The remaining regions: Ashanti, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, Volta, and Western, are then grouped into the South, which is less dependent on agriculture, is more urbanized and densely populated, and has a well-developed rural nonfarm economy. On the other hand, in the agriculturally important North, there has been a more pronounced trend towards a larger share of medium-sized farms. The limited housing units available for consumption are not affordable to the urban poor. As cities and towns in Ghana Done in chronological order, the documentary explores how these US cities were developed by visionary citizens who combined, urban planning, design, and architecture to change the way people lived. In this paper, the authors examined the effects In this paper, the authors examined the effects of the changing family system on access, demand and supply of rental housing. Accra. Similar Kingsley Davis, who is said to have pioneered the study of historical urban demography wrote his The Urbanization of the Human population in 1965. A more recent and opposing view point is that it is possible to main tain significant kinship relations within the urban, industrial setting. The available housing units are also designed to serve middle and high income earners leaving The industrial revolution is the best example of this transformation to urban life, people wanted to upgrade their standard of living. A probit model is used to test how the probability of using different types of modern inputs is associated with urbanization, while controlling for a number of household and locational characteristics. HlRn0+HBiv[EAM;,d.I9rgfga#`?D&n4H$9294f(@ >aP6((9pXW =z"$k*n7PS2MSSVgZk. As a first step in our typology, we therefore differentiate between two major regions based on both the northsouth divide and agroecological conditions. In the probit regressions here, the probability of fertilizer use and using other inputs and mechanization and hiring labor increases significantly with farm size. societies especially since the last century. It is also possible that better access to public transportation allows farmers to get access to market through traders who can come to villages directly. The result has been a substantial decline in the share of households who depend primarily on agriculture. When there is now lives in cities and by 2030, this percentage would have risen to almost 60%. The trafficking of children in close border interactions has also affected the African family. Even though the changes during urbanization did not come easily due to immense diversity, they still paved the way to modern day America. Population and Housing Census 2010. Annual growth rate in employment between census years and agricultural share of total employment in census years, 19602010. On average, 37.1% of the total is in that sector. An alternative approach would be to capture the effect of proximity to cities using a gravity model as done by Binswanger-Mkhize et al. Some of the rehabilitation of the deteriorating housing was publicly subsidized, but the majority was financed by the private market. The spatial morphology of urban areas cannot be overlooked when looking at urbanisation and Thus, there has been a sizeable movement of household from agriculture to the rural nonfarm economy in the South and in districts with secondary cities in the North. The high cost of rent has worsened the livelihoods of urban dwellers as huge proportion of First, are patterns of rural employment in Ghana changing with urbanization and are those changes related in any systematic way with proximity to urban centers of different sizes? The family is still the locus of the transmission of values and acquisition of identity, and it provides a framework of inclusion regardless of ones character, age, status etc. The probability for any modern input use or labor hiring increases by 4.1810.3 percent in the communities with easy access to public transportation, while market access seems to be only positively associated with hiring labor and the sign is negative for the use of other inputs. We ignore a small percentage of rural households that do not report any primary employment. Therefore, it is imperative for urban dwellers to travel to the city centres to access certain basic are not able to afford the cost of a plot of land due to urbanisation. Webeffects of urbanization on the extended family in ghanawhy are some countries governed as federal states Webeffects of urbanization on the extended family in ghana. WebAs ever greater numbers of people moved to a small number of rapidly expanding cities (or, as was often the case, a single main city), the fabric of life in both urban and rural areas changed in massive, often unforeseen ways. WebAbstract Individualization of the family system in Ghana has implications for residential housing access particularly in urban areas. Urbanization has already had a strong effect on Ghanas transformation. Similar patterns of change occurred on average in both the North and South. One cause of overpopulation is the many people illegally immigrating to America. Note: Land is defined as cultivated farmland. Urbanization trends indicate The rest of the chapter is structured as follows: Section 5.2 provides additional background information about recent urbanization trends in Ghana and describes our typology of rural areas. For less urbanized areas, agriculture value added is 41.8% but only 10.0% in more urbanized areas. |4jW>F%X** PRfU#mA\q^gM[/7M]B:v?G%BL/ proximity, among others. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. wetlands in urban areas of Ghana are not been properly managed by urban managers as people The processes of urbanization and industrialization are twentieth-century phenomena in Latin America. urbanisation in Ghana include traffic congestion, unauthorised on-street parking, lack of parking The business world viewed, A large factor that influenced the agricultural shift was the basis of our economy, in the late 1920s we were transitioning from a primary farming economy to a more industrial economy and that prompted many people to move to the cities where jobs were being created faster then people could fill them. First, the minimum threshold of 5000 habitants is unrealistic because it dates back to the 1960 census when the country had a. Table 5.2 reports the shares of rural households for each of the three types of households based on the census data. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Taking districts as our primary spatial unit using 2010 census data, each of the two regions is subdivided into four groups based on the proximity of each district to cities of different sizes. They sought to address the physical. Planning Department, Environmental Protection Agency, Lands Commission, Surveying and flooding in our towns and cities as a result of encroachment upon wetlands and non-enforcement Changes in family structures reflect the enduring tensions between traditional, Christian/religious and modern values and structures. Still, there are too many missing variables in the regressions to test any causal relationships (e.g., we are unable to control for wages or missing household effects), but they do reveal some interesting patterns of association. Justice is often elusive for victims of this vice. 2015; Deichmann, Shilpi, and Vakis 2008). Poverty is also lower in the most urbanized areas, presumably because many households there have better livelihood opportunities. About 40 percent of farm households used mechanization in 2012/13 in the North, compared to less than 30 percent in the South (Table 5.8). According to State of the World cities report 2008/09, more than half of the worlds population Specifically, we take districts as our primary spatial unit, and classify districts by the size of their largest city. WebPage 4 of 15 co-residence. However, it does seem that many households whose members primary occupations lie outside agriculture are still engaged in farming as a secondary or part-time occupation. Table 5.4 displays poverty rates for agriculture-only and non-agriculture-only rural households as well as for total rural households in the North and South across different district groups in 2005/6 and 2012/13. Section 5.3 discusses the association between urbanization and changes in the structure of rural employment and its welfare implications. We know from earlier chapters that average per capita incomes have grown significantly in Ghana with the economic transformation, that the national poverty rate has fallen, and that a variety of other social welfare indicators (e.g., literacy, mortality rates) have also improved (Chapters 2 and 4). Between the North and South informal manufacturing is also more prevalent in less urbanized areas in the North, as much of it involves small-scale food processing for the local market. The findings do not lend much support to the expectation that various aspects of urbanization lead inevitably and irrevocably to the disappearance of three-generational households and to the maintenance of nuclear households. WebWe find that the effect of urbanization itself is strong, evident, and complex, and persists after we control for the effects of age, cohort, union status, and education. We examine these relationships in this section. of human society and economy. urban dwellers to be sustainable, there is the need for proper shelter that meets the standard of The share of non-agriculture-only rural households increased in all district groups in Ghana between 2000 and 2010, though more rapidly in the South and especially in the big city and 2nd-tier city district groups. From 2005/6 to 2012/13, the predicted probability of using herbicides/insecticides and mechanization increases by 34.6 percent and 14.9 percent, respectively, while the predicted probability of hiring labor decreases by 7.43 percent, indicating a possible substitution of labor by machinery and herbicides. In this section we explore how the changes in poverty are related to the urbanization, by disaggregating poverty rates according to our urban district typology. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Despite the It was through parents, grandparents and other members that one learned about religious and spiritual heritage. of integrated planning across jurisdictional boundaries; weak rural-urban linkages, limited data Families offer many For the livelihoods of Individualization of the family system in Ghana has implications for residential housing access particularly in urban areas. Section 5.4 examines the relationship between urbanization, farm size, and modern input use, and Section 5.5 concludes. As in the North, there were gains for rural households in non-city districts, suggesting that increased urbanization has helped some of the benefits from Ghanas economic transformation trickle down to the most rural of households. % This chapter explores how this different pattern of urbanization has impacted on the agricultural and rural transformation in Ghana, and on rural livelihoods. Urbanisation has brought about high rent charges. We only report the marginal effects of the probit estimation in Table 5.9. We now examine changes in the structure of rural employment across the seven district groups. The extended family was and is also a means of mutual support. municipal services. This was mirrored by an almost equivalent pattern of decline in the shares of agriculture-only rural households in the South and the district group with 2nd-tier cities in the North. Among the three variables related to market access or public infrastructure, the marginal effect of input use is positive only for the access to public transportation variable. WebWith the advancing lifestyles and further developments in personal mobility that defines todays society, the family still plays a crucial role of contemporary life. WebThe main finding was that urbanization and changes in population trends caused smallholder farm families to lose more than 70% of their farmlands to sand winners and estate Some of these studies predict that the extended family will disappear altogether. Agricultural value added shows the same pattern: in developed countries it is around 2% of GDP, but in Africa is still very high at 30.5%. Towns and cities perform various functions not only for the Slum dwellers choices of livelihood activities are restricted under various socio-economic and planning constraints. Thus the trend toward modernity is evident in the gradual transformation of African marriage and family organization away from corporate kinship and extended families toward nuclear households, especially in urban areas and among the educated. The spatial morphology of urban areas cannot be development control in towns and cities difficult. Urbanization is causing economic transformation in Africa, confirmed when we observe industry and services. Other transport problems associated with However, a critical continuity in African family patterns relates to the persistence of polygyny, hence the much anticipated decline in polygamous households by sociologists is still far from a social reality in most African societies. overconcentration of growth and development in a few cities; weak urban economy; land-use Therefore, the chapter develops a spatial typology of seven types of districts based on their city population size and location in the north or south of the country and examines the share of households employed in agriculture, nonagriculture, or both across these different district types. Census data. Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 5 (GLSS 5). It has also contributed to an increase in the share of small, part-time farms in urbanized areas, and a shift towards more medium-sized farms in the agriculturally important areas of the North. Crop Livestock Interaction in Sub-Saharan Africa. For example, compared with households in the Souths districts without cities, the predicted probability of using fertilizer increases by 25 percent in the Norths districts with secondary cities, while the marginal effects are smaller in Northern districts with 3rd-tier cities or without cities, at 18.7 percent and 13.9 percent, respectively. For terms and use, please refer to our Terms and Conditions disorder and uncontrolled urban sprawl; increasing environmental deterioration; inadequate ^*ykZ^?]_f@C7Vnio~?Hm+?k}az84?6l6fjkyS/T)E~Fe&V/8MMW_UusKJAD=vw[wD\gy1k]uhJ1~>`/a& The UN projects that nearly 50% of the Sub-Saharan Africa population will be urban by 2025. With the largest and one of the most rapidly growing cities in sub-Saharan Africa, Ghana has experienced the phenomenon of urbanization as thoroughly as any African nation, but its experience has also been unique - in scale, in pervasiveness, and in historical, According to Yeboah et al (2013, p1), the current definition of urban in Ghana is problematic for two reasons [ ]. The first rests on Max Webers concept of elective affinity between strata in a population and religious beliefs. The land market has also been affected tremendously as urban dwellers Some of the bad being overpopulation. the effects of urbanisation on urban livelihoods in Ghana. Traffickers keep victims subservient through physical violence, debt bondage, passport confiscation and threats of violence against their families. The concept of gentrification began in the 1960s with the movement of private-market investment capital into downtown business districts of major urban centers or inner-cities. All rights reserved. National-level statistics mask considerable spatial heterogeneity within Ghana, which we capture through use of a spatial typology of rural areas. been the dramatic demographic shift from rural areas to the cities. WebAccording to Education Portal (2000), rural to urban migration provides manpower to industries, which facilitates production and economic growth. The urbanization of America has changed so many cities and city life. The urbanization process in Ghana involves the local commu nity, the family, the school, and the peer group in a continuous sequence of influences upon the behavior of youth. The dominant feature of African families is the ability to make new things out of the old and to draw forth new solutions from the traditional resources of family institutions. The process of gentrification tends to take place in inner-city neighborhoods that are located close to central business districts. Another scourge that has led to the downward spiral of the African family is domestic violence, a taboo subject which, despite well intentioned legislation, has continued unabated to wreck families. are encroaching upon them. Gender Differences in Agricultural Productivity: A Survey of Empirical Evidence. American Urbanization started like a wildfire and it spread so rapidly that facilities and institutions in society could not keep up. Membership in families varies in different African communities from adopted and fostered children to servants, slaves and their children, as among the Baganda of Uganda. rural at independence, the country is now over 50% urbanized. But how have these welfare gains been spatially distributed, and how do they relate to urbanization? Gender-based violence affects people of all classes, creeds, races and ethnicities. that urbanisation would continue to make the urban poor poorer and the rich richer if pragmatic fares are exorbitant. For example, the predicted probability of using fertilizer is 27.8 percent lower for households with less than 2 ha of land compared to households with 20 ha or more, but the probability is only 14.0 percent and 8.4 percent lower for those with land of 25 ha and 520 ha, respectively. x}[sGrf$ Fid3}pl_6y];3[]YeH`AGgoCT_o=_|:t3~l:T7F}370L7oovw_iGwuwqC5,u>?'w}wn w?u]_qmIawa}wq]3C\xpR;h]j`)O8L^t 9Y`KwzWvz?} tUm+o6y>z{RPt_Oq"(oPUu\}W~mW$cK * p<0.1. Similar studies have found correlations between the size of a city and its impact on the surrounding rural areas (e.g., Berdegue et al. Additionally, some rural households classified as agriculture-only also report having nonfarm household enterprises, though these are likely to be seasonal or part-time activities. Thus, while many rural households have switched entirely from agriculture to non-agriculture, a declining share of rural households are straddling the two sectors through their primary occupations. Rural urban migration also contributes to an increase in crime rate within urban centers. Shares of no-land households and households with cultivated land less than 2 ha by types of district groups. The latest Kenya Health and Demographic Survey (2013) demonstrates that 45% of women and 10% of men have reported being violated by an intimate partner. The marginal effect of urbanization on the use of other inputs is not always consistent with that for fertilizer use. Resilient and competitive urban areas depend on rapid, reliable and efficient transportation Some In South Africa, Apartheid policies in many forms directly impacted family cohesion and reinforced the destructive influences that migrant labour, urbanization and industrialization had on the family. Whilst urbanisation has sustained livelihoods of operators of transport services Another general result is that households are poorer than nonagricultural households in both regions, a pattern that did not change between 2005/6 and 2012/13. Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 6 (GLSS 6). Africas record of civil war, conflict, and political instability has also to a large extent contributed to migration and the disintegration of the African family. Change in education of women has increased Along with changes in occupation patterns, there have also been changes in the distribution of land amongst rural households (Tables 5.5a and 5.5b). Note: the households that did not report any primary job are not reported in the table; therefore, the sum of the three groups does not equal 100. dwellers. and help fight climate change are being utilised for commercial and residential purposes. policies has brought about changes in the spatial structure of towns and cities in Ghana. Due to urbanisation, many of the municipal services can now only be accessed at the However, there is no consistent pattern of increased use of herbicides with levels of urbanization within the North or South, suggesting that urbanization is not inducing greater use. WebUrbanization in Ghana: Challenges and Strengths Ghanas urban transformation has been momentous, but it is not unique; a similar process has characterized other countries at similar levels of development. Population and Housing Census 2000. Urban livelihoods depend on the spate of urbanisation. However, despite these changes, the majority of rural households still held cultivated land in 2012/13 in all types of districts except big city districts (Table 5.5b). stream The He then clarifies the difference between urbanization, which he describes as the process of a society becoming more urban-focused, and the growth of cities i.e. Industry grows in more urbanized areas. Poverty has fallen in both the North and South of the country, but proportionally more so in the North. cPF~HA]pxn:p.#G("hXgiUE6~Pgu K;\ee ];y=rKs'c1[`:GJ/W[.XGA6 zp]t This problem is being handled by increasing border patrol and improve the Visa work program. degeneration of livelihoods especially the urban poor. This is also consistent with findings in Chapter 6. dSqR'!+@'^<6=+G}W_>&CJJ8osh+|J^K CLYn=\;fWG%~u1yj4oxK6ePm}C1}|X3 }qi-@sn"b drhJf. 1992), which emphasize the role of market access as well as population pressure (resulting in decreased access to land) in driving agricultural intensification, suggest that farmers in more urbanized areas will be more likely to adopt agricultural intensification practices and technologies. Notes: Agricultural only or agricultural and nonagricultural mixed rural households in GLSS5 are included in the regressions. Nearly 32% of Sub-Saharan Africa lived in urban areas in 1996, up from 11% in 1950. As cities and towns grow, municipal Further insights can be obtained by using regression techniques to unravel more complex multivariate relationships. The growing importance of informal trade suggests increasing integration of rural areas with urban areas and the broader economy (Haggblade, Hazell, and Brown 1989). So although the poverty rate is still much higher in the North, at least the regional gap is closing. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. (2016), who measure urban gravity in Kenya using satellite images of the light intensity emanating from urban areas into surrounding rural villages. state are channeled into addressing that flooding situation which that disaster could have been (2015) and others in Latin America. However, these changes in the distribution of rural households by farm size seem not to have affected the average farm sizes of small, medium, and large farms (Figure 5.5). More recent studies, such as the Ghana Social Assessment,(4) suggest some improvement since the mid-1990s. regional and global levels. WebThe maintenance of large households and extended family relations is seen as being inimical to urbanization and industrialization. In Ghana, urban livelihoods depend on the transportation system and effects of urbanisation on urban livelihoods. The share of farmers using mechanization (mostly tractors for land preparation) doubled from 17 percent in 2005/6 to 33 percent in 2012/13 (based on GLSS5 and GLSS6 data). This article therefore looks at All rights reserved. In its simplest form, it consists of a husband, wife and children, and in its complex and most common form it is extended to include grandparents, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters who may have their own children and other immediate relatives. The chapter addresses three broad questions. One significant effects of rapid urbanisation is access to housing or shelter. Others are headed by grandparents and children. The affected urban dwellers resort to the call of National Disaster Big city districts are those that contain parts of Accra and Kumasi, and hence are only in the South, 2nd-tier city districts are those with cities of between 100,000 and 500,000 people, which are located in both the North and South, 3rd-tier city districts are those with cities containing between 40,000 and 100,000 people, and non-city districts are those with no settlement of over 40,000 people. Analyzing Trends in Herbicide Use in Sub-Saharan Africa. urban infrastructure and services; increasing urban insecurity; urban poverty, slums and squatter In both the South and North, rural households exit from agriculture has been highly correlated with proximity to cities and their population sizes. become resilient and competitive, urban dwellers have access to high order municipal services, job creation and employment Most people were working for long hours for very little money to survive. therefore made the cost of transport services very expensive due to the number of hours spent on A similar analysis using the GLSS data for 2005/6 and 2012/13 gives similar results and is not reported here. The North also corresponds closely to the savanna and transition agroecological zones, and hence has its own well-defined farming systems (Chapter 4). It needs to be stressed that the effects posed by rapid urbanisation would not simply go away Another social change that is undermining kinship-based family structure is the prevalence of single parenthood, particularly among urban women. The effects of this are still relevant today. One was assigned to a particular community and was assigned distinct roles at various stages of life on the basis of age, gender and social status. that the output of the implementation of the policy could be measured. Urbanisation is one of the most significant processes that have affected human However, the picture is highly contrasted between less (76.1%) and more urbanized areas (21.3%). governments able to provide infrastructure services at cheaper cost due to concentration and This shift stems in part from the break-down of collective, kinship-oriented systems of production and reproduction. Mapping Division, among others charged with the responsibility of regulating and managing Betty Bingome and Gilbert M. Khadiagala have observed that, in most urban areas, factors such as wage labour, the monetized economy and cost of living, have altered the value of children. Over time, political and economic structures in Africa have changed continuously. We find that the effect of urbanization itself is strong, evident, and complex, and persists after we control for the effects of age, cohort, union status, and education. One acquired his or her identity from the group and depended on the group for physical and social survival. It is a win-win and loss-loss situation for urban dwellers. African society has been undergoing tremendous changes in every aspect of life including family structure and marriage. It would seem that increased urbanization has helped some of the benefits from Ghanas economic transformation trickle down to the most rural of households. citizenry. The poverty rate declined in both regions between 2005/6 and 2012/13, but fell proportionally more in the North than in the South (by 15.3 percent and 9.1 percent, respectively). Urbanization is basically the gradual increase in the proportion of people living in the urban areas or a specific area, and the ways in how the society adapts to it. plans in a form of monitoring and evaluation to ensure that, work proceeds according to plan and The cost of commuting to the city centres to access municipal services in Cities, towns etc comes under the urban areas. Consequently, the livelihoods of the services at cheaper cost as compared with those that access services within their neighbourhood. The family is also marked by tensions between African cultural values, Christian teachings, secularism, religions and other ideologies. The findings illustrate that urbanization is increasing the share of rural households in the nonfarm economy, and contributed to a shift towards more medium-sized farms in the agriculturally important areas of the north.