The documents clearly show a building designed to show off a grand piano. Berwick and Rudkowski conceded their actions likely broke the law, but that they tried to "make sure we weren't doing too many illegal things all at once. A man allegedly killed 5 of his neighbors on Friday night shortly after they asked him to stop shooting his gun so their baby could sleep. A death notice for Epstein's father, Seymour, appeared in The Palm Beach Post on December 16, 1991; a notice for his mother, Pauline (under her nickname, Paula), appeared on April 23, 2004. After Epsteins death and after the FBI raids, the island was still bustling with activity. The locals called it Paedophile Island. We now have a much clearer picture of the building's ostensible purpose. Although we cannot see the other side of the bookshelf, we can assume that theres a second pillar on the other side. And on nights when the island was raging, port sources said that girls would be ferried onto and off of the island by the literal boatload. Stay up to date with what you want to know. According to Shackleford and locals, it was no secret what was happening on that island. Which was something corroborated by a local air traffic controller, who told Vanity Fair that he and his coworkers would regularly see Epstein getting off his helicopter and onto his plane with children well after he became a registered sex offender in 2011. Insider explored the most prominent and tantalizing theories about the building, including that it is a monument to an evil Canaanite god and that it is a crypt. And hes right. The footage captured in the past weeks reveals that there are strange things happening on the island. And Epstein himself was not so unlike a Bond villain: a swaggering bourgeois socialite with a mysterious fortune, a strange connection to government intelligence, a history of sex offenses and surrounded by very dark, condemning rumors of child sex rings. Those benches were there, sat there when I went out for a cigarette.". Ms Giuffre says that Prince Andrew sexually abused her on Little St James when she was 17, which the prince unequivocally denies. Its owner liked to call it Little St Jeff. "Never saw him though.". There are several variations of this theory, but many seem to stem from the presence of two birdlike statues perched on the building's roof. This footage gives a clearer view of the tun. In order to travel to Little St. James, Epstein would fly into St. Thomas International Airport and fly by helicopter or take a fifteen-minute boat ride. Built on a 60 feet elevation, the temple is believed to be sitting on a . But in the wake of Epsteins arrest, and the FBI raid of the island, that private place is not so private any more. Looking back at the brawls, thrills, and temporary insanity of the 90s feud between the New York Knicks and the Miami Heat. I wasn't able to reach Scully either. As expected, everything points towards a massive cover-up. Using the directory, I looked up piano technicians in the Virgin Islands. New Luxury Apartments Are Good, Actually. Here is everything we know about Little St James and what Epstein did there. Second, two guards allegedly slept through scheduled checks on Epstein and falsified records. Two men snuck onto Jeffrey Epstein's infamous private island with cameras and captured close-up footage of some of the property's most mysterious buildings. They want the Virgin Islands government to unfreeze his two islands so they can sell them off. Thank you. The drone footage does little to solve the mystery. May 6, 2019. . On each occasion, Baron traveled to a dock in Red Hook, a town on the eastern end of St. Thomas, where he boarded a small boat that took him to Little St. James. Baron recounted his experience visiting Little St. James over several interviews with Insider. NOW WATCH: VIDEO: How did Jeffrey Epstein's address book end up in the hands of a communist farmer in Vermont? Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? Or maybe he visited the island and entered the building sometime after he stopped working for Epstein. That is a little embarrassing to admit, with its connotations of Scooby-Doo and alien abductions. Three days later, my phone rang. It is however his YouTube handle, the name you can search for his videos under, and its the alias I interviewed his as so its how Ill refer to him in this article. This article was amended on 17 November 2021. They wore black or white polo shirts and were sworn to strict secrecy, with instructions to stay out of Epsteins sight when doing their work. Many locals called it Orgy Island or the Island of Sin and local air traffic controllers told Vanity fair that they would see Epstein flying into St. James airport as often as twice a month with girls that looked like they could be in high school. Local planning officials suspected Epstein of exceeding his building permits and the attorney general's complaint says that he was fined thousands of dollars for breaking environmental rules, yet that kind of money was nothing to Epstein. The late Epstein's banishment by Trump from the Palm Beach, Florida, club appears to have occurred months before Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 to state criminal charges in Florida, which included paying for sexual services from a 14-year-old girl. How much more time and energy was I willing to spend on a story with so many dead ends? By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Notice that there are several NYPD agents investigating this island in the Bahamas. The entire island is strange, as is everything and everyone on it, Shackleford says. Screenshot courtesy of Rusty Shackleford. My own theory is that journalism is about solving mysteries identifying the unknown and finding a way to know it. He wasnt well received, one St Thomas resident told the Associated Press. Atop the roof were statues that resembled "gargoyles." The statues in front of and on top of the building, including Poseidon and the birdlike ones on the roof, appear to have vanished around the same time.). Our job was about discretion. But it's not quite the same color scheme, and it would be difficult to prove, in the absence of Epstein's own admission, whether the resemblance is intentional. I began to question the whole point of the exercise. The large wooden door on the temple is merely a fake painted illusion, as are the sections above and below the windows, Shackleford points out. Filming through a sliding glass door, the camera shows a plastic-wrapped mattress on the ground and box spring turned up on its side. The building is isolated . The underground tunnels are clearly visible under the temple, which many researchers believe could be an elevator shaft. This email will be used to sign into all New York sites. As you can see in the clip below, the arched, medieval-looking "door" the one facing the island's interior is in fact painted to give the illusion of depth. The large wooden door on the temple is merely a fake painted illusion, as are the sections above and below the windows, Shackleford points out. Its possible that RFK Jr. or Marianne Williamson could do well in a primary that Biden cant enter without violating his own partys rules. No doubt about it Jeffrey enjoys his social life., This character is the cornerstone of the biggest scandal in American history, Shackleford says seriously. What is clear from the new drone footage is the fact that there is something underneath the temple itself, maybe a hidden structure or bunker. If you appreciated this article, please considershowing your support through a small monthly donation on Patreon. I could have accepted it as a study or retreat, until I knew more about the man. But what is the truth about Little St James, the 75-acre private paradise in the US Virgin Islands that billionaire sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein once called home? The strange amenities of Orgy Island were not built for one single man they are clearly designed to accommodate large groups. He also made employees sign confidentiality agreements that banned them from talking to law enforcement and required them to report any inquiries to Epstein. However, as this recent drone footage reveals, the "temple" appears to be undergoing some "renovations" (various tools can be seen through the window) while the golden dome and other golden statues are gone. Most had no basis in fact or reason. The footage, shot in 2014, reveals a small, square building with a large, golden dome on top and strange hieroglyphics . The footage gave a close-up look at Epstein's eclectic taste in art, revealing odd statues of apes, gargoyle-like sculptures, a massive sundial, and an armchair that appeared to be made of animal horns and hide. Donald Trump Missed Melanias Birthday, Was Too Busy Ranting Online. When Baron mentioned this, my heart sank. These are all features of Jeffery Epstein's private Virgin Isle. The other question one might ask is: What are they doing on this footage? That's the right location. She was convicted of five sex-trafficking charges and was sentenced to 20 years behind bars plus a $750,000 fine on Tuesday, 28 June. The building, by contrast, is shaped like a rectangle and has no covered porch to speak of. Once again, we have clear proof that this is not a gym. The fact that Epstein Island was a go-to "fun spot" for Bill and Hillary, says it all. The first two numbers appear to have been disconnected, while the third, for Monique, went to a voicemail greeting for Southern Trust, a company that belonged to Epstein. Epstein was fond of treating the guests, reportedly paying for a submarine to be modified to give a sea bed tour to Professor Hawking, who had never been underwater before. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. None of the available photos and videos that depict the golden statues is detailed enough to determine their identities, or if they even have one. Its gold dome flew off during the deadly 2017 hurricane season.". Jeffrey Epsteins island: What really happened there? Anyone not directly involved in something illegal is being paid to look the other way, he says. She was convicted of five sex-trafficking charges and was sentenced to 20 years behind bars plus a $750,000 fine on . Most professional piano tuners are listed in a directory maintained by the Piano Technicians Guild, a group in Kansas City, Kansas, that tests and certifies piano technicians in the United States. A criminal complaint from the attorney general of the US Virgin Islands, which is attempting to seize Little St James as government property, described it as the perfect hideaway and haven for trafficking young women and underage girls for sexual servitude, child abuse and sexual assault. Ever since Jeffrey Epsteins highly suspicious death in a maximum-security prison, things only got more suspicious. The second account was published by NBC News in early August. "Mr. Epstein did in fact have grand piano in that 'temple,' but the roof leaked because the AC units are on top, and the roof is flat. A fairly typical courtroom treatment of a rape accuser. Any second they spend chasing us is a second they arent doing something horrible and evil, he says. The billionaire bought his 75-acre island, Little St. James, for $7.95 million in 1998, though locals now refer to . And theres a lot we still havent seen. From the start, locals on St Thomas whispered darkly about Epsteins activities, calling his private jets the Lolita Express. The power company, the [Department of Planning and Natural Resources], local police, banks, literally the entire government infrastructure is corrupt bottom to top. NOW WATCH: 8 creepy artworks that will haunt you. Recently released drone footage took some close-up shots of the temple, revealing several strange details. Daily news about the politics, business, and technology shaping our world. My colleagues and I definitely talked about how we didnt understand how this guy was still allowed to be around children. Not unlike what happened at the Metropolitan Correctional Center on the day of Epsteins death, authorities have been displaying a constant pattern of purposeful carelessness throughout the Epstein debacle. Considering the fact that Epstein is dead, why is there still maintenance on the island and who is paying these workers? Lots of trash being thrown out, including several mattresses and box springs. Vernon Morgan, a taxi driver on St Thomas, told the AP that he would rather people left it alone. The complaint also alleges that Little St James served as a prison for the victims, with Epstein controlling all communication with the outside world. There's been lots of speculation concerning the strange temple on Epstein Island. Some have speculated that the temple was designed with locks to keep people inside, while a contractor who worked for Epstein two decades ago said the temple was just a gym. Part of the inexplicable ventilation system. He never met Epstein, and he didn't recall how his staff originally contacted him maybe through another client, or maybe through the online directory. Best Shopping Deals In the know quiz Then she hung up. "And after doing the job and talking to some of my other clients on St. Thomas, and they filled me in on the scandal, my perception of that room changed from a study to a lair.". . We would much rather that the Virgin Islands be seen in a different light.. Based only on its furnishings, Epstein likely used the building to play piano, read books, work, and maybe relax. The interior had two levels, with the first four to six feet at ground level and the rest on a slightly raised platform accessed by a single step. After briefing Baron about the various projects she was managing, Karen handed him off to another employee, an older man who belonged to the island's maintenance staff. The reader explained that "this particular knowledge is from the boat captains that frequent the area.". That's the right shape.". Screenshot courtesy of Rusty Shackleford. Monitoring a sex offender with his own private islands and the resources to fly victims in and out on private planes and helicopters represented unique challenges and allowed the Epstein Enterprise to limit scrutiny, the complaint says. What on Earth could that be used for? By mid-August, after speaking to the piano tuner who never tuned Epstein's piano, I was blocked and bewildered. Here's what he remembers about the interior: On both visits, after Baron finished tuning the piano, the same golf-cart driver took him back to the island's dock, where the same boat captain returned him to St. Thomas. found dead of an apparent suicide over the weekend, designed with locks to keep people inside, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Baron is almost certainly not the only person who stepped inside the blue-and-white building. Evidence that has become contaminated, tampered with, or mistreated can pollute the scene and cause a case to be thrown out of court. Jeffery Epstein's "temple." The new drone footage shows the floorboards have been pried up. Above the piano hung a portrait of Epstein and the pope. Texas Family Gunned Down By Neighbor in Horrific Shooting. Epstein's "Temple" on his Little St. James Island has now removed the dome and golden owl statues. If this didn't work, I planned to drop it altogether. People think hes too rich to be policed properly.. The sundial (after the benches were removed). This footage was taken a few weeks after Epsteins arrest. So it wasnt a situation where a child or a young woman would be able to just break away and run down the street to the nearest police station.. A doorless temple, painted to look like it has an entrance? That is the subject of multiple ongoing court cases, but the accusations are shocking. Video from a drone flying above Jeffrey Epstein's home in the Virgin Islands provides a rare look inside his mysterious island temple. There is a legible correspondence between the building's exterior and the modern Greek flag, and ancient Greek culture did promote sexual relationships between adolescent boys and adult men. According to Baron's notes, it was manufactured by the Rudolph Wurlitzer Company, whose piano-manufacturing operations were acquired by Baldwin Piano Company in 1988. Below pic from 2014, 2019 pic shows remodel. The interior consisted of only one large room; there weren't any doors or stairwells that may have led to other rooms. One day he returned from the beach in great mirth: one of his companions had stepped on a sea urchin and he had urinated on her foot to salve it. The new owner quickly scoured away all the native vegetation and replaced it with 40-foot palm trees. The footage gives the impression of a makeshift storage locker, a discreet place to stash seasonal implements, but wouldn't Epstein have had other places to keep extra mattresses? Jerome Powell Got Punked by Russian Prank Callers. This whole thing is aided and compounded by the fact this whole [Virgin Islands] area is lawless as all hell, Shackleford says, describing the Virgin Islands as the Wild West.. And it would be strange for a reader to use their real name to lie about what a local boat captain told them about a particular building on Epstein's private island. It was Baron, and yes, he had tuned Epstein's piano. The outlandish temple, with no clear history or purpose, provided the perfect detail: an otherwise minor plot element that promised to illuminate the whole story. Berwick added that the infamous blue and white-striped painted temple on the island looked like a "Hollywood set." "He is or was a billionaire, that seemed like the cheapest temple I . Why are there so many people still on the island? That is not what is happening. At one point, Epstein was ferrying about 200 workers back and forth every day to build his projects. An email address found via public records no longer works, and a phone number associated with one of his companies was disconnected. In short, we are witnessing the occult elite covering up its tracks and burying the Epstein case under a pile of literal concrete. I had other doubts too. We can see construction workers, heavy machinery and bags of material, possibly concrete. "It's just a flat wall," Berwick said. He also signed JE in the false depth perception.. Justice Department lawyers said in a court filing that the suspected leaker had a history of making disturbing comments online. Epstein, who died last month, was said to have masterminded an international sex-trafficking operation, accumulated inexplicable sums of money, and organized his professional and personal lives around a private, inaccessible island all while plying his way into the upper atmosphere of the global elite. Have a tip about Epstein or his island? But he did remember who greeted him on Little St. James. And the fact is, that this guy is essentially a nobody compared to who he is connected to.. This password will be used to sign into all, Photo: Marco Bello/Bloomberg via Getty Images, Everything We Know About Jeffrey Epsteins Private Pedophile Island, Everything We Know About Jeffrey Epsteins Death, Drone Provides a Look Inside Epsteins Island Temple, All the Texts Fox News Didnt Want You to Read, The Knicks Vs. Heat Rivalry From the Guys Who Were There. Yet here was a seemingly solvable mystery for which I could not find a solution. I don't know who gave you my name." This account, including the framed photo, is believable, except for one key detail. Epstein purchased the 75-acre island, often dubbed 'pedo island', for $7.95 million in 1998. I asked Baron what he thought the building was used for. When they were hired, the Alexanders say they were told: What Jeffrey Wants, Jeffrey gets.. Remember, he owns a whole island, said attorney general Denise George in 2020. Here, we see wooden floors and broken wood pieces. It suddenly occurred to me that he could have tuned a piano in one of the other buildings on Little St. James. Screenshot courtesy of Rusty Shackleford. A defiant gesture, like a raised middle finger, toward the rest of the world. ", "I went in there knowing absolutely nothing about [Epstein], except that he was wealthy," he said. They looked like they had stepped out of an underwear catalogue, Cathy told The Mail. A new report shows just how much the former network star hated his bosses and reaffirms the level of misogyny thrown around at Fox News. Considering the fact that these people were paid by Epstein, there is a distinct possibility that they were ordered to destroy evidence and bury whatever needed to be buried. I have been running surveillance in one way or another for 22 months, Rusty Shackleford tells me, over which time this vigilante filmmaker has been tailed, chased and had his life threatened.