C. The publication must have 70 percent or more paid circulation. E. regional newspaper. E. Inability to offer specialized services. B. Which of the following is a disadvantage associated with advertising in magazines? D. they want to communicate customized information to magazine readers. Health care publications targeted at specific streams such as dental, medical and surgical, nursing, biotechnological sciences, and hospital administration are classified as: One ad contained an image of a popular female celebrity while the other contained a lesser-known model on the front cover. C. gatefold. ), When you have an exclusive contract with a real estate agent, you can, a. still work with other agents, as long as you disclose that you are doing it. ND Daily, a local city newspaper, caters to the residents of the city as well as the suburbs located in a 20-mile radius around the city. B. gatefold. Greater creative flexibility National advertisers in the automotive, tobacco, and pharmaceutical fields are liable to: D. It states that copies sold at greater than 50 percent of the value of its production cost cannot be counted as paid circulation. D. Selective binding Circulation verification services are important to media planners because: Greater frequency E. Special-interest. Selective binding E. NNN rates. Which of the following is true of newspaper advertisements? A. It also features several advertisements for men's products such as watches, clothing, and grooming products. }&8,415&\quad\text{Current year}&80,000\\ C. They generally have a long life span. Which of the following statements is true about newspaper supplements? the postal act of 1879 increased literacy and reduced cover prices, and __ fueled the booming interest in mass circulation magazines after the civil war. Which of the following is an advantage of magazines as an advertising medium? A. their poor image. O 1.33 of a hamburger per magazine. D. They offer limited flexibility to advertisers. \quad\text{of common stock. Pluto Inc. prepares two magazine ads with slight regional variations. E. They generally cost lower than newspaper ads. C. longer lead times. D. multiplying the readers per copy by the circulation of an average issue. Split running _____ is a category of advertising that is found throughout a newspaper and generally uses illustrations, headlines, white space, and other visual devices in addition to the copy text. E. consumer-oriented, Asea is a publication that provides information on world trends and technology to offshore oil and gas operations. D. It is used to market products but not services. This ad is an example of a(n): DigiSafe Inc. makes security systems for computer networks. b. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Low clutter level C. professional Consumers become involved with magazines when they read them and are more likely to find ads acceptable or even enjoyable. A clothing retailer would use an island ad to: break through the clutter typically found in newspapers. E. Niche. Paymentoflong-termdebtProceedsfromissuanceofcommonstock.Totalliabilities:Currentyear-endPrecedingyear-endTotalstockholdersequity:Currentyear-endPrecedingyear-endBorrowings$17,0758,41532,31138,02923,47514,0456,590DividendspaidNetsales:CurrentyearPrecedingyearNetincome:CurrentyearPrecedingyearOperatingincome:CurrentYearPrecedingyear$20580,00067,0002,3792,0074,8783,998. C. They are used exclusively by national advertisers. Commercials became shorter because advertisers turned to shorter spots as a way of controlling their media costs. Show how the company reported cash flows from financing activities during 2016 (the current year). 38.Business publications directed to wholesalers, dealers, distributors, and retailers are known as: A. special-interest consumer magazines. Which of the following is considered a major criticism of the DAGMAR approach? National newspapers B. inch rate Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? : Newspaper ads can be produced and run in various sizes, shapes, and formats. They are useful for reaching general consumers of services. C. The clutter problem for a magazine increases with more ad pages adding to its success. REQUIRED A. the wider reach of specialized publications. The typical consumer magazine distributes far more copies through newsstand sales than through subscriptions. The total audience, or readership, of a magazine can be calculated by: multiplying the readers per copy by the circulation of an average issue. D. They appeal to advertisers who are not concerned about reproduction quality and who prefer to use black and white ads. Magazines that are published for special-interest groups are targeting: Select one: a. Intelligentsia encourage thinking and observation b. Newsmagazines contain summarized news stories. E. distracters. Selective binding and ink-jet imaging make it possible for magazines to offer: _____ is a computerized production process that allows the creation of hundreds of copies of a magazine in one continuous sequence. Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? C. creative space buys It states that copies that sold for less than half of the basic price of a magazine could not be counted as paid circulation. A. they provide reliable figures regarding the size and distribution of a magazine's circulation. Traditionally, newspaper advertising space for national advertisers has been sold according to the: Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? E. special-audience newspapers. Newspapers and magazines are referred to as high-involvement media. D. their broad geographic focus. Which of the following is true of weekly newspapers? They are not bought by the general public as they offer specialized and in-depth information. They should do so by advertising in: B. a circulation verification system. E. It is typically used only for B2B marketing. Pluto Inc. is planning to run an ad in a weekly newspaper. D. Creative flexibility \text{Payment of long-term debt}&\$17,075&\text{Dividends paid}&\$205\\ Moreover, the Covid-19 outbreak made the world more conscious of health. Raiment Inc. manufactures sewing machines. E. retail, Mars Inc. printed 1,200 brochures with the intention of distributing them using a national newspaper. They are useful for reaching general consumers of services. Magazines E. Digital jetting, Which of the following technological processes makes it possible to personalize an advertising message? The marginal rate of substitution at point B and point A are equal because they are on the same budget line. E. They typically offer limited selectivity. A. E. special category zone. High market share and good market potential. Postal Act of 1879--lower postage rates 2. Which of the following criteria should be met by a magazine in order to be eligible for verification audits by Alliance for Audited Media (AAM)? The NsDaily, a newspaper, charges $50 per square inch of its advertisement space. D. the creative appeal of magazine ads. Which of the following technological processes makes it possible to personalize an advertising message? They do not sell goods that are sold in business markets. Purely as a medium of advertisement, the magazine offers manufacturers of guns and bulletproof vests greater: Which of the following is considered a primary benefit derived from using magazines as an advertising medium? C. fewer ads and less clutter in specialized publications. E. Print networks. D. flat rate A. Clutter makes it easy for an advertiser to gain readers' attention and draw them into an ad. Irrespective of the size and nature of the ad, the newspaper does not change the rate. All of the following statements are true, except: A) advertisers are ready to abandon traditional media, such as radio, television, magazines, and newspapers. D. permanence Ltfen birini sein: O only! B. B. overrun D. regional editions of specialty magazines. B. E. Typically, magazine readers are less tolerant toward clutter. E. Magazine publishers do not attempt to control the clutter problem by maintaining a reasonable balance of editorial pages to advertising. Buying ad space in regional editions of national magazines: can reduce an advertiser's cost per thousand for reaching desired audiences. This ad is an example of a(n): A. clutter. Which of the following positions in a company is likely to be responsible for determining which target markets should receive the most media emphasis? D. Lower costs E. They typically have a long life-span. Which of the following is true of newspapers as an advertising medium? The total audience, or readership, of a magazine can be calculated by: Blooms is a publication aimed at providing information to retail florists so that they can manage their stores more efficiently and profitably. During these months, the company specifically advertises its winter clothing line. A. Explain how the increased use of fair value accounting might increase information risk. E. gatefold advertising. C. they provide entertainment along with news and information to magazine readers. C. the presence of extensive clutter. \quad\text{Preceding year-end}&14,045&\quad\text{Current Year}&4,878\\ E. consumer publications. NMen is likely to be an example of a: _____ is a computerized production process that allows the creation of hundreds of copies of a magazine in one continuous sequence. D. They enable the creation of hundreds of copies in a continuous sequence. D. They are also known as farm publications. A. consumer magazine. E. Creative inflexibility. Employment, automotive, and real estate ads are the three major categories of _____ advertising. C. magazine supplements A. bleed page. E. total page ads. One important purpose of setting specific advertising goals and objectives is to: provide a benchmark against which performance can be measured. Overall drop in magazine prices due to: 1. A. ancillary circulation rates. D. The publication must be a member of the Magazine Publishers of America Trade Association. e. demographic selectivity. The publication must have 70 percent or more paid circulation. B. the geographic flexibility of magazines. b. bleed units _____ offer advertisers an opportunity to buy space in a group of publications as a package deal. They are avoided by most national advertisers because they generate high clutter. True or False? Though they resemble newspapers, supermarket tabloids are considered to be a type of magazine. Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? A company's goal to reach 50 percent of the target audience at least three times over a period of one year in order to create awareness is an example of: Warm Weave Inc., a manufacturer of woolen garments, spends heavily on advertising during the months of December, January, and February. Lack of demographic selectivity C. general business magazines. b. Which of the following distinct positive features of magazines is the company trying to utilize in this scenario? C. They offer high market penetration and coverage. Which of the following is true of magazine advertising in relation to the problem of clutter? They are highly expensive to create. It is also referred to as the agate line. Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? The company is using this as a test run to identify which ad offers greater receptivity. The ad for Faerie, a premium soap brand, contains a piece litmus paper that is stuck on the page and that a consumer can use to test the acidity or alkalinity of the soap. E. low reproduction quality. They are suited to marketers interested in reaching general consumers of services. When publications fix advertising rates based on a set average circulation figure that is nearly always below the actual circulation delivered by a given issue but carries no guarantee, they are using: It offers relatively lower reach and frequency than other media. Greater reach B. bleed pages E. Geographic selectivity, CL Inc. runs a series of product ads in a popular magazine. D. split runs Newspapers targeted at various religious groups compose a large class of: e. gatefolds, .Print advertising space is generally sold on the basis of ________, such as full page, half page, and quarter page: A. display advertising Which of the following is true of weekly newspapers? Mars Inc. printed 1,200 brochures with the intention of distributing them using a national newspaper. Which of the following is likely to be true of the product class and the product? Newspaper supplements False. D. Long lead times C. Publication verification networks It offers relatively lower competition. A magazine ad for Relish Soda featured a pop-up cardboard replica of its soda cans. A. D. newspaper supplement. C. Limited selectivity D. farming is considered as a community service occupation. E. combination, If a promoter of a boxing match wants to place an ad in the sports section of a newspaper, the promoter is likely to pay a(n) _____ rate. both I and II only 11. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The NsDaily, a newspaper, charges $50 per square inch of its advertisement space. C. greater selectivity. They are usually printed in alternate copies of a specific magazine. This activity is referred to as _____ basis. Lutfen birini sein 30 0.35 20 O 5 A. National advertisers tend to avoid weekly newspapers because of: their duplicate circulation with daily newspapers. Which of the following criteria should be met by a magazine in order to be eligible for verification audits by Alliance for Audited Media (AAM)? Health Magazines are also very popular in the magazine world. The reach and frequency of magazine advertisements are higher than advertisements through other media. E. Special advertising. Which of the following is true of magazine advertising? C. insert E. independent publications. E. they offer companies a way of boosting membership in labor organizations. Which of the following is considered a primary benefit derived from using magazines as an advertising medium? D. lower selectivity. a. creative space buys Which of the following is true of creative tactics in relation to advertising messages? Deborah subscribes to Adroit Artistry, a magazine that provides instructions on crafts such as soap making, tatting, and cane weaving. A. B. D. Special-audience newspapers D. Pass-along readers generally spend more time with a magazine and pick it up more often than primary in-home readers. A. Advertisers generally attach greater value to primary in-home readers than pass-along readers. (p. 1. A. ads provide additional information that may be of value in making a purchase decision. Magazines are a highly specialized medium that reach specific target audiences. E. They are generally considered less effective than selective binding. A. A. regional editions of general-interest magazines. C. professional The consumer maximizes utility by consuming at point A. II. York Company included the following items in its financial statements for 2016, the current year (amounts in millions): Paymentoflong-termdebt$17,075Dividendspaid$205ProceedsfromissuanceNetsales:ofcommonstock.8,415Currentyear80,000Totalliabilities:Precedingyear67,000Currentyear-end32,311Netincome:Precedingyear-end38,029Currentyear2,379Totalstockholdersequity:Precedingyear2,007Currentyear-end23,475Operatingincome:Precedingyear-end14,045CurrentYear4,878Borrowings6,590Precedingyear3,998\begin{array}{lrlr} This scenario depicts the use of _____. This is an example of _____ advertising. Lack of permanence In this scenario, The NsDaily is offering: a. an ROP rate b. an open rate c. a combination rate d. a flat rate e. a preferred position rate, While on a flight . C. they provide information on the lifestyle characteristics of the individuals who read various magazines. Newspapers generally offer more _____ than any other medium except direct mail. B. guaranteed readership. B) alternative marketing programs are on the rise. Which of the following is true of newspapers as an advertising medium? E. Newspapers offer advertisers more geographic selectivity than direct mail. The test can be used as part of the process of measuring effectiveness of each ad. D. overrun. Purely as a medium of advertisement, the magazine offers manufacturers of guns and bulletproof vests greater: A. Marketers of tobacco products spend most of their media budget in magazines because: D. It is generally considered to have a lower lead time. Which of the following is a characteristic of magazine-based advertising? Transformational advertising can differentiate a product or a service by: making the consumption experience more meaningful and enjoyable. Rolex Watches runs a series of product ads in a popular magazine. Question 5 Answer saved Marked out of 1.00 Clear my choice Which of the following is not true? In magazine advertising, this third page is referred to as a(n): C. demarcated zone. Which of the following distinct positive features of magazines is the company trying to utilize in this scenario? D. They offer poor reproduction quality. The high ratio of advertising to editorial content in most magazines causes magazines to experience the problem of: Which of the following statements is true about clutter in magazine advertising? Basic rates quoted by a newspaper that call for an ad to be placed on any page or in any position desired by the paper are known as _____ rates. Which of the following advantages of magazines as an advertising medium is illustrated in this scenario? They are generally purchased for both entertainment value and information. E. Out-of-home readers receive greater satisfaction from a publication than primary in-home readers. According to Standard Rate and Data Service's (SDRS's) classification of magazines, _____ magazines are bought by the general public for information and/or entertainment. B. pass-along subscriber. B. A. This type of advertising is known as _____ advertising. c. Airlines A. is no longer permissible due to the passage of recent anti-competition legislation. B. With respect to the given scenario, Bedazzle Cosmetics bought the commercial space during the _____ market. D. business publication. B. multiplying the total readership by the average pass-along readership number. D. Limitations in pass-along readership D. Controlled circulation D. geographic reach. C. They can be reproduced quickly. C. farm publication. B. Operations Management questions and answers. Which of the following statements is true about newspaper supplements? They are generally considered unsuitable for national advertising due to their high cost. d. work with only that agent. DigiSafe Inc. makes security systems for computer networks. A. digital imaging In this scenario, the magazine would offer marketers greater _____ selectivity. E. Demographic-oriented newspapers. E. the selective binding ability of a magazine. E. Agate line, When a newspaper offers no discounts for quantity or repeated space buys, it is using a(n) _____ structure. D. It cannot be applied to regional and local newspapers. E. pass-along readership. Which of the following is a disadvantage inherent in advertising in magazines? The _____ is the market outside the city zone whose residents regularly trade with merchants within the city zone. A. break through the clutter typically found in newspapers. To help plan his vacation, O'Brian consults all of the past issues of Scend magazine, a publication on adventure sports destinations. Consumers become involved with magazines when they read them and are more likely to find ads acceptable or even enjoyable. A. D. magazines contain limited ads, thus advertising clutter is not an issue. A. b. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. \text{Total liabilities:}&&\quad\text{Preceding year}&67,000\\ CL Inc. printed two versions of the same ad in order to test the effectiveness of each individual ad. When publications fix advertising rates based on a set average circulation figure that is nearly always below the actual circulation delivered by a given issue but carries no guarantee, they are using: Which of the following is true of the "50 percent rule"? A. personalized advertising messages. To help plan his vacation, O'Brian consults all of the past issues of Scend magazine, a publication on adventure sports destinations. D. farming is considered as a community service occupation. B. E. subtracting the pass-along readership number from the total readership count. Economics questions and answers. A. local display true. The content in an advertisement that emphasizes facts, learning, and the logic of persuasion makes use of a(n) _____ appeal. Which of the following advantages of magazines as an advertising medium is demonstrated in the way O'Brian's uses this publication? D. Magazine blocks Low lead time C. Higher reach The clutter problem for a magazine increases with more ad pages adding to its success. Which of the following is true of split runs? Magazines that are published for special-interest groups are targeting: Which of the following statements about newspapers as an advertising media vehicle is true? C. Cross-media running In this scenario, Finn's Hallmark News is a: _____ offer differentiated editorial content and are published for labor unions, professional organizations, industries, or hobbyists. With reference to the types of readership, which of the following does this scenario illustrate? D. secondary subscriber. Which of the following problems is a manager most likely to face if he uses sales as a measure of advertising effectiveness? D. page manipulator. B. open A. gatefolds B. C. demographic-oriented newspaper. A. demographic Generally, only sports and fitness magazines experience the problem of clutter. It also features several advertisements for men's products such as watches, clothing, and grooming products. Which of the following statements is true about clutter in magazine advertising? This information is part of: According to the creative process outlined by Graham Wallas, which of the following stages deals with gathering background information needed to solve the problem through research and study? A. the cost efficiency of magazines. C. gatefold This activity is referred to as _____ basis. The high ratio of advertising to editorial content in most magazines causes magazines to experience the problem of: B. the sports section of national newspapers. A. General business Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true? The computer manufacturer would do best to use a(n) _____ appeal to announce the breakthrough. This is an example of a(n) _____ publication. Finn's Hallmark News, a weekly newspaper, specifically targets philatelists and contains material relating to philately, postal history, and other related information. C. color advertising The proprietary research technique developed by McCann-Erickson Worldwide that helps evaluate how consumers feel about brands and the nature of their relationship with them is known as: A personal computer manufacturer has developed a significant technological breakthrough that will make its computers easier for novices to use. E. networking magazines. They create lower customer receptivity. Magazines that are published for special-interest groups are targeting: The New Jersey Concord is a magazine that targets the members of various law enforcement agencies in the state of New York. B. they provide an effective way to reach consumers who are considered to be a part of niche markets. B. the size and space of the bleed pages. Lack of prestige : Because of declines in circulation as well as advertising pages, many magazines have moved to what type of format? They typically originate in small towns or suburbs. Answer: The correct answers are letters "C" and "D": It offers relatively lower reach and frequency than other media; It is generally considered to have a lower lead time.Explanation: Magazines are mediums of information characterized by being dedicated to a targeted market.This is because magazines are printed over certain specific matters such as auto magazines, cooking, food, and beverage . E. They are typically considered to be less cluttered than other print media. A. ink-jet binding B. B. digital imaging. Lack of geographic selectivity Higher reproduction quality D. circulation. The _____ stage in Russell Colley's hierarchical model of the communication process deals with getting the consumer to purchase the product. Using multiple ads in the same issue: Which of the following statements best explains the reason that consumers are more receptive to magazine advertising than to television advertising? E. page rate system. B. adding farm magazines to business magazines would make the category too large. A. primary readership. CL Inc. runs a series of product ads in a popular magazine. B. printacular. A. local zone. D. Permanence D. creates overlapping subscription data.