- Facilitat'd AUoF guidance change; assisted local monitors/HAF to create resolution--process standardized AF-wide, - Led HNCC partnershp; streamlin'd processing 8.5K prsnl/prevent'd 50 deports--eliminated $325K redeploy costs/fees There are two basic principles: Standalone. - Coordinates w/ 143 SR & 14 ML senior mil/civ ldrs assigned to the NCR on 40 personnel pgms, policies/procedures, - Primary AROWS-R order specialist and UTAPS manager responsible for maintaining status and participation AFSC 3S0X1, Personnel, Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) Examples 3S0X1 Personnel EPR Bullet Examples See also: Personnel Awards and Decorations AFSC 3S0X1 is now 3F0X1 - Established filing sys procedures; generated 20 permanent training folders--aircrew training continuity assured - Leads Unit Control Center, Drug Demand Reduction Prgm, LeaveWeb, Quarters notices, ASIMS & Recall Roster rqmts, - Advises mbrs on military personnel issues; manning, performance rpts, awards/decs, UIF, & other quality force prgms - Updated members rater/add rater; ID'd/performed/verified 394 MilPDS changes--corrected 20+ errors before SCODs - Amend'd 3yr Key Nuc Billet backlog; Id'd pos mismatches/coord'd fix w/MFMs/HAF--secur'd $8.7M in mnpwr auths Acronyms and abbreviations are organization/commander-specific. - Meticulous! Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates Create a Resume in Minutes Create a Resume in Minutes Christop Leuschke 9353 Bryana Curve New York NY Phone +1 (555) 863 6028 Experience Chicago, IL Quigley Group Conveying technical information to customers AND Conveying technical information to customers - Advises CC/1st Sgt on personnel prgms and interprets/implements/brief customers/supervisors on force management, - Directs assignments section/1 NCO; enforces out processing of 22 PCS req's/itemized 26 mandatory remarks for orders - Spearheaded gp recall/accountability program; MXG recognized as "the standard" for wg recall rosters - AFIPPS implementation lead; tracking 1160+ member accts, accomplished initial training of apprx 20 milpay AORs, - Innovatively virtualized all sq operations; zero downtime during global pandemic--no impact on NC3 mission capes - Spearheaded cmd staff awards prgm; vetted all HQ staff pkgs--ensured recognition of all mil/civ personnel Personnel specialist are similar to a civilian HR position, with slightly different job tasks. AFEPRBullets.com - EPR / OPR / Award Bullet database focusing on AF : Supervisor's Survival Guide - This guide was created by 690 IIS for use by all Supervisors and their troops. AFSC 3F0X1, Personnel, EPR Bullets examples. - Led "High-visibility" 4-Star DV visit; provided log spt/protocol actions/clean-up tm--coined by XXXXXXXX/CC Active-duty enlisted airmen must be evaluated each year after serving in the Air Force for. - Achiev'd DoS approv'd prg worth $100M; secur'd/escort'd 11 Kuwait FNAVs--bolster'd multi-national ties w/key ally - Discovered PR formatting discrepancies; processed >75 rater/ratee corrections--lessened grps eval processing delays - Established filing sys procedures; generated 20 permanent training folders--aircrew training continuity assured, - Established inventory/control procedures ensuring accountability of 183 pieces of ADPE valued at >$100K - Oversaw PT admin correction process; rectified E-6 promo withhold status/filed rec ltrs--reversed 6 mo/$3K shortfall, - Oversaw Selective Reenlistment Prgm: coordinated with DFAS/AFPC-44 pay issues rectified/$1M Consistency is Key 11 7. NCOER Bullet comments for Security Manager Security Manager NCOER Bullets o completed over 250 SECFOR missions vetting the access credentials of all persons and vehicles with monthly traffic of 16,000 personnel and 300 vehicles entering Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti - Asst' w/Outbound/Rets&Seps merge, vetted 21 task to sharepoint prgm--increased msn efficiency&>cust prg'n time Enter contributions below and click Send. - Oversees INTRO Pgm, monitors/distributes/updates sponsor allocation notices; manages base in-processing briefings, - Directs 2-mbr tm providing admin spt for Wg/Gp Staff, Sq and 5 dply'd flts; provides guidance to CCs, CCC & CCF - Oversaw CC's prgms; QC d 50+ EPRs/LOEs/managed Smartbook f/250+ mil --98% on-time closeout/readyed sq CC, - Oversaw DJMS/MilPDS transactions; cleared $450K in pay discrepancies--maintained 100% rec accuracy f/ 213 me - Oversees 21 directorates PT prgms as HQ Staff UFPM; tracks myFSS records, rpts fitness failures, coordinates w/FSS, - Sole 3F0 in 2d lgst AMC AMXS; provides A1 guidance on 57 psnl pgms supporting 650 AD Amn/civ's to execute ops Education, Qualifications and Training This is an entry-level enlisted position. - Refocused office responsibilities--accuracy and timeliness of report processing increased by 90%, - Resident DEERS guru; verified/issued 2K CAC/Teslin cards; ensured entitlements/sys security; zero discrepanies - Led 4 DEERS VOs; oversaw 2.8K IDs issuance & dependent enrlmnt--secured $2.5M medical benefits uninterrupted - Supported cleanup of Harvey aftermath; hauled 2k+ lbs destroyed cubicles to dump--freed ANG 80+ hrs in labor cost - Managed $200K budget, enforced fiscal readiness for Group CC; averted improper Group fund allocations - Administrated 2 GPC master accounts; $376K O & M funds--100% balanced budget/zero delinquencies FY19 - Authored 1 ECEG SOP; lias'd w/AFCENT/A1/Gp/Sq ldrshp--defined admin/prnsl operations/efficency increas'd 30% - Liaison between CPTS/FSS; managed/resolved 804 CMS cases/eliminated 362 JUMPS rejects--rectified 116 pay rcds, - Liaised w/US Embassy/DoS; sent 227 passports/birth certs/visas/$8.3K fees--saved patrons 450-hrs/$30K travel costs, - Manag'd Dependency Discrepancy rpt; ID'd/fixed 90 pay issues/eliminated fraud--$25K entitlements/benifits restored - Prepares, standardizes, and enforces proper governance on all incoming and outgoing official communication, - Leads multi-service, civilian & joint team of 16, supporting six divisions & 120+ joint officers, enlisted & civ - Strengthened communication skills; attended EPR professional dev seminar--expanded personal writing ability. - Aggressively vetted 864 AF FORM 2096's in MILPIDS; assured 100 % accuracy- squadrons personnel files regulated - Coordinates with local FSS/MPF, resolves records conflicts/MilPDS discrepancies/Case Management System inquires - Led 3 man CSS team; proc'd 270+ LOEs/EPRs/decs, SAV'd 5 sctns/issued 9K+ parcels--incr'd efncy w/o dlys - Implemented discrep tracker; educated 9 MPFs on PSDG/fixed 59 contracts--stopped invol seps/recoup'd $3M in SRBs - Led CSS SAVs; insp 9 sqs/19 prgms/57 observations id'd/provid'd gudance/COAs--ensur'd msn focus/AF compliance, - Led sq's FY21 SDAP updates; mng'd 17 new prgm allowances--expedited $40K in annual pay incentives f/3 AFSCs - Liaised ISRG resources; Mng'd 165 GTC accts/$902K expenses--upheld 1.8% delinquency rt/beat ACC's 2% std, - Maintained 20th BS SharePoint site; granted permissions f/100 users--24 hr access f/members to msn critical info - Oversees UIF process, grp in/out processing; GTC prgm mgr, grp urinalysis & fire evac accountability monitor, - Painstakingly digitized 800 Special Needs records--devoted 120 hours--increased space utilization 25% - Worked tirelessly to prepare for inspection--earned strong rating during HQ PACAF Operational Readiness Inspection. - Focal point for all GP CC correspondence; tracked > 90 docs--ensured accuracy/adherence to standard; proper routing Scrubbed trng/evaluation records at 3 GSUs--helped ensure Wing ops compliance/effectiveness - Validated perm party prsnl status; analyzed data/assisted food svcs flt notifying mbrs w/DFAC debts--retrieved $50K - Directs reg'l DEERS/RAPIDS site; issues DoD CACs/PIN resets/facilitates essential health benefits f/US/Allied forces, - DEERS Security Site Mngr; provides guidance to wing leadership/executes prsnl prgms--supports 14K prsnl/6 gps - Liaises w/US State Dept/UK Home office; manages US passport/UK vignette/consular reports of birth abroad requests, - Technical authority regarding admin matters; assists/instructs personnel on documents, procedures and programs - Led sq's SDAP prgm initiative; streamlined package processing f/164 aircrew--pay benefit flowing to mbrs <30 days - Assisted FY21 SDAP update; handled 37 new program allowances--ensured $273K annual pay incentives f/6 AFSCs - Administers jt human capital mgmt svcs; coordinates/reviews mil personnel policy/pgms f/10 SES & 3 GO Directors, - Mngs records thru admin of 30 prsnl prgms & in/out-prcs'g actions f/3.5K TFA/dependents ISO C-MAJCOM mission EPR material for Awards. - Oversaw DoD Name-in-System pgm; monitored 500 taskings/700 LNR--cleared 1.2K Amn/spt'd 5 COCOMs/3 AORs Example 1 - bullets vs narrative. Key Duties, Tasks and Responsibilities - Advises and executes 35 personnel programs for two DRUs supporting 290+ Airmen dispersed throughout 15 GSUs - Managed 24 monthly UTAPS Absentee rosters; tracked/coord 60+ excused/resch mbrs--fortified 100% accountability - Opportunist; revived group evaluation program; 150+ late evals found/processed-- decreased overall overdue by 40% As Assistant Security Manager, revamped the security instruction, maintaining 100% accountability of X clearances. - Drove UHM prgm f/394 mbr s; coord d 47 appt s/ID d & corrected 75 overdue items--incr'd msn readiness capes 19%, - Dynamic trainer; develop'd documents/train'd 8 mbrs f/3 mo career broadening trng/27 hrs--increas'd cust sat & msn rdy, - Engineered wkly vOP audit; coor'd w/113 mbrs/ID'd 44 disputes--slashed Sq errors 39%/cut final-out wait time 60 hrs HNCC - Host Nation Coordination Cell, - Revamped Right Start prgm; led 21 briefers/eliminat'd waste/return'd 2K hrs f/war-fighting msns--met CCC directives - ID'd MEL discrepancy; initiated corrective actions for erroneous separation/demotion--restored member's career/rank - Reviewed/updated 900+ duty info/decorations/TRs; ensured accurate career history--zero discrepancies f/228 sq mbrs - Supports AFELM/CC, advises leaders, facilitates/initiates/tracks personnel updates maintaining HR systems integrity - Lead 3F0 ops; proc'd 650 posn/duty info updates/resolved 14 UPMR mismatches--assured data accuracy f/185 prsnl - Augmented base passport section--led weekly briefings/mailouts/applications/photo; saved $2.8K in manhours, - Authorized/mng CVR Teams access; secured Sensitive & PII data--promoted seamless ops transition for 155 staff mbrs. - Managed $25k budget; focal point for RA coord, TDY availability/feasibility--reconciled civilian/mil pay issues - Directly supports four General Officers & a senior civilian; coordinates & schedules all front office activities Even with work, if you are leading a team of 5 and 3 of them are fellow staffs you need to capture that. - Expedited in overhaul of CIPS bldg; setup 6+ Support Shelves/Patch Panels; TBA task qualifications increas'd >40% 2 meanings of EPR abbreviation related to Bullet: Vote. - Re-established 20 AMXS Personal Information File program--squadron personnel files safeguarded/regulated Thanks! - Manages Agent requests, Join-Spouse/Citizenship Applications; processes address changes/marital status updates - Performs periodic inspections of unit files, publications and administrative documents to ensure squadron compliance See also: Personnel Awards and Decorations. - Selected for IG team as records inspector; visited 2 offices/ID'd 3 errorsprep'd/initiated fixes for compliance, - Set up forms and publications accounts for six branches--vital to efficient squadron operations! - Managed AEFI reports f/64 units; guided monthly review/updates, >200 rcds corrected--discrepancies redux by 52% - Provides personnel functions on 21 admin prgms to 7 sqs/3 GSUs/404 DoD sites/4K remote mil/civ across 2K sq miles The best and most extensive collection of U.S. Air Force EPR bullet examples sorted by AFSC and additional duties. - PERSCO Tm Chie f/ROCKI; trnd 4 Amn/accounted f/619 players/Id'd 670 discreps--most comprehensive ex in AMC - Developed UTA tracker; single source doc of sqd personnel to track completed duty--catalyst to unit program success Readability. - Refreshed duty status reporting; coord'd w/7 CC's/4 GSU's f/reps/authored TDY checklist--sec'd line of duty f/1K mbrs, - Rejuvenated duty status reporting; coord'd w/7 CC's f/reps/authored sq guide--secured line of duty/$500 SGLI benefits - Led flt NCOIC retirement ceremony; ensured all venues were 100% set/ready--lauded by Flt/CC for superb job - Revamped gp evaluations process; created restricted sharedrive folders for wg access--reduced PII exposure, - Revamped SNIAC Program--HSI inspector stated "best program in past 4 yrs"--"Outstanding" rating! - Performed sq manning review; aided w/alignment of 222 billets--assured balanced force enabling NC3 msn execution - Develops/reviews mobility plans for deployment of cargo/personnel to meet Unit Type Code (UTC) taskings. - MPF SME; supported last minute Wing task/fulfilled 12 DSD positions--saved 12 mnpw hours f/ time critical tasker - Instrumental to BRM team; tracked all unit trng for 394 RCs/284 CORs/49 FARMs--PACAF's largest RM program White Space 12 . - Systematized Gp Staff Mtg slides; maint'd current info from flt to gp lvl--enhanced ldrshp alignment w/ Wg Priorities, - Team Lead f/ PDF line; proc'd 400 airmen during LEER exercise/Id'd & corrected 36 items--incr'd msn readiness 100% - Steer'd G-Series order pgm; ID'd 17 order log errors/revis'd trng/coord'd w/JA--ensur'd timely cmd authority f/31 CCs, - Steward to the Profession of Arms; Amn of Qtr '18/OG Amn of the Qtr '18/Team Awd '17--model for sqd to emulate 3M0X1 Services. - Expertly tracked and reslv'd 117 undocumented/expired excess actions; manning data accry incrs'd from 18% to 74% - Serves as the MSG focal point, local authority, and expert source of information for all administrative functions 3F0X1 Personnel. - Streamlined spt f/404 DoD sites/11 GSUs; combined DEERS/IACS/updated biometrics f/ID holders--1-stop f/4K mbrs - Led PIF overhaul; mng'd digital upgrade f/754 docs/streamlined EPR prcs--enabled geo-sep supervisor viewing capes, - Led Trusted Agent Drug Demand Reduction prgrms; enforced strict 2hr timeline--80 mbrs test'd w/100% compliance JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas -- Senior master sergeant enlisted performance reports, which close out July 31, will be accomplished on the newly published Air Force Form 911, Enlisted Evaluation Report (MSgt Thru SMSgt), available July 31 on the ePublishing website. party; coor'd w/ 25 units; ensured 100% accountability accy, - Managed duty status & leave for 406 Sq mbrs; coor'd w/75 FSS; safeguarded 100% accuracy/accountability, - Streamlined leave program; standardized & renamed 500+ electronic AF Form 988--enhanced leave audit/processing, - Facilitated Top III mentoring sessions; acquired briefers--mentored 83 SNCOs on AFIs 36-2618/1-1 standards, - Women's History Month Ldrship Perspective panelist; mentored 20 Amn--promoted shattering AF glass ceiling, - Mentored 23 CGOs; CGO Prof Enhancement Crs SNCO Panel member--increased SNCO/enlisted knowledge, - Facilitated USAFA Ops visit; mentored 50 future ldrs; penned 9 Sq/Wg Team/Ind awd winners--379 EFSS SNCOQ, - Top 3 Treasurer/chaired Wg recog cmte; led 3 ceremonies/synch'd 7 orgs, Wg/CC--recog'd 123 Amn/Sq SNCO3Q14, - Processed over $250K in selective reenlistment bonuses/leave sell--ensured timely payment for enlisted mbrs, - Processed $220M in bonuses/leave sell; payout time reduced by 25%--prompt payments solidified retainment, - Managed IEB Program; updated/requested $85K in entitlements--enabled payment to eligible first-term Airmen, - Orchestrated correction of 30 pay affecting CMS cases; coord'd w/ finance/AFPC--restored data < 1 weeks, - Coord d pay affecting documents w/ finance; expedited CMS processing--secured $129K in SRB entitlements, - Corrected 12 SDAP oversights; liaised with AFPC/Finance to rectify records; resulted in $9K+ overdue pay, - Financial steward; analyzed/forecasted PSD FY13 $3.5K operating budget--guaranteed future mission success, - CSB/REDUX program POC; 15 eligibles briefed on entitlements--ensured 100% accuracy w/$120k dispersed, - Instructed 27 mbrs on AFI guidance/directed changes within SRB/CJR requests--increased mbr career options, - Established gp duty status reporting prgm; updated 500 availability codes--assured 24/7 msn readiness/150 mil mbrs, - ID'd transient out-processing discrep/team'd w/FSV; establish'd req's/3.2K mbrs--improv'd room acctblty 40%, - Prioritized 20 rated/intel positions for summer '13 PCS cycle; USFK postured to execute msn--defended ROK, - Scrutinized 3 AFSPC/A1 directives for cmd need; reduced add l requirements by 2--AFSPC/CC objective met, - Piloted Quality Force Review Board release; informed 15 Sr ldrs on process--guaranteed timely notice to 118, - Led 25 FY14 Force Mgmt prgm briefings; educated 600--enhanced Tm Shaw knowledge/spt'd AF end strength, - FW's FY14 FM mastermind; 200 CC notifications/30 briefs to 850 Amn/QFRB Audit/3 releases--SA on target, - Led transfer & deletion of 186 Army Spt Elmnt-Korea mil auth's; advanced Strategic Alliance 2015 framework, - Flawlessly executed Maj MLR/Lt Col MLR prep; ensured 624 quality PRFs/fair DP allocation across AFSPC, - Tackled short-notice PACOM tasker; Id'd 14 jt planner posn's/info crit to msn accomp--complete 2 days ahead, - Assess'd 677 PIMS-K mil posn's w/ 21 units; verif'd priority fills/mitigated gaps--USFK rdy to "Fight Tonight". Army, Ammunition, Military. 3F4X1 Equal Opportunity. - ID'd five Cat-I PCS discrepancies; reported AUoF PCS deficiency five bases, four MAJCOMs--instilled CPI culture 3H0X1 Historian. - Led reception execution; sync'd w/6 agencies f/3.2K pax moves--enabled crit PERSTAT/C2 vis of 421 inbound pax msn - Identified, corrected dozens of long-standing personnel issues--restored 100% visibility on DEROS allocations - Deployed, provided admin spt for 1 ECEG; served 28 AFSC/450 Amn in 8 countries--sppt'd 2 engnr sqs & 3 COCOMs - Filled Retentions NCOIC psn f/7 mos; conducted 118 reenlistment/127 extensions--secured $32.9K in SRB payments - Updated & revised CSB notification process/procedures; created tracking system--ensured 100% compliance - Assisted CS w/no-notice urinalysis; gathered 200 samples/4 positive results--supported AF zero tolerance drug policy - Virtualized in-processing; eliminated need for face-to-face contact--eradicated possible exposure/spread of COVID19, - WAPS monitor; ensures all enl mbrs receive CDCs & coords with FSS for in- & out-of-cycle promotion testing - QC'd SDAP roster; rectified 30 Start/Stop actions/turn'd<36 hrs/#1/26 sqs--shielded $94.2K entitlements for 78 mbrs, - Rebuilt sq UPMR; scrutinized 625 funded manpower rqmts/solved 526 pos mismatches--erased 2-yr shortfall <10 days - Leave Monitor; coord'd 300 ordinary/COT requests--assured 100% accountability/$24K entitlements claimed w/o error, - Led 4 Amn; coord'd w/AFCENT/UPDU/clear'd 3 mo dec backlog <48 hrs of arrival to AOR--coined by Gp CC/CEM - Advises sr ldrs on prsnl/awards & decs/force mgmt/mil evals/SDAP/UHM prgms; ensures data integrity/msn readiness All we can do is provide some resources and examples that may help you and your organization design their program. - Conducted Sq/CC spt staff functions for 314 personnel; performed prsnl action requests, prepared source documents - Cybersecurity liaison; managed 218 gps/360 accts, 151 items insp'd/no CCRI . Filled E-7 pos/6 months; led 6 mil/civ mbrs/wrkg grp w/RAF Alconbury--awd'd Sq NCO OT1Q - Aided A1C w/promotion error; reviewed/corrected/input paperwork w/MPS--Amn provided rank & back-pay, - Ambassador of assimilation; advised 5+ incoming amn on in-process procedures; unit readiness rais'd to new heights The EPR replaced the Airman Performance Report (APR) in the late 1980s. - Drove special duty assignment pay; tracked 36 rosters f/7 sqs; ensured $9K pay entitlements/zero discrepancies noted Instructor/Trainer EPR Bullets. - Created and completed 219 time-sensitive CC admin actions; zero disruption in MXS daily ops--HHQ suspenses met AFSC 3F0X1 Personnel EPR Examples. - Administered TRs; teamed w/ AFPC & IPRs/fixed 1.2 errors/Id'd 24 unvalidated reqmnts--negated movement delays - Led 12 mbr EFDP; briefed ROE/created new scoring method--upheld anonymity/standardized process f/future brds, - Led 3 crses/12 SAVs; qual'd 9 FARMs/24 RCs/id'd & fixed 53 write-ups--raised initial trng compliance rate to 99% - Tracked inaccurate reports and returned to units--preemption reduced late submissions by 50% - Produced KAF DPDRT reports; levied data trend analysis f/ 146 discrep's--delivered crucial SA to HHQ & AEW/CC AF bullets follow a few formatting rules: Each bullet must be exactly one line, with the width of the line depending on the form (performance report, award package, etc). - Mitigated pay errors for mbr; ID'd/adjusted prior svc datenarrowly met BTZ nom suspense--$2.1K in back-pay rcvd, - Mng'd UMPR; ID'd/fixed 212 errors/trn'd 8 prsnl on manning doc prcs--projected 100% accurate allocations f/MFM - Provides prsnl support to 11 GSUs/US Embassy London/NATO Maritime Cmd/Japan/Chile AFRL across 1K sq miles - Organized, implemented plan to correct, update squadron's e-mail global information for ORI--key to success As supervisors of Air Force personnel, one of our most important jobs is ensuring we accurately document the performance of our people in the written word. What is EPR meaning in Bullet? AF Bullet Shaping & Iteration Tool. Each Performance Statement will be a standalone sentence and includes 1) action and 2) at least one of the following: impact or results/outcome. - Auth'd 168 SITREPs; track'd crit COVID vax data f/asgn'd/transient mbrs--dlvr'd real-time stats f/4 Wg agencies daily, - BRSCP SME; verified 28 Amn recrds/develp'd notification tracker--updt'd/secured $40K in/bonus's & retained 9 mbrs, - CCF/MPF liaison; advised 42 pers/30 FTA/14 EPME waivers processed--barred 2-mo delay/$33.6K back pay received - Liaison btwn prsnl/MPF/CPTS/SATO; guides mbrs w/student dependent tvl/consecutive overseas tour lv entitlements - Provided audio/visual support for Squadon Commander's Call/EMC--ensured understanding of info presented - Implemented/created prsnl change request process; streamlined over 1K prsnl actions- processing time cut 82%, - Instructed 27 mbrs on AFI guidance/directed changes within SRB/CJR requests--increased mbr career options - DEERS Mngr; scrutinized 2.4K ID cards issuance/dependent enrollments--catalyst f/base security/$2.5M med benefits - Maintain INTRO prgrm, assignment process, Duty Status, Special Duty Assignment Pay & Drug Demand Reduction - Revamped DSG meal chit sys; combined multiple docs into single source document--reduced processing time 53% - Led FAM PPC corrective action; id'd/reported two PRP personnel coding errors--ensured proper Surety prgm PCSs Enter contributions below and click Send. - Oversaw 20+ Security Clearance re-investigations--guaranteed AFCENT INFOSEC/OPSEC compliance during ops - Initiated asgmt's f/CAA trng relocation; authored process & created 40 CMS sites/orders--facilitated 35 low cost PCS - Provides administrative support as ODTA for DTS and e-Finance, ensuring accuracy of manpower database The purpose of this repository is to develop a set of tools to automate the pointless aspects of bullet-writing so that an officer/enlisted member can focus more on writing actual content rather than worry about irrelevant formatting. CSS inspectors identified zero findings--received "Excellent" rating, - Handpicked for ABW SAV; ID'd problem areas/shared insight--FSS secured UCI success w/ "Excellent" rating, - Takes charge! - Spearheaded never-done-before Official Passport waiver for FY20 Mobilization; 70+ passports applications accepted Security Manager Evals - EFFECTIVE MANAGER. Willingly learned DepCon operations--ensured products were pushed during PSM absence, - Completed 30 hrs of MPF trng; enhanced knowledge of personnel programs -reduced errors in MPF processes, - Trained MPS personnel on PERSCO block II & V objectives--enhanced knowledge & CFETP completion rate, - Completed RAPIDS 7.0 cert w/99%; secured systems to meet DOD standards--enhanced section productivity, - Revamped UIF program; disc'd/corrected missing docs from folders--legal reviews comp'd, zero discrepancy found, - Meticulously tracked 26 Art 15 actions; MilPDS updated to prohibit erroneous entitlements; system error free, - Managed 52 invol separations w/WG CC approval; mbrs notified in 24 hrs--exceeded AF standard by 15%, - Completed TBMCS training; ensured C2 system fully operational--critical contingency response function, - Completed 2 wk DCAPES crs; maintained 95% test average/finished in top 10%--role model to peers/Jr Amn, - PDF LOGMODF lead during Ex (ALL CAPS EX NAME); processed 176 Amn--ensured 100% on time departure, - PDF Team Lead; verified mobility currency of over 400 mbrs/5 real-world deployments--100% qualification, - Verified mobility currencies & eligibility of 600 deployers--mbrs 100% mission ready/deployed on schedule, - PDF accountability NCOIC; verified eligibility of 240 deployers--mbrs 100% msn ready & deployed on-time, - Rectified 1-year DCAPES scanner system outage; cut 5.8K man-hrs yearly--enabled POTUS-directed BOG accuracy, - Validated integrity of nuclear surety prgm; coord'd/tracked 9 PRP certs--100% verification prior to departure, - Processed 15 PRP perm decertifications/25 certifications; ensured timely processing/appropriate code updates, - Aggressively verified/updated 350 PRP status codes; confirmed codes were commensurate w/job requirements, - Laboriously completed annual PRP audit of 470 e-records; passed 22 discrepancies to CO--0 reliability defects. - Validated 500+ dty pos#; properly aligned Wg manpower reqs-supt 200 combat sorties &10K mil & Civ flts, - Adept! - Invaluable CSS exp; reviewed/processed 70+ performance reports in 1 mth--reduced processing time 50%, - Knowledgeable/reliable; was hand picked to work at the BITC due to low manning--ensured base msn success, - Lead CPR Instructor & Fitness Program Manager; trained 15+ PTLs; maintained 100% FA program compliance - Strategic advisor to 9 Directorates executing all agency-wide enlisted assignment pgms & manning/requisition action - Streamlined spt f/404 DoD sites/11 GSUs; combined IACS/UK license/veh reg prgm w/orderly rm--1 stop f/4K mbrs - MPF trng prgm ld; execut'd CFETP updt/guid'd 5 Amn/3.5K JQS cplt--CMSgtAF top priority met/100% EOC pass rt, - Natural Leader! - SharePoint lead administrator; revamped outdated website by 35%--site fully optimized for instructor/staff use - Revis'd USAFE PRAP Mgr's crs; infus'd upgrad'd policy/initiatives into curriculum--18 SMEs cert'd f/nuc surety msn, - Revised CSL prgm; created/processed/tracked 138 tickets--expedited msn critical network capabilities to 150 sq mbrs EPRs try to capture how well airmen perform their jobs and the positive traits that help them succeed. Identified 22 reenlistment contract administrative errors--corrected potential pay deficiencies, - Oversaw Selective Reenlistment Prgm: coordinated with DFAS/AFPC-44 pay issues rectified/$1M, - Id'd 34 date of separation mismatches; verified & updated correct info--ensured 100% MilPDS data integrity, - Processed 150 separations & 85 retirements--aided mbrs w/smooth transition from military to civilian life, - Excellent counselor! Since Air . - Processed 40 TR's; 300 referral & 15 missing rpts in MilPDS/CMS; minimum errors--ensured mbr rec updated . - Reviewed/revised 35 evals/22 decs/100 docs for jnt service mbrs--100% on-time rate, error free w/0 delay September 25, 2021. AFSC 3F5X1, Administration, was previously AFSC 3A1X1, Administration. - Managed PRP d-base; 56 AF MAPs/monthly analysis; 99% daily accuracy/zero WAPs errors--upheld prgm integrity - Maintains, reviews and updates personnel deployment records and tracks availability status of 373 personnel. - COMMAND INVOLVED. - Sq AFPAAS COR; verified/corrected duty statuses for 75 mbrs--ensured 100% accountability for 275 mil/civ prsnl - Protocol expert! - Led assignment prgm refresh; drove add'l NCO slot/divided work load/dvlp'd final out brief--lauded by outbound mbrs - Rvw'd/corrected 132 EPRs, 20 decs; reduced backlog & review time by <2 days--98% on time processing rate to FSS, - Scheduled course dates for officer and enlisted military members to attend--maximum use of available slots - Collaborated w/4 man CSS team; dissect programs creating continuity--ensured all unit members/programs compliant Initiative/Motivation: Describes the degree of willingness to execute duties, motivate colleagues, and develop innovative new processes. - Brought knowledge and info back from AMC 4-star conference; updated Grp on expectations and future of AMC. AFSC 3F5X1, Administration, EPR Bullet examples. 3F2X1 Education and Training. - Led AOR's lgst PERSCO tm; 1K DEERS trans/acct'd 23K pax/67 E-lv/averted 70 deports--saved DoD $140K - Verified mobility currencies & eligibility of 600 deployers--mbrs 100% mission ready/deployed on schedule 3F1X1 Services.