5.9 Should none of the highest pointed households have a community connection the allocation will be made to the highest pointed household with the earliest application date. You cannot get these points if you invited someone to live with you. If your application is accepted, you'll go on to a waiting list of people who need a council home. For those retiring employees who have been in post since 6th November 1992, the letting principles which form part of this Allocations Policy will apply. 2.1 Free and confidential advice will be made available for people who may have difficulty making an application. Understand who is responsible for repairs in your home and get help with getting repairs done. 1.38 There may be occasions when the Council needs to withdraw properties from allocations under this Policy, or move people from their homes (id est "decants") for exceptional reasons e.g. Call our helpline or chat to an adviser online. 1.32 Under the ADAPT scheme, the Council will identify properties that are wheelchair accessible, or have received high level adaptations. You can contact your housing officer to check roughly how many points you need for homes in your area. 5.20 Where there is overriding medical need, the Council will register households for up to one additional bedroom, for example for a carer, above the standards set out at 5.14 of this policy. If you wish to check on a problem or fault you have already reported, contact DfI Roads. swansea council housing waiting list. The system is designed to let people bid for homes they wish to live in (again, this doesn't involve money). For queries or advice about historical, social or cultural records relating to Northern Ireland, use the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service. There is also a handy Housing Solutions Guide on the council's website which allows you to explore other options that might be available to you including shared ownership and sheltered housing, based on your circumstances. Points will be awarded if an applicant's medical circumstances are made worse by their current housing circumstances and would be improved by a move to more suitable, alternative accommodation, Applicants and tenants will be entitled to either a general award of 50 points or 150 points for a severe medical need. if a household has been accepted as priority need and unintentionally homeless) then that household will be awarded housing need points in accordance with this policy, will be registered for suitable property types and will be provided with a reasonable choice of areas. New Town Corporation, Urban Development Corporation. You can choose as many areas of the city as you want, but you should bear in mind that the council has very few properties in some areas, and they may not become available very often. paper, compact disk, e-mail messages, and reports. Our advisers may also be able to help find ways to get more points. For queries or advice about claiming compensation due to a road problem, contact DFI Roads claim unit. Applications from households acceptedby the authority as unintentionally homeless and in priority need. For example, Erin has three children, but they are adults and living in their own homes. Different councils across Wales have their own rules in deciding who gets one, what kind of house they'll live in and when they can move in. When you apply for housing you can state your preference for the areas youd like to live in, and the type of property youd prefer. Applications from people experiencing domestic abuse. A nomination to an assured tenancy (including assured shorthold tenancy) of accommodation held by a Registered Social Landlord (Housing Association). 1.30 Physically disabled people who require high level adaptations in their accommodation will be referred to the ADAPT register. Depending on your circumstances, you may be required to include two areas where social housing is more readily available in your choices this will help to ensure that you have the best chance of being rehoused. 2.5 The Council is keen to maximise choice for applicants and tenants applying for housing or transfer. Generally there is a shortage of available properties and a large demand for accommodation. Apply for council housing To ensure the best use of the housing stock. You can use the authority's website to search for available properties and apply for properties. Where the applicant or tenant can demonstrate particularly urgent social circumstances that require an urgent response from the Council which would be eased by rehousing. The more points you have, the more quickly you should be offered a home. Knowing your responsibilities as a landlord makes getting started a lot easier. We assist Council and Housing Association Tenants who live in properties that have unfixed. If your application is successful and a property is found, people will contacted by their District Housing Office. : Max 32 points, Support and care needs - only applicable to those applying for sheltered or supported housing: Max 30 points, Primary social needs factors: Max 40 points, Other social needs factors: Max 40 points, Underoccupation (for transfer applicants only): 10 points per extra room. You must register on the common housing register on Merthyr Tydfil council's official website.You must complete a Housing Registration Application, providing details of your current housing and household circumstances. Applicants and tenants will be registered for a property type and size in accordance with Section 5 of this policy. Lever taps Repositioning of sockets Handrails, Mountcastle silent bell Painting edge of steps Low level bath, Canada thresholds Widen door frames Shower seats Over bath shower Stairlift, Structural alterations Hoists and tracking Medi bath. The Homes4U catalogue brings together homes from the council and several housing associations - meaning that they are all in one place. Since 2008, Torfaen County Borough Council does not manage any council houses, flats or sheltered housing of its own. Economic Circumstances for applicants or tenants needing Sheltered Housing. 1.0 The allocations policy is the framework for: 1.1. 1. 5.23 All ground floor flats will be offered to the highest pointed elderly household (over 60), household containing children or household with a need for ground floor accommodation on medical grounds. 5.1 Overview As one of the largest social housing providers in Wales,. You'll receive your points total in writing. Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. Readily available properties and general offers. 1.14 All information provided by applicants on the application form will be for the sole purpose of enabling the Council to assess the application for housing in accordance with this Policy, and the Data Protection Act 1998. About. 6.6 The operation of this policy is subject to the Council Corporate Complaints Policy. After filling in a Social Housing Application form you'll be given log in details to be able to apply for housing. 5.21 Ground floor properties in sheltered complexes which do not have lifts will be offered to existing tenants within that sheltered complex who currently occupy accommodation at first floor level or above, providing they have medical points for needing ground floor accommodation. Nominations to a tenancy held by a Housing Association. You will be given an application form to fill in, and then an appointment will be made for you to come back and see an advisor. Powys council works with seven housing associations to form the Powys Common Housing Register partnership to allocate housing to people in the area. 5.19 Households who have contact with a child or children for less than 50% of the week will be registered for the additional number of bedrooms that the household requires, depending on individual circumstances. Where the property is available on general offer, Where the applicant or tenant has an independently proven need to live in an area and there are no suitable sized flats in that area, Where there are no suitably sized properties in any area, The tenant has clearly indicated to the Councils satisfaction that the lodger is to become a permanent member of their family, or, The tenant has confirmed that the lodger will leave when they transfer. Once the authority has all the information it needs about your application, it will decide whether you can join the waiting list, and write to you to let you know the decision. Swansea Council community housing options manager Steve Porter said the idea is that people stay in the pods for two weeks to three months, and are helped to move onto more permanent. 2.4 Applicants and Tenants will be registered on the Council's waiting list following completion of the assessment of housing need. 5.32 Retiring employees in tied accommodation who have been in post pre 6th November 1992 will be offered accommodation in line with their existing accommodation. To apply for social housing in Powys you'll need to submit a housing application online on the Homes In Powys page. Electric vehicle charge points installed in 12council car parks serving 32recharging bays, with 40chargepoints in a further 12carparks and 3community hubs being installed during 2022 All our. Contact the Housing Executive and ask about areas: with a higher turnover rate with less demand that need fewer points to get an offer 2. This section of the website explains the Housing system in Wales and who can receive support. The Housing Act 1996 parts VI and VII, as amended by the Homelessness Act 2002, require local authorities to have an allocations policy that sets out: 1.3 The term 'allocation of housing accommodation' is defined by S159 of the Housing Act 1996 as: 1.4 This Allocations Policy has been developed to comply with the requirements of Part VI and Part VII of the Housing Act 1996 as amended by the Homelessness Act 2002 in relation to the letting of social housing. 5.11 Tenants will be permitted to transfer to alternative accommodation if the following transfer standard is met: 5.12 Tenants will be exempt from the above criteria in the following circumstances. par | Avr 28, 2023 | how did gloria charles died | horseheads town court | Avr 28, 2023 | how did gloria charles died | horseheads town court 1.25 Housing Associations offer accommodation to the Council on an ongoing basis. Disabled Adaptations where the applicant is a social housing tenant or has received a Local Authority grant. NI 21018 Copyright 2022. Home Options Newport is the council-run site for allocating social housing in the Newport City Council area. Should this happen, points will be reduced in accordance with this policy. A housing portal is provided on the council website to allow people to apply for social housing with Vale Homes or local housing associations. The council, perhaps stating the blindingly obvious here, said that people should consider renting in the private sector as an option. 1.37 The Council will not refuse an application for exchange unless: In addition, the landlord is entitled to require payment of any rent arrears or the remedying of any breach of tenancy condition before consent to exchange is given. Gender overcrowding where the oldest child has reached the age of 10. They have a Housing Options Wizard to help you with other options. 2.22 The Council is committed to ensuring that all customers can access services easily and on equal terms. It is called the Bridgend Common Housing Register. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. The Council will only involve other agencies or divulge information to a third party with the consent of the person, unless required to do so by law or unless that information is necessary for the protection of people at risk. Comprehensive information on housing law in practice in Northern Ireland. For example, needing a walking aid or struggling to move in your home. A swap - also known as a mutual exchange or housing exchange - can help you move quickly, and gives you control in deciding where you stay. Get help managing your money and if you're behind on your mortgage. To find out if you are eligible for housing you need to call the council on 01554 899 389. Bands A & B are for people who have a housing need and a connection to Cardiff. 2.29 Employees of the Council are entitled to apply for housing however any offer of accommodation will be subject to approval by the Head of Housing. The size and type of accommodation to be offered. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. 1.31 Applicants suitable for ADAPT will be identified from appropriate medical evidence on the application form for housing. The more our advisers know, the better they can help. You can get points for things like: You get 70 points if you pass the Housing Executives homelessness assessment (also called an investigation). 5.30 The Council has a minimum lettings standard and should a property not meet the current minimum lettings standard, households may be entitled to a cleaning and redecoration allowance. 5.22 Tenants over the age of 60, under occupying accommodation in a flat or sheltered complex that is unsuitable for their needs on medical grounds will be allowed to register for a transfer to a property of a similar size (even if this means that they will continue to under-occupy), if a more suitable property becomes available in the same sheltered complex or block. How the Council prioritises applicants for rehousing ensuring that reasonable preference is given to certain people. 1.40 The Allocations Policy will be subject to review from time to time, particularly in response to significant changes to legislation and/or housing market conditions and or other local circumstances. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. We are so happy you found the information you need! 2.14 The Council reserves the right to refuse or cancel any application, which it considers to be based on false or misleading information. OR. This can be done over the telephone with ahousing optionsadviser or by using an online form. 2 points per year for a maximum of five years: Up to 10 points, Homeless or threatened with homelessness: 70 points, In interim accommodation longer than 6 months: 20 points, Each bedroom short of criteria: 10 points, Dampness prejudicial to health: 10 points, Inadequate provision for lighting, heating and ventilation: 10 points, Inadequate supply of wholesome water: 10 points, Unsatisfactory facilities for preparation and cooking of food (such as a sink with a satisfactory supply of hot and cold water): 10 points, No suitably located WC for the exclusive use of the occupants (not awarded if due to mobility issues): 10 points, No suitably located fixed bath/shower, with satisfactory supply of hot and cold water for exclusive use of occupants: 10 points, Functionality - points awarded if you need assistance or have difficulty with walking, stairs, steps, etc. Severe medical need where a current medical condition means that an urgent response is required by the Council. 5.28 Where an eligible applicant or tenant accepts an offer of accommodation, an offer of an unconditional secure tenancy will be made except in the instances listed below: 5.29 Where the Council is able to demonstrate that an allocation to the highest pointed household would have a detrimental effect on the area where the vacancy exists, the property may be allocated to the next highest pointed household on the waiting list. Your position on the waiting list is based on the points you get under four main categories: intimidation . A connection can include: Residence for the last 6 months or. Read our most recent consultation responses, briefings, research and policy blog. 3 or more of the Social or Welfare categoriesfrom the "Low" list below: Maximum of 2 categories awarded from the following list: (NB The award of points under these categories is subject to detailed assessment and guidance notes for officers on when it is appropriate to award such points), Housing Benefit Shortfall of 5-10% (where there is no earned income), Housing Benefit Shortfall of over 10% (where there is no earned income). Your first step is to register with Homeseeker online, or speak to the housing team directly on 01495 742 409. 5.33 Some areas may be designated as 'readily available' if one or more of the following criteria are met: 5.34 If a property in a Readily Available area has been refused on 3 occasions, the property may be let on a 'First Come' basis and also to under occupy if required, 5.34 If a property is not located in a Readily Available area but has been refused on 5 occasions, the property may be let on a 'First Come' basis and also to under occupy if required, Section 6:Appeals, Reviews and Complaints. 1 talking about this. Applicants or tenants who own property will be expected to sign a statement to the effect that they will occupy the Council property as their sole residence, that they will not derive any income from the property they own and will inform the Council should the property be sold or otherwise disposed of. Emergency Situations and Meeting Strategic Aims. You can get 10 points for every bedroom you are missing. We will deal with all our customers reasonably and will not discriminate on the grounds of a person's race, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, cultural background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or illness. The council will ask you about where you live now, who else lives with you, and whether you have any particular housing needs. It will act as a model from which a bigger 505 million Swansea Bay City Deal Homes as Power Stations (HAPS) project can work. 1.21 Personal data requested by someone other than the applicant are dealt with under the FOIA 2000. However in the following circumstances, this policy will allow an offer of a property other than a flat: 5.18 Households who have contact with a child or children for less than 50% of the week will be registered for a flat. The offer will be regarded as reasonable if it meets the needs of the applicant in terms of size and type of accommodation and is in the applicants preferred area of choice. The Objectives of the Policy are: 1.2. Details of the policy are available at any Council office or at www.swansea.gov.uk, Appendix 1-Adaptations for the chronically sick or disabled. Beyond this date work will continue to improve both council housing and council housing estates. You can get points if you do not have enough bedrooms for everyone in your household. If this offer is refused then the Council will have discharged its duty. Highland Council has agreed to give more housing 'points' to people at risk of homelessness, and those living in poor conditions. Know your rights and responsibilities if you rent from a housing association or the Housing Executive. You should therefore also consider renting in the private sectionas an option. with the City & County of Swansea? Domestic abuse often has consequences for the housing situation of those affected and the Council will ensure that all staff adopt a common approach to giving advice, guidance and assistance to customers experiencing domestic abuse. Members get access to events, online information and discounted training. You can follow the link provided here to tailor your experience, or accept all and continue on this page. Your position on the waiting list is based on the points you get under four main categories: Points awarded under any of these categories will decide your total points level and your position on the waiting list. Apply for council housing Apply. You'll need to register your household online with the council's housing team to check eligibility for social housing. 1.11 Applicants and Tenants have the right to receive all information and documentation relating to this policy in Welsh. The more our advisers know, the better they can help. 2.10 The Council will notify households if a decision is made that the household is not eligible for an allocation. Applications from households with no local connection to the City and County of Swansea. For queries or advice about 60+ and Senior Citizen SmartPasses (which can be used to get concessionary travel on public transport), contactSmartpass - Translink. Only in exceptional circumstances would the residence of relatives other than those listed above be taken to establish a local connection. If your query is about another benefit, select Other from the drop-down menu above. We will write to you to tell you whether you have been added to our housing needs register, your housing need points and the type of property that you have been registered for, including the areas you have chosen. You need to consider all of this when applying and selecting your areas, the council added. The points system. A household with five or more children needs four bedrooms. The points system When you apply for housing, your position on the waiting list is determined by the points you are awarded. The council-run Vale Homes is the largest landlord in Vale of Glamorgan, owning just over 4,000 homes in the area. If you want to speak to our advisers about points, be ready to talk about all parts of your situation and your needs. Housing Rights is registered with The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland - NIC105735Housing Rights is a company limited by Guarantee in Northern Ireland. 2.25 The tenancy will automatically become a secure tenancy when the applicant reaches the age of 18, providing the person does not become ineligible for an allocation in the interim. 1.29 ADAPT aims to simplify the process for accessing adapted accommodation and to ensure that existing adapted accommodation across the City and County of Swansea is put to best use. Applicants will be withdrawn from the housing register for up to 12 months following one reasonable offer of accommodation being refused without good reason. 5.31 A summary of the current minimum lettings standard is available from the Council, Retiring Employees of the City and County of Swansea. Requests for review can also include any supporting evidence or information to help the case. A high level of proof will be required, for example documentation from the Police Authority. Officials said it also focuses on people's choices rather than points and to apply for homes in the specific area they wish to live by opening up more choices. This information is for people in Northern Ireland applying for social housing. The cost of purchasing suitable sheltered housing in the private sector will be determined on a case by case basis by assessing the housing market at the time of application. Band E is for people who have a local connection to Cardiff but have no housing need. Emaildcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, Call 0800 587 2750 We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. You'll need to register online to be able to bid for housing. 2.9 The Council will confirm receipt of an application for housing. 5.27 Where a tenant is under occupying Council or Housing Association accommodation, the Council may allow them to register for accommodation that would result in under occupation. 5.0 Accommodation owned and managed by the Council will be offered to the applicant or tenant with the greatest number of housing need points for the specific area and property type, at the time that the property is ready to be allocated. 4.0 Applicants and Tenants will be awarded housing need points where they are able to demonstrate that they meet the appropriate criteria in either their permanent or temporary home. Applicants will need to make their request for information in writing, and there may be a charge to reflect any additional work involved in providing this information. An offer of suitable accommodation to discharge homelessness duty. 1.24 Eligible applicants and tenants can express an interest in being nominated for a Housing Association property on the application form for housing and at any time during the assessment process. 2.0 Subject to the details of this Policy, anyone who is aged 16 or above and who is an eligible person (as defined in Section 3) can apply for housing. Once your points have been awarded you can contact an adviser at Housing Options who will give further advice on area choices and likely waiting times. 6.0 All tenants who have applied for a transfer or applicants who have applied for housing will have the right to appeal against decisions made by Officers of the Council with regard to their applications. 1.23 The Council has nomination agreements in place which outline the number of housing association properties which will be made available to applicants on the Council's waiting list. 5.8 A community connection is defined as an area in which the applicant their parents or children, have lived for longer than 12 months within the last 5 years. Skill up with our housing and welfare related training and events. Renters' Voice want to make private renting better for everyone. This is often called the housing selection scheme. The applicants need for additional bed spaces. 1.17 Anyone can request 'recorded information' from the Council in any format, e.g. 1.35 The Council will provide incentives to support mutual exchange requests. Editor's note: Please submit notification of alumni deathsincluding an obituary, if possibleto the University at cubio-deceased@cornell.edu.Once the University records an alumni death in its database, the relevant information is forwarded to Cornellians for inclusion in a future In Memoriam section. Comments or queries about the Blue Badge scheme can be emailed to bluebadges@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk or you can also call 0300 200 7818. Image: Jason Hedges/DC Thomson. You can get points for things like. 5.17 Households where all children are over 16 years of age will be registered for flats. Listen for the options on the phone message and choose the right one for you. The authority will then write to you to tell you whether you are eligible for its housing needs register, your housing need points and the type of property that you have been registered for, including the areas you have chosen.