- : , : "" , , , , : , , : - , : - , : , - , , 1000 /: , - " " , : , 2023 : , , 95C 73%: , : 30 - -. WebNdaj njerzve q ju kan tradhtuar, vetm kshtu duhet t silleni: Kshilla e menur e nj aktori francez! His father, Emmanuel Taticheff, was a well-to-do picture framer who Pierre taix was born on November 23, 1928 in Roanne, Loire, France. He was an actor and director, known for L'autre (1991), Ridicule (1996) and That Day (2003). In 1999, he became "Loulou" in Un gars, une fille (1999). Tall, bearded, heavy-set Anglo-French character actor, best known internationally for playing Deputy Commissioner Claude Lebel in The Day of the Jackal (1973) and Bond villain Hugo Drax in Moonraker (1979). Regardless of being called 'a dilettante of music', Jacques Dutronc became a very popular French singer and composer since the mid-60s. - Mos u mundoni t mi shisni kto kpuc q m vijn . Michel Blanc was born on April 16, 1952 in Courbevoie, Seine [now Hauts-de-Seine], France. Though born in Great Neck, Long Island, Christopher Lambert's family left the US when he was only two years old. , . Ai iu dha emri Jean. Ai madje ofroi zrin francez t Flynn Ryder n vitin 2010 "Tangled". He was previously married to Catherine Rich. , . Kamiont m t mir t konceptit q vijn s shpejti n negociatat! Zhan Pol Mara, ishte nj nga lidert m t njohur t Jakobinve, botues i nj gazete q paraqiste pikpamjet dhe mbshteste veprimet e tyre. Ai gjithashtu luajti s bashku me Halle Berry n thrillerin e vitit 2012, "Dark Tide". , . Aktort e famshm francez duhet t njihni, Filmat m t mir t gjuhs s huaj q fitojn mimin Oscar, Intervist: Robert Downey Jr n rolin e Tropic Thunder, Historia e ekskluzivitetit t filmit "Halloween", Elementet e Artit 7 dhe Pse Njohja e tyre sht e rndsishme, Filmat m t mir (jo animuar) Fairy Tale. He is an actor and director, known for Cach (Hidden) (2005), Jean de Florette (1986) and The Closet (2001). Sensual, ambiguous, ultra sensitive French performer Jean-Hugues Anglade always had a reputation of intense and passionate actor. He was an actor, known for The Rules of the Game (1939), The Grand Illusion (1937) and Sylvie et le fantme (1946). Nj i lindur n Paris, Cluzet ka lindur n vitin 1955 dhe sht nj nga fytyrat m t njohura n kineman franceze. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 1970 , . Nol Roquevert, later to develop into the archetypal bossy retired military officer, was born into a family of actors in Brittany. In his life he has worked as pharmacist, manager of a theatre, actor and theatre teacher. First in La haine (1995), the young actor, Jean-Alexis Moncorg started his career with 15 years at the theatre and debuted at the "Moulin Rouge" in Paris in 1929. WebAktori i njohur francez, Depardieu n Gjirokastr pr xhirimet e filmit t Arben Kastratit. 8 1972 --. Jo vetm revolucionin amerikan por dhe at francez, revolucionin industrial dhe at q disa e kan quajtur si revolucionin m t gjat q ka ndodhur ndonjher, revolucionin pr t drejtat e grave. . Ndrkoh, pr do interesim N foto/ Aktori francez Jean-Paul Belmondo n rolin e Zhos profesionistit Jean-Paul Belmondo, aktori francez i cili fitoi fam ndrkombtare n klasikun e ri revolucionar t Jean-Luc Godard pa frymmarrje, ka vdekur n moshn 88-vjeare A career highlight was his role as truck driver Jo in Albert Prjean was born on October 27, 1894 in Pantin, Seine-Saint-Denis, France. . He is an actor and writer, known for In the House (2012), Molire (2007) and Beaumarchais the Scoundrel (1996). Q ather, ai sht shfaqur n hite si "Quantum of Solace" dhe "The Grand Budapest Hotel". He was previously married to Annette Martin and Gisle Brunet. I lindur n vitin 1966 n Paris, Martinez goditi skenn amerikane n vitin 1995 me rolin e tij n "The Horseman on the Roof". He was previously married to Rolande Kalis and Nelly Marcon. Born in 1930, he trained at the Paris Conservatoire but had to halt his studies due to military service. Aktori, i cili njihet pr natyrn e drejtprdrejt, prvese pr talentin e madh si aktor, u shpreh mes t tjerash se i . He was previously married to Jacqueline Rene Guellerin Allard. Lucas u shfaq n "Leos Carax" t Leos Carax n vitin 1999. Lindi n Paris n tetor t vitit 1932 si djali i nj doktori dhe nj kngtareje operistike. N 2003, Lucas u shfaq n tre filma t paraqitur n Festivalin Ndrkombtar t Filmit n Kan: "Tiresia", "Kush e vrau Bambi ?," dhe "Va, petite!". He was an actor and writer, known for Les Misrables (1982), Bouvard et Pecuchet (1990) and The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe (1972). - . prestel publishing submissions. Laurent Lucas u rrit n fam me rolin e nj babai t ri t torturuar, i cili n thrillerin e frikshm 2000 t Mollit t Dominik, "Me nj mik si Harry". This part permitted him to show his talent to a larger public. Vajza e tij, Sumayah Jamal, konfirmoi pr New York Times se shkaku i vdekjes ishte kanceri i prostats. Working and building up his trade at the Paris Music Hall in Andr Dussollier was born on February 17, 1946 in Annecy, Haute-Savoie, France. . . - . He was an actor and director, known for El cangrejo-tambor (1977), A Bad Son (1980) and Qu es la vida? M 22 dhjetor 1639 lindi Zhan Rasin shkrimtar francez. . French character star Jean Rochefort expressed an interest in acting early in life. Sharlot Kordej, ishte antare e nj grupimi politik, q kundrshtoi radikalizmin e dhunshm t Jakobinve n Francn revolucionare. . Franois Cluzet was born on September 21, 1955 in Paris, France. , . He turned his talents to singing and acting, and made several short films in France. Louis Germain David de Funs de Galarza was born on July 31, 1914, in Courbevoie, France. : . Jean Tissier was born on April 1, 1896 in Paris, France. He has been married to Narjiss Slaoui-Falcoz since 2011. , . As an actor he can be adored or hated for exactly the same reasons: he is one of those rare players that directors let improvise his dialogue, which gets on certain viewers' nerves while it Bernard Blier was born on January 11, 1916 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rousseau e zhvilloi karriern e tij gjat iluminizmit francez, n epokn e arsyes, Vdes aktori amerikan, Michael Lerner Kultura April 10, 2023. His mother Marie was a milliner. In 1995 he began his first one man show, the same year he met Bruno Salomone, Eric Collado, Emmanuel Joucla and Eric Massot with whom he created the "Nous Nous". You are using an out of date browser. He appeared in over 200 films.Vanel often worked under famous directors, such as Luis Buuel, Henri-Georges Clouzot, Jacques Feyder, and Alfred Hitchcock. . He was previously married to Simone Signoret. Sunday, November the 20th is the anniversary of Marcel Dalio's death in 1983. They have one child. Shum thon se Auteuil sht jashtzakonisht i ngjashm me Robert De Niro. 4 1965 - (). 2 1973 . Lambert Wilson was born in Paris and studied acting at the Drama Centre in London.A fluent English speaker, he made his feature film debut at the age of twenty-two in Fred Zinnemann's Five Days One Summer (1981) starring opposite Sean Connery. Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie. Punimet e kesaj ekspedite kane kater dite qe, FRANC- Aktori i mirnjohur francez Alen Delon i sht nnshtruar nj operacioni n zemr,i cilifatmirsisht ka rezultuar me sukses. Erich von Stroheim was born Erich Oswald Stroheim in 1885, in Vienna, Austria, to Johanna (Bondy), from Prague, and Benno Stroheim, a hatter from Gleiwitz, Germany (now Gliwice, Poland). David Smiley, oficeri legjendar britanik q donte t prmbyste komunizmin n Shqipria nuk u kthehet m aktorve t damkosur, Rama nga Librazhdi: 14 m Publikohet prgjimi, si i blinte votat kandidati i PS-s n Rrogozhin. 11 1961 -. He has been married to Laetitia Casta since June 10, 2017. In the Francis Blanche was born on July 20, 1921 in Paris, France. . His father, Georges Bouquet, was a World War One veteran and a wine-maker. 18 1976 --. He died on March 29, 1989 in Saint-Cloud, As accomplished and versatile the well-loved French actor Michel Serrault proved to be over the course of five decades, American audiences still remember this actor for one role only - that of the neurotic, outrageously flamboyant drag performer Albin (aka Zaza) in the side-splitting French gay Robert Le Vigan appeared in many classic French films of the late 1930s and early 1940s like Port of Shadows (1938) and It Happened at the Inn (1943) but his career was curtailed at the Liberation because of his overt fascism. - , . Jean-Paul Belmondo lindi m9 prill 1933 dhe n vitet 1970-ta u b nj yll i filmave t zhanrit aksion. Nj her Bajram Curri ndodhej n nj od burrash n Malsin t Gjakovs i shoqruar nga shum bashklufttar. He was an actor, known for Christine (1937), Behold the Man (1935) and Les Misrables (1934). He was previously married to Sandrine Kiberlain. He died on October 14, 2016 in One of the most popular and respected actors to come from the French "New Wave" film movement, Jean-Claude Brialy was born to a military family, which included one brother, in French colonial Algeria on March 30, 1933. Sharlot Kordej, aktori q ndryshoi rrjedhn e Revolucionit Francez 06/06/2019. WebAktori francez Benoit Magimel luajti n filma t shumt, si "The Flower of Evil" dhe "The Girl Cut in Two" t Claude Chabrol. He died on August 25, 2001 in Paris, France. . Este cunoscuta in lumea intreaga pentru rolul din Amlie, castigator a 4 Premii Cesar, 2 Premii Bafta si 5, Guillaume Canet s-a nascut pe 10 aprilie 1973 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Franta. Michel's father was always a shadowy figure in his Harry Baur was born on April 12, 1880 in Paris, France. Un, ju falnderoj pr vizitn e po ashtu edhe pr respektimin e t drejts s autorit, n shumicn e teksteve dhe fotove t publikuara n t. Aktori francez Benoit Magimel luajti n filma t shumt, si "The Flower of Evil" dhe "The Girl Cut in Two" t Claude Chabrol. He is married to Josiane Stolru. He was previously married to Jeanne Poch, Lysiane Rey and Augusta Favas. Although he had at first no intentions to pursue a career at the movies (his first movie was Man of the Sea (1920) by Marcel L'Herbier) he used his chance in Hollywood after several filming stations all Maurice Chevalier's first working job was as an acrobat, until a serious accident ended that career. Certainly one of France's supreme farceurs in the classic tradition, comedian Pierre Richard was born to an upper crust family with an embarrassing riches of middle names as he was christened Pierre Richard Maurice Charles Leopold Defays. Copyright 2020, T gjitha t drejtat e rezervuara, Sharlot Kordej, aktori q ndryshoi rrjedhn e Revolucionit Francez, Nga buron dembelizmi dhe pse biologt e cilsojn nj sjellje natyrale t njeriut, Teksas: Jeta brenda kutis s printuar n 3D, ku 4 njerz po prgatiten t shkojn n Mars, Mosha e mesme dhe lirimi nga mania pr ti plqyer t tjerve. Jacques Dufilho was born on February 19, 1914 in Bgles, Gironde, France. emocione, pamje e njerz t tjer. , N rast shkelje t rnd t etiks, moderatort e portalit mund t vendosin t bllokojn autorin e komentit, t cilit do t'i ndalohet nga ai moment t komentoj te Shqiptarja.com. WebRelated posts: . 74 x 58 , , . Foto me autograf dhuruar nga Zhan Mare nj muaj para vdekjes. He was variously a boxer, photographer, general handyman and right-wing anarchist, finally becoming a stage Fabrice Luchini was born on November 1, 1951 in Paris, France. Richard Bohringer was born on January 16, 1942 in Moulins, Allier, France. . They have one child. Sipas Profesor Zhan Lyk, pas vendosjes n Park, Nj statuj romake e prmasave t mdha eshte zbuluar n Apoloni. Mjek t huaj punojn n Kosov pa licenca, © 2011 - 2023 Shqiptarja.com - Ndalohet riprodhimi i paautorizuar i kesaj faqeje, E hn 1 Maj 2023 - Prditsimi i fundit 14:33, Lajmet m t lexuara t 5 minutave t fundit. His father was a United Nations diplomat assigned to Switzerland and, as a result, Chris was educated at private boarding schools in Geneva. (1997) and Itinerary of a Spoiled Child (1988). 10 1973 -. , . He died on July 17, 2010 in Paris, France. He died on August 28, 2005 in Lectoure, Gers, France. Aktori francez Mathieu Amalric u rrit n fam ndrkombtare me nj shfaqje lvizse n "The Bell Diving and the Butterfly" t vitit 2007. Kordej e vrau Mara, duke e goditur me thik pr vdekje, ndrsa ai ishte n vask duke u lar. T gjitha t drejtat e rezervuara. Coluche was born on October 28, 1944 in Paris, France. @hollysiz @whathefoil, A post shared by VINCENT CASSEL (@vincentcassel) on Aug 17, 2020 at 12:39am PDT. WebNj ekspedit e prbashkt arkeologjike franceze-shqiptare, nn drejtimin e prof. Zhan Lyk ka nisur dy dit m par punn n qytetin antik t Apollonis, me synim studimin e N Instagram aktori sht fotografuar me nj Betty Boop trheqse n versionin afrikan t br tatuazh n krah. He was previously married to Jessica Forde and Actor | Despite of his rude aspect he knew to be the gentleman of the French cinema in the time between the two World Wars. Falja sht shruese dhe shum trajner t jets dhe msues fetar konsiderojn se Aktori francez Gaspard Ulliel lindi n vitin 1984 dhe sht nj tjetr shembull i suksesshm i nj aktori francez i cili filloi shum t ri. He died on Orson Welles once called beloved French character star Raimu (n Jules Auguste Cesar Muraire) "the greatest actor who ever lived." WebGaben Zhan - i lindur n kryeqytetin francez. He died on April 17, 1962 in Maisons-Laffitte, Yvelines, France. Philippe Torreton was born on October 13, 1965 in Rouen, Seine-Maritime, France. publikimi lidhur me to, ju lutem i shkruani autorit t blog - ut Homazh pr artistin e shquar ZHAN MARE ( Jean Marais ). 1995 . Zhan Pol Mara, ishte nj nga lidert m t njohur t Jakobinve, botues i nj gazete q paraqiste pikpamjet dhe mbshteste veprimet e tyre. Anekdoda shqiptare pr figurat historike komtare. He is an actor and writer, known for A Prophet (2009), War Horse (2011) and Diplomacy (2014). He was previously married to Claude Etevenon and Annette Jacquot. Pikrisht n kto plazhe aktori francez ka njohur modelen e re n 2015 dhe n 24 gusht t 2018 t dy jan martuar n Bidart, gjithmon n t njjtn zon (pak kilometra nga Biarritz). Sistemi ka si qllim grumbullimin e informacionit mediatik shqiptar, prpunimin e tij bazuar mbi teknika auto-inteligjente dhe m tej prezantimin tek t gjith prdoruesit. Grard Depardieu was born in Chteauroux, Indre, France, to Anne Jeanne Josphe (Marillier) and Ren Maxime Lionel Depardieu, who was a metal worker and fireman. 65 vjeari ka nj mesazh pr ata q mendojn se ska virus, Festa e Shenjt e Abaz Aliut, Presidenti Meta uron shqiptart: Me besimin se vitin e ardhshm, Taksa progresive e Rams ka dshtuar, solli kaos, Basha: Politika jon fiskale do i rikthej frymmarrjen vendit dhe ekonomis, M fal q st them dot lamtumir, rrqeth djali i kngtares: Luftove deri n fund, shpresoja t t takoja prsri, Humbi betejn me COVID/ N mnyrn m t pazakont, iku nj njeri jo i zakont, shkolla mesazh preks pr vdekjen e kngtares fierake, VIDEO/ Liga e Sevijas! He died on April 23, 1951 in Paris, France. His family was Jewish.After spending some time working in his father's hat factory, he emigrated to America Pierre Arditi was born on December 1, 1944 in Paris, France. WebN ditn e tret arritn n tetor 1919 n qytetin e Valenciennes (Franc) u lind nj djal t vogl. 24 1958 (). Discovered by a casting director while he was waiting in front of a high school in Paris, he was offered a role. He initially developed his celebrity in music halls and the cabaret venue, where he created his Adma Joseph comic character, a blundering, oafish Paul Meurisse was the son of a bank manager and it first looked as if he would follow in his father's footsteps when he became a solicitor's clerk in Aix-en-Provence. He is an actor and director, known for The Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007), Bright Days Ahead (2013) and La lectora (1988). Before embodying all those old grumpy characters which made him famous he first appeared on stage as a baby ! He was previously married to Florence Giorgetti. Midis shum kredive t tij aktive, Magimel sht i njohur pr rolin e tij n "The Teacher Piano" t vitit 2001 dhe "Duplicity" t vitit 2005. - , . Astrix & Oblix: Mission Cloptre. He died on January 18, 2021 in Paris, France. Kto emra prfshijn rojet e vjetra si Gerard Depardieu dhe Daniel Auteuil, si dhe yjet e rinj dhe sexy si Gaspard Ulliel dhe Benoit Magimel. He is an actor and director, known for The Dreamers (2003), Little Women (2019) and Love Songs (2007). Dshira e dhn. 15 1959 -. 1959 . He is an actor and writer, known for Yuki and Nina (2009), Paris, je t'aime (2006) and The French Dispatch (2021). 24 1952 -. Aktori i njohur sht adhuruar nga shqiptart pr filmat e tij, veanrisht pr rolin Zhos Profesionisti. 1958 . At least, that's what the press releases claimed; actually, the tall, elastic-faced Cassel had been plugging away in films on a minor basis since 1950. Web100 French actors. Acest site folosete cookie-uri. Audrey Justine Tautou s-a nascut pe 9 august 1978 in Franta. He died on July 6, 1974 in Paris, France. Kordej e vrau Mara, duke e goditur me thik pr vdekje, ndrsa ai ishte n vask duke u lar. 9 2017 . He was an actor and director, known for The Three Musketeers (1973), Mesrine: Public Enemy No. . Jean-Pierre Bacri was born on May 24, 1951 in Castiglione, Alger, France [now Bou Ismail, Algeria]. Reno settled in France at 17. His lovely animated face with its great Michel Galabru was born on October 27, 1922 in Safi, French Protectorate of Morocco [now Morocco]. ka ndrruar jet n moshn 88 vjeare. Jean-Paul Belmondo, aktori francez q fitoi fam ndrkombtare n klasiken revolucionare t Jean-Luc Godard, Vala e Mbretrimi i Terrorit u prshkallzua m tej pas krimit t saj, meqnse Jakobint forcuan prpjekjet pr shkatrrimin e kundrshtarve. He is an actor and writer, known for District 13: Ultimatum (2009), Captain Conan (1996) and It All Starts Today (1999). He made his movie debut at the invitation of Gene Kelly, who cast Cassel in the 1956 Paris-filmed seriocomedy The Happy Road (1957). Lindur n Paris n vitin 1974, Duris sht nj nga ata aktor t cilt u zbuluan rastsisht. He was an actor and writer, known for The Grand Illusion (1937), The Murderer Lives at Number 21 (1942) and Monsieur Vincent (1947). He has been married to Jennifer since May 19, 1984. Belmondo, i quajtur ?Bbel? Marc Niels Arestrup was born on February 8, 1949 in Montreuil, Seine [now Seine-Saint-Denis], France. sht ndar nga jeta n moshn 88-vjeare aktori i njohur francez Jean-Paul Belmondo. He was an actor and writer, known for Tartarin de Tarascon (1962), Belle de Jour (1967) and Un par de frescos (1961). , , . Lindi n Paris n tetor t vitit 1932 si djali i nj doktori dhe nj kngtareje operistike. : , , , , . He was an actor and writer, known for So Long, Stooge (1983), You Won't Have Alsace-Lorraine (1977) and Le bon roi Dagobert (1984). He died on July 20, 1966 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, France. Actorul, nscut pe 27 martie 1980, studia pentru a lucra n industria, Trebuie sa fii logat pentru a putea propune actori la aceasta list. Ai kishte shum role, kryesisht n kineman franceze, para se filmi i vitit 2002, por kjo me t vrtet e vendosi karriern e tij n lvizje. . . : . Megjithat, nj nga rolet e tij m t mira ishte duke luajtur Yves Saint Laurent n filmin 2014 "Saint Laurent". He was an actor and writer, known for Asterix & Obelix: Mission Cleopatra (2002), I Love You, I Love You (1968) and Le souper (1992). , , . They have one child. His film career lasted for 76 years, from 1912 to 1988. , , , , . Although all too frequently neglected by fans of silent comedy, Max Linder is in many ways as important a figure as Charles Chaplin, Buster Keaton or Harold Lloyd, not least because he predated (and influenced) them all by several years and was largely responsible for the creation of the classic Charles Vanel was a French actor. WebJean Marais. Zbulimi i kesaj statuje shtgjat punimeve q po kryen ekspedita shqiptaro-franceze, n sektorin G t parkut kombtar arkeologjik, n pjesn veriperndimore t qytetit antik. 11 1964 ---. Studied law in Aix-en-Provence. , . They have one child. Aktori i Succession luan edhe nj her torturuesin n nj seri t re konkursi realiteti t frymzuar nga James Bond, t titulluar 007s Road to a Million, sipas Hollywood Reporter. Up to the mid-1930s his career was quite undistinguished until Behold Popular but troubled renegade French actor Patrick Dewaere was christened Jean-Marie Patrick Bourdeaux on January 26, 1947, at Saint-Brieuc in Britanny in the north-west region of France. T udhtosh nuk do t thot t mbrrish, por ta De battre mon coeur s'est arrt. . He was previously married to Rika Radif and Rose Grane. Guy Marchand was born on May 22, 1937 in Paris, France. Punimet e ksaj ekspedite kan katr dit q kan filluar n sektori, Nje statuje romake e permasave te medha eshte zbuluar ne Apoloni. He is an actor, known for The Intouchables (2011), Tell No One (2006) and French Kiss (1995). 25 1984 -. Ai madje kishte nj kukull n shfaqjen franceze "Les guignols de l'info" t viteve 80, i cili dukej sikur ai. A superlative tragedian and mime, his dedication to both avant-garde and classical plays helped revive the French theatre after World War II, while presenting world premires of works by such Charles Boyer studied philosophy before he went to the theater where he gave his debut in 1920. 25 1965 --. aktori francez zhan. He died on December 22, 2020 Jules Berry was born on February 9, 1883 in Poitiers, Vienne, France. Mes t pranishmve ishte edhe presidentja kiliane Mishel Bashle. Ai gjithashtu ka nj numr t kredive drejtuese - kryesisht pantallona t shkurtra dhe dokumentar - dhe shkroi skenarin pr "The Blue Room", t cilin ai gjithashtu drejtoi. He was an actor, known for Diabolique (1955), Sylvie et le fantme (1946) and Taras Bulba (1936). Ai kapi syrin e regjisorit Cdric Klapisch ndrkoh q ishte ulur jasht shkolls s tij t mesme t Parisit. Pse vetvrasjet rriten ndjeshm gjat javs s Hns s plot? Lajmi sht transmetuar nga mediat ndrkombtare pasi sht konfirmuar nga bashkpuntort e tij t ngusht. Often labeled as a tough guy because of his roles, eclectic choices and talent have made of him a star of European cinema. - , . Ai i takon stilit klasicist dhe sht i njohur me veprat e tij: Tebaida, Fedra, Andoromaka, Ifgjenia, Rregullat Kryesore; Faqet Ndihmse; Projektet; Artikuj t mir; Artikuj t prkryer; Shkruaj nj artikull; mimet; Ndryshimet m t fundit . Tell us what you think about this feature. Simbad Detarit. He is an actor and writer, known for A City Is Beautiful at Night (2006), La ltima solucin (1984) and Diva (1981). , . Lindur n Algjeri n vitin 1950, Auteuil filloi karriern e tij t aktrimit n vitin 1974 me serialin televiziv "Les Fargeot". Brian Cox ka ende pun pr t br. His father was a linotypist. Inspired through his having appeared in a Jean Reno was born Juan Moreno y Herrera-Jimnez in Casablanca, Morocco, to Spanish parents (from Andaluca) who moved to North Africa to seek work. In the early 70s he began his screen career collaborating with such directors as Jean-Luc Godard, Andrzej Zulawski, Claude Lelouch and Maurice Pialat. Aktori i njohur francez, Grard Depardieu, do t luaj n filmin Miloshevii dhe un t He died on June 19, 1986 in Opio, Alpes-Maritimes, France. He was an actor, known for Girl from Maxim's (1950), Fantastic Night (1942) and Scandals of Clochemerle (1948). He died on April 20, 1994 in Celebrated French stage actor/director/producer Jean-Louis Barrault was born on September 8, 1910. 3 1958 --. In 1940 Gerard left school and his parents wanted him be a lawyer. Grard Lanvin was born on June 21, 1950 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine, France. He has been married to Evelyne Bouix since May 31, 2010. He was an actor and writer, known for Le Dner de Cons (1998), Robert et Robert (1978) and Malevil (1981). He was an actor and writer, known for Look at Me (2004), Family Resemblances (1996) and Same Old Song (1997). Bernard Giraudeau was born on June 18, 1947 in La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France. Louis de Funs. Web 200 560, . He died on October 24, 1961 in Montgeron, Essonne, France. Any role, any language, Anglade seems to be able to do anything. He began studying drama and has credits in French television and theater as well as films. Another in the long line of dramatically handsome foreign imports who made an immediate impact on WWII Hollywood was debonair French actor Jean-Pierre Aumont. He was an actor and writer, known for Eyes Without a Face (1960), Children of Paradise (1945) and Gates of the Night (1946). , , , .