Senator Amidala seemed to be about to make a remark when the transport was shot, they hit something and her, a trooper and Mando got knocked out of the transport. Living in that temple, monks are. Were saving their stupid Karking asses.. We failed you, and its understandable that from that failure, hate would rise. Were you on a planet before?. Jango was about to say something when all of the droids stop firing. Great. He didnt care who you were, and why you were so strangely important but he knew it would lure his target out of the shadows nonetheless. Gods Jango hoped Kenobi had an escape plan because he sure as shit aint helping the Jedi. Jedi Master Plo Koon faces them again, Now, can you fight with him or would you like me to take him back?. See, thats the current Chancellor of the Republic, perhaps the Force muddled your brain a bit. Im, going to check on Boba. Jango says, leaving the med center. Ca- Jango reflexively hits Mando in the chest to shut him up, thankfully it works. He wipes the inside with an anti-bacterial wipe and puts the helmet back on. Master is a title bestowed upon Jedi when they pass their Master trials. He didnt want to risk saying too much. What was happening before you got knocked out?. Hes rather certain, or hopeful at least, that Obi-wan doesnt understand the gesture. I dont think youre getting any cleaner, Obi-wan states, grabbing the Mandalorians helmet. Now Mandalor, Din Djarin faces new challenges both within the Mando'ade and without and difficult decisions must be made. You chose to help us, and now youre choosing to share information that will save many lives. Clearly done with this conversation. But it was for naught as Obi-wan was knocked out by some Geonosians. Ship? Boba asks, pocketing the grenades, Jango nods, earning a smile from his child before Boba rushes off, staying in the shadows and remaining hidden. Where are you going Fett? Dooku demands. The building was abandoned- odd, Obi-wan was quite sure there were Jedi Monks currently living in that temple, - but the doors were strong. It wasnt a head wound. Former Jedi, apparently, are quite adept at avoiding blaster shots. Leia finds out that she's pregnant with Han's baby after he leaves and decides to keep the baby so she has something to do. Facing some of the hardest times, they choose to face their issues together. At no point does anyone clue him in. This means Djarin was likely born around 30 BBY, and would've been 30-years-old while Luke Skywalker was still on Tatooine. Damnit. Seriously kid? Which the answer was just now because he knows who they kidnapped and who the only person Mando could logically conclude was Jangos Riduur. Yoda obviously but who taught the old Troll? Which, Jango could accept. If he did, why would they use the clones? Pick that thing up and help me get him on the ship. Jango orders, walking away from his Firespray. He was certain he had lost his riduur, Luke. The dark side of the force whispers to Luke as he goes to save Din making him feel lost, cold and alone. Its the Capital of the Galactic Republic. Can we take him? Senator Amidala didnt seem confident, very nervous. El credo es claro. Obi-wan nods despite Mace not being able to see it, before the Master bounds away, cutting droids down as he does. He started as whispers, rumors of a new Mand'alor, quietly gathering followers. Jangos hand had become a permanent fixture on Mandos arm to prevent the man from diving into the arena to save his friends. He didnt want to like Obi-wans ridiculous humor. It's very lucky for the Mand'alor that Senator Organa and her brother are no strangers to rebellion, and were never ones to sit quietly by. It is understandable youd wish for our demise.. Well, good luck! Obi-wan calls. Its a baby of Yodas species, yes. Hi! Dookus sigh was audible. But none matched the simple eloquence of raising his hand and flipping the Count off, Boba mirroring his action much to Kenobis clear chagrin. When the kid touched it, it started glowing and then it threw us all back., Hmmm, peculiar that is. No one knows where he came from. What did you do to Mando?. Obi-wan glances between Jango, who looked confused- Obi-wan was rather positive the man understood Mandalorian so maybe over being called Obi-wans spouse? A force bond is simply that. Wait is that why I suddenly know all these random Jetiise names? Because that actually made sense. People making crude reasons as to why Jango is the way he is would not be uncommon. Trust me on that. Jango states. Why does he talk like that? Jango thought, its weird. Uh, yeah. Was Mandos very intelligent answer. But Din is there, he is always there to bring his Riduur back, to whisper praises into his skin and show him the devoted love he feels for him always. Which, you didnt., Obi-wan sighs, Boba is staying on the ship.. Yes. Obi-wan reaffirms, When my friends come I need someone to guide them. Thank you so much! Obi-wan nods, thinking for a bit as they ride the chariot out into the arena. Anakin! He didnt- he didnt know Obi-wan, how could he start to care about his stupidly handsome face and his stupid plans? He shouldnt be that dangerous.. Eventually they were all herded into the center of the arena, a group of Jedi, two Mandalorians, Senator Amidala and some woman Jango didnt know. Except he got the vibe that what Skywalker said wasnt true. Who are you? She asks again as Obi-wan tries to figure out how to release her. I cannot verify the legitimacy of the claims. 7.2K 229 7. With a little help from the Force, a lot of strife and suffering is avoided. Except nothing was working. Please consider turning it on! You and Anakin go in, you get his threat level, and if lightning is a concern, you distract him while I fire off fifty rounds., Obi-wan sighs, Fine. All four get on the shuttle along with Obi-wans Padawan and Senator Amidala- and wasnt that awkward- and a bunch of Jangos clones. Why the shit would we go to the Imperial Capital?, Imperial Capital? Through the what? Cara and Mando asks at the same time. Since when does he know about Mandos misconception? Everything belongs to Disney and Lucasfilm. With crime syndicates on the rise and the Empire far from dead. Obi-wan followed his line of sight, keeping his Force senses open and blocking blaster bolts, and sure enough, Jango was up in the sky, drawing fire, and firing at the droids. It had taken an embarrassingly short amount of time for Obi-wan to fall for Jango. His clones had arrived in the ships from Kamino. Anakin and I can take him., Jango snorts, Right, like Im letting you run headlong into another fight.. All the while Imperial forces struggle against each other to decide the direction of their government. The unknown Mandalorian who for some reason thought he was involved with Kenobi- not that that was a bad image- was awake and just watching them. Please dont do it before, you might hit me., What signal? Obi-wan must do something with the Force since Caras face scrunches up, and she says, Weird. Obi-wan sighs, He can deflect those bolts., Obi-wan gives her a flat look. Teaching Boba how to fix and improve a ship when he could. My wayward Padawan and a Galactic Senator. Obi-wan watches as Padme is chained to her pole before turning his attention to Anakin as he nears, I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message., I retransmitted it to the Council as you requested, Master. Then Anakin admits with some reluctance, You mentioned needing back up, so we tried to be your back up., Obi-wan pointedly looked at Anakins bonds and then his own, Good job., You shouldve stayed with the Senator on Naboo.. Well, hes never telling her about Bobas training. Obi-wan lays the man down and immediately pulls off the mans helmet. Pairing: din djarin x fem!O/C Rating: will be 18 Story summary: Din Djarin travels to beyond nowhere, with no information, for a bounty that may or may not be real. Which fair, Obi-wan probably shouldnt be bantering with Fett at this time. Anakin and I will go in first, see what Dookus threat level is. Luke had, apparently, found himself caught in some sort of battle. We will not be hostages to be bartered Dooku. Jango hates to admit he agrees with Windu. If this Force bond conveyed all necessary information, then hed know about the clones, right? But it wont influence your emotions in any way. Al quitarse el casco, Din ya no es mandaloriano. Hes suited up in full Beskar armour. Old. Cara swallows, There were a lot of skeletons. Did I just get kidnapped? Obi-wan asks the unconscious Mandalorian. He didnt want to like Obi-wans stupid face. Technically a Mandalorian season 3 without book of boba fett as well as a large helping of Legends continuity to make an Alternate Universe. The Force rings out a warning a second too late, Cara yelling out as well. Dookus voice rings through the Arena, drawing attention to himself, Master Windu, you have fought gallantly,a couple of Jedi who had been missed in the round up were escorted to the main group, worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order. The fanfic is part 1 in the "Phoenix Rising: Stronger together Duology" so make sure you read part 2 as well. Obi-wan stands up and leaves the medical center when he doesnt see the Mandalorian on the bed, he investigates the ship and finds it completely deserted save for him and the kid. + -. It wasnt going to last, Obi-wan would have to deal with a lot of things. Oh, okay. Skywalker says, looking as if it was anything but okay but that he wasnt about to ask more questions. Cara snorts, Oh please, that thing is deadly.. Obi-wan does his best to clean up the blood on the Mandalorians head with mixed results. He looked toward the Child, who was teething on the . And Boba on Kenobis back. Had to save his ass on the way over. Jango lies easily, I ran into a Jedi on Kamino. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jango was hardly a ball of fuzz when Obi-wan met him and Obi-wan was rather sure Jango had been on his best behaviour at that time. Then it wont be a problem if we take a closer look. Jango nearly hisses and barely restrains himself from stomping out of there, taking his son and Mando with him. Obi-wan closes his eyes, fuck. Why had he gotten so close to admitting the true purpose of his clones? Kinda? Obi-wan kicks Jango away so neither of them are hit by the unknown Mandalorian. If I have to engage the Count I will lose. See? He would know their true purpose? My spouse? Obi-wan thought, flabbergasted. Longer version: General Leia Organa is kicked out of the Senate due to a technicality. Not just that, hes proud? Just wishes he could be down there to kill them himself.. Sort by: Hot. Now Din Djarin has to adjust to his new life without Grogu and his mission to return him. What do you have to seal up wounds? Jango grabs something off a shelf and hands it to Obi-wan. Grogu. He knows how to use them. Was not a good defence as Obi-wan just looked at him in disappointment before turning around and heading to Skywalker, who was trying to get up with only one arm. The kid was happier now and Obi-wan left him there. Obi-wan noted one of the metal spear halves was barely visible, having clearly been jabbed as far into the Acklay as possible. It- It seemed to be part of the planet but not. Obi-wan didnt know who Gideon was or what Imps meant, but he could look into that later. Cara snorts, Last I remember was getting blasted back on Beilad. Obi-wan stops in his ministrations to the computer. Hello there? Obi-wan says hesitantly. Checking the troll over with the Force tells Obi-wan its probably mentally 3 to 5. Very well. Dooku concedes before turning his attention elsewhere, Fett, Im surprised and disappointed at your choice of allegiance.. Perhaps we should get you a medical check up., Im not saying you are. Something felt wrong so I grabbed the kid and then it was like a seismic blast, sent me flying back and I blacked out.. DinLeia took over my brain and I then proceeded to read every single fic I could get my hands on. So he didnt. Odd that is. Great. Jango takes note of who is in the arena and says, Doesnt like Jedi. Jango. That would have to go to, Hold this for a moment, The Jedi in front of him and Mando, Plo Koon, says handing the Terror Child over to Mando. Is your friend a Mandalorian with a small green child? Obi-wan asks. Hmm, Yoda takes one of the Childs hands in his and goes silent. A small green all-too-familiar troll was sitting on the Mandalorian. You have a plan for yourself, right? Obi-wan calls to Cara as the four creatures approach them. He wants the truth, but he will have to eat more lies before he can get to see that. So I need you to stay here, and when you feel people like me, like us, nearing, I need you to tell them what I did., Good. Okay.. Obi-wan continues pulling Cara with him, protecting both her, himself and Boba from Blaster fire as best he could until he got to the other Jedi. Their romance begins. Cara fiddles with the blaster for a second before saying, Stun mode. with a smile. Cara huffs a sigh, clearly conceding to the fact that she wont win this. Dooku looks over at them curiously.