Due to the clout Corning gained from the situation, he gained agreement for construction of the State Museum, a convention center, and a restaurant, as part of these plans; these were projects which Rockefeller had originally vetoed. The site of the present city of Albany was first occupied as a trading post in 1614. Harmen Janse Van Bommel, 1685. Claas Janse Van Boekhoven, 1662-99. Isaac Janse Van Arnham, 1699. Cornelia Andriesse Scherp, 1703. Hilletie Gerritse Lansing. Harmen Bastiaense Visscher or De Vyselaer, 1675-83. Elsie Johannese Wendel, 1691. Willem Janse Halenbeck, 1707. Gysbert Philipse Velthuysen, 1654. Cornelis Teunise Van Slyck, 1661-8. Tys Barentse Schoenmaker Van Edam, 1636. Harmen Jacobse Bambus, 1657. Lysbet Janse Bogaert, 1699. Albany County implicitly gained present-day Vermont. Teunis Jacobse Bierdrager, 1661. On the death of his father in 1747, Stephen Van Rensselaer II became Patroon at age 5. Adriaen Claese Vryman, 1654. Tryntje Takelse Heemstraten, 1722. Occasionally two patronymics were used, as Samuel Arentse Samuelse Bratt; i.e., Samual Bratt son of Arent, who was the son of Samuel. including index. Teuw(n? A similar case occurred in the Albany branch of the Bratts. Who would recognize the ancient Du Trieux (pronounced Du Troo) in the modern Truax, or Beaufils in Bovie, or Barrols in Barroway, or finally the familiar names of Jones in such laughable disguises as Tsans, Tjans, and Shawns. CORNELISE. Gabriel Tomase Stridles. Teunise Van Deusen, 1695-1700. Jacob Evertse Kuyper, 1725. David Pieterse Coeymans, 1636. Antje Pieterse Borsboom 1693. A four-volume compendium of family-based material Albany's main exports at the time were beer, lumber, published works, and ironworks. Tjerck Claese Dewit, 1663. Your email address will not be published. Marten Gerritse Van Bergen, 1630-96. HANSE or HANSEN. [28][Note 5] The same year, the French and Indian War began; it was the North American front of the Seven Years' War in Europe and the fourth in a series of North American wars between the colonial powers dating back to 1689, began. Van Rensselaer, nor any other partner in the Dutch West India Company, would have invested so much time and money to just become one of many traders vying for the trade and competitively driving prices down. Catarina Wynantse Van den Bergh, 1749. Zacharias Sickelse Van Weenen, 1659. Cornelis Martense Van Isselsteyn, 1705. Jan Cornelise Timmerman, 1660. Robert Evertse Wendel, 1690. Johannes Volkertse Van Veghten, 1747. GERRITSE. Catalyntie Dirkse Bratt, 1727. Johannes Teunise Mingael, 1685. Jan Janse Damen, 1634. The west side of the colony was on the trade route where native people came from the west (from at least as far as the Great Lakes) along the Mohawk River, then across land near Albany (avoiding the Cohoes Falls) before entering the Hudson River. Burger Myndertse (Smit), 1703. Adriaen Janse Van Ilpendam, 1656. Willem Casparse Halenbeck, 1729. Abraham Isaacse Fonda, 1747. Cornelis Isaacse Van Deusen, 1740. Paulus Martense Van Benthuysen, 1666-1703. The Mohican were driven to the east side of the Hudson River and the Mohawk occupied the land surrounding Oranje. Geertie Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. JACOBSE. Hetherington (Hadington) Thus the surname of Jacob Abrahamse, found in documents dating 1665-84, was Vosburg alias Kuyper; in those of date 1706, it was Van Deusen. Hendrik Janse Reur, 1658. It includes substantial Over the next several decades, the Mohawk, Mohican and Dutch formed a different relationship "based on a sense of mutual opportunity, of seeing more advantage in cooperation than in conflict. Samuel Jacobse Gardenier, 1681. Both Fort Nassau and the later Fort Oranje had been constructed on this route at what is now Albany. The student who searches the early Dutch records meets with many difficulties, none of which are more vexatious than their personal names. Wouter Storm Bratt, or Van der Zee, 1699. Geertruy Barentse Van Dwingeloo, 1682. The Bank of Albany (17921861) was the second chartered bank in the state of New York. Harmen Janse Metsselaer, 1718. 23, 1915). [18] The name is ultimately derived from Alba, the Gaelic name for Scotland. Maritie Cornelise Mingael, 1666. Janneke Casparse Conyn, 1701. Thomas Davidtse Kikebel, 1682. Catharine Helmerse Otten, 1703. Ackes or Jacques Cornelise Van Slyck, 1663-7. Jan Cornelise Van Houten, 1640. material on the first 286 members of the family in America. Van Rensselaer could have located his patroonship anywhere in New Netherland, from Delaware in the south to eastern Connecticut. Caspar Jacobse Halenbeck. [65] Albany was known for its publishing houses, and to some extent, still is. Neeltie Myndertse (Smit), 1703. [77], After Corning died in 1983, Thomas Whalen assumed the mayorship and was reelected twice. Wyntie Dirkse Van Vechten, 1687. These settlers built homes and cultivated farms; they also constructed Fort Oranje (Fort Orange) on the west bank of the Hudson River. Barent Janse Bratt, 1681. ALBANY, N.Y. It seemed like 2023 would be the year that New York would finally take the most consequential steps in decades to address the state's dire housing shortage. Hence colonization was not encouraged, contrary to the provisions of the charter, by which they were bound to "advance the peopling of those fruitful and unsettled parts:" the greed of gain swallowed up all other interests. Jacobus Gerritse Van Vorst, 1671-89. Jacob Hendrickse Ten Eyck, 1733. GEURT. [46] In 1825 the Erie Canal was completed between Albany and Lake Erie. Teunis Jurriaense Rinckhout, 1704. Takel Dirkse Van Heemstraaten, 1700. Anna Janse Mebie, 1716. At that time the county included all of present New York State north of Dutchess and Ulster Counties in addition to present-day Bennington County, Vermont, theoretically stretching west to the Pacific Ocean;[21][22] the city of Albany became the county seat. A Brief History. BARENTSE. "[88] Though opposed to the project, Mayor Corning negotiated the payment plan for the Empire State Plaza. The development of Simeon De Witt's gridded block system in 1794, which gave Albany its original bird and mammal street names,[Note 6] was intersected by these important arterials coming out of Albany, cutting through the city at unexpected angles. Evert Janse Wendell, 1658-74. Hendrick Lambertse Bont or Bint, alias Sassian. Jan Pieterse Mebie, 1603. This traditional resource can be engaged online. Abeel, Johannes, m. * O'Callaghan's History of New Netherland. Willem Janse Stoll, 1654-61. He gained federal dollars earmarked for restoring historic structures. (Reprinted from Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, No. After his death in 1663 his widow Maritie Myndertse married Sweer Teunise. Dirkje Teunise Metselaer, 1685. Pieter Barentse Coeymans. Kiliaen Van Rensselaer hired agents, including the leader of Fort Oranje Bastiaen Jansen Krol, to purchase land from Indigenous people. ARENTSE. Hester Bastiaense Visscher, 1700. Magfelt Jacobse Schermerhoorn, 1700. Jan Janse Goes, 1697-1700. Claas Gerritse Van Vranken, 1705. Mattyse. Gerrit Janse Lansing, 1657. [79], African American migrants started arriving during World War I during the Great Migration. Albany was second only to Boston in the number of books produced for most of the 19th century. Johannes Pieterse Van Alen, 1689-1706. Cornelis Gerritse Van den Bergh, 1700. The First Settlers Philip and David Schuyler, were more commonly called Philip and David Pieterse, being sons of Pieter Schuyler. Add to Print List Remove from Print List Notes. Jan Janse Van Arnhem. - The Ten Broeck Genealogy: Being the Records Harmen Janse Scheel, 1658. Wynant Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. 137138, Howell and Tenney (1886, Vol. Maria Janse Van Hoesen, 1694. The conquest of the province by the English in 1664 introduced a new element into the population; the sheriff of the county, clerk of the village and city, and officers and soldiers of the garrison were mainly English or New Englanders: a few of these intermarried with Dutch maidens and became permanent citizens. Maria Arnoutse Viele, 1684. Andries Barentse Coeymans, 1695. Links to the genealogies are at the bottom of this page; just click on the letter of the surname you're looking for. Johannes Dirkse Van der Heyden, 1729. Gysbert Adriaanse Van Bunick, 1638. Martense. Jan Teuwisse Van Deusen, 1696. Significant Events The Albany Congress occurred at Albany, New York in 1754 to help unite the colonies for defense against the Iroquois Confederacy. Harmen Janse Bos, 1666. Maria Franse Clauw or Klauw, 1700. Jan Bastiaense Van Gudsenhoven, 1658-65. NNF - Genealogical Notes of New York and New England Families, compiled by Sebastian Adam Antonissen Swart, 1690. Jan Claese Bakker Van Oosanen or Oostrand, 1658-64. Jan Evertse Schoenmaker, 1661-5. Jan Casparse Halenbeck, 1725. ], 1683. Magtelt Janse Post, 1695. Volkert Wynantse Van den Bergh, 1749. Jochim Wesselse Backer, 1633-1683. Marten Hendrickse Beeckman, 1661. Eytje Hendrickse, who, with her three sisters, had been taken prisoners by the Indians at Yonkers in 1655. Barent Rynderse Smit, 1668-77. giving the name and descent, in the male line of Americans whose ancestors Geertruy Andriesse Van Doesburgh, 1661. Adriaen Cornelise Van Bersingeren, 1642. [72] American Express was founded in Albany in 1850 as an express mail business. JOCHEMSE. Jan Wybesse Spoor,1685-98. Jannetie Gerritse Van Nes. Andries Jacobse Gardenier, 1680-97. Jannetie Pieterse Vosburgh, 1683. [61][62], While the key to Albany's economic prosperity in the 19th century was transportation, industry and business also played a role. Sickelse. Gillis Douwese Fonda, 1654. Johannes Harmense Visscher, 1693-1709. [37] (The oldest is Annapolis, Maryland.). Willem Franse Hardick, 1737. It was built in 1624 as a replacement for Fort Nassau, which had been built on nearby Castle Island and served as a trading post until 1617 or 1618, when it was abandoned due to frequent flooding. on Catherine and other family members! Tryntie Isaacse Van Deusen, 1740. Corning has been called shortsighted for his failure to use the waterfront as an attraction for the city. accurate to the point that it should send the serious scholar to the Pieter Harmense Knickerbakker, 1708. With poor communications it is a wonder anything was ever done. Trinke Melgertse Van der Poel, 1710. The use of surnames gradually increased among the Dutch from the time the Province was occupied by the English in 1664, and after the first quarter of the following century few names were written without the addition of a family name. Original work encompassed more than 800 pages. [Ten Broeck] Claas Janse Van Breda, 1639. Willem Frederickse Bout, 1654-83. Hendrick Roeloffse Van der Werken, 1702-8. ALBANY COUNTY Marya Luykase Wyngaert, 1709. [69] The city was the original home of the Albank (founded in 1820 as the Albany Savings Bank),[70] KeyBank (founded in 1825 as the Commercial Bank of Albany),[71] and Norstar Bank (founded as the State Bank of Albany in 1803). Maesse. online.Three Cuyler sons became mayors Gerrit Janse Roos, 1695. Pieter Meese Hoogeboom, 1701. Pieter Danielse Van Olinda, 1669. Three years later, he discovered electromagnetic self-induction (the SI unit for which is now the henry). Abraham Abrahamse Schuyler, 1709. Jan Mateuwese Van Deursen, 1696. Teunis Cornelise Van Rossum, 1662. Cornelis Martense Van Buren, 1703. Luykas Luykase Van Hoogkerke, 1686-1705. Pieter Barentse Cool, 1687. The English colony of New York was founded on Sept. 8, 1664, when the Dutch surrendered the colony of New Netherlands. Cornelis Teunise Mulder or Muller, 1703-6. Weyntie Cornelise Bosch, 1690. Cornelis Gysbertse Van den Bergh, 1683-1714. Cornelis Teunise Van Merkerk, 1637. Frederick Harmense Visscher, 1699. Luycas Pieterse Coeymans, 1661-85. Cornelia Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. The project would have required an underground trumpet interchange below Washington Park, connecting to the (eventually cancelled) Mid-Crosstown Arterial. Catalyntie Maesse Van Buren, 1783. Lysbet Janse Goewey, 1702. Anna Claese Vander Bogart, 1724. [13] Fort Orange and the surrounding area were incorporated as the village of Beverwijck (English: Beaver District) in 1652.[14][15]. Goosen Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714. Hendrikie Hanse Dreeper, 1694. Pieter Jacobse Borsboom, 1662. Teunis Cornelise Van der Poel, 1661-87. Andries Hanse Huygh, 1679-1705. Frans Barentse Pastoor, 1654-61. Margaret Volkertse Van Veghten, 1747. - "Christoph's Schuyler Genealogy" published as the Pieter Nicolaase Van Nordinge, 1637. Andries Davidtse Christoffelse Davidts, 1700. compiled by Jonathan Pearson [Note 2] The area was originally inhabited by Algonquian Indian tribes and was given different names by the various peoples. Another embarrassment in the identification of persons arises from the fact, that some bear the same Christian name. Albany. Gerrit Janse Herttenbergh, 1664. Gysbertie Gerritse Lansing. Cornelis Wesselse Ten Broeck, 1723. A basic genealogy. Deliveries . Pieter Janse Lamaker, 1659. Salomon Cornelise Van Vechten, 1698-1700. Pieter Luykase Coeymans, 1683-92. Cornelis Jacobse By, 1659. Geertruy Janse Lansing, 1695. Arent Danielse Van Antwerpen, 1720. Van Rensselaer Schuyler published in the "Women of Colonial and to the Genealogies of the Descendants of the First Settlers of the Joseph Janse Van Zandt, 1753. Claas Janse Ruyter, 1638. Willem Pieterse Slyck, 1685. Susanna Evertse Wendel, 1690. on Albany is available Hendrik Geurt Van Schoonhoven, 1700. II), p. 775, A Map of the Provinces of New-York and New-Jersey, with a Part of Pennsylvania and the Province of Quebec, How a City Worked: Occupations in Colonial Albany, "Re-examining the Albany Fire of 1793 and Three Slaves Hanged for It", The Magazine of American History with Notes and Queries, Colonie History: Frequently Asked Questions, The People's Welfare: Law and Regulation in Nineteenth-Century America, Population of the 100 Largest Cities and Other Urban Places in the United States: 1790 to 1990, The Railroad Builders, A Chronicle of the Welding of the States, The Albany Lumber Trade: Its History and Extent, Laws of the State of New York, Passed at the Ninety-Third Session of the Legislature, Begun January Fourth, and Ended April Twenty-Sixth, 1870, in the City of Albany. Symonse. Eldert or Elbert Gerbertse Cruiff, 1654-86. The 1920s saw the rise of a powerful political machine controlled by the Democratic Party. Antony Barentse Bratt, 1682. Book Company. Jan Cornelise Van der Hoeven, 1681-5. Symon Volkertse Veeder, alias De Bakker, 1654-67. (Albany: Synkoop, Hallenbeck, Crawford, State Printers, n.d.). The city was also home to a number of banks. Dirck Cornelise Van Vechten, 1709. Cornelis Teuwisse Mulder, 1709. Willem Martense Huis or Rues, 1658-72. Francois Pieterse Winne, 1674-84. Jacob Hendrickse Maet, alias Van Loosereght, 1654. The initial settler population of the community that became the city of Albany in 1686 came to America before 1664. Jurriaen Janse Van Hoesen, 1674-1703. Rachel Melgertse Van der Poel, 1710. [90], Much of the original highway plan was never constructed, however: Rockefeller had wanted the South Mall Arterial to pass through the Empire State Plaza. - The Van Vechten Genealogy, compiled [91] To this day, evidence of the original plan is still visible. Pieter Willemse Van Slyck, 1689-92. Jan Harmense Weendorp, 1663. Gerrit Claese Van Nieukerck, 1662. AHASUERUSE. Johannes Gerritse Roos, 1695. In 1620, the English Puritans landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts and the following year the Dutch West India Company was chartered and given the exclusive right to conduct trade in New Netherland. is particularly interesting! DOUWESE. Jan Gerritse Van Oldenburgh, 1662. Eva Hendrickse Vrooman, 1691. Andries Andriesse Huygh, 1705. Jacob Adriaanse Van Utrecht, 1630. The Federalist Papers were published in New York newspapers to sway voters to accept the new constitution. Instead he chose a remote yet navigable location at Fort Oranje to be closer to the trade. [Van Rensselaer] Claes Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1660-2. Jeronimus Hanse Barheit, 1685-1700. Jan Jacobse Van Noortstrant, 1677-87. Hendrick Cornelise Maasen, 1663. Wills of Early Jewish Settlers in New York by Lee M. Friedman. Geertruy Martense Cregier, 1734. NEA - New England in Albany, compiled by Jonathan Tenney (Boston, 1883). Myndert Frederickse Van Iveren, 1675-1704. The documents were executed at Albany before Dirck van Schelluyne and notaries Adriaen Jansen van Ilpendam and . Pieter Janse Bosch, 1689. Early settlers of New York State : their ancestors and descendants : Foley, Janet Wethy : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive Early settlers of New York State : their ancestors and descendants by Foley, Janet Wethy Publication date 1934 Topics New York (State) -- Genealogy -- Periodicals Publisher Akron, N.Y. : T.J. Foley Hendrick Myndertse Roseboom, 1728-36. Cornelis Brantse Van Nieuwkerck, 1664. Pieter Hendrickse De Hass or Hans, 1683-99. NYGBR - New York Genealogical and Biographical Record. HELMERSE. Jan Franse Van Hoesen, 1659-1703. Grieta Gerritse Van Vranken, 1700. Albert Janse Van Amsterdam, 1642. Jan Janse Oothout, 1660-88. The city's location at the east end of the Erie Canal gave it unparalleled access to both raw products and a captive customer base in the west. Gysbert Claese Van Amsterdam, 1636. Johannes Martense Smit, 1683. Tryntie Janse Van Bristede, 1636. Hendrick Cornelise Van Buren, 1662. Judick Janse Goes, 1697. Jan Andriesse DeGraaf, 1650-9. Albert Jacobse Gardenier, 1677-85. A Key to the Names of Persons Occurring In the Early Dutch Records of Albany and Vicinity. and originally published in volume four of Joel Munsell's Collections. [36] Albany is the second oldest state capital in the United States. Willem Cornelise Coster or Koster, 1643. Gerrit Luykase Wyngaert, 1701-6. Marten Martense Van Buren, 1703. Sara Harmense Visscher, 1691-5. Pietertie Teunise Van Vechten, 1700. It is located on the north end of the navigable Hudson River, was the original eastern terminus of the Erie Canal, and was home to some of the earliest railroad systems in the world. Jacob Coenraetse Ten Eyck, 1732. [84] Governor Nelson Rockefeller (19591973) (R) wanted to improve the capital and state university and envisioned a monumental city; he was the driving force behind the construction of the Empire State Plaza, SUNY Albany's uptown campus, and much of the W. Averell Harriman State Office Building Campus. Jan Aertse Van Bergen op Zoom, 1677. [75][76] In return for this loss, portions of Bethlehem and Watervliet were added to Albany. Takelse. Cornelia Isaacse Van Deusen, 1740. The city was officially chartered in 1686 with the issuance of the Dongan Charter, the oldest effective city charter in the nation and possibly the longest-running instrument of municipal government in the Western Hemisphere.[1]. Caspar Leendertse Conyn, 1683-1721. Claes Cornelise Van Voorhout, 1642-62. Illustrations: New Netherland map published by Nicolaes Visscher II (16491702); A map of the Manor Renselaerwick surveyed and laid down by a scale of 100 chains to an inch by Jno. Harmen Janse Turkyen, 1681. Early settlers in central New York most likely traveled there via Albany. Teunis Cornelise Van Vechten, 1637-83. New Netherland became the only one of the original 13 colonies established more for trade and than for settlers escaping harsh political or religious conditions in Europe. Catharina Sybrantse Van Schaick, 1686. Cornelia Teunise Van Deusen, 1700. The following list is intended to serve as a key to such surnames as are occasionally or almost constantly omitted in the ancient Dutch Records of Albany and Schenectady. Ryndertse or Reinderse. Jan Franse Hardick, 1737. [20] On November 1, 1683, the Province of New York was split into counties, with Albany County being the largest. Beginning in 1810, Albany was one of the ten most populous cities in the nation, a distinction that it held until the 1860 census. Annatie Andriesse Casparus, 1700. Land use project. GOOSENSE. The Plan of Union's original intention was to unite the colonies in defense against aggressions of the French from the north; it was not an attempt to become independent of the British crown. 69, pages, reprinted 1997 by Higginson Matthys Janse Goes, 1690. Rachel Jochemse Ketelhuyn, 1690. Go Back to Genealogies of the First Settlers of Albany The nation which had redeemed its own country from the ocean, which had conquered its freedom from the Spanish yoke, and led all European nations in foreign trade was just the people to found a new empire on these shores. Melgert Melgertse Van der Poel, 1710. Gerrit Cornelise Van den Bergh, 1714-19. Marcelis Janse Van Bommel, 1659-1700. Cornelis Lambertse Van Doorn, 1642. Pieter Janse Van Stockholm, 1658. Harmen Janse Knickerbakker Van Wye, 1682-1702. This is a work in progress! In offering to the curious the following contributions for the family history of Albany county, it may be expected that the compiler should briefly indicate the character of the people, the extent of territory occupied, the sources and deficiencies of information, and the peculiar difficulties of the work. Dirck Cornelise Duyster, 1626. Gerrit Janse Ruyting, 1690. Pieter Teunise Van Bronswyck, 1684-6. BASTIAENSE. Reyntien Pieterse Barroquier, 1654. Evert Harmense Knickerbakker, 1708. Simon Janse Turk, 1659. Teunise. about New Netherland families and the Colonial Albany Project appeared Abraham Janse Van Aelsteyn, 1700. Baatha Isaacse Van Deusen. The basic genealogical compilation Jacob Adriaanse Soogemakelyck, or Van Wogelum, 1638-55. Gerrit Goosense Van Schaick. [31], During and after the Revolutionary War, there was a great increase in real estate transactions in Albany County. Andries Hanse Barhydt or Barheit, 1692-99. Evert Luykase Backer, 1677. Jonas Volkertse Douw, 1681-1700. Narrative This measure had a happy effect in stimulating immigration to New Netherland from the mother country. Evert Janse Kleermaker, 1633. Jan Pieterse Bronck, 1669-77. Catalyntie Johannese Wendel, 1691. "Pearson" is the most basic of genealogical resources Albany is known for its extensive history, culture, architecture, and institutions of higher education. Jesse Claese Degraaf, 1699. Ryck Claese Van Vranken, 1684. [Note 10] In 1967 the hamlet of Karlsfeld became the last annexation to be added to the city limits, having come from Bethlehem. Reinier Pieterse Quackenbos, 1683-89. Gerrit Willemse Van den Bergh, 1728-42. Johannes Johannese Wendel, 1655-91. Your help would be most welcome! JONES BEACH, N.Y. -- Man's best furry friend at the beach? Part of the land annexed to Guilderland was ceded back to Albany in 1910, setting up the current western border. Melgert Wynantse Van der Poel, 1671-1710. Also during much of this time (to quote Peter Stuyvesant) Fort Oranje was bared of soldiers. So it would appear that the Dutch West India Company had largely abandoned the fort. Robert Teuwisse Van Deusen, 1700. I can either snail mail photocopies of pages to you, or I can send the pages to you via email as .jpg files.