Hi Jessica You may have a baby near 30. Back in 1991-1995, my birth country (Yugoslavia) was in a bloody war and I had to flee. Part of Fortune: Signs, Meaning, Birth Chart. Selflessness is a big theme here, as we do not make this journey for ourselves, but for something greater than us and beyond us. 10 But Saturn suggests its wise to look. Saturday (Saturns Day) some 2000 years later is the first free day of the weekend. Cancer: House. I had this card for a woman in London who was separating from a husband who was autistic. He is due to come out of a relentless financial, business and property cycle in March 2023 which will release him from years of questions about who is in control, or what is in control. A holiday from reality. for such an amazing and detailed report! If you search Ceres on this website you will find a long feature about that. Astrology, Diana, Harry and the Coronation. Thanks to you I am more interested in astrology. Nice man too. I do have opportunities coming at me and loads of creative inspo at the moment so Im not too worried but I know that Saturn can throw up roadblocks You should never sign a contract on Mercury Retrograde unless you are aware of the fine print. My husband and I moved into this house (that he has owned since 2015) in April of 2021. My sun is capricorn ruled by Saturn and is in Taurus in my chart. This British VOGUE photograph of Adele with her Saturn tattoo is a brilliant capture of what it feels like to leave your twenties and enter your thirties. The usual rules apply. Astrology does not have to be complicated. I even started a work from home on the Internet about 2 years ago (officially established on 5/14/2021) when you posted in Taurus Weather 2021-2026 that it is possible only in a small window to do it made sense to me. I expect this began when he was approaching the age when men had to think about their futures, or even as a boy, when people were asking What do you want to be, when you grow up? A strongly Virgo man has to work on some level, even if it is gardening or volunteering to pick up rubbish from the local river. You see the restrictions end with groups and friends (Aquarius) but new restrictions with religion and spirituality (Pisces). There are no wolves. Best. Sagittarius, Taurus season has you finishing up tasks and getting back on track. Thank you for all you do. Liz Greene is generally considered to have written the best book on Saturn for astrologers. It is also a statement about the impact of Covid on doctors, nurses and hospital beds. Virgo is the archetype of the unmarried daughter who stays at home and does the housework, cooks and cleans and looks after the family if they are unwell. Saturn is part of life, like any astrological archetype and has to be taken on the chin, along with the joys of Jupiter, his mythological son. Fowler, Roman Festivals and Beck, Journal of Roman Studies . Letting your sister move in. 06 WebSaturn in Aquarius/Eleventh House This Saturn may invite the couple to experience the greatest freedom through navigating great challenges. They both address health and self-healing. May 2023 to May 2024 brings opportunities to expand and improve your home life or family ties and after all you have been through you deserve that Jupiter sextile. I appreciate your response. Conversely, if your love life is going amazingly well, then consider putting a ring on it. The waiting game is unavoidable with this cycle, but while you wait, you can learn a great deal to set you free. The house. I am sun cancer and keep hearing what a fabulous year it will be but it doesnt feel like it yet. So balance is all. Thank you. The situation becomes heavily controlled. It takes a bit of discipline and work. Aquarius translates as water-bearer from Latin, and its classical Greek name, Hudrokhos, means the same, as is typified by its association with The Star card in the tarot, where a compassionate yet dispassioned and distant woman gathers water to be used for healing.. The Bubonic Plague spread through fleas, but also the air. The latter are associated with prior incarnation, karma and the reason for the souls return in this lifetime. Astrology, Diana, Harry and the Coronation Some years ago, Diana told us what she thought of her former husband in her own words and. What does this transit mean for me as I have saturn at zero degrees. Like being imprisoned in a castle with a moat. Thanks again Jessica for sharing so much crucial information. In Rome it was about the Roman Baths. Saturn joins Neptune which is a huge change for you. Take your time as you figure out your next move. Saturn is in Aquarius as I publish this on December 17th 2022 and he will move into Pisces on March 8th 2023. All of that! What does the Saturn in Aquarius transit mean It will be very important to him. It need not mean action over a will, it may simply be what is written down on paper, that has huge impact. You have a past life where your religion produced a conflict with your health. Please take time to read the Comment Policy of this website because it applies to you and contains important information about how commenting works on this website. So Im wondering if Saturn will now curb these 12th house activities for me? Saturn at 11 Leo in the Fifth House of courtship, the bedroom, babies, children, teenagers and adult children is hard work. Another killer, in the air that we share. Thank you so much for clarifying Saturns role. Im joking a lot about that with my friends. 07 Capricorn 52 I just need to know that I will leave on time and get out of the USA by the end of Feb. Its hard work and time consuming. Saturn only feels heavy when we deny it, run away from it or come up with solutions which are really hard to enact. A good example of this, say 29 years ago, would have been giving up smoking and keeping condoms for casual sex. hello Jessica, thank you for all that you write, I look forward to reading your new posts and all the comments every day. We associate Leo with heirs, spares and pretenders to the throne of the king. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. You are a Sun Taurus with stelliums in Virgo, Aries and Pisces. We need a forum ( read Fan club). Its rather hard to read for you as a result, but July 2023 is a turning point when you realise the other side, or your other half, is bringing back reminders of life as it was 18 or 19 years earlier. Im curious about how Ops and Saturn are interacting in my career and how Pluto might impact me as well. In the Natural House system, Jupiter and Neptune have not been in your First House, they have been in your Twelfth House. People with Aquarius in their chart are given a great ability to envision ideas. In myth, Gaia gives her son Saturn a scythe to castrate his father (her husband) Uranus. So important that we get to have such a detailed preview of the Saturn transit dear Jessica! Im considering divorce from my partner who is unraveling with addictions. 13 Sagittarius 03 Astrologically, this is the transition from youth to adulthood. Jana. Saturn is about to go into Pisces and your Twelfth House, natally, using the Natural House system. You have mentioned this transit alot in our horoscope and appreciate what a big deal this is. The Tarot is free to use on this website. Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Thank you. With Saturns shift Ill need to devise coping strategies for my stelliums in Gemini, Leo and Virgo and North Node Pisces. A rock band and a basketball team.Queen and the Los Angeles Lakers. Lynne, I am very sorry you were hospitalised with Covid. May 19: New Moon in Taurus. Again this is lifelong. What your Saturn sign means Saturn and (something) together. Saturn in astrology works for all of us as a country/planet but individually. Im really wanting some feedback with Saturn leaving my sign as things at the moment are just becoming more challenging. We have been here before, around 29 years ago. Ive been talking to you about how Saturn in Aquarius, then Pisces, coincided with The Black Death. Review heavily binding agreements with that in mind and life will be easier in future. Hi Jessica, thank you for another great post. May I ask you, the entry of saturn in piscis and pluto in aquarius can lead to nuclear war instead of covid? You can and should dream big and live bigjust plan wisely on how you will get there. All about Saturn in Aquarius or in the 11th house The placement of your Saturn sign can reveal some of lifes toughest lessons. Same story told twice from two different angles. Thanks so much always and warmest wishes for 2023!! I am glad you have been free of viruses since Long Covid. People with lots of planets or their ascendant in Scorpio or Taurus will have some of this, but not quite as much. That is not your issue. I am currently offering all my readings by donation. Confinement I am sure you dont smoke. I decided to do a tarot reading for him and got the King of Cups. As well as my Mercury at 23*. The phrase You reap what you sow is linked to Saturn. 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 all saw Saturn in Pisces. I currently feel that I am near rock bottom already and am stuck in a rut with no light at the end of the tunnel , although I am trying hard to stay upbeat about the future! Lastly, Saturn, again in its role as teacher, concerns itself with karma and the lessons which past experiences might bring. Tap into that part of you which came here not just to learn your own lessons and have your own experience, but to liberate all beings from suffering. How will Saturn in Pisces in your Seventh House affect your love life? When people have been single for years, there is always a good reason. You will sell your house after March when Saturn has left Aquarius and this symbol of restrictions and obstacles has vanished from your Eighth House of property. Also, do you see any chance of my health issues improving allergy-wise this year or in the coming years? Psychics. In general, if we look at 2023 for you, we start with the Sun Sign and solar chart which shows the public headlines. Read your free Virgo Tarot Horoscope to make the most of the opportunities headed your way! Saturn has been in Aquarius (groups, friends, social life, networks) since December 18th 2020. Restraints In that way they give themselves what their soul craves. Yet, its all been all over the place, all the time. The caveat is, it has to be something he wants to do. Its worth having his chart done: we have a Family and Friends service here which can help. In 1992, AIDS became the leading cause of death for American men aged 25 to 44. Thank you. Your Saturn Return in Pisces in the Twelfth House will be announced with a new stage set or piece of scenery in your life from March 2023, with the action to come later. It made me realize why I went through a deeply deppressing situation during my Saturn return. Specifically, Im hoping that Ill have an easier time in our house once Saturn moves on from Aquarius (or that we will move to a new house). What you feel today on this cycle, has a long history going back some 2000 years. Standing back from your chart and looking at the bigger picture, Sun Taurus with stelliums in Taurus, Aries and Gemini shows you its all about money. Having an AIDS test with any new lover. You can be more goal-oriented, and this can help you focus on goals and use ambition properly. The other useful tip is to scrutinise who/what you commit to when Saturn makes the ingress in Pisces on March 8th and be a realist about who/what you take on. This affects other areas of your life, beyond the actual family, as Saturn aspects so many other factors. It denies you access, or it locks you into situations. Religion and HIV/AIDS issues centred around condom use but also the, If you are a Premium Member, and youve not yet picked up your copy of. The following day on May 17, Jupiter in Taurus clashes with Pluto in Aquarius. However, part of growing up is growing out of certain friendships. If you have natal factors on these degrees in Pisces and/or Virgo then its personal. And how did you get through? Or is this Mars retrograde firing up us all up? You may have a few of them (overlapping circles). Hi Jessica, Im a cancer sun sign and Saturn In Aquarius has been quite rough to say the least, could you please give me some insight on how Saturn changing signs will affect me? I happen to have Aquarius at 21 degrees of Saturn in my chart, as well as my Ascendant at 13 Aquarius. Its the same now, and although there will be more personal issues for you to handle about your food, drink, medication, exercise and so on the general problem to solve is Covid. Other lovers are cut off. Pluto in 15 Capricorn Such an informative and interesting article. Some branches may not be there forever. We had booked to go to Italy for the month of May but will be cancelling that trip now. With Saturn, the more you know, the more research you do, the more questions you ask the better off you are. Thank you. You are always shut out of a situation, or shut in by it. Thank you. He does have a stellium in Pisces to inlude NEPTUNE. Saturn in Pisces 3.7.23 - 5.24.25; Uranus in Taurus 3.6.19 Neptune in Pisces 2.3.12 - 3.30.25; Pluto in Aquarius 3.23.23 - 6.11.23; facebook instagram pinterest twitter The dowry is a good example of that. The ground is being broken up so new things can grow. Saturn is changing signs on March 8th 2023 and I have had hundreds of questions about this, so its time to look at the meaning of Saturn in astrology in detail. Slow process, divorce, but life as it was 19 years ago will play a part in what unfolds. Ops was Saturns wife and defeated him. Thanks to your husbands chart, you will be delighted with the new home you choose, from May 2023 to May 2024, when you realise you have more to enjoy than you first thought. Dont do it. People like to hear from him and often take his advice as he is Wellbeing. You really do have such fabulous insights thank you for sharing! Sometimes its a new skill or relationship or even a new life path. Can you please take a look into my diagramm, especially my fish factors and what they will mean for me? Are any of these aspects in stellium signs? So before March, try to make life simple and mimimal with relatives and property, but also religion (say) or self-help. I will finish also the solar 4th house Saturn in Aquarius, hope that things will me much easier for me in terms of this house even if Pluto also joins soon as I will move to a new house all by myself. His metal is lead and a Saturn transit can feel very heavy, as you remember from last time. My bet is it will be Covid but it may be a second issue which you feel is more important. All i can come up with is 2024 returns settled geomagnetic lines restoring harmony. Virgo-Pisces is that kind of cycle. Im sun leo with saturn in 1st house naral. This will be an issue your whole life. Its always hard to end relationshipsespecially with people youve known forev. On a more personal note, Virgo is about your own self-care, your mind, body and spirit. Academic Career. Jupiter in Aries transits both your charts, through the Second House of banking. You are on track to find the most meaningful and rewarding sort of work you have done in years, Lynne, and knowing you have a good, strong purpose you love every day will also help, as it is a powerful reason to be fit again. I suggest following the Harvard epidemiologist Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding on Twitter to get the facts, daily. All the best. May 21: Sun enters Gemini. Then astrology takes them and their mythological meanings and apply them to the charts. (He was invited to treat Prince Philip at one point). While you wait, you learn more. In fact, he is more than anything the force that tears down structures, laying waste to whatever kingdoms we have built for ourselves, whether that be our own ego and self-perception, or the way weve ordered our life around us. It may be gambling. Neptune in 8 Pisces Ever since he entered your Eleventh House of social life, friends and groups in December 2020, you have been surrounded by heavy restrictions, either making access and entry impossible (for example, going to group events) or keeping you tightly shut into situations with groups and friends, which you find heavily curtain your freedom and space. Saturn is moving us all back into the heavenly realms during this period. The earliest known use ofthreshold(a Saturn concept) in the English language is from 888 AD and is believed to be related to Old Englishthrescan, from which we get the wordthresh. I paid for it yet not able to catch it live. hi Jessica, happy new year! 39 R They all have free samples of their audio online. Saturn in Pisces 3.7.23 - 5.24.25; Uranus in Taurus 3.6.19 Neptune in Pisces 2.3.12 - 3.30.25; Pluto in Aquarius 3.23.23 - 6.11.23; facebook instagram pinterest twitter The main issue with the rules is that you have to be able to live with them. Your Saturn Return is like the ringed planet telling you its time to get your life together and become a responsible adult. 1996-2023 Jessica Adams Proprietary Limited. Saturn in astrology is often seen as a teacher. All this restricts you and confines you for a reason. Then family went North and i met a older war resister Danish 60 yr old woman and began the arts. This card represents Taurus eternal learning. Status. Exhale. Ill talk more about Pluto at a special event on February 5th and 12th 2023 on Zoom, as a guest of The Astrology Collective. Loved reading this article, Jessica! (From Rome: An Oxford Archaeological Guide, Amanda Claridge). Good one, too. 00 R Today, Pisces is about spirituality as a whole, across all faiths. In fact, Im excited to see what unfolds this year and am more contented than I ever recall being. So, on 3rd January 1993, in the newspaper, we discover officials saying that the only morally correct way to prevent AIDS was by avoiding drugs and by practicing fidelity within marriage.