En trminos de otros hallazgos clave, Delta Air Lines fue nombrada la aerolnea ms confiable, mientras que la menos confiable fue Frontier Airlines. peor calificadas. No exceptions. I am a flight attendant, had similar incident on night flight. Send us an email with your feedback and questions. We dont do a type 1 (snow ice removal) and type 4 protective coat that sheds any accumulated snow on take off while parked at the gate. Frontier Communities is proud to announce the Hometown Heroes Program. 1) its not done at the gate 2) most large jets, pilots cannot see the wings from the flight deck 3) if youre on a cargo only aircraft, there is no way to inspect the wings 4) pilots have to rely on other professionals to do what they say they are doingpilots must rely on the deicing crews to do what People need to understand a few things about aircraft deicing. Etihad Airways ocup el segundo lugar, mientras que Qatar Airways se coloc en tercer lugar, con Singapore Airlines y TAP de Portugal en el cuarto y quinto lugar, respectivamente. Theres no practical way for pilots to check on the deice status, especially if the deicing isnt done at the gate. I say this because the mechanic is typically an airline employee and is more inclined to report that deicing was performed incorrectly as they are separate from the deicing team. No side view mirrors! Outside of banner ads published through the Boarding Area network, this compensation does not impact how and where products appear on this site. As we all now agree, tragedy was barely averted in this case. This was in the 80's and early 90's when we were making $35 to $40k a year on the ramp. I assume that we will never see you on a plane because checks are insufficient prior to take off. We are letting everyone know, as a safety precaution, about our experience with Trego Dugan Deice in BNA.. A vast majority of those customers complied with airline policies and federal law. All you snipers and back-benchers out there, I mean you, Bill, Peter, JD, Dick B., and Hodor, you're showing off your ignorance of a profession you know very little or nothing about. La primera categora, equipaje y salidas, fue Cmo agrego mi nmero de viajero conocido (KTN) a mi reservacin? The evening started with mayham at the gate including a man who was arguing with the gate agent saying his travel agent had just bought him a first class ticket on A year ago in the middle of a snow storm I some how lucked out and was on the one "chosen flight" by American to fly out of ORD to LGA (all other flights to the East Coast and most other destinations were canceled). Depending on additional circumstances, the company's training and supervisory employees may also qualify for reckless/negligent endangerment charges (or whatever Tennessee charges correspond). Without question - an eyes-on visual inspection - including full walk around should ALWAYS be done - no matter the size of the aircraft, time of day or weather conditions. That way your readers could identify the updated content immediately. It has been quite a day on social media with a video circulating of an unruly passenger on Frontier Airlines getting taped to a seat after an inflight altercation with the crew. The plane returned to the gate, where it was discovered that there was about a foot of snow on the wings. and confirm that you've read our Although the captain is responsible for the safety of their flight, you dont see the captain checking each and every single luggage and every passenger to make sure that there is nothing prohibited coming onto the aircraft. The captain is not a mechanic and would be unable to make as thorough of an inspection as a mechanic is trained to do. This is not a blame game. Chat With Us 24/7, con tecnologa de los MOTORES PRATT & WHITNEY GTF. The comments on this page have not been provided, reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any advertiser, and it is not an advertiser's responsibility to ensure posts and/or questions are answered. Let's Chat. Covering the journey to net zero emissions in aviation. Are you researching aviation incidents? Our plane cruised past the pad without deicing and took off without delay one of those rolling starts to the takeoff roll without stopping at the end of the runway. If I recall correctly, when I did deicing, we would stop in between type 1 and type 4 and give the holdover briefing (I mostly did type 1 for defrost purposes). I was personally involved with such a situation over 30 years ago. ltimas noticias, fotos, videos e informacin sobre Accidentes. It seems quite obvious that many readers here have never been on a plane while it is deiced. Los acompaantes de viaje son elegibles para TSA PreCheck? It does seem, though, that adding a visual check after de-icing and before takeoff, possibly by a flight attendant, would add some level of extra protection. Aircraft deicing truck sprayed glycol second time. I don't think they are trained very well nor motivated towards safety. You can read 3 more free articles without a subscription. Most likely, especially since you were on Southwest, your plane was only in PIT for a quick turnaround and the flight crew determined that snow/ice buildup wasn't an issue in the short time that aircraft was on the ground there. And also this Frontier incident, where the pilots didn't seem to check the decing carefully enough. American Airlines tambin se encuentra entre las que tienen mejor historial de seguridad. While you cannot control others' behavior, you can control your own. I prefer when the mechanic communicates with the cockpit crew during the deicing procedure, however this is also not typically possible when deicing is performed away from the gate area. involving an aircraft from Frontier Airlines. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ultimately its always the PICs responsibility to ensure the aircraft is flightworthy. Flight attendants notified the Captain of fluid leaking off the wing whole on taxi. 88, para aadir la ruta Miami / Punta Cana / Miami, con capacidad para 186 pasajeros; con dos . Whether you believe in it or not, you are required to wear an approved face covering while onboard an aircraft. Absolutely frightening given that the contract crew didn't realize why they were doing what they were doing and why there is no room to do less than perfect. It did. There are specific times that require this post deice, in cabin inspection. I don't know if anyone's aware of the giant Easy-Bake oven that used to exist for dicing at JFK, it was literally a hanger like building with lots of heating elements to use heat instead of chemicals to deice planes, airlines didn't like using it because it took more time than regular dicing fluid. So we took the runway and I called back to get a thumbs up from him, he said he couldnt see the wings they were covered in ice. That's what i know about deice ops People need to understand a few things about aircraft deicing. What do you make of the Frontier incident? Its 2022 folks. A Warner Bros. Its 2022 folks. Huge cudos to the Flight Attendant in this case! The downside is the pilot cannot visually inspect the aircraft after a deicing. Pretty sickening considering. The people deicing LIED that it was free of contaminants. I don't buy the excuses and also don't agree that the flight deck crew wasn't partially at fault. It does seem, though, that adding a visual check after de-icing and before takeoff, possibly by a flight attendant, would add some level of extra protection. Id imagine that doesnt help improve the service or product. Additionally there are procedures in place for wing inspection after deice if required, at the PICs discretion. Frontier Airlines free baggage voucher: Free Baggage: Expired: Online Coupon: Frontier Airlines $29 flights sale: From $29: Expired: Online Coupon: Frontier Airlines $34 flights on special: From . What do you make of this Frontier Airlines deicing situation? Someone messed up and good thing for the flight attendant or maybe a few passengers that tole him/her. Every time. El 737 se fabric originalmente para la "antigua" Frontier Airlines en 1982 y fue adquirido por United Airlines en 1986 cuando la primera cerr (ocho aos despus se form una nueva compaa area con el mismo nombre).A la fecha del accidente, la aeronave acumulaba aproximadamente 26.000 . Informacin . Make that 1,001 - Flying in 2021 is a very different experience. El estudio, en cambio, reserva una calificacin de pobre seguridad a diez aerolneas, provenientes en su mayora de Nepal e Indonesia. This is not true of all airliners. Earlier this week during the massive snowstorm throughout the Central and Eastern States, we had a DEICE incident that could have led to a catastrophic outcome. Pilot jumping out onto an active deicing pad to visually check the time-sensitive fluid was applied correctly? According to data from the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), the passenger in the video above flew on July 31st, along with 2,007,412 other passengers across the United States. Why dont planes have cameras along the exterior with visibility by the cockpit? Now a visual check of the nose in front of the cockpit, combined with not exceeding holdover time suffices. 2023 Cable News Network. First officer walked back to confirm. Demoras . Un avin de la compaa estadounidense de bajo costo Frontier Airlines, que este viernes viajaba desde el Aeropuerto Internacional McCarran, en Las Vegas, con destino a Florida, sufri un desgarramiento de uno de sus motores, lo que caus un enorme susto en las decenas de pasajeros que viajaban a bordo. Pese a la atencin mundial que recibieron varios accidentes de aviacin en 2015, el ao que recin termin mostr una leve mejora en los ndices de mortalidad en siniestros areos, comparados con 2014. I never had a flight attendant call me to tell me there was still ice on the wings. Our support team is just a click away! I operated that flight and the story is a little inaccurate. Las 10 aerolneas de bajo costo ms seguras son: Allegiant Air, easyJet, Frontier Airlines, Jetstar Group, Jetblue, Ryanair, Vietjet Air, Volaris, Westjet y Wizz Air. (I'd be happy for someone to explain why there was no issue with this.). As things stand, this type of thing most assuredly CAN & WILL reoccur - unless this or similar monitoring isnt enacted as a REQUIREMENT. The entire airline, deicing company, city, state, and county should be held accountable. So whilst is does not fall upon the FA's to monitor the plane for take, as in your ludicrous suggestions, it is important for them to report anything unusual, as in this case. Its 2022 - NOT 1922! the crew responsibility is to ensure the holdover time is meet prior take off. Is Deicing regulated by NTSB/FAA ? Pilots rely on load planners that the aircraft is loaded according to the paperwork they have given the captain for final approval. The motto on Trego Dugan's website is, I kid you not: I've seen some barmy comments on blog but yours beats every one of them - hands down. The advantage of this procedure is to minimize the time between when an aircraft is deiced and departure. 925 likes, 8 comments - Accidentes De Aviacion. I dont think that jobs in an industry that hold the lives of people in their hands should be outsourced! I just looked at its website - a 2013 copyright. With great power comes great responsibility. The inflight crew members current paid leave status is in line with an event of this nature pending an investigation.". Frontier workers have stayed dedicated and loyal to the company and their customers even through its recent bankruptcy. Happened to me in FRA maybe 10y ago. And, this would be a good time to thank the numerous crews that have professionally deiced my flights this winter - which we all hope is coming to an end. As a well worn airline PIC and SIC of over 30 years in the saddle, we always looked and in most cases if able, went outside to inspect the job done by the de-ice crew. Lee sobre nuestra postura acerca de enlaces externos. There are numerous regulations to this effect. (CNN) --El ao pasado result ser otro ao increblemente difcil para las aerolneas, ya que la cada en los viajes areos continu durante 2021 debido al impacto de la pandemia en curso.. The pilot has to rely on the deicers in this situation. I also brush the snow off the aircraft before device thereby making the device fluid more reliable and effective. . Or did the deicers realize they were out of fluid and figured it was just easier to send the plane on its way, rather than informing the pilots of the situation. As things stand, this type of thing most assuredly CAN & WILL reoccur - unless this or similar monitoring isnt enacted as a REQUIREMENT. The always knowledgable @xJonNYC has a note that was written from Frontier Airlines to the Air Line Pilots Association Safety Council outlining what happened: Reportedly a Frontier flight departing out of BNA last week I make NO representations of accuracy/credence/blame etc pic.twitter.com/SEKs9X9sPX. The place for voicing your concerns and protesting against that mandate is not onboard an aircraft, where you could risk significant fines, cause a diversion, or find yourself on a banned passengers list. The Vendor (Trego Dugan) stated to our flight deck crew that the aircraft was deiced and clear of contaminants. It is during this pre-flight inspection that the captain will observe any contamination and based on their observations make the decision for what kind of deicing/anti-icing they will request. Frontier Airlines contratara pilotos extranjeros. He was. La aerolnea de bandera de Nueva Zelandia qued en primer lugar "debido a su excelente historial de incidentes, cantidad de innovaciones en la cabina, entrenamiento de pilotos y muy baja antigedad de la flota", segn Geoffrey Thomas, editor en jefe del sitio web australiano. Should be. Thats when I opened the cockpit window and leaned out to get a better look and saw all the snow and ice. Available for Military, Law Enforcement, Fire and . But it's the pilot's responsibility to check that. La aerolnea tambin recibi elogios por ser un lder mundial en avances en seguridad operacional durante las ltimas cuatro dcadas. AeroInside is a service provided by Tiny Ventures LLC/GmbH, Zurich, Switzerland. You get what you pay for. employee number 123456, your aircraft has been deiced with type 1 deice fluid and anti ice fluid type 4, I certify YOUR aircraft is clean and clear of ice, followed by times to calculate holdover (you Richard, your so out of your depth here, you dont even know what you dont know. In the good old days I recall vividly that pilots would typically walk back in to the passenger cabin and visually inspect deiced wings. Frontier Airlines experienced an operational meltdown on Monday due to aircraft automation issues. Frontier Airlines Vols pas chers de Ontario Montego Bay Rservation. ^ "Frontier Airlines Adds Another Two New Cities and Nine Routes - Fares as low as $29". I should note that deicing is a sensitive subject for me because I took off from JFK airport about the same time as the USAirways flight took off from LGA years ago and crashed because of poor deicing. Actually the crew IS responsible. Adems figuran en la lista Emirates, Etihad Airways, Eva Air, Finnair, Hawaiian Airlines, Japan Airlines, KLM, Singapore Airlines, Swiss, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Australia, All Nippon Airlines, American Airlines y United Airlines. Notified cockpit. Find out more. Even though the aircraft was allegedly deiced at a remote (non-gate) location, it's the pilots' responsibility to ensure the aircraft is safe for flight operations. I currently work in the airline industry and what others have posted above is harsh and for the most part a skewed perception. Warning, there is graphic language. AeroInside is part of the Tiny Ventures Network. All five occupants, three crew members and two passengers were killed, and the aircraft was destroyed. El vuelo 604 de Flash Airlines fue un vuelo chrter operado por la compaa egipcia Flash Airlines. Well done to the FAs that jumped in when they knew the job was not done right. Do you realize how many hundreds of aspects of every flight you have ever been on rely on the pilots taking someones word for something? IMHO, any PIC/SIC unwilling to get out & do a proper preflight is violating regs, jeopardizing all aboard & should NOT be allowed to fly. Everyone talking about the pilots the walk-around it's laughable. Most customers will face some sort of police action and may end up spending time in jail, be required to make a court appearance, or pay a hefty fine levied by the FAA, or a combination of all of them. Agreed. As a person that works for an airline I have some skin in the game to make sure the cargo/other doors are closed, the aircraft is free from contaminants, the de icing fluid freeze point is within limits, my crew trained and my truck/ storage tanks are full. much more. My jump seat located forward of over wing exit, using flashlight, I noticed ice on left wing and frost build up on right wing. Estas son las estadsticas. PLEASE take action - NOW! Photo by Colin Brown via Flickr. Insider enumer las tres categoras que ms. A Frontier passenger was taped to his seat after the airline said he assaulted flight attendants. "Air New Zealand es lder en este campo con un reentrenamiento integral". Wanna skip the lines? We rely on the tower to clear us for takeoff in lousy weather when we cant see the entire runway is clear. They didn't inspect the plane for safety! Much like there is a trust that the fuelers are putting the proper fuel onboard and that the mechanics have bolted the engines on correctly, there is a dependence on the de-ice crews being trained and completing their jobs properly. Absuelven a Air France y Airbus por el accidente del vuelo Ro-Pars en el que murieron 228 personas en 2009 Tras ese segundo incidente, toda la flota de B737 Max en el mundo fue llevada a. Just exactly what are you suggesting of pre-flight check. Many working for FBO or outsourced services today make a fraction of the salaries paid when the airline was a great industry and job. "Delta es la aerolnea ms confiable principalmente porque no tuvo embarques denegados durante el ao pasado. Pilots should have looked around the plane. That's what deicing ops is about a total trust between the deicers and the crew, if this case it is obvious that the deice crew failed. Its so ridiculous to be this unsafe - effectively flying blind of all behind the cockpit! Con ganas de volar? Similarly in this instance, inspecting the aircraft post deicing is neither practical nor possible in many cases, so they trust that the deicing was performed correctly and go on the information they have been provided. I don't know that's the main piece. The captain is not a mechanic and would be unable to make as thorough of an inspection as a mechanic is trained to do. I worked for a major airline 15 years. es Seguro Frontier Airlines? UU., coordinamos de cerca con distintas agencias federales y otras agencias para asegurarnos de estar operando continuamente segn las mejores prcticas de limpieza y desinfeccin de aviones.