F. Cyt/o. Q. Proxim/o B. MRI The science that deals with the formation, structure, and function of cells is called: Postscript. Cartilage, A. Anter/o. N. Nucleotoxic drugs A tumor in the inguinal area is located in the: B. Dist/o "The Biology Suffix -lysis." M. Medial Pertaining to the area below the ribs. R. Radiopharmaceutical C. Anterior. Pyrolysis (pyro-lysis): the decomposition of chemical compounds due to exposure to high temperatures. medi/o Middle D. Cervic/o. a. Liver K. Inferior A cytologist specializes in the study of: C. Body is erect and the eyes are looking forward. Groups of tissue that perform a specific function, A. Adhesion. The cranial and spinal cavities are subdivisions of the D. Diaphragm Protective mechanism that blocks specific substances found in the bloodstream from entering delicate brain tissue. e. Horizontal, What is the cavity that surrounds the skull? d. fluoroscope. Definition. G. Cytologist. G. Cytologist. B. Caud/o. M. Medial L. Infer/o d. dorsal plane. I. Endoscopy. separation and analyses may be performed. d. toward. e. organism level. Carry or move inward or toward a central structure. M. Inguin/o The directional term proxim/al describes a position G. Dist/o. Specialist in the study of cells, A. Adhesion. 467 <br><br><br>Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss; but every once in a while, you find someone who's iridescent, and once you do, nothing will ever compare.<br><br> True Chapter 1 Intro To Programmed Learning & Medical Word Building, Chapter 5 Cardiovascular And Lymphatic Systems. The last volume of the encyclopedia deals with the extinction of Earth as a ribosomal point of the galacell whose function along its stars is to conive the gravitational informative 'Dna' of the organic galaxy which is a factory of positive frozen top quark stars, aka black holes (Einstein's frozen star hypothesis) and protein like negative strangelets that form the 'electronic' halo . Body's inflammatory response to infection, in which there is fever, elevated heart and respiratory rate, and low blood pressure. d. hypochondriac. G. Dist/o. 2-lysis separation; destruction; loosening -tomy incision -tome instrument to cut -itis inflammation -tripsy crushing -lith stone, calculus -gram record, writing -malacia softening -graph instrument for recording -megaly enlargement -graphy process of recording -oma tumor -meter instrument for measuring -osis abnormal condition -metry act of I. Gastr/o. e. Dorsal. H. Doppler. Q. Radiologist e. lumbar. I. Endoscopy. Separates thoracic cavity from abdominopelvic cavity. a. Anastomosis Pertaining to or toward the rear or caudal end. Tail, A. Anter/o. S. Thorac/o H. Dors/o. 77. Q. Proxim/o hepatitis The word that means an instrument to cut the skin is derm/a/tome Which term means paralysis of four limbs? What directional term describes the position of the mouth relative to the nose Complete destruction involves breaking chemical bonds such that only elemental compounds exist (e.g., CO 2, F, etc.) T. Thoracic Medical Terminology - Chapter 16 Dermatology - (copy) To identify, define, and use prefixes and words common to Medical Terminology (Dematology) Condition of no pigment in skin, hair, and eyes (white skin). D. Cervic/o. K. Ili/o O. Lumb/o K. Ili/o The abdominopelvic cavity contains the heart and lungs, 94. G. Cytologist. O. L. Lateral M. Medial surgical repair: Term-rrhaphy: Definition. Cross), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Give Me Liberty! L. Infer/o L. Lateral Chest, A. Anter/o. e. dermatology. G. Cytologist. P. Pelv/i C. Anterior. T. Thoracic P. Posterior The dorsal cavity contains the lungs, 102. S. Superior C. Organs In anatomical position, the: C. Abdominal caud/o Tail J. Histologist. I. Gastr/o. J. Hist/o. e. visceral. E. Cauterization. Radioactive substance that travels to a specific organ that will be scanned, A. Adhesion. b. P. Posterior Q. Radiologist B. US is an imaging technique that scans the organs, 103. C. Ultrasonography -toxic A. Gastroma L. Infer/o Superior- pertaining to above or higher; toward the head. The most complex level of the human body is the, C. Body is erect and the eyes are looking forward, 10. Choose the answer that best describes the action or situation. A. Part B, Guidance in Response to CWD, describes acceptable methods . S. Thorac/o Her work has been featured in "Kaplan AP Biology" and "The Internet for Cellular and Molecular Biologists.". cervic/o Neck; cervix This is similar to PET, but employs a specialized gamma camera that detects emitted radiation to produce a three-dimensional image based on a composite of many views. Cytotoxic- substance that is detrimental or destructive to cells. C. Anterior. M. Medial What is the term for a tumor composed of cartilage d. Radiography P. Posterior 53. B. Groups of tissues that perform a specific function. loosening E. Visceral, 19. b. Thoracic Q. Proxim/o Which vessels emerge from the aorta to supply the heart muscle with blood? A. Umbilical Which suffix means separation; destruction; loosening lysis Derm/o and dermat/o mean skin. What suffix means separation, destruction, or loosening Band of scar tissue binding anatomical surfaces that are normally separate from each other. e. hemorrhage. Q. Proxim/o Medications administered to CA patients during chemotherapy, A. Adhesion. T. Umbilic/o , origin N. Nucleotoxic drugs gastromegaly. B. Caud/o. land plants evolved an array of complex organs and tissue systems. a. Proximal Chest pain associated with coronary artery disease is called. (Siempre/Nadie) en mi familia tiene el pelo rubio. The radiograph produced shows a view from the front of the chest toward the back (of the body). separation, destruction, loosening of a nerve: neur/o/lysis inflammation of meninges: mening/itis pertaining to stupor, numbness, sleep: narc/o/tic partial paralysis of one-half (of the body): hemi/plegia process of recording the electrical (waves) of the brain: electr/o/encephal/o/graphy True D. PET A common type of hernia that may occur, particularly in males, is an inguin/al hernia. O. Lumb/o 54. I. Endoscopy. E. Toes point inward. c. nuclear scan. Which hormone does the adrenal medulla secrete during a crisis situation? Although it would be impossible to add much to Mrs. Goldie's picturesque and most interesting account of Helen Walker, the prototype of the imaginary Jeanie Deans, the Editor may be pardoned for introducing two or three anecdotes respecting that excellent person, which he has collected from a volume entitled, Sketches from Nature, by John M'Diarmid, a gentleman who conducts an . What region of the body is used to describe pain that occurs above the stomach N. Nucleotoxic drugs O. Lumb/o O. Lumb/o a. Umbilical c. spine. Usa el pretrito pluscuamperfecto de indicativo y haz todos los cambios necesarios. True d. thoracic B. Ablation Fibrinolysis (fibrin-o-lysis): a natural occurring process involving the break down of fibrin in blood clots through enzyme activity. histolysis. L. Lateral L. Lateral e. abdomen. I. Gastr/o. B. pelv/i Pelvis a. iliac. P. Pelv/i d. -logy The application of a functional dressing is a crucial step in DU treatment and is associated with the patient's recovery and prognosis. Label the lobes, fissures, and hilum of each lung. E. Abdomen, 46. a. sacral Type. E. Cauterization. C. -lysis Swelling of lymph tissue (swelling resulting from accumulation of tissue fluid). 2 (Latin & Greek) Latin: was the global . arthrodesis. d. organs. The cranial and spinal cavities are subdivisions of the: C. Cephal/o. 1. d. urology. N. Later/o T. Umbilic/o Cmo se sintieron? L. Lateral S. Superior Infarct; chest pain. 59. H. Doppler. F. Cyt/o. M. Medial These included specialized sexual organs, stems, vascular tissues, and . d. midsagittal plane. P. Posterior D. C&S. D. Chondr/o F. Cervical. ThoughtCo, Aug. 25, 2020, thoughtco.com/biology-prefixes-and-suffixes-lysis-373742. D. Palms of hands face the back of the body. P. Posterior M. Inguin/o b. cytology. A. Proximal 78. This cavity contains organs of the digestive and reproductive systems and includes two subcavities: the abdominal and pelvic cavities. b. histoblast H. Dors/o. A. C. Anterior. K. Inferior . R. Radiopharmaceutical 60. Which suffix means separation destruction loosening? a. oncology. D. Organs This is a dome-shaped muscle that plays an important role in breathing. -lysis separation, destruction, loosening macro- large mal- bad -malacia softening maxill/o jaw megal/o, -megaly enlargement melan/o black mening/o meninges . it is also responsible for . D. C&S. later/o Side, to one K. Inferior O. Q. Radiologist Magnetic resonance imaging C. Adhesion H. Doppler. Organ 2. What procedure produces images of an organ or area of the body after introduction of a tracer Build a word that means instrument to measure the. This hernia would be located in the right or left ? b. arms are folded across the chest. c. Adhesion dist/o Far, G. Cytologist. D. Curettage a. D. C&S. What do the suffixes -ac, -al,-ar,-ic,-iac, and -ior mean? c. MRI. M. Medial D. C&S. S. Thorac/o Q. Radiologist S. Superior G. Cytologist. Regina Bailey is a board-certified registered nurse, science writer and educator. Term. P. Pelv/i b. colon. M. Inguin/o (2020, August 25). loosening, breakdown, separation, destruction-malacia softening-megaly enlargement-meter device for measuring-mission to send-necrosis tissue death-oid resembling, like-ole little, small-ology the study of-oma tumor, mass, swelling-or one who-ous pertaining to-opsy viewing with a microscope-ose pertaing to, full of-osis abnormal condition Word building reference [ H ] Prefix: A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. True c. gastrology. E. Front, 15. ilium (lateral, flaring portion of the hip bone), Groups of tissue that perform a specific function, Refers to the upper part of a structure or above a structure, Destruction of tissue by electricity, freezing, heat, or corrosive chemicals, Term that refers to the middle of a structure, Measurement of blood flow by reflecting sound waves off moving blood cells, Visual examination of a cavity or canal using a special lighted instrument, Medications administered to CA patients during chemotherapy, Ventral cavity that contains the heart, lungs, and associated structures, Body fluid test in which a specimen is placed on a culture medium to identify the cause of an infection and determine its sensitivity to antibiotic drugs, Term that refers to the lower part of a structure or below a structure, Radioactive substance that travels to a specific organ that will be scanned, Medical specialist concerned with electromagnetic radiation, ultrasound, and other imaging techniques, Band of scar tissue that binds anatomical surfaces together, Which term describes scar tissue formation during the healing process that binds anatomical surfaces together? Q. Radiologist F. Cervical. Pertaining to the belly side or front of the body. Term refers to the lower part of a structure or below a structure, A. Adhesion. a. adhesion. A. Cranial Stomach, A. Anter/o. e. coronal cavity. J. Histologist. \text { cine } & \text { haclendo cola } & \text { teatro } C. -lysis b. Positron emission tomography G. Cytologist. Separation; destruction; or loosening of tissue. R. Spin/o Adhesions can develop anywhere in the body, but from most commonly in the Cytometer- instrument for counting and measuring cells. A. Anter/o. P. Pelv/i Something in a lateral position is located toward the side, 95. C. Spine Escribe en qu piso vive cada familia. D. System level hist/o Tissue ray, suffixes What cavity are the cranial and spinal cavities subdivisions of? O. Lumb/o c. Abdominal 74. B. Caud/o. O. b. tissue level. e. histoplasmin, What organ is contained in the RUQ? Median (midsagittal) - divides the body into two equal halves. a. Microscope Define the following combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes. F. Cervical. 6 Q Caud(o) A Tail. Frontal (coronal) - divides body in half from front to back. B. Coronal plane B. Cauterizatiin True B. b. Peritoneum B. Anastomosis. K. Ili/o N. Later/o Term. P. Posterior N. Later/o d. midsagittal plane. F. Cyt/o. Lumbar- pertaining to the loin area or lower back. T. Umbilic/o F. Cervical. d. chondr/o. S. Thorac/o Which hormone initiates labor during childbirth? e. Heart, What is the term for a tumor composed of cartilage? Organ ThoughtCo. Which term refers to the neck C. Cephal/o. b. front This employs high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal structures of the body. b. carcinoma P. Pelv/i d. superior I. Gastr/o. Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach Gastromegaly Enlargement of the stomach Gastroma Tumor of the stomach Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver Hepatomegaly Enlargement of the liver Hepatoma Tumor of the liver -itis Epigastric. Dialysis is also a medical procedure done to separate metabolic waste, toxins and excess water from the blood. A condition characterized by the body's inflammatory response to infection is called N. Later/o Term that refers to the middle of a structure, A. Adhesion. Histolysis- separation destruction or loosening of tissue. d. -toxic K. Inferior I. Gastr/o. R. Spin/o This directs x-rays through the body to a fluorescent screen to view the motion of organs, such as the digestive tract and heart. c. Lateral D. Cervic/o. The plane that divides the body into upper and lower halves is the, 8. M. Medial L. Lateral P. Pelv/i b. cells travel to remote regions of the body, Which pair of terms contains synonyms? kerat/o cornea, hard tissue kin/e, kinesi/o movement labi/o lip lapar/o abdomen, abdominal wall laryng/o larynx lateri-, later/o lateral, one side . Organ In the anatomical position, how is the wrist described in a relationship to the fingers Thrombi formed in either arteries or veins often cause occlusion in the vascular system and prevent blood flow. Back (of body), A. Anter/o. Q. Radiologist Specialist in the study of tissue, A. Adhesion. inguin/o Groin 71. C. Cephal/o. T. Umbilic/o The directional term proxim/al describes a position: D. Below another structure (Describe the following foods and drinks in your school's cafeteria.). b. anemia. \end{array} Collection of body systems that makes up the most complex level- a living human being. This plane is commonly used to take an anter/o/poster/ior (AP) chest radiograph, indicating that the x-ray beam enters the body on the anterior side and exits the body on the poster/ior side. Illustrate the lateral and medial views of the left and right lungs. D. C&S. c. Right inguinal region d. adenoma D. Cervic/o. E. Spinal, 21. -gram: Record, writing. P. Pelv/i b. Distal Pelvis, A. Anter/o. Microscope used to, pertaining to the side or one side - lateral, pertaining to the back or behind - posterior, pertaining to the belly (side) or front of the body - ventral, instrument for measuring cells - cytometer, separation, destruction, or loosening of tissue - histolysis, process of recording radiation, x-ray, or the radius bone - radiography, forming, producing, or origin of a disease - pathogen, forming, producing, or origin of cancer - carcinogenesis, specialist in the study of tissues - histologist, study of cause (of disease or condition) - etiology, separation, destruction, or loosening of cells cytolysis, instrument used to measure heat - thermometer, excessive or above normal formation or growth - hyperplasia, pertaining to above the stomach - epigastric, pertaining to below or under the ribs - infracostal, pertaining to across or through the vagina - transvaginal, visual examination of in or within - endoscopy, visual examination of or with luminous or fluorescence - fluoroscopy, process of recording with radiation (x-ray) - radiography, pertaining to a radioactive drug or medicine - radiopharmaceutical, process of recording a cut (certain plane of the body) - tomography, process of recording excess sound - ultrasonography, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Biological Science (Freeman Scott; Quillin Kim; Allison Lizabeth), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Toward the tail; in a posterior direction. Pertaining to the neck of the body or the neck of the uterus. d. Ventral N. Later/o Does the map E. Chrondr/o. E. Organism level, 47. In terms of body position, the opposite of cranial is: T. Thoracic E. Cauterization. An enterologist treats diseases of the intestinal tract. This is the body's inflammatory response to infection, in which there is fever, elevated heart rate and respiratory rate, and low blood pressure. O. Lumb/o Separation; destruction; loosening. E. Chrondr/o. Suffix: The ending part of a word that modifies the . Le profesieur Toarnesol est un personnage de la bande desiate Thncin" qui ne comprend jamais ce quoon lui elic. D. C&S. Hydrolysis (hydro-lysis): the decomposition of compounds or biological polymers into smaller molecules by a chemical reaction with water. (Tell on which floor each family lives.). 84. O. H. Dors/o. -lysis (separation; destruction; loosening) thromb/o/lysis (blood clot) thrombolysis destruction of blood clot. O. Lumb/o M. Inguin/o E. Chrondr/o. B. Pelvic cavity T. Umbilic/o S. Superior L. Infer/o A. Proximal E. Chrondr/o. T. Thoracic A. The diagnostic technique that produces an image by recording the concentration of a radiopharmaceutical is called a(n) E. Organisms, 16. Which suffix means specialist in the study of A. Ventrical cavity Which vessels carry blood away from the heart? Another term for septicemia is G. Cytologist. Q. Proxim/o True F. Cyt/o. O. M. Inguin/o R. Radiopharmaceutical M. Inguin/o b. Epigastric region dermatology . J. Hist/o. Ventral cavity that contains the heart, lungs, and associated structures, A. Adhesion. Nuclear- pertaining to the nucleus 5 Q Anter/o A Anterior, front. Q. Proxim/o c. Lung onychomaadenoma J. Hist/o. Chest is divided into equal right and left sides. Which term describes a separation, destruction, or loosening of tissue Imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves (ultrasound) that bounce off body tissues and are recorded to produce an image of an internal organ or tissue. J. Hist/o. This is a type of nuclear scan that uses radio pharmaceuticals to diagnose disorders involving metabolic process, such as brain tumors, epilepsy, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and pulmonary disorders. 55. B. Distal L. Infer/o c. The wrist is anterior to the fingers. S. Superior e. enlarger. T. Thoracic The umbilical region is located near the navel. 68. P. Posterior F. Cervical. False, Cytolysis describes a condition of cellular development. H. Doppler. Q. Radiologist Ilium (lateral, flaring portion of hip bone). I. Endoscopy. S. Thorac/o D. X-ray Specialist in the study of tissues ____ Body fluid test to find germs that cause an 82. infection and determine what kind of medicine works . R. Spin/o It also refers to a chemical change, specifically decomposition, that is caused by an electric current. a. equal right and left halves. D. Thoracic cavity The science that deals with the information, structure, and function of cells is called, 4. Diagnostic technique that produces an image of an organ or area by recording the concentration of a radio pharmaceutical (the combination of a radioactive substance called a radionuclide and another chemical) introduced into the body (ingested, inhaled, or injected). E. Chrondr/o. J. Histologist. c. nearest to the beginning of a structure. b. cauterization 63. a. ventral cavity. S. Superior A hernia is a protrusion or projection of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. d. endoscope. c. nucle/o. Standing upright, face forward, arms at sides with palms forward, legs parallel and the feet slightly apart with toes pointing forward. crani/o Cranium quadriplegia Retroperitoneal means behind the peritoneum The prefix uni- has the same meaning as mono Students also viewed Medical Terminology Quiz 12 School Blue Ridge Community and Technical College. O. D. C&S. E. Above another structure, C. Nearest to the beginning of a structure, 29. 3. Which organ is located in the thoracic cavity, 12. Anterior is a term synonymous with -logist -toxic C. -lysis D. -logy E. -oma ____ 37. F. Cervical. N. Nucleotoxic drugs T. Thoracic P. Pelv/i Biolysis also refers to the decomposition of living material by microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. Suffix: The ending part of a word that modifies the . b. probe. G. Cytologist. O. Lumb/o True L. Infer/o The simplest level of the human body is the: -logist D. Umbilic/o -alysis: pertaining to breakdown; separation; destruction; loosening Hypertrophied (hypertrophy) Discharge Summary the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells Hyper- above; excessive -trophy: nourishment; development (condition of) Carious Discharge Summary decayed Cari (o)- carries, rotenness -ous: pertaining to P. Pelv/i B. Tissues What plane divides the body into right and left halves? R. Radiopharmaceutical F. Cervical. 87. Vocabulary Chapter 16 The Skin System. L. Lateral A hysterectomy in which the cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes remain is called, The combining forms (CFs) orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o, and test/o mean, Swelling or herniation of the sac surrounding the testes is called, A prolonged and commonly painful erection of the penis that occurs without sexual stimulation is called. C. Anterior. Definiciones Si a ti te interesan o que te sean importantes las matemticas, da una definicin de cada uno de los siguientes trminos. S. Superior c. Midsagittal US. c. cautery. Root: central part of a word. e. cells. Complete el siguiente ejercicio con las palabras y text frases siguientes. d. cephalic. nosotros / siempre / sufrir / muchas presiones. Horizontal (transverse)- runs across the body from right to left dividing the body into upper (superior) and lower (inferior) portions. N. Nucleotoxic drugs Caudad- toward the tail, in a posterior direction -ad : toward, Distal- pertaining to a point farthest from the center, a medial line, or the trunk; opposed to proximal. 76. I. Gastr/o. Band of scar tissue that binds anatomical surfaces together, 91. C. Cephal/o. A. Cauterization a. b. caudal. The Vikings, in turn, replaced their loose paddles with anchored oak oars. L. Lateral C. Nuclear scan C. Doppler R. Spin/o F. Cervical. G. Cytologist. e. median plane. The wrist is ventral to the fingers. The suffix -edema means Swelling Which suffix means binding, fixation (of a bone or joint) -desis Which suffix means separation; destruction; loosening -lysis The suffix -megaly means Enlargement The suffix -cele means Hernia, swelling Which suffix means crushing -tripsy Students also viewed Med Term - Chapter 3 50 terms tyreese1113 Med Term 3 Caudad (caud/ad) Toward the tail; in a posterior direction. O. Lumb/o Boat builders adopted iron nails and built the . Head, A. Anter/o. -logist Specialist in H. Dors/o. This is a specialized lighted instrument to view the interior of organs and cavities. C. Fulgurization Build a medical word that means softening of the cranium (skull): Craniomalacia. , origin Q. Radiologist Pertaining to the back or posterior of the body. 89. D. Cervic/o. C. Pelvis S. Superior b. pelvis. b. neck. L. Lateral True G. Cytologist. d. PET. Tensilon test given if muscle is tense in myasthenia gravis. T. Thoracic b. R. Spin/o K. Inferior M. Inguin/o C. Cephal/o. Loins (lower back), A. Anter/o. What are their subdivisions? C. Umbilicus A. Radiography ventr/o Belly (side) General Words; Body Parts and Disorders K. Ili/o Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/biology-prefixes-and-suffixes-lysis-373742. d. intestine. Q. Radiologist -al Pertaining E. Cauterization. D. Septicemia, 27. a. radiograph. I. Endoscopy. Visual examination of an organ or canal with a specialized lighted instrument is called: Word building reference [ E ] Medical terminology is composed of a prefix, root word, and suffix: Prefix: A prefix is placed at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. O. Lumb/o Gums, gum tissue. B. Caud/o. Photolysis (photo-lysis): decomposition caused by light energy. K. Inferior False, The abdominopelvic cavity contains the heart and the lungs. G. Dist/o. C. Cephal/o. a. Suture 86. Which suffix means separation; destruction; loosening, Derm/o and dermat/o mean skin. d. Chondroma The plane that separates the body into superior and inferior portions is the: B. Anastomosis. Le/La secretaire du groupe va noter toutes les reponses. T. Umbilic/o Pertaining to above or higher; toward the head. A. Gastristis False, Cytology is the study of the blood. C. The wrist is anterior to the fingers 73. Root: central part of a word. E. Epigastric, 22. In pairs, take turns asking one another for help with the indicated tasks. L. Lateral e. spine. P. Posterior c. cervical Q. Proxim/o Which suffix means specialist in the study of? D. Medial A. Adhesion C. Cephal/o. D. Stomach Drain the superficial tissues of the medial part of the forearm and hand. O. S. Thorac/o e. C&S. E. Chrondr/o. a. Spinal column C. Umbilical region O. N. Nucleotoxic drugs M. Inguin/o Chemolysis (chemo-lysis): decomposition of organic substances through the use of chemical agents. D. Chondroma \text { actor } & \text { envivo } & \text { protagonlzada } \\ This region contains the large intestine (colon), which is involved in the removal of solid waste from the body. e. toes point inward.