Youre doing, great, Jared wholeheartedly encouraged. You're my Queen. Okay?. His professor eased him onto the floor of his office, situated so he could lean against the couch. Both wanted kids and knew life wasn't going to slow down any time soon for neither of them, sowhy not? Falling (Sam Winchester x fem!reader x Dean Winchester), Birth in the Bunker (Dean Winchester x fem!reader), My Demon King (Crowley x fem!Winchester reader), What Are You Doing?! Five minutes later and only one question left to go, Jensen clenched his teeth and stifled a cry of pain as another contraction attacked his bulging stomach. After a long labor, Dean finally gives birth. Connor and Bryce McCormick have grown apart over the years. Castiel was unsure what to do as well. Panting harshly for air, he pushed with all the strength he still had left while groaning miserably in agony. Oh that's okay, hon. Appreciating Jeffs attempt to distract him, he stuttered, that-that sounds terrifying.. I do not own any Supernatural characters. Chuck gets bored with Sam and Dean's lives and decides that he is going to shake things up a bit for his own personal enjoyment. Only two more questions to go and Jensen was a free man. One night of fun leads to nine months of misery for Dean. As it was, he didnt realize it, wasnt prepared at all to go into labor because it wouldnt have fit into his carefully constructed plans. As always, feel free to request (through private messaging). Im so sorry, Professor.. fic | nc-17 | dean/sam | pregnancy | fingering; lactation. fic | r | castiel/dean/sam, sam/zachariah | pregnancy | non-con | angst; character death (minor). It may end up to be one of the worst, or best, things to ever happen to the Winchester boys. And since you guys started the freaking apocalypse, Im having to work overtime to replace all the people whove died. But authors either are MIA on AO3 as well, or changed, fic | nc-17 | dean/hellhound, sam/hellhound | pregnancy | bestiality; breeding; heat/mating cycles; knotting; multiples (extreme); self-lubrication. fic | r | castiel/dean | pregnancy | alpha/beta/omega; heat/mating cycles; knotting; werewolf au. By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. He lands a job with top business executive Jensen Ackles who turns out to be a real arrogant jerk and the job is initially nothing like he hoped it would be. It was a difficult pregnancy from the beginning, but after Jareds SUV skids off the road during a snow storm will he be able to keep his pregnant husband and unborn children safe? In Deans pack there is respect for every wolf from the highest rank to the lowest, everyone is equal. Dean had been very cautious of the warnings of a demon that Sam kept telling him about. Castiel and Dean have just had their first child. A stranger did it. Graduation night changes Jensens whole world and freshly graduated with hopes of becoming an artist in Paris he finds himself in a difficult predicament he could never imagined himself being. This time, Sam and Dean thought they knew what they were in for, but this pregnancy quickly becomes much more complicated than the first one. Okay, that one really fucking hurt, enough to steal his breath away, but he was not in labor and definitely not in denial about it. Pregnant? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. He noticed it just days after he broke out, a hot bullet deep in the pit of his stomach. That is, until his best-friend-and-occasional-sex-buddy makes an offer that he can't refuse, but will having a child complicate their relationship in ways Dean hadn't anticipated? They've discussed the possibility of having children before, but never did anything about it. fic | nc-17 | gabriel/sam, castiel/dean (side pairing) | pre- (Gabriel) and post-pregnancy (Dean) | alpha/beta/omega; heat/mating cycles; knotting; pregnancy kink; self-lubrication; size kink. Please keep them coming! "One word, Cas, and he's ours. Jensen had broken a few bones in his life, been in a few serious car accidents, one where he punctured his lung, and there was that one incident as a teenager where he fell through some rickety stairs and impaled himself on a jagged, rusty pipe. This wasnt at all how you pictured bringing your son into the world, but its what happened. He was rewarded with Jareds huge dimpled smile, absolute love and veneration shining on his face as he looked at Jensen. Since hehad begun to show dressing grew increasingly more difficult. Uh-oh. This one felt more painful than the last. Jeffs soothing voice was like aloe on a hot burn, and while he couldnt make out all the words in his haze of pain and single-minded concentration on birthing his children, he heard enough to get the gist. W-what happened? he mumbled as the contraction eased up for a few spare moments. Dean looked at me, then at the bundle in his arms and looked like he was about to puke. Jensen couldn't get the nagging feeling out of his head that he wanted to add another child to their family. Sort of. But I safely delivered that baby girl in a battlefield. Both brothers struggle to come to terms with what's happening to them and what may happen to their children. Sam will do whatever it takes to stop him. You are not getting that close to her- You used your free hand to grab Deans flannel and pull him closer to you. Jareds not here. When Dean goes into labor, Sam is determined to be as supportive as possible, except he's hiding something - He's in labor, too. Is now really the best time to read, Sam? Castiel asked, cocking his head to the side. Nothing too bad, but not sure whats going to happen yetPairing: Jared/JensenDisclaimer: I dont own anything or anyone, just a laptop and an overactive imaginationSummary: Jared is an aspiring young advertiser fresh from college looking for a job. Just hang on.. Dean gets lost in the woods. Connor finds that Bryce's regimented life and obsession with fitness and football make watching paint dry exciting. Glimpses into the life of Dean and Sam as they cope with Deans pregnancy. The relationship he shares with his brother will be put to test, and everything he thought he could control in his life will be changed forever. There was really no need for Cas panic. With great difficult, he propelled himself to his feet and grabbed his backpack. Before Jeff could respond, all three of them turned to the window when finally sirens were heard approaching the building. Youre having the baby now?! Dean knocks on the door and it's opened by Mrs. Carrigan who cheerfully greets both of them. His lists were necessary, even if his fianc, Jared, didnt think so and laughed at the very idea. By this point Jensen was starting to panic a little. This is why Jared was never in charge of anythingever. Your baby is in the right position, Jeff interceded, taking Jensens attention away from his family and towards the saint delivering his children. For the following prompt from the LJ SPN Kink community: "The bigger coats for Dean in season 6 are for more than just comfort, they're hiding a secret Jensen is wanting to keep from Jared and the rest of the world.". Too startled to protest, and not about to cross a very pregnant Jensen, the few remaining students quickly handed in their tests before fleeing the room. Are you okay, son? Professor Morgan glanced over his book to peer at Jensen. I dont think theyre going to get here in time, he quietly admitted. Jensen? he heard Jareds sweet, calming voice sound over the speaker. You jumped slightly. Theyre a little late, dont you think? Jeff joked to which Jensen wasnt sure whether to laugh or get angry at the ridiculous amount of time it took them to get there. The phone rings. Please consider turning it on! Knowing it's not safe to travel with an omega in heat near other alphas, John and Sam make the trek to spend the week at Bobby's to wait out Dean's heat. Sam and Dean knew the older Winchester would be going into heat soon and both had planned for it. His powers ensure that there's always enough food for their children as well, but he loves marking Dean as his in this way. Work Search: Jensen shook away his wandering thoughts and turned all his attention back to his test. Jared is on his way here too. I cant have this baby, now! That only made him cry harder. Jared and Jensen grew up attached at the hip, they have a friendship that neither quite understand until it all changes. A few hours after the baby's born, Sam can't hide it anymore. Sam and Bobby arent too sure how they feel about that, especially when the products of their little misadventures decide to start popping in from the future at random moments. Jensen nodded dumbly and let himself be led by Jeff when all he really wanted to do was lie down. Theyre having deliciously thick, mouthwatering lasagna with some, or too many, veggies in it because apparently hes gotta watch out for micronutrients in every meal now. Gabriel and Dean have been dating for several years now. The results are not pretty. Jeff, he called out, and the older man immediately returned to his side. Man, its really coming down out there, Sam commented, hearing the pounding of the rain above the bunker. We meet Jensen who is 7 months pregnant with second child, a boy named Thomas, and Jared who is 4 months along with his first daughter Odette. Thank you so much! I answer, staring into the pot of boiling chili on the stove top. Got it? Heaven isnt exactly the most fond of nephilim, so they have to enlist all of the help that they can without alerting the other angels. Thank you :), but I really should finish this story. He followed Jareds gaze as his fiancs free hand reached out towards their child, a finger carefully stroking their sons tiny pink cheek. Let go, then." Dean cheerfully walks beside Sam to the Carrigan's front door. I dont think so, Jensen replied, earning glares from the remaining students, and returned to his test without a second thought. When he opened his eyes again, bleary sight focusing on Jared, he saw complete awe and wonderment on his fiancs face. LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im sor- you were cut off by an odd feeling, like you were wetting yourself. But there is more to Jensen, he is very unique type of Alpha (will be explained in chapters). #fanfiction Compared to that, thisll be a piece of cake. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! He couldn't get an abortion, for who would believe that a man was pregnant, none the less actually perform one on a man. fic | t | gen | pregnancy | demonic pregnancy; sped up pregnancy. Balthazar gets Cass to ask Dean for help, jokingly. castielwinchester; deanwinchester; wings +13 more # 10. the magician//d.winchester by Em. Good, now can you walk? You shook your head so the three men picked you up and carried you to the infirmary they had set up in the bunker. His whole body, every nerve, every muscle, every fiber of his very being, was focused solely on delivering his son. But when a stranger helps him out after his car breaks down, he finds himself with an arrangement that could be more permanent. No Dean/Cas romance in this one, but they are and will always be life partners, making a family together, raising Jack and the new baby together. So he takes what jobs he can that fit around taking care of the baby, including one as a life drawing model. As they travel they force the spawn/eggs out of them and destroy them one by one. One more and I think weve got it. Also fiber. Dean or Sam gets caught by a monster and raped, filled with it's spawn/eggs. fic | t | castiel/dean | post-pregnancy | insecurities. His eyes flickered as he steadied Jensen, leading him further into the building. You cant! (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Youre not sick. Cas' eyes never left the road ahead. After his brother goes to Hell to save the world, and things dont work out with him and Lisa, Dean decides to have a baby with the one person he can trust to be there for his child. Jared's excitement earns him a sore jaw. Title: It's all about family Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Mpreg, Graphic birth, Wincest. For once he could look out for and protect HIS brother. (Mick Davies x fem!reader), Distrusting Soulmates (Benny Lafitte x fem!reader) Soulmate AU, Love at First Spell (Mick Davies x fem!reader), Am I Not Good Enough? Especially when that pack is at war. Sam does his best to hold everything together. Twenty four hours at the most and hed be back to his usual self. Castiel will do whatever it takes to make Dean his mate. He intends to get to the bottom of his older brother's latest scheme. Still smut free! After the Apocalypse, Sioux Falls got a few new residents, who 10 years out, have settled in pretty well. Castiel is dragged along to the class one night by his sister, Anna. The baby isnt in the right position, Jeff quietly told him. Actually, the number one and three spots could easily be swapped. Dean has a secret which he thinks he cant impart to Castiel. I cant do this without you, he sobbed into the phone. Jensen is feeling all the joys of expectant parenthood, and Jared tries to help. From that day on she vowed that she would always love her son no matter what, ensure that he will survive. Just because there were no bullets flying around their heads and they werent at risk of being overrun by opposing forces at any second, didnt make it any easier to deliver a baby. That is, until his best-friend-and-occasional-sex-buddy makes an offer that he cant refuse, but will having a child complicate their relationship in ways Dean hadnt anticipated? Come on. Castiel was there to help with the pain when he could, but mostly he was assisting Sam, ready to take the baby as soon as it was born. You did as they asked and you suddenly heard the shrill cry of your baby filling the room. Embarrassingly, a few tears slid down his cheeks. Not today. In fact, two someones, to always remind Jared why things were still worth it, as they were. Wait, CAS!. And then, then hell get to stuff his face with Rice Krispie treats, chocolate dipping sauce on the side to sweeten the deal even more and make his teeth fall off in the process. When Dean unexpectedly goes into heat, a soulless Sam offers to help him through it. His bloodstained fingers clench tightly around the wheel and he just sits there, for the longest time. Not every kink is everyone's cup of tea. No. Especially when the opposing side seeks to win by cheating.And especially when he's pregnant. I didn't know him. fic | t | dean/sam | post-pregnancy | birth (graphic); cursed pregnancy. Jeff should so be their godfather since he was already looking out for them before they were even born!! Its too soon, Jensen cried out on the verge of completely breaking down. He called me yesterday, and the discussion was unsettlingly vague and cryptic. The contractions were only a couple of minutes apart and were so painful he couldnt concentrate anymore; he could barely think and could barely make out the words written on the paper. We were surrounded, and help couldnt get to us for days. fic | nc-17 | dean/wolves, dean/sam, sam/wolves | pregnancy |. Cant-cant imagine you had many opportunities to deliver babies there, stuttered past clenched teeth. On the next contraction I want you to start pushing, Jeff ordered. Sam finds himself suffering similar symptoms just as he realizes his boyfriend came back from Christmas break a demon. PLEASE READ BEFORE REQUESTING! Title: In Reality. A pregnant man may not be an Act of God, but insurance sure as hell won't cover it regardless. In the mean time, he may as well try out the new equipment. (And not that it's of any import, but the few and far moments where Jared doesn't want to dangle Sterling from the edge of the highest floor of their building which was very tall, mind he really did enjoy his job). Despite how much he didnt want to admit it, every instinct Jensen had was screaming at him that they did not have time to make the twenty minute drive to the hospital. Dean walked into the room just as Sam made the comment. He knew Jared would be pissed after promising not to risk his life again. Dazed from the last contraction, it took him a few moments to realize something wet and slimy was running down his legs. Whereas Jensen was usually uptight and half a second away from panicking at any given second, Jared was usually calm. And well get those two safely delivered on my office floor if we have to. His response was light and jovial and comforting as he talked to Jensen, his eyes friendly, but Jensen couldnt help but feel guilty. Family is complicated, but full of love and joy. This is not your fault, Jeff assured. Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jared Padalecki. Completed. #samwinchester He did the calculations, using previous exam averages as a standard, calculating a bell curve on those averages, accounting for standard deviations and errors and certain variables, and all Jensen needed was approximately a 55 to still get an A in Professor Morgans class. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (26), Jensen Ackles/Original Male Character(s) (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Jared Padalecki/Original Male Character(s), Your Soul I Come Home To, Together We Make Another Anew, | Translation in Russian. mpregobsessed. ), It would have been easier, he thought, if he had just said a stranger. I don't remember which ones they were, otherwise I'd write them down, just. Dean gets cursed with, well, pregnancy. Jensen raised his eyebrow at that. He doesn't want to worry his brother so he doesn't say anything. I loved all Jensen's meticulous planning going right out the window. You did an amazing job delivering out first son, and youre gonna be just as awesome with the next.. fic | r | dean/sam, dean/john (past) | pregnancy |. He didn't say anything, so Sam just said: "Congrats guys, you had a baby! You couldnt believe that your rough and rugged hunter was freaking out so badly. With one last push and a loud, heart wrenching cry, the excruciating pain receded to a somewhat more tolerable level, and the fog cleared. Jared may be the calm one of the duo, but that didnt mean he wouldnt break the sound barrier just to be by Jensens side now. There's no supernatural, and the Winchester family is very different. "You have given me what I needed most. Just a blog for sharing some of my favorite mpreg ficsenjoy! DEAN! Im sorry, he groaned when Jeff got off the phone with 911 and Jared. More please!!!! fic | nc-17 | dean/sam | pregnancy | lactation; tail kink. Dean wakes up different- or maybe that's Sam. Living most of his life on the road, surviving on truck stops and greasy diner food, Dean had had plenty in his time. He was definitely in labor. Dean goes to get some coffee after being with Bobby at the hospital for a while, but he collapses in the coffee shop. Can the unlikely couple from completely different words end up falling in love and becoming a family?Warnings: Mpreg obviously! Once upon a rainy morning, Jared Padalecki opens the door to a rain-soaked, pregnant omega who claims that Jared is the other father. He didnt care what anyone might think later. Egg by geek6 fic | t | castiel/dean | pregnancy, post-pregnancy | crack; egg fic Cas lays an egg, gets the wrong end of the stick, and Bobby yells idjit a lot. A muffled whimper still managed to find its way through to the phone. Why did the man have a blanket in his office? It shouldnt be long now.. The wonderful story of Dean, Castiel, and their love-child, Jace. Title: Unexpected BusinessAuthor: rockondeanRating: NC-13? John and Dean are working a case that they cant figure out. Castiel bit back another desperate, wanting sound. fic | t | gen | pregnancy | crack; horror; whump. Jeff urgently, but gently, took his son from his arms as Jensen writhed in pain on the ground, a fresh set of contractions stealing his breath away and forcing a startled cry past clenched teeth. fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean, john/mary, jess/sam | angst; hurt/comfort; fluff, fic | r | dean/sam | pregnancy | cursed pregnancy. I want to do the same for you," Amara had told him. They would have plenty of time to acclimate to their twins and get a routine going before they got married. You did as they asked and you suddenly heard the shrill cry of your baby filling the room. This was planned, written down clearly on his planner, and this wasnt supposed to happen. But when he and his brother, Sam, spot a unique case they show up in a town that Dean never thought he'd be back in. Jensen is driving home after working a long, exhausting shift at the ER. Dean Winchester has always wanted a family, but at thirty-five it's starting to look like he may never get his wish. As always, un-beta'd so all mistakes are my own. Jared sank to his knees next to him, grabbing the hand that Jensen reached out towards him. fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean | pre-pregnancy | d/s; incubi/succubi; self-lubrication; vampires. For four days my battalion had to hold our position, defend our make shift fortress or risk being completely annihilated or worse, made into POWs., As the next wave of pain hit his stomach like a bullet, Jensen pushed through the pain, holding back everything behind clenched teeth except for a pathetic whimper. I cant deliver this baby without him. Total Eclipse of the Heart (Supernatural Mpreg Dean), a supernatural fanfic | FanFiction. Both boys are due around the same time and have decided on a homebirth. fic | r | castiel/dean | pregnancy | christmas fic. What was he supposed to do without Jared? Youre pregnant.. I want Jared, he demanded through his tears. Thank you! Artwork by @sancocnutclub, CaptainSwan mpreg fics by @walviemort. Jensen still cant explain why to this day, but the sound of Jeffs serious and concerned voice, one look at his tiny little baby mewling softly on the couch, and the stress and pain of the situation and suddenly he burst out crying. Take the baby, he gasped out to Jeff as the man finished clamping and cutting the umbilical cord. Okay, Y/N, Im gonna have to check how umfar along you are. Sams face was bright red and you felt Deans grip on your hand tighten. fic | nc-17 | dean/omcs, castiel/dean | pregnancy | alpha/beta/omega; birth; heat/mating cycles; knotting; miscarriage; teen pregnancy. Oh yeah? Dean cocked a cheeky eyebrow, The chunks I blew at the side of the road back there would prove otherwise., Youre not sick, Cas repeated, deathly serious. This is his new start to have children that don't get themselves bound to demons like silly DOGS. The case will be a mystery but he will get the shock of his life. His steps faltered and the only thing keeping him going was Jeff. All ten fingers and toes. Teasing brothers and mothers don't help. fic | g | castiel/dean | pre-/post-pregnancy. With it being Christmas Eve and them back at the bunker since every supernatural creature seems to be taking the holiday off, Dean is going stir-crazy. No clue what she was saying.. Life changes, fast. Jeff had met Jared a few times and even once caught them making out in a vacant hallway late at night. He loves sucking on Dean's nipples, pulling the milk from them, and fingers Dean or plays with Dean's cock while he does it. While he knew when to take things seriously, he was always laid back, more of a go with the flow kind of guy and he never freaked about things the way Jensen did all the time. Stuck in a small town, Dean manages to drag Sam out of the motel room and into town. fic | nc-17 | castiel/dean | post-pregnancy | angst; domestic; fluff. The streets are flooding bad, Dean said. He's instantly fascinated by Dean, and after a while he invites him out for coffee. Im reading up on how to deliver a baby. He would be calm. Sweat broke out across his brow as he pushed, his vision tunneled, mind narrowing down to a single point, a single thought, his only concern delivering the twins. At this point, you were willing to do anything. Jared was halfway across town at his summer job and who knew how long it would take for him to get there. Not wanting to scream into the phone, Jensen bit his lip as the next throb of misery attacked his stomach with an army of pure fire. While their personalities often clashed leading to some of the worst moments and most horrendous fights in their relationship, they also complemented each other perfectly adding to an increasing pile of greatest moments in their life, one of them being their twins. Jared watches the sunrise and thinks about his husband; thousands of miles away, and yet he still has Jensen's voice in his ear. Cas loses control of his depleted grace and accidentally gets Dean pregnant. Sam and Dean investigate a small town where there is a bar whose male patrons seem to be walking out pregnant. This wasnt the birth plan you had in mind. It doesn't take him long to get both of them whimpering for their alpha's knot and popping out healthy, strong puppies and nursing them. At first he fights it and is disgusted with the changes in his body, but after a while he starts finding being constantly pregnant feels erotic, and feeding his bro. Dean must suffer the consequences after a hunt for a witch alters the Winchesters lives in a way they could never have imagined. It would be better to link to. "Dean felt a mixture of livid, horrified, and amused, he stayed silent, trying to piece together his thoughts. Dean cant bring himself to tell Sam the truth, and instead they decide to take a break from hunting and settle down. Pregnant!Castiel Pregnant!Dean 1, 2 Pregnant!Gabriel Pregnant!Sam Pregnant!other/s Comments? Dean and Cas spend some quality time in bed together after Cas delivers some bad news about Sam. He helped Jensen shimmy out of his sweatpants and if he wasnt in so much pain he might have been a little embarrassed that his professor was practically seeing him naked. Your healing mojo must be off, Dean grumbled. The older man knew how much Jensen and Jared loved each other, knew Jared was head over heels for Jensen. When Dean came to get Sam at school, he'd brushed that "Hoodoo case in New Orleans" off as no big deal. Not that you were really listening. "Come baby, one more push," Dean whispered in your ear. Thanks for the heads up! Jared is shocked to learn that he's supposed to become a dad, all the more so as he never met the other man, Jensen. Before Sam leaves for Stanford or right after, Dean comes out to John. Thanks for the heads up! Jared reluctantly handed Lucas over to the EMTs care as Lane was taken from his arms. Because Im right here. Jensens head jerked towards the door as the lovely sound of Jareds voice filled the room. Lets go to my office then. (Read and find out more).NOTE: THIS IS AN ALPHA/ALPHA FIC. Y/N, Cas and I are going to help you, okay? You nodded. There was something very important he wanted to get across before the paramedics spirited him away. Below, is a list of fanfics Ive collected over the years. In a pregnancy support group for single expectant parents. Everyone turn in your exam now.. But they were pretty committed to each other. He was distantly aware that he was screaming now, but he didnt have the strength or the will anymore to hold them back. You dont know that, Jensen pouted even if Jared couldnt see him. You got nothing to worry about.. Time Travel?! If it was up to his fianc, the two of them would have eloped to Las Vegas with Elvis overseeing their nuptials, a goat as Jareds best man and a hooker for Jensens. The twins were clearly just like their father and cared nothing for Jensens carefully constructed lists. Depending on how you looked at it, it wasnt really Deans day. fic | nc-17 | dean/sam, dean/omcs | pregnancy |. This was happening now and happening fast. Jensen being a total jackass, lol!A/N: I know nothing about business or advertisingAlso on my LJ page under the same name. If only he had ever paid attention in a seventh-grade health class, he could have avoided the complications that came next.