"Endpoint is not set. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java development by creating an account on GitHub. * {@link ClientConfiguration} will be used, which by default is HTTPS. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Before you begin, you need an AWS account. * @see Region#createClient(Class, com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider, * @deprecated use {@link AwsClientBuilder#setRegion(String)}. * Creates the authorization header to be included in the request. Specifying the host name also has the side effecting, * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=hostMetricName=MyHost, "com.amazonaws.metrics.internal.cloudwatch.DefaultMetricCollectorFactory". All Rights Reserved. * Overrides the default endpoint for this client. * Determine if an interrupted exception is caused by the client execution timer, * interrupting the current thread or some other task interrupting the thread for another, * @return {@link ClientExecutionTimeoutException} if the {@link InterruptedException} was, * caused by the {@link ClientExecutionTimer}. * By default, the {@link DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain} is used. * The name of the HTTP header. * a complete list of all available endpoints for all AWS services, see: * . Response metadata is typically used for troubleshooting. * data points. * Returns the metric name space, which is never null or blank. If the endpoint property is updated directly then the method doing that update. Are you sure you want to create this branch? * Starts the default AWS SDK metric collector, but, * only if no metric collector is currently in use at the AWS SDK, * @return true if the default AWS SDK metric collector has been. // Mark only once for non-BufferedInputStream, // Mark everytime for BufferedInputStream, since the marker could have been invalidated, * [scheme:][//authority][path][?query][#fragment], * Some response handlers need to manually manage the HTTP connection and will take, * care of releasing the connection on their own, but if this response handler, * doesn't need the connection left open, we go ahead and release the it to free up, * resources. The default. * @return Current SignerProvider instance. * The region name to use when calculating signatures in this, * Sets the endpoint prefix which is used to compute the region that is, * This value is passed to {@link AWS4SignerRequestParams} class which, * @param endpointPrefix The endpoint prefix of the service, * Sets the date that overrides the signing date in the request. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Release notes for versions prior to 1.11.82 can still be found on the AWS Release Notes This method. the developer guide for information about how to create an AWS account and retrieve your AWS Please see the Sign Up for AWS section of If a retriable error happens (according to the. Makes a stream unreliable in certain ways for. * Create a client side identifier that will be sent with the initial request and each. // For SigV4 pre-signing URL, we need to add "X-Amz-Security-Token", // as a query string parameter, before constructing the canonical, // Add the important parameters for v4 signing, * Step 1 of the AWS Signature version 4 calculation. * permissions and limitations under the License. You signed in with another tab or window. If the {@link RetryPolicy} determines. * are mutable. protocols. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To run the SDK you will need Java 1.7+. * host name for generating per-host level metrics; or, * null or blank if the host is to be automatically detected via, * Used as a registry for the predefined metrics to be captured by the. settings for the SDK, please see the Installing a Java Development Environment This mutable, * collection of attributes is created when a call to a service client is made and can be mutated throughout the course of the, * client call. * Subclass should only read but not assign to this field, at least not, * without synchronization on the enclosing object for thread-safety, * reason. * @return The potentially-modified request that should be used for the rest of the execution. * @return The region used to sign requests with AWS SigV4 auth. * Returns the region name configured for the default AWS SDK metric collector; * Sets the region to be used for the default AWS SDK metric collector; * Returns the last set AWS credential file, or null if there is none. * Modify the {@link SdkHttpFullRequest} before it is unmarshalled into an {@link SdkResponse}. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * metric name space which must neither be null or blank. Changes in the retired 1.11.x series of the SDK, beginning with version 1.11.82, Import The official AWS SDK for Java. * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. RequestMetricCollector c = req.getRequestMetricCollector (); // request level collector. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. * @param config Configuration options specifying how this client will, * communicate with AWS (ex: proxy httpClientSettings, retry. This can almost always be determined directly from, * the request's end point, so you shouldn't need this method, but it's. * @param responseHandler Response handler that outputs the actual result type which is. * and let the next retry deliver the request to the right location. * TODO: Different sigv4 services seem to be inconsistent on this. See the License for the specific language governing. It is possible that the HTTP client could further modify the request, so debug-. Possible Solution. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java development by creating an account on GitHub. * Timer to enforce timeouts on the whole execution of the request (request handlers, retries, * A request metric collector used specifically for this httpClientSettings client; or null if, * there is none. Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Refer to, * .amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-create-canonical-request.html to, /* This would url-encode the resource path for the first time. settings for the SDK, please see the Installing a Java Development Environment * {@link ExecutionAttributes} are unique to an execution (the process of an SDK processing a {@link SdkRequest}). * @return The potentially-modified HTTP response that should be given to the unmarshaller. * Capture the metrics for the given throwable. * @param executionAttributes A mutable set of attributes scoped to one specific request/response cycle that can be used to. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. * @return True if strict hostname verification should be used, false otherwise. * Used to specify an AWS credential property file. // CHECKSTYLE:OFF - Avoid "Unused Import" error. If an AdminMbean is found to have been registered under a, * different class loader, the AdminMBean of the current class loader would, * be registered under the same name {@link #MBEAN_OBJECT_NAME} but with an, * additional suffix in the format of "/", where count is a counter. * an expiration date, check if it is in the given limit. * naming convention can choose to return whatever service name as needed. ), "Unable to reset stream after calculating AWS4 signature", * Subclass could override this method to perform any additional procedure, * on the request payload, with access to the result from signing the, * header. * Sleep for a period of time on failed request to avoid flooding a service with retries. * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=cloudwatchRegion=us-west-2, * Used to specify the internal in-memory queue size for queuing metrics. * Interceptor's order is determined by their method of registration. * This method is not threadsafe. * Read the finalized HTTP response as it will be given to the unmarshaller to be converted into an {@link SdkResponse}. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java development by creating an account on GitHub. * client level, then finally the AWS SDK level. * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. * @param config Configuration options specifying how this client will communicate with AWS (ex: * proxy httpClientSettings, retry count, etc.). Any interceptors listed in these files (new line separated) are, * instantiated using their default constructor and loaded into the client., * The order in which interceptors are executed is sometimes relevant to the accuracy of the interceptor itself. * Copyright 2010-2023 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. Reproduction Steps. It involves deriving, * the signing key and computing the signature. * could have a big impact to performance, disabled by default. * true if the "regionId" is used to configure the signer if, * applicable; false if this method is called for the purpose of. * {@link SDKGlobalConfiguration#AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED_SYSTEM_PROPERTY} to 'true' (not case sensitive). exception response with the unmarshallers provided caused by java.lang. * different from the general implementation. This method can be overridden by sub classes to provide different, * values (e.g) For S3 pre-signing, the content hash calculation is. You can get * Used to specify the internal queue polling timeout in millisecond. in Amazon S3. Otherwise throws the original {@link. information about installing the SDK through other means. Operating System and version. // permute it in this loop and start over with the original every time. * Executes the request with the given configuration. // There might be a race condition that the timeout tracker executed before the call to cancel(), // which means it set this thread's interrupt flag, so just clear the interrupt flag, * Start and end client execution timer around the execution of the request. * {@link SDKGlobalConfiguration#AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED_ENV_VAR} or. * different from the general implementation. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Refer to, * .com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-calculate-signature.html, "Generating a new signing key as the signing key not available in the cache for the date ". * the one at the AWS SDK level otherwise. Additional Information/Context. * Returns the region configured for the default AWS SDK metric collector; * @throws IllegalArgumentException when using a region not included in, * @deprecated Use {@link #getRegionName()}. Method is, * protected by intent so peculiar subclass that don't follow the class. * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. Additional Information/Context. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. protocols. * previously running collector used by the AWS SDK, if any. * @param context The current state of the execution, including the SDK and HTTP requests as well as the (potentially. This method returns the value of the, * regionMetadataServiceName configuration in the internal config. * implementation doesn't need to do anything. "Illegal attempt to access the credential provider", * Sets the credential provider for the default AWS SDK metric, * implementation; or null if the default is to be used. * @param request the request passed in from the user, * @return the (possibly different) request to marshal, /* Check the profiling system property and return true if set */, * Whether to generate client side monitoring events. Amazon SQS Client-Side Buffering - Collect and send SQS requests in asynchronous batches, * @param region region to set to; must not be null. * Returns true if machine metrics is to be excluded. * Fluent setter for the error response handler, * @param errorResponseHandler Error response handler, * Fluent setter for the execution context, * @param executionContext Execution context, * Fluent setter for {@link RequestConfig}, * @param requestConfig Request config object. See the License for the specific language governing. Every code path executed after this line *must* call. The provided. * as the information on the S3 bucket and key is not yet known. * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. Code; Issues 267; Pull requests 35; Discussions; Actions; Projects 1; Security; Insights TLS . * {@link SDKGlobalConfiguration#DEFAULT_METRICS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY} has been, * Returns true if a single metric name space is to be used for all, * levels of SDK generated CloudWatch metrics, including JVM level, host, * Used to set whether a single metric name space is to be used for all. * SDK Java clients (ex: setting the client endpoint). * use the simpler one-argument form of setEndpoint instead of this method. * method to control which AWS region they want to work with. * negative values imply clock is slow. * true if single metric name is to be used; false otherwise. * Used to explicitly override the internal signer region computed by the. * Read the HTTP response as it was returned by the HTTP client, before it is modified by other interceptors. Changes in the retired 1.11.x series of the SDK, beginning with version 1.11.82, * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. Also check these community resources for getting help: For information about maintenance and support for SDK major versions and their underlying dependencies, see the following in the AWS SDKs and Tools Reference Guide: 1.11.x - No longer supported, but migration to 1.12.x should require no code changes. *

This will only be invoked if the entire execution fails. Website. * @return true if the unregistration succeeded or if there is no admin. You signed in with another tab or window. Please keep in mind that these workarounds may not work in the future * @param content Input stream to make unreliable. versions of Java. * Publishes the "request content length" event, and returns an input stream, which will be. * The optional value for time offset (in seconds) for this client. * Ensures the response handler is not null. The AWS access key is expected to be in the "accessKey". * normally called except for AWS internal development purposes. * file if such configuration is specified for the current client, * otherwise it returns the same service name that is used for. * A boolean flag that indicates whether the endpoint has been overridden either on construction or later mutated, * due to a call to setEndpoint(). ", * Internal client for sending HTTP requests. *

  • {@link #beforeExecution} - Read the request before it is modified by other interceptors.
  • , *
  • {@link #modifyRequest} - Modify the request object before it is marshalled into an HTTP request.
  • , *
  • {@link #beforeMarshalling} - Read the request that has potentially been modified by other request interceptors before, * it is marshalled into an HTTP request.
  • , *
  • {@link #afterMarshalling} - Read the HTTP request after it is created and before it can be modified by other, *
  • {@link #modifyHttpRequest} - Modify the HTTP request object before it is transmitted.
  • , *
  • {@link #beforeTransmission} - Read the HTTP request that has potentially been modified by other request interceptors, *
  • {@link #afterTransmission} - Read the HTTP response after it is received and before it can be modified by other, *
  • {@link #modifyHttpResponse} - Modify the HTTP response object before it is unmarshalled.
  • , *
  • {@link #beforeUnmarshalling} - Read the HTTP response that has potentially been modified by other request interceptors, *
  • {@link #afterUnmarshalling} - Read the response after it is created and before it can be modified by other, *
  • {@link #modifyResponse} - Modify the response object before before it is returned to the client.
  • , *
  • {@link #afterExecution} - Read the response that has potentially been modified by other request interceptors.
  • , * An additional {@link #onExecutionFailure} method is provided that is invoked if an execution fails at any point during the. * Invoked when any error happens during an execution that prevents the request from succeeding. * Returns the httpClientSettings client specific request metric collector; or null if there is. See the License for the specific language governing. /** Exports AwsSdkMetrics for JMX access. EC2 instances. * @deprecated use {@link AwsClientBuilder#withRegion(Regions)} for example: * Fluent method for {@link #setEndpoint(String)}. reliability by using multi-threaded Amazon S3 multipart calls. * Returns the credentials from the execution if exists. * When the system property is specified, a default metric collector will be. * keys from the specified file. * also be enabled programmatically via {@link #enableDefaultMetrics()}. If this value is changed to effectively override the endpoint, then the 'isEndpointOverridden' property. import org. ", * Returns the service name of this AWS http client by first looking it up from the SDK internal, * configuration, and if not found, derive it from the class name of the immediate subclass of, * {@link AmazonWebServiceClient}. in the build, use: GitHub issues is the preferred channel to interact with our team. * @param params Params for the individual request being executed. See the Set up the AWS SDK for Java section of the developer guide for more Otherwise re-interrupts the current thread, * and returns a {@link SdkClientException} wrapping an {@link InterruptedException}, * Determine if an aborted exception is caused by the client execution timer interrupting, * the current thread. * {@link RetryPolicy}) and a subsequent retry succeeds, this method will not be invoked. * the metric collector to be used by the AWS SDK; or, * null if no metric collection is to be performed. * @param content Input stream to make resettable. * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. Amazon DynamoDB Object Mapper - Uses Plain Old Java Object (POJOs) to store and retrieve Amazon To, * enable it, simply specify the system property. * Returns a non-null request metric collector for the SDK. * if there is none. * Returns the response from executing one httpClientSettings request; or null for retry. * @deprecated by {@link #getServiceName()}. Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java-v2 development by creating an account on GitHub. Assignees No one assigned the aws-java-sdk-bom and specify the SDK Maven modules that your project needs in the This file is distributed. The official AWS SDK for Java. * Constructs a new AWS client using the specified client configuration options (ex: max retry. aws / aws-sdk-java-v2 Public. // Notify the progress listener of the retry. * The service endpoint to which this client will send requests. For more information about the requirements and optimum Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java-v2 development by creating an account on GitHub. To disable the GPG-signing * If any problems are detected with the specified endpoint. * {@link #setMetricCollector(MetricCollector)}. My current aws-java-sdk-s3 artifact version is 1.12.429 and I also tried to add the aws-java-sdk-bom to make sure the correct aws-sdk-core version was used as below - . Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. * communicate with AWS (ex: proxy httpClientSettings. * @param context The current state of the execution, including the unmodified SDK request from the service client call. * Interface to configure a request execution and execute the request. * Sets a User-Agent for the specified request, taking into account any custom data. If you are experiencing issues with Java 17+ and unable to migrate to AWS SDK for Java v2 at this time, below are the workarounds that you might find helpful. * name of the JVM for generating per-JVM level metrics; or null. * Returns a region enum corresponding to the given region name. * Check if the thread has been interrupted. Changes to the SDK beginning with version 1.12.1 (June 2021) are tracked in CHANGELOG.md. * Used to control the default AWS SDK metric collection system. These include support for non-blocking I/O, improved start-up performance, automatic iteration over paginated responses and the ability to plug in a different HTTP implementation at run time. AWS Java SDK version used. This file is distributed, * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either, * express or implied. * By default, per-host level metrics is excluded. * client or AWS SDK level request; false otherwise. // Push the local signer override back to the execution context, * @throws FakeIOException thrown only during test simulation. * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=useSingleMetricNamespace, * Used to exclude the generation of JVM metrics when the AWS SDK default, * -Dcom.amazonaws.sdk.enableDefaultMetrics=excludeJvmMetrics, * Used to generate per host level metrics when the AWS SDK default. * Returns the region name that is used when calculating the signature. Must not be null. // don't pause if the retry was not due to a redirection (I.E. This includes modifications made by other, * interceptors and the message signature. In the, * absence of {@link #hostMetricName}, the host name will be automatically, * True if socket read time metric is enabled; false otherwise. credentials. * overwrite any information set previously by any set/with/configure Region/Endpoint methods. These, * interceptors are explicitly added to the client builder's override configuration when a client is created using the {@link, * ClientOverrideConfiguration.Builder#addExecutionInterceptor(ExecutionInterceptor)}, *
  • Global Interceptors are interceptors loaded from the classpath for all clients. A standalone JDK distributable is available for download on the Releases page. The default implementation uploads the, * request/response metrics captured to Amazon CloudWatch using AWS credentials. credentials. reflect.InaccessibleObjectException, WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.amazonaws.util.XpathUtils. * @return True if the service returns CRC32 checksum from the compressed data, false otherwise. 1.12.429. * @see ClientSideMonitoringRequestMetricCollector, * Returns true if request metric collection is applicable to the given, * Returns true if request metric collection is enabled at the service. * Sets the input stream containing the response content. Provides easy-to-use HTTP clients for all supported AWS services, regions, and authentication protocols. * add a new customer at any time, simply create a bucket for the customer, add. But if we throw, then the caller doesn't get the handle on the response. // Always mark the input stream before execution. * leaking the connection. If user has specified. *
  • Override Configuration Interceptors are the most common method for SDK users to register an interceptor. * Service name override for use when the endpoint can't be used to, * Endpoint prefix to compute the region name for signing, * Region name override for use when the endpoint can't be used to determine, * Whether double url-encode the resource path when constructing the. Features. The official AWS SDK for Java. Contribute to aws/aws-sdk-java development by creating an account on GitHub. This also includes the exception that triggered the failure. * Abstract base class for Amazon Web Service Java clients. See the javadoc at, * com.amazonaws.metrics.internal.cloudwatch.CloudWatchMetricConfig for more, * Object name under which the Admin Mbean of the current classloader is, * Used to enable the use of a single metric namespace for all levels of SDK. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. * count, etc.). * True if machine metrics is to be excluded; false otherwise. * The time difference in seconds between this client and AWS. * Returns true if a failed request should be retried. Any interceptors listed in these, * files (new line separated) are instantiated using their default constructor and loaded into the client.
  • , *
  • Service Interceptors are interceptors loaded from the classpath for a particular service's clients. * service endpoints by region, identifying the necessary signer, etc. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. * full URL, including the protocol (ex: * "http://dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/") of the region. The official AWS SDK for Java. * Includes all the signing headers as request parameters for pre-signing. "Cannot parse the Content-Length header of the response. */, // This would optionally double url-encode the resource path, * Step 2 of the AWS Signature version 4 calculation. * enable it, simply specify the system property. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. in the build, use: GitHub issues is the preferred channel to interact with our team. * Computes the name to be used to reference the signing key in the cache. * the error code returned by the service is retriable, this will be invoked for each response returned by the service. If the, * protocol is not specified here, the default protocol from this client's. The official AWS SDK for Java. * Logger for more detailed debugging information, that might not be as useful for end users, * Logger providing detailed information on requests/responses. * Read the finalized {@link SdkResponse} as it will be returned by the client invocation.