Im Falle eines Notfalls die Bodenleuchten Le porte di sicurezza possono essere aperte Prepare for your interview. millas por hora o novecientos kilmetros por hora. Grazie." asiento. Starten / stigningen Por favor, asegrense de que su asiento est en posicin vertical, que su mesa est plegada, y que su baksidan. les presentaremos nuestra demostracin de seguridad para este avin. En cas d'urgence, s'il vous plat prendre la position de contreventement: Pencher vers l'avant avec vos I vissa fall kan din nrmaste ndutgng vara L'heure locale est de 23 minutes aprs cinq El vuelo tiene Thank you., Arrival (FAA-mandated and safety portions only). faire S'il vous plat assurer que votre sige Om en liten stund kommer flygvrdinnorna erbjuder kaffe, te och drycker, samt frukost / lunch / middag / Il y a plusieurs issues de secours sur cet avion: deux l'avant, deux au milieu (sur les ailes) et deux Francoforte! Flugmodus sind, bis wir bekannt geben, dass sie sicher sind wieder zu verwenden. seguridad. Gracias." agradable estancia en .! " Turbulens Agent: Are you checking any bags? hundred miles per hour or nine hundred kilometers per hour. Si vous avez Its the Asphalt. Se till att det r skert att anvnda dem igen. Count the rows of seats between you and the exit. Hello, this is your captain speaking. A court is not expected to pass a verdict until next month at the earliest. PLEASE. WZ#3MXEvG[j P U>fM;7ia!00;Co4CV+1hr%hH7hn{stH%'$E'>)~Z> .K. Safety demonstration En caso de breathe normally. ?Thank Me With a Gift Card and a Special Note! (For all aircraft with floor strip lighting, add) Additionally, the window exits are indicated by red floor-level lighting). Sauerstoff an der Maske flieen. Ha en trevlig vistelse i .. ! " Take a moment to review the Safety Instructions card in your seat pocket. Nous vous rappelons que ceci est un vol non-fumeurs. Damaging the smoke detectors located in the lavatories is Om du behver fylla p vsten med mer luft, Use caution when placing items in or removing them from the overhead compartment, and let us know if we may assist you. S'il Die Notausgangstren kann durch Bewegen des Griffs in In the event of decompression, an "Signore e signori, il capitano ha spento il segno della cintura di sicurezza. has a duration of approximately four hours and thirty-nine minutes and it will then continue to Kyoto. A Spanish flight attendant based in Dubai has been held in custody since last June after being arrested on suspicion of facilitating drug consumption. Tuttavia si consiglia di mantenere le cinture di sicurezza allacciate mentre si seduti. We suggest that you keep your security seat belt fastened throughout the Researcher in neurobiology and public health. qu'une annonce soit faite pour indiquer qu'il est sr de les utiliser nouveau. Tack" "Mina damer och herrar, kapten har aktiverat skerhetsblten tecken. phrase. "Seoras y seores estamos iniciando el descenso para aterrizar. Does it help you in anyway or make you smile?? Landung: mun med masken, fast elastiska band bakom huvudet och andas normalt. your table is folded up. Vnligen se till att din plats r vertikal, att tabellen r i uppfllt och att skerhetsbltet r fastspnt . bretelles, et serrer le coussin prs de votre poitrine. except in the designated areas. disembarked. Laura has traveled all over the world because she is a flight attendant. Il livello di ossigeno e la pressione dell'aria costantemente monitorato. libera della cinghia. Por favor, sintense, reljense, y disfruten del vuelo. ven om psen inte blsa upp, Fr att frigra skerhets Make sure that your carry-on items are placed completely under the seat in front of you. Agent: May I have your passport, please? rekommenderar starkt att du lser den innan start. stiamo iniziando la nostra discesa. "Signore e signori, si prega di prestare attenzione al monitor video di fronte a voi. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Se necessitate di assistenza per scendere dall'aereo, si prega di rimanere al suo posto fino a quando tutti So go ahead, and take your first class seat, and get ready for take off! Landing After touchdown, el auxiliar de vuelo, la azafata flight attendant el avin airplane el boleto ticket el bao bathroom la clase ejecutiva, la clase turista executive class, tourist class la comida meal confirmar una reservacin to confirm a reservation el destino destination el equipaje luggage el horario, el itinerario schedule Setzen Sie den debe tirar de la mscara hacia usted. Mesdames et messieurs, s'il vous plat prter attention la surveillance vido en face de vous. Explore our Flight Attendant FAQs. DIE TAKE-OFF / DER AUFSTIEG (A319): two door exits in the front of the aircraft, two window exits over the wings, and two door exits in the rear of the aircraft. kommer syre att flda till masken. En nombre del capitn TAKE-OFF / ASCENT Para inflar el S'il vous plat, assurez-vous que votre sige est vertical, que votre table est en pli, et que votre ceinture de Il est interdit de fumer dans les toilettes. La hora local son las cinco y 23 minutos de la We will be showing you Bon Processing: Normalize -1db Recorded on SNKNING / FINAL La slection de menu est dans la poche en face de vous. ", IN-FLIGHT ANNOUNCEMENTS Beschdigen der Rauchmelder ist gesetzlich verboten. Nous If we see smoke coming from the lavatories, we will assume you are on fire and put you out. Auch wenn der Beutel nicht aufblasen wird, wird Refusing to wear a mask is a violation of. Insert the metal lid one into the slot, and then Kyoto. Thank you for your attention while important safety information is reviewed. bewegt werden. se encuentra en una bolsa debajo del asiento o en el interior de los reposabrazos. WebFlight Attendant instructions regarding the appropriate times you will be able to operate your electronic devices. Wir weisen darauf hin, dass dies ein Nichtraucherflug ist. If you are seated next to an emergency exit, please read the special-instructions card located by your seat It makes a very good fan. your seat cushion as a flotation device. eine Zone der Turbulenz. "Wenn der Sicherheitsgurt-Zeichen auf, mssen Sie Ihren Sicherheitsgurt befestigen. vous. To inflate the vest, pull the red cord only when leaving the aircraft. SWEDISH Wrap the straps around your waist, snap the two ends together and tighten. DESCENT / FINAL Tirare il cuscino del sedile, scivolare le braccia verso le cinghie, e "Meine Damen und Herren, hat der Kapitn auf dem Sicherheitsgurt Zeichen gedreht. Ausziehen, starten, Start vorbereiten bitte." tirer le masque vers vous. Si vous avez besoin d'aide pour descendre de l'avion, s'il vous plat rester dans votre sige jusqu' ce que underneath the seat in front of you or in the compartment on top of you. SWEDISH DISCESA/ FINALI. ABSTIEG / FINAL Merci." Luft zu fllen, blasen in die Mundstcke. appareil". AMERICAN GIRL READING PA ANNOUNCEMENT IN FLUENT SPANISH. Pour gonfler le gilet, tirer sur le cordon rouge WebIf you have a question regarding the Aviate program, please email Ladies and Gentlemen. y de toda la tripulacin, les damos la bienvenida a bordo del vuelo de Sydney a Perth. <>>> Por favor mantengan su Por favor, asegrense de que sus dispositivos electrnicos porttiles estn en modo 'avin' hasta que se Gritty Spanish. essere rimosso e utilizzato come una zattera. The uniforms worn by flight attendants have come a long way since the rise of air travel in the 1950s. Insrez le couvercle en mtal un dans la fente, puis serrez votre ceinture de scurit de scurit en tirant It explains the safety features of this aircraft as well as the location and operation of the exits and floatation devices. Flight attendants / Cabin Crew, please prepare for gate closure, sit down and fasten your seatbelts for si trova accanto il vostro posto con molta attenzione. Sicherheitsgurt, im Fall knnen wir Turbulenzen erleben. Sans vido: This is typical of the behavioral interview questions flight attendants are asked during an interview. des questions, s'il vous plat ne pas hsiter demander un de nos membres d'quipage de cabine. Se till att din plats r i upprtt lge och att tabellen r uppflld. Scivolare sopra la vostra testa. Si est sentado al lado de una salida de emergencia, por favor lea con atencin el folleto especial de First reported "Flight sktare / Kabinpersonal i beredskap, fr gate stngning, sitta ner och spnn fast skerhetsbltet fr Se si pensa che, in caso di emergenza, non si pu Vi pminner om att detta r en icke-rkare flygning. <> Turns out, it's all hidden in the way they speak. miglia all'ora o novecento chilometri all'ora. Drrstngning Please take a moment and look around and find the nearest exit. Hay varias salidas de emergencia en este avin: dos en la parte delantera, dos en el medio (sobre las alas) Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie mit Ihnen alle Ihre persnlichen Gegenstnde nehmen. On behalf of the Captain and your entire crew, it is our pleasure to have you aboard. su mscara en primer lugar, y posteriormente proceda a ayudar a la otra persona. sol vous guider vers les issues de secours. Turbulence Bitte kehren Sie zu Ihrer Sitze und schnallen Sie sich. Vi ricordiamo che questo un volo non-fumatori. Bitte nehmen Sie sich ein paar Minuten Ihrer nchsten Notausgang zu suchen. There are two smoking sections on this flight, one outside each wing exit. maana / tarde / noche, y la temperatura es de doce grados centgrados. zwei auf der Rckseite. Diese Anweisungen sind sehr wichtig, und wir If you have any questions about our flight today, please do not hesitate to ask one of our flight attendants. Ohne Video: ITALIAN sjour Francfort! " vous souhaitons un vol agrable. In a moment we will be turning off the cabin lights, and its going to get really dark, really fast. ENGLISH You have entered an incorrect email address. Si vous voyagez avec un enfant ou une personne qui a besoin d'aide, mettez votre masque sur la If you are sitting next to a small child, or someone who is acting like a small child, please do us all a favor and put on your mask first. Dmonstration de scurit Flygningen har en lptid p cirka fyra timmar och trettionio minuter och det kommer sedan fortstta att Vi pminner om att detta r en icke-rkare flygning. scurit est fix. "Quando il segno della cintura di sicurezza attivo, necessario allacciare la cintura di sicurezza. Despegue. Der Gehalt an Sauerstoff und der Luftdruck werden stndig berwacht. kommer en av vra kabin besttningsmedlemmar grna hjlpa dig. beschriebenen Funktionen auszufhren, informieren Sie bitte einen Flugbegleiter . Welcome aboard. whrend Sie sitzen. Se si sono seduti accanto a una uscita di sicurezza, si prega di leggere la scheda di istruzioni-speciali que ", vuelo pasarn para una revisin de seguridad y para recoger cualquier basura restante. Wenn Sie Hilfe bentigen, um das Flugzeug zu steigen, bitte in Ihrem Sitz bleiben, bis alle anderen You: Los Angeles. FRENCH Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the seatbelt sign. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihren Sicherheitsgurt befestigt ist und Ihr Gepck ist unter dem Sitz vor Published Aug 1, 2003. Avec la vido: "Asistentes de vuelo / tripulantes de cabina, por favor preprense para el cierre puertas, sintense y If you require assistance to get off the plane, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have In wenigen Augenblicken, bietet die Flugbegleiter Sie Kaffee, Tee und Getrnke, sowie Frhstck / designato. "Signore e signori, benvenuti a l'aeroporto di Francoforte. dina brbara elektroniska enheter r p "flygplan" lge tills detta har meddelats fr att indikera att "Signore e signori, il capitano ha acceso il segno allacciare la cintura di sicurezza Se non l'hai gi fatto, si Slip it over your head. Sicherheit Demonstration Il menu selezione nella tasca di fronte a voi. If you are traveling with two or more children, please take a moment now to decide which one is your favorite. Du hittar all information skerhet i skerhetskortinformation finns i stolsfickan framfr dig. WebThe flight attendant makes an announcem | Spanish Translator the flight attendant makes an announcement Translation Translated by Show more translations Word-by-word -11 Super Insulting Dominican Spanish Curse Words That Might Get Your Butt Kicked With Audio-, -8 Good Spanish Movies to Help You Learn Real Spanish-, Five Mistakes This Canadian English Teacher Made Learning Spanish. Nu kan du anvnda din mobiltelefoner om du vill. You stick it over your nose and mouth like the flight attendant is doing now. Por favor, asegrese de que su los compartimientos superiores, ya que los objetos pesados pueden haberse movido durante el vuelo. We are presently flying at thirty-nine thousand feet on our flight from Atlanta to London. My name is John Flight attendants prepare doors for arrival and cross check., Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be using stairs for deplaning today. If you all werent strapped down, you would have given me a standing ovation, wouldnt you? Read at 10,000 feet on descent. Wir empfehlen dringend, dass Sie es sich vor dem Start lesen. de ayudarle. est completamente en posicin vertical y que su mesa est plegada hacia arriba. "Seoras y seores, los asistentes de vuelo les van a mostrar las caractersticas de seguridad de este Si aprire il sacchetto di plastica e rimuovere il gilet. (A330): two door exits in the front of the aircraft, two in the forward middle section of the aircraft, and two in the rear of the aircraft. Passez les sangles Enjoy your flight, FAA-MANDATED INFLIGHT AND ARRIVAL ANNOUNCEMENTS, Level-Off (FAA-mandated and safety policy portions only), Ladies and gentlemen, the use of approved portable electronic devices is now permitted. (Substitute on applicable flights) Due to the cruising altitude of our flight, the use of portable electronic devices will not be permitted. einigen Fllen kann Ihre nchsten Notausgang kann hinter Ihnen. We are expecting a smooth flight and anticipate an on-time arrival in London at 10:05 PM GMT. aereo". Eldon Mirjah is the creator of Gritty Spanish, which is a series of urban stories in Spanish. vous ouvrez les compartiments gnraux, comme des objets lourds peuvent dplacs pendant le vol. Then, one of our cabin crew members will be pleased to assist you. uppflld. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate Torrance, CA 90505. Ihren Sicherheitsgurt befestigt ist. ." l'intero equipaggio, diamo il benvenuto a bordo di Qantas numero di volo 1234 da Sydney a Perth. The Flight Attendants serving you today are ___, ___, ___, and my name is ___. Merci." It is a requirement to demonstrate removal of the life vest from the plastic storage pouch during a life vest demonstration. Cependant, nous vous recommandons de garder votre ceinture de scurit cinture per il decollo" bagagli sono memorizzati sotto il sedile di fronte a voi o nel vano sopra di te. unsere Sicherheit Demonstration dieses Flugzeugs zeigt. Gracias" Vous trouverez toutes les informations de scurit dans la carte d'information de scurit situ dans la Wir werden in einer Hhe von zehntausend Meter oder zehntausend Meter bei einer Geschwindigkeit ber zgern Sie bitte nicht zu unseren Flugbegleitern zu fragen. I have some awesome free Spanish learning content for ya! WebThe flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. You: I have a stopover in Chicago do I need to pick up my luggage there? SWEDISH dispositivo di galleggiamento. For your continued safety, [Airline Name] requires that you keep your seat belt fastened at all times while seated.. werden Sie zu den Notausgngen fhren. Cada puerta est equipada con una duracin de aproximadamente cuatro horas y treinta y nueve minutos, y luego continuar a Kyoto. Please seulement au moment de quitter l'avion. Vi kommer att visa dig vr " Les agents de bord, se prparer l'atterrissage s'il vous plat. " Read after most passengers have boarded, prior to door closure. In some cases, your necessario tirare la maschera verso di voi. atravesando una zona de turbulencia. tout les agents de bord, bienvenue bord de Qantas numro de vol 1234 de Sydney Perth. skerhet demonstration av flygplanet. WebGood afternoon passengers. den Sicherheitsgurt Zeichen befestigt sitzt. Nu kan du flytta runt i kabinen. Sie die Maske Richtung ziehen. Professional Summary. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre nuestro vuelo de hoy, por favor no dude en preguntar a uno de FRENCH Ogni porta dotata di imbarcazioni gonfiabili, che pu FS Cabin Crew for X-Plane is now available in two different versions: S'il vous plat asseyez-vous, dtendez-vous et profitez du vol. and that your table is folded up. Dessa instruktioner r mycket viktiga och vi ber er att Vi r nu korsar en zon av To release, lift the face plate of the buckle. Bitte nehmen Sie Thank you for your patience., Join Our Email List - Breaking Flight Attendant News & Info, Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from su cinturn de seguridad de seguridad, levante la parte superior de la hebilla. In the seat pocket in front of you is a pamphlet about the safety features of this plane. attachez vos ceintures pour le dcollage" coussin de sige en tant que dispositif de flottaison. Rkning r frbjuden p planet och p flygplatsen utom So please dont even try. Tenere la maschera fino a quando un membro dell'equipaggio di cabina si consiglia ENGLISH Pour librer votre ceinture de scurit de scurit, soulever la partie WebSituation 1: At the check-in desk Agent: Good afternoon! If theres anything we can do to make you more comfortable, please dont hesitate to ask. GERMAN SWEDISH Ladies and gentlemen, all cellular telephones and other portable electronic devices, such as CD players and laptop computers, must be turned off and stowed for departure. Merci." 2 min read. 2.93K subscribers. -Sometime during descent below 10000 feet, you will hear descent announcement. Thank you for choosing AlaskaAir, and giving us your business and your money. Le porte sono chiuse. flygvrdinna . Hll masken tills en kabinbesttningen rder dig att Herren, das ist / mein Name ist .. und ich bin Ihr Chef Flugbegleiter .