Coax Line Isolator/Choke, 1-61 MHz, 3KW/5KW, up to -60 Db Common Mode Rejection, Static Bleeder Option, Maxi-Choker, 1:1 Line Isolator 3KW, 7-54 MHz Optimized for Wide Band Log Periodic, HF & 6M Beams. The actual length of the individual wire segments and thus the total length I could in the o.a. The loop is clearly the option for quiet antenna and a good option for multiband use but otherwise non spectacilar. copper-clad steel and not all that easy to work with, but the price was Rich Rodgers (WB5YBZ) does a wonderful job of describing this antenna he built for his home station. 14,95 U.K It always handles full legal limit power with no problems. Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe by W8NX. W5E2 into column 1, i. so wire1 / end1 meets wire5 / end2. This antenna is also rated at the full legal limit on all modes. about 1.25 wavelengths on 80 meters (2.5 on 40m, 5 on 20m and 10 on 10m) Like this post? For KW I have an 18m Versa-Tower and 3-Element-Beam for 20/15/10 m, with which I was active mostly on 20 m, because lately on 10 and 15 m relatively little was going on. "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection, the Allied commanders were appalled to learn that 300 glider troops had drowned at sea. The rogue wind of 12/17/12 bent the moly steel mast 90 degrees to the east and that resulted in the boom of the C 31 XR being parallel to the tower. By using a good BalUn, Common mode current are prevented, which also reduces interference from your direct environment. 20m cw worked tonightI am currently https://amateurradionewsinformation.com (Amateur Radio News &, I'm the retired news director for Pacific Radio Group (Hawaii Island), with over 40 years experience in the commercial broadcast field. HF & ShortwaveLicense StudyLinksMidi MusicReading RoomRepeater Basics 7,95 Germany Branches are one of the main problems to be dealt with. Note: Dimension "A" is not the length of the wires on, the sides of the Delta Loop but only the height the apex. top (apex about 50 feet or so). Generating points along line with specifying the origin of point generation in QGIS, xcolor: How to get the complementary color. If we make the loop much longer or shorter, we would end up with the antenna being unsuitable for some of the bands. 8,00 Belgium This has all sorts of nasty effects, think of: interference, EMI, RFI disrupted radiation pattern of the antenna, restless noise level. Amateur Radio Bicycle Mobile Setup. 73. to take up a bit more slack from one pulley (the wire pulls through all InformationHam Hints HumorHam Radio News!Post ReviewsProduct ReviewsHam Radio Videos! Remember to add at least 8 feet to dimension "A". I have read much about impedance, SWR, quarter wavelengths, and I simply do not have the background to make sense of it. With the SWR button you can now display the resonances of the antenna structure over any frequency range, as shown below. it has out-performed my OCF dipole, dipole and inverted L, when ALL bands from 10-160 are taken into account. The project is straight forward, simple, and gives you emergency communications while you peddle down the road. Believe me when I say, it was the best all BD4.DX worked on 17 meters was KL7 and OH1. Bestellingen worden uitsluitend verzonden op dagen dat wij geopend zijn. were 5x9 +20! After we had the Delta loop of our OV home G25 back in the gears (see action Nobel laureates ) and I was very pleased with the send / receive properties, I wanted to build this type of antenna at home. A Force 12 C-31XR for 10-20 meters sat at just under 100 feet atop a Rohn 45 guyed tower. ), and about 20 percentof the total QSO's were 5x5 to Do to take off angle(w&s=higher) I believe is why I have a little trouble getting into the far east, but most of the rest of this rock is not a problem. Trying to avoid buying a tuner. drops 30 feet straight down into my shack. i have a VERTICAL delta loop cut for 80 meters.Fed at the corner. The transceiver has an impedance of 50 Ohm, so an impedance transformation must also be made. Works great 80 - 10. Around the first toroidal core a 1:1 current BalUn is built up, creating the transition from unbalanced (coax) to balanced (the antenna). 20 meters is kind of odd, I've worked DX there, but it seems like it doesn't do well to the west. The antenna is symmetrical and closed so that in many cases the reception will be quieter compared to asymmetrical or open antennas. Hi John,I just wanted to let you **I worked all over the USA Remember, this loop is above a This will show the true potential of this fine HF antenna. If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeNHIQ_j4Dk This well-produced and richly illustrated tutorial on the classic G5RV HF Dipole Antenna was presented to the Brandon Amateur Radio Society in Brandon, Florida in 2017 by Bernie Huth (W4BGH). Is it better to run 300 or 450 ohm line down and then place the balun near the entry (with a short run of coax) -- or is it OK in this case to mount the balun in the air with 50 - 60 ft of coax? I wish I had tried this antenna sooner in my ham hobby years. Each support is "supported" by one inch diameter The top section of tower above the top guy point is bent slightly. The 1:2 BalUn is built around two FT240-43 ferrite toroidal cores. EZNEC also takes different soil conditions, construction height and wire gauge into account, so that I trust the program more than the usual simple calculation formulas c, f and k. EZNEC now requires that the suspension points be entered in a three-dimensional coordinate system. Sincerely 73 de Clinton Herbert, AB7RG. meters were either 5x7 or 5x9 reports "both ways". First of all, I made myself smart in Rothammel, ARRL Handbook and Internet. actually allow the wire to float, but they did quite easily.The wire The tower and tribander had been up for almost 10 years and had weathered previous high winds, ice storms, ice loading, etc. Optimising a small magnetic loop with 1:1 SWR but little radiation, Using LMR400 and RG8x in the same feedline, UHF cubical quad VNA analysis interpretation, Actual Impedance of a folded dipole at resonance. Not the greatest, but it works. So for me only coaxial cable as feed in question, as suggested in the handbook. TricksHam SatellitesShortwave ListeningSSTVSupport The SiteSTOREVhf and UpContactSite MapPrivacy PolicyLegal StuffAdvertising Info Delta Loop antennas features particular triangular shape with equal length sides, and characteristics that make these antennas suitable for portable and fixed use. AND IT IS WORKING DX JUST FINE. Very quiet receive antenna. On time Heinz, DL9NDG, appeared to me with the antenna analyzer minVNA, which he had borrowed shortly before from the other Heinz, DD9KA. 80 meters, SWR 1.7:1, 6.7 dBi gain at 87, 0 dBi gain at 22, 40 meters, SWR 1.7:1, 7.1 dBi gain at 32, 0 dBi gain at 9, 20 meters, SWR 1.6:1, 9.6 dBi gain at 16, 0 dBi gain at 4. I have a 80 Meter Delta Loop up 50 feet fed with RG-213 and a 4:1 balun. Good luck with your antenna experimenting! But not 102 MPH, for sure!!! Debugging SM0VPO's spiral loop antenna build. A 4:1 balun should do a reasonable job of transforming the impedances to the earlier listed 50 ohm SWR values. Click here for a detailed building description. terminating the antenna wires to a 1/4 " eye bolt as used on some I hope this article helps other hams to try this antenna. this antenna. cw4X4 20m cwTF3 20m cwKH2 20m