By no means do all modern authors assume Caligula was insane, Winterling wrote. Caligula is famous for being the first Roman emperor to be assassinated. Tiberius agreed, and Augustus diedcompletely unaware that his best-laid plans were about to go down in flames. On January 22, 41 AD, Caligula was busy speaking to a group of young actors in the corridors beneath his luxurious palace when Chaerea and his fellow conspirators appeared out of nowhere. Though the former was 24 when he was anointed and the latter 70, the historian has observed several parallels in their behaviors. Tiberius adopted Caligula and made him and his cousin Gemellus equal heirs to the empire. Both were dictators with absolute power and they were both stabbed 30 times by a group of conspirators led by a man named Cassius. Factinate is a fact website that is dedicated to finding and sharing fun facts about science, history, animals, films, people, and much more. Tiberius will named Caligula co-heir with his younger cousin Tiberius Gemellus, but the Senate rejected these provisions and gave complete imperial power to Caligula, who instead made Gemellus, Even before he was Emperor, Caligula had an innate viciousness. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, - Biography of Caligula. Gaius Caesar Germanicus was born in Antium (modern-day Anzio), Italy on August 31, 12 A.D. . Most people know him from the infamous 1979 explicit film Caligula, but if anything, the real emperor was even more disturbing than the one we saw on screen. In yet another of the famous stories about Caligulas megalomania, he once stood near a statue of Jupiter and asked a nearby actor who was more mightyhimself or the god. Caligula (formally known as Gaius) was the third of Ancient Rome's emperors, who achieved feats of waste and carnage during his four-year reign (A.D. 37-41). Who was worse Nero or Caligula? Caligula apparently also enjoyed performing and liked to show off whenever possible. So Caligula, who now had access to absolute power, discovered new ways to secure funds. (See Researchers Note: Caligulas horse.) In 31 AD, he summoned Caligula to his pleasure island of Capri and adopted the boy. Junia died in childbirth a year after their wedding, and Caligula was left alone once again. As a joke, Dando-Collins was sure to add. Julius Caesar was his great-great-grandfather, Augustus was his grandfather, and his father Germanicus was one of Romes most effective and popular generals. Hey, as long as hes not executing people on a whim, Id say thats a good thing. So, how did he justify this ridiculous excess? What is Caligula most famous for? Either way, Tiberius suddenly had no heir. When he first took power, Caligula hd the ashes of his mother and brother moved to the sacred tomb of his ancestors. Find History on Facebook (Opens in a new window), Find History on Twitter (Opens in a new window), Find History on YouTube (Opens in a new window), Find History on Instagram (Opens in a new window), Find History on TikTok (Opens in a new window), 1. He recovered, but by all accounts, the painful illness broke something in his mindand Rome shook from the consequences. Summoned to live with Tiberius in Capri as a teenager, Caligula became a pampered prisoner to his great uncle and adoptive grandfather, although he secretly despised him. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! According to Suetonius, Caligula was extremely interested in the Egyptian practice of using incest to protect the royal bloodline. Caligula (12-41 C. E.) was the third emperor of Rome. Cruel and tyrannical Emperor Caligula ruled Ancient Rome through fear and terror. Married Four Times, Each Was Short Lived, 13. As such, the people of Rome absolutely hated him by the time he died. To procure the revenues needed to finance his extravagances, he then resorted to the extortion of prominent Roman citizens and the confiscation of their estates. The great-great grandson of Julius Caesar certainly left his mark by his possible madness and definitely horrific acts. Agrippina often and openly expressed her dislike for her sons predecessor, Emperor Tiberius. One day, the emperor allegedly found the days activities to be a little dull, so he ordered his guards to throw an entire section of the crowd to the beasts to make up it. Which Roman emperor had a talking horse? And his only ambition to that point must have been to survive.. The Julio-Claudian dynasty would remain secure for another 17 years, until Neros suicide in 68. The story says that he couldnt return to Rome without a victory of some kind, so he declared war on Neptune and ordered his men to whip the waves. into a demonstration of cruelty and power. Reportedly, Caligula often mocked Chaerea for his feeble voice and called him derogatory names in public. All Rights Reserved. According to the ancient historian Suetonius, the Roman emperor known as Caligula loved one of his horses, Incitatus, so much that he gave the steed a marble stall, an ivory manger, a jeweled collar and even a house. Also known as: Gaius Caesar, Gaius Caesar Germanicus. In January 41, four months after his return to Rome from Gaul, Caligula was murdered at the Palatine Games by Cassius Chaerea, tribune of the Praetorian Guard, Cornelius Sabinus, and others. Cruel and tyrannical Emperor Caligula ruled Ancient Rome through fear and terror. Drusilla died in a pandemic, and as far we know wasnt pregnant at the time. Caligula treasured the steed so much that he gave it its own house with an ivory manger and a marble stall. Gaius was a loyal little soldier, then, and his eternal nickname Caligula was born while on these campaigns as hed wear a military uniform replete with little boots, and subsequently became a sort of mascot to the troops. What is Caligula most famous for? Nero was worse, because Caligula was to put it succinctly batshit crazy. Was Ancient Roman Emperor Caligula Actually The Insane, Sadistic Pervert Everyone Thinks? One reason for this might be that he was afraid he would have a seizure and drown while in the water. Thanks for your help! Whereas Nero was sane and malignantly evil. Remembered as a cruel and erratic tyrant, his deranged tendencies threw Rome into chaosand eventually caused his violent end. Making distraction rewarding since 2017. Legend has it that Caligula loved his horse Incitatus so much he planned on anointing it to high office. Well, he had a saying: You either had to be frugal, or be Caesar. Thankfully for him, he was the latter. It was the first major motion picture that juxtaposed segments featuring respected, mainstream actors with scenes that were essentially pornographic. Each day, he had the statue dressed in whatever he was wearing, and Romes wealthiest citizens would make offerings to the emperor there. Unfortunately he died before he could make this dream a reality. Either affectionately or mockingly, Germanicus troops called the boy Caligula, meaning Little Boots or Booties. The nickname stuck, but Gaius reportedly hated it. He was nonetheless named sole emperor of Rome. Chariot racing was one of his great passions, and he would personally participate in races. When Augustus died on August 19, 14 A.D., however, Tiberius assumed power and sent Germanicus to the eastern provinces. He was also said to speak to Jupiter directly, sometimes threatening him outright, and claimed that the spirit of the ocean spoke to him when he couldnt sleep. Madame de Pompadour was the alluring chief mistress of King Louis XV, but few people know her dark historyor the chilling secret shared by her and Louis. What is Caligula most known for? And as if that wasnt enough, he also had his dinner table set with golden loaves of bread. Not only did he dress as gods and demigods like Hercules, Mercury, Venus, and Apollo, but he ordered a bridge to be built that connected his palace to the Temple of Jupiter. Rampaging through Rome committing murder, adultery and acts of debauchery, his reign came to an abrupt end when he was brutally assassinated after only four years. Tinto Brass 1979 film is a historical drama that some have relegated as cinematic erotica. As the water level dropped, the outlines of the ships that had sat on the bottom for centuries finally revealed themselves. Dick Cheney can be compared to Sejanus, head of the Praetorian Guard under Caligulas predecessor Tiberius. The narcissism didnt end there. But Suetonius wrote The Lives of the Caesars in 121 A.D., 80 years after Caligula was assassinated at age 28 by members of the Praetorian Guard. Maybe he felt like he couldnt live up to his name, or maybe he just hated attention being drawn away from him, but Caligula deeply resented his famous ancestors. When archaeologists began digging, they made a surprising discovery. According to historians, around 39 AD, he removed and replaced all of the Consuls without asking the Senates approval. 50. In 39 and 40 he led military campaigns to the Rhine and the English Channel, where he eschewed battles for theatrical displays, commanding his troops to plunder the sea by gathering shells in their helmets). I tried to get my ex-wife served with divorce papers. This would completely neuter both the Senate and the Praetorian Guard. Caligula: Reign of Madness He died at just 28 years old, but his reign was a legendary frenzy of lunacy, murder, and lust. Ahh politics, making things as complicated as possible for thousands of years. Caligula. Caligula (1979), Penthouse Films International, The Truth Always Comes Out: Dark Family Secrets Exposed, Entrancing Facts About Madame de Pompadour, France's Most Powerful Mistress, Tragic Facts About Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIIIs First Wife, Tragic Facts About Sophia Of Celle, The Prisoner Bride, Steadfast Facts About Queen Adelaide, The Tragic Consort, Gaudy Facts About Alva Vanderbilt, The Gilded Age Queen, Felicitous Facts About Philip V, The Melancholy King. The gladiatorial games were not only for public exhibition and political reputation, but also to serve up Roman justice. Though accounts of this event come from years after Caligulas reign, based on what we know about him, is it really that far-fetched? Despite being remembered as a cruel tyrant, one of Caligulas first actions as emperor was to restore democratic electionsnot that he paid any mind to what anyone said, elected official or not. The Roman emperor Caligula Incitatus. She has produced writing for a wide range of arts organizations including Tate Modern, The National Galleries of Scotland, Art Monthly, and Scottish Art News, with a focus on modern and contemporary art. After marrying Germanicus, she defied tradition by accompanying him on his military campaigns in Germania, reportedly acting as an adviser and diplomat. Copyright 2023 by It could be that Gaius Caesar Germanicus was simultaneously treated like a prince while forced to remain on the island as Tiberius prisoner. This amused the other soldiers, who mockingly nicknamed him Caligula, meaning little boot.. Remember Macro, the Praetorian Guard who helped make Caligula emperor? All Rights Reserved. Known victims: Roman Emperor Claudius Britannicus. He completed construction on the Temple of Augustus and Pompeys theatre, he started work on an aqueduct to improve Romes water supply, and he built a majestic amphitheater. . There are no real parallels between Richard Nixon and Caligula other than the fact that both were corrupted by power. One of the wrecks included a lead pipe bearing the inscription Property of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus. It is uncertain whether it was Allied or German troopswho cause the fire thatlargely destroyed the ships in 1944. The Roman populace had by now grown weary of this mad and unpredictable tyrant, and several conspiracies were formed against him. Think of it as the ancient equivalent of miniature Nikes and tuxedo-imprinted onesies: Even in Roman times, parents liked to proudly dress their progeny in tiny versions of grownup gear. Hed reprehend landowners just so that he could take their belongings. Just like that. Young Gaius accompanied his father on campaigns in north of Germania. His mother accused Tiberius of murdering Germanicus and sought revenge. Agrippina died of starvation in exile on a remote island, and Tiberius had the two brothers imprisoned. Caligula had a malevolent sense of humor. Uncovered during the 1920s and 30s, they had mostly been destroyed during the Second World War, but a lead pipe was found bearing the inscription Property of Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus.. Nero was worse, because Caligula was to put it succinctly batshit crazy. As Caligulas behavior became more erratic and cruel, critics began to question his actions. 7. Early in his reign, he decided to spend a fortune to build a floating bridge across the Bay of Naplesjust to stick it to one of his naysayers. Wikimedia CommonsDrusilla, Caligulas sister, is seated to the right of Felix, who is center. He was the third of six living children born to his father Germanicus and mother Agrippina the Elder. Pubic DomainCaligula in a winged helmet and holding double-headed arrows before a military scene in the background, even though the emperor had no military experience. He lavished his fine steed with attention, giving him his own house with a marble stall and an ivory manger, and even openly expressed his plans to declare his horse a Roman consulate. Caligulas wife and daughter were also put to death. He would also sometimes dress as a woman, or as female gods such as Diana and Juno. It was rumoured that he planned to appoint his horse consul before he died. They found evidence of palace walls that actually joined directly to the sacred temple. The boy was born into unimaginable nobility, as his family was the most esteemed in all of Rome and his great-great-grandfather was none other than Julius Caesar. Growing up, Agrippina the Elder had a close relationship with her grandfather, the Emperor Augustus, who personally oversaw her education. Tiberius agreed, and Augustus diedcompletely unaware that his best-laid plans were about to go down in flames. Earlier chroniclers who actually lived under Caligula, namely Seneca and Philo, make no mention of this type of behavior despite their harsh criticism of the emperor. Even as a grown man, Caligula despised his nickname, so he did what any self-respecting emperor would do: he made a new one. Desperate to take home a victory, he waged an imaginary war with his army on the mythological sea-god Neptune, ordering them to whip the waves, and to plunder the sea for shells as the spoils of war. He named himself a god, dressed himself like a god, and built a temple to himselfmethinks the emperor doth protest too much. The young Caligula barely survived the fallout of his fathers demise. They include the Temple of Augustus, Pompeiis Theatre, the rebuilding of the walls in the temples of Syracuse, and the Roman city in the Alps. He soon became one of the most hated people in the entire empire. Others thought that after his illness he was mad; however, much evidence of this is suspect and somee.g., that he made his horse consulis untrue. Unfortunately for Caligula, falsely accusing people and stealing their stuff didnt bring in nearly enough money to pay off his debts, so he had to resort to even more ridiculous methods. He galloped back and forth across the bridge on his horse for two days straight, wearing a dazzling golden cape. Before he took the throne, the astrologer Thrasyllus made a prediction that Caligula had no more chance of becoming emperor than of riding a horse across the Gulf of Baiae. Caligula set out to prove the man a fooland he went to desperate lengths to do so. Its believed by Suetonius, a biographer of Caligulas largely believed to have begotten his infamous legacy, that Germanicus was actually poisoned on the orders of Tiberius who feared the latter was a political rival. It was virtually impossible for senators to decipher how Caligula might react to any given matter. Two Pleasure Barges Were Built In Lake Nemi. He may have suffered from epilepsy. The project was never completed in ancient times. Introduction. At the age of three he started to accompany his father on military campaigns and the little soldier outfit he was given included miniature boots. Tiberius will named Caligula co-heir with his younger cousin Tiberius Gemellus, but the Senate rejected these provisions and gave complete imperial power to Caligula, who instead made Gemellus his heir. And so, when the respected general Germanicus brought his son Gaius on campaign, the tyke sported soldiers footwear, or caligae, scaled down to his size. Caligula apparently also enjoyed performing and liked to show off whenever possible. Did Julius Caesar ride a horse? A prominent figure in political circles, she also spoke out against Augustus successor Tiberius, whom she hated. He put these abilities to good use on the day of his predecessors funeral, despite his utter hatred for the man who murdered his family. His Mother, Agrippa The Elder, Was A Force Of Nature, 3. Oddly enough, the people of ancient Rome were actually angry when Caligula was murdered. Sometimes called pleasure barges, they were said to have marble dcor, mosaic floors, statues and there he held a succession of wild, debaucherous parties. The most famous story about Incitatus is that Incitatus made him a consul in the Incitatus.. Who made his horse a consul? Caligulas response was utterly chilling. Next, the conspirators went looking for Caligulas sickly uncle Claudius. One was the Dagger, and the other the Sword. They contained the names of people whom he wanted to prosecute, imprison, or execute. This horse had his own home. Tiberius was responsible for wiping out most of Caligulas family, but when the emperor offered to make Caligula his heir, the boy wasnt about to say no! Caligulas nickname stemmed from the little boots he wore as a child while accompanying his father on military campaigns. For most of his youth, Caligulas great-grandmother Livia shielded him from politics. He began having his family members killed, beginning with his cousin (and heir) Gemellus. A certain Valerius Catullus complained publicly that the emperor treated him hardly. At Factinate, were dedicated to getting things right. Luckily for him, a sympathetic soldier found him, and a faction of the Praetorian Guard quickly took him out of the city to safety. To other accounts, he perhaps experienced a breakdown or an epileptic seizure. Caligulas first years in office were a wild ride, but nearly everything he did had one thing in common: they were expensive. Caligula had been a total disaster of an emperorbut the Roman military still liked the idea of an empire. Thin, pale, and covered in large amounts of fine hair, Caligula was not blessed with natural good looks. By all accounts, Caligula wasnt a particularly formidable figure. In 38 he executed Naevius Sutorius Macro, prefect of the Praetorian Guard, to whose support he owed his accession, and Tiberius Gemellus, grandson of Tiberius, whom he had supplanted in the succession. Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus (August 31, 12 - January 24, 41 C.E. Strangely enough, the final moments of Caligula (real name Gaius Julius Caesar) looked a whole lot like the final moments of his ancestor, Gaius Julius Caesar. He often bragged that he once carried a dagger into Emperor Tiberiuss bedroom with the intention of killing him, avenging his mother and brothers. She holds an MA in Contemporary Art Theory from the University of Edinburgh and a BA in Fine Art from Edinburgh College of Art. Years before he became emperor, Caligula married a woman named Junia Claudilla, and she soon became pregnant. The oath went: I will not value my life or that of my children less highly than I do the safety of the Emperor Gaius and his sisters.. For most of his youth, Caligulas great-grandmother Livia shielded him from politicsbut a sudden tragedy changed all of that. According to Suetonius, Caligula managed to blow 2.7 billion sesterces in just the first year of his reign. Tiberius, Augustus stepson, had little desire to become emperor. Caligula started auctioning away the lives of gladiators during live events; tell me how you want to see him die, and well see to itfor a price. But the young man ruled for only four years until he was brutally slain alongside his wife and daughter by a group of guardsmen and dumped into a shallow grave. Historical accounts of Caligula may vary, but, Unlike her weasely son, Caligulas mother Agrippina the Elder was a famously tough and courageous woman. According to Suetonius, an ancient historian, Caligula's horse Incitatus had a stable made of marble and a stall made of ivory. We can thank the Roman historian Suetonius for the eroticism of the 1979 movie. Sources:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, Truth Hurts: Binge-Worthy Stories About The Biggest Liars Of All Time, The Unforgettable Story Of Wu Zetian, China's Most Ruthless Empress, Im Done: These People Quit Their Bad Jobs And Toxic Relationships In Epic Ways, Lawyers Share Their Oh GOD Moments In Court, Over My Dead Body: These Outrageous Funerals Prove Drama Never Dies. The senators set about restoring the Roman Republic, but there was one glaring problem. Caligula didnt just think of himself as a godhe resented the actual gods for being worshipped alongside him! Caligula forced Macro, whom he owed so much, to commit suicide. Whereas Nero was sane and malignantly evil. What can we say, when it came to hedonism, Caligula was way ahead of his time. Approximately six to seven months after taking power, Caligula suddenly fell ill, possibly by poisoning. A little self-conscious maybe? So, after years of cold-blooded killings and extravagant spending, what did Caligula do that finally led to his downfall? But Claudius came to prove a much better leader than his wayward young nephew. Although Caligula got no further than the English Channel and was murdered soon after, his preparations for the invasion would allow Claudius to begin Romes successful conquest of Britain in 43 A.D. Thats what I love when Im at a show: to hear the jerk next to me sing instead of the trained professionals on stage. Though the Praetorian Guard had turned on Caligula, his personal Germanic Guard was still rabidly loyal to him right to the end. His recorded symptoms suggest he did in fact suffer from bipolar disorder, Dando-Collins reported. The ruins were found on Palatine Hill, where they joined the Temple of Castor and Pollox. What is Caligula most famous for? His First Few Months As Emperor Went Reasonably Well, 5. What is Caligula most famous for? Ethics vs. the Law: Whats the Difference? After this he restored treason trials, showed great cruelty, and engaged in wild despotic caprice; e.g., he bridged the Bay of Naples with boats from Baiae to Puteoli in the summer of 39. One of the most pervasive legends about Caligula claims that he once went to war with Neptune, the God of the Sea, after being forced to abandon a military campaign to invade Britain. Much to everyones surprise, Claudius, Caligulas much older Uncle, was called to take up the throne. Sometimes called pleasure barges, they were said to have marble dcor, mosaic floors, statues and there he held a succession of wild, debaucherous parties. Most people know him from the infamous 1979 explicit film. Others believe that one of them was constructed as a floating temple to the Goddess Diana, while the other was likely a floating palace where Caligula could indulge in his vices, #yachtlife style. Caligula even planned to make the horse a consul as an expression of his total power, but died before he had the opportunity. Augustus deeply admired Caligulas father, Germanicus, and made Tiberius promise to make the great general his heir. And did this bother the man who thought himself a god? According to Ancient Origins, Caligulas illness has been greatly debated. Soon after Ptolemy arrived in Rome, Caligula executed him without a trial and annexed Mauretania. The future emperors famed history of incest is believed to have started during this time. Based on historical reports, Caligula knew how to work a crowd. Suetonius claimed that Caligula himself ended Tiberiuss life and ensured his rise to emperor. Caligula is often remembered as a selfish and capricious ruler whose ineptitude weakened the Roman empire during his four-year reign. Regardless of whether Caligula actually hosted orgies or made parents watch as their children were killed, Dando-Collins concludes that he was nonetheless a dangerous man to know. British MuseumLegend has it that Caligula loved his horse Incitatus so much he planned on anointing it to high office. Caligula often referred to himself as a god during political meetings and was even registered as such in public documents recording his attendance or appearance. In 41 A.D., he was attacked by a cabal of Praetorian Guards following a sporting event, before he was brutally stabbed over 30 times. He was the son of the Roman general Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder, Augustus ' granddaughter. He had double standards, Dando-Collins reported. Caligulas wife Caesonia and his daughter were also put to death. Caligula (2) But his insanity, coupled with his power as Emperor of Rome, would secure him a most unusual legacy. As well as having criminals and slaves sacrificed before an audience for entertainment, he was said to have even fed a section of the crowd to the beasts because they were running low on criminals. To their credit, his rule had been a pretty good example of why giving one man absolute power might not be the best idea. In January 41, four months after his return to Rome from Gaul, Caligula was murdered at the Palatine Games by Cassius Chaerea, tribune of the Praetorian guard, Cornelius Sabinus, and others. Find out whether the much-maligned emperor was as crazy as they say. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Caligulas grandmother was infuriated at the deed, and, of course, died shortly after expressing that fact. (Reward if Found), 4 Roman Naval Battles that Made Rome Master of the Mediterranean, Scourge of the Inner Sea: The Pirates of the Ancient Mediterranean, 5 Myths About Emperor Caligula You Shouldnt Believe, Emperor Tiberius: 20 Facts about Ancient Romes Unpopular Leader, Roman Republic vs. Roman Empire and The Imperial System. These days, many historians reject the notion that Caligula terrorized Rome with his unbridled madness, talking to the moon, ordering arbitrary executions and trying to make his horse a consul. Many historians, both ancient and modern, have tried to explain what made Caligula so mad. Then, of course, all their estates and possessions were his for the taking. But did you know that one of his most trusted advisors was a horse? By Rosie LessoMA Contemporary Art Theory, BA Fine ArtRosie is a contributing writer and artist based in Scotland. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place, the man took a moment to think of the right answerwhich was evidently not the right move. The former could still very much be pinned on Caligula, as the tyrannical ruler had a way of intimidating people to death. Cruel and tyrannicalEmperor Caligula ruled Ancient Rome through fear and terror. Many people in Rome were utterly shocked that the emperor would show such mercy to the boy. Although his excessive architectural ambitions ran Rome into debt, he successfully oversaw the completion of important Roman buildings. All this rabble-rousing didnt sit well with the emperor, who had Agrippina floggedsupposedly until she lost an eye. For centuries, the citizens of Lake Nemi knew that the sunken ships were there, but it wasnt until the era of Mussolini, when a ridiculous plan was finally hatched to locate the ships once and for all. Caligula could be utterly monstrous in his dealings with humans, but that doesnt mean he disregarded all forms of life: He loved his horse Incitatus so much that he gave him his own house with a marble stall and manger made from ivory.