He has to face hard questions about his past and morality but soon bonds with initially hostile Hodges. Just. The only nice scene was the new intern talking about Bones old paper, but the rest of the episode overshadowed that one moment. In saying that, after watching a video of HH at the Paley fest. It felt very fake and forced. This was not the worst episode but from what all of the other critics who previewed it, I was expecting much more. I agree with the honest review, exactly how I saw the episode, very poor with only 2 stars, the snake and the ultrasound picture. That sorrow was the backdrop for the quickie wham bam sex of a six-year coupling?! I want things to play out on screen. Exactly WTM- well put. There were no scenes like in the past where all the squints were together in the lab. Now no matter what the heck you fill that pie with its gonna come out of the oven with the most dry and brittle pastry imaginable. But, only a couple. Maybe Stephen Nathan is the one really calling the shots now and HH just signs off on whatever SN says, but whatever it is, its not working. Oh God, thank you! During lunch at the diner, Booth tells Brennan that Tina's stage name was Tina "The Python" Thomas. Andall of this is necessary for Brennan to learn empathy? Not really. And so contradictory to everything else. 1. If people are still happy with the show and still get enjoyment out of watching BonesIm just gonna say my bit and let them watch & be happy. THANK YOU, thank you for being honest, and.not working for fox. I never thought Id think that Booth seemed happier with Hannah last year than he does with Brennan this year, but I do. You have to replace the sexual tension with something else (his words not mine). hehe. Hopefully well get more on that in the future? I am going to open a big can of whoop a**$$ here, but I will make this short. FOX | Air Date: November 10, 2011. Only problem was, she existed enough for Booth to propose to her. Just in case you ever apply for a job with themSince the Jeffersonian works with the FBI and testifies along with them, youd think theyd hold themself to the same standards, for the exact reasons that Caroline stated credibility in court. A sure fire rating killer, eh? Maybe this is reflected as to how he wrote Brennan last season for rejecting Booth. Again- inconsistancies are killing this show. The Hodgins and Finn scenes were good too. If it doesnt this just might be the last season of bones. But his acuity is marvelous--rattling off physiology with a vengeance. This is the same guy who has held a bitter grudge against Walter Sherman for 9 years because he came to arrest Booth for going AWOL when Parker was born. AWESOME! Even Brennan would be showing some sort of hope and joy about the future of this child. She speaks like an automaton and acts completely clueless to common human emotion. Yeah, it was a bad episode. Meanwhile, Angela is pleased (and grossed out) to find that within the crushed up hot dog bits in Tinas mouth, there is also a sliver of human tissue. While I agree this might not be one of the best episodes, it wasnt bad either. I love the show obviously and the character of Brennan will forever be my favorite, so its very bothersome when they sloppily write her character as learning empathy for the first time. My GI Joe doll, My show, My script approval..dont like it, f off. 2.7 / 7 ratings. Fortunately only six episodes have been shot due to EDs maternity leave. Did it make me think? DB and ED did that for the first 4 and 1/2 seasons- then, something happened. Now about Finndont ya think the accent and phrases was a bit much not to mention the fact hes only 18! and Booth screaming at her? a lil harsh at some points, but you did make a good point about Brennan already having empathy for Booth. She held world records in eating buffalo wings and hot dogs - her record was 65 hot . As for this episode overall, I liked it. This is all new to her not so for Booth and she is trying to learn how to deal with it. I felt more honest love and affection between Hodgins and that python than I have between B&B this season. For too long have they kept the main leads apart and after the disaster that was season 6 we still get this miserable writing. I am also one in the minority who liked The Finder so we will see. Im sorry that happened to you. Over a year later, she sat at his bedside when he suffered from a coma. Funny that Brennan can pick up on what is going on with Finn who she just met, but somehow has forgotten about Booth and what he cares about. who played tina the python'' thomas on bones. The case is that of a female eating competitions champion, whose corpse is being eaten from the Read allDixie ex-con Finn Abernathy, a genius, joins the team and impresses even Bones. I thought it was well rounded. The case is that of a female eating competitions champion, whose corpse is being eaten from the inside by a live snake. Many times in the episode, the new intern Finn Abernathy calls Hodgins "Thurston," while Hodgins calls him "Opie." I am a great fan of BONES, but that does not mean I cannot be critical, I want a season 8 but I really think they will be pushing it to finish this season and that makes me sad. On other matters, not sure yet what I think of Finn hes okay Want to see more of him. They have skipped so much of the relationship and we are supposed to believe that they have been together for about six months, living together and in love and they have Brennan acting so silly. Wow this episode just seems to have the majority disliking it. Brennan and Booths interactions were my least favorite parts of this episode. November 14th, 2011 10:29 pm, Caroline on read. Hart recognized it and aborted the storyline, but by then more than ten episodes had been shot. When that Brennan bowling down the suspect scene happened I just scratched my head and was like, what the heck!? The snake scene bit too calm considering past episodes. It would be just like Booth to do that the one who said he would take the guy down like a flea. And Booth doesnt flip out on her about it? It is nothing to sneeze at. Tough, strong, independent, brilliant, gorgeous, interesting female? Could you give me the name or the length of the clip, to help me narrow it down? The interactions with B&B feel forced and strained still. (This week could be excused because of Greys). They have to figure out who would want Tina dead and how she died. What I hoped more than anything is that DB and ED would speak up, that after getting out of bed, driving to a studio set for six years, playing the same characters, that they would have more than a slight interest or understanding of Booth and Bones, about where they would be after learning she got pregnant during the first time they were together (SNs words not mine- they are all executive producers- dont they all talk once in a while??). a. Lets start with Caroline. So the federal government knows exactly what youve done and what kind of person you are. who played tina the python'' thomas on bones. Last year it was almost non-existent and I dont feel it this season as well. November 12th, 2011 10:42 am, Lindsey on Finn, the new intern: I spent the first 35 mins trying to figure out either who he was, or who he reminded me ofthen it hit mehe looks similar to Jesse Spencer from House, same doughy jaw, non-Oz accent. November 11th, 2011 6:43 pm, Jasper on ), but if Brennan realized all of those things about Booth at this stage in their relationship, earning herself an experiment successful! pat on the head well, that is a shame, because those are things she already knew and she knows so much more. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I think it would be best if those fans of Bones who are now such haters dont watch the show! November 12th, 2011 1:50 am, TinkonBrink on Look how she was with Finn and how she was in that scene with the music and putting the ear plugs to her belly. By now, Im pretty used to Brennans character contradictions. What DID work for me was the story he told about being able to curb his rage toward his stepfather because of an article hed read by Brennan. The writers have made Brennan into a Mr.Spock instead of a loving mother He received more affect from Cam and Hannah than from Brennan. Unfortunately, it wasnt just this scene that stunk the place up. Not just because he has a Riggins look either! Thanks! ****The Sweets and Booth partnership Brennan (Ive never earned a B in my life!) So funny. Booth was angry and left Brennan one option. November 11th, 2011 6:42 am, ProfeJMarie (Janet Rundquist) on I didnt want to be ungrateful, but this episode just sucked. That is exaclty why I am not a writer! Wanted to add in that a poster on another site validated my original thought in that Brennan was listening to the babys heartbeat, not music which makes everything else surrounding the baby and the gender and Booth make even less sense because how beautiful is it that she is doing this? I know that HH is really playing to the shippers and they are all thrilled that they are together and that is all they seem to care about. Also, her comment to Booth about making the connection between her and the victim? Even Boreanaz and Emily seemed embarrassed. I hope for this weeks ep, but the sneak peek with Brennan talking to the doll felt suspiciously like last week :-/. Please, Bones powers that be, send reinforcements, in the form of: One fun scene is when Brian Tobin calls Sweets scrawny and says hed rather be interrogated by the pregnant chick. Booth advises him not to go there, and Sweets explains that Booth is the father of said pregnant chicks baby. While this episode is certainly not one of the best episodes of the series, for me, this is not one of the worst episodes either. No. that at the end of it all, booth was still happy. And yes, I was eating hotdogs while watching the episode! Maybe that is what made me crazy about all of this each person in this episode seemed negatively affected by Finns presence, whether hes a good person or not. I have never once had that opinion in the 130 episodes before this one. When Hannah left, we had roughly half a season that could have been spent watching B&B deal with the impact of Hannah and grow closer to each other. If the shows writers are representing Brennen as a person with Aspergers disorder, then they are spot on. The body and its surroundings are transported to the lab for further investigation. My GI Joe doll, My show, My script approval..dont like it, f off.. I love the show. This is the woman who told Hannah to get him an authentic rotary phone for a housewarming present because it reminded him of his grandfather! November 11th, 2011 2:41 pm, Mary on I think Ive already mentioned enough of these, so I wont add more. That the awesome, AMAAAZING news that Booth and Brennan are going to have a baby girl (AHHH!) Whatever I read a pre-cap of this episode yesterday and the person said they enjoyed this episode more than the premiere. Everything just seems really fragmented and the characters jut split up. I know that Sarah has to watch and review Bones-but hopefully her negativity isnt catching. The direction chosen for this show will kill it. And for the first time in 6 years, I felt sorry for her, because I could see she was finally getting it.sowhat happened do that chick? Al of the others are just so enthused by the coupling of Brennan and Booth. The crime was somewhat more interesting than last weeks, it felt like it had a beggining, alittle investigation and an end. I was glad Cam had Angela follow up after Carolines second visit. Either they hate Brennan and praise Booth, or vice-versa. WEPT. November 11th, 2011 2:09 pm, Osteon on @WTM When Hannah left, we had roughly half a season that could have been spent watching B&B deal with the impact of Hannah and grow closer to each other. ED met someone and married, and started a family immediately- a sign that she was ready to move into a new area of her life???? Especially since she is used to depending on herself. Review by all means but be constructive over the matter. Starring: David Boreanaz, John Francis Daley, Tamara Taylor, Emily Deschanel, Michaela Conlin, T.J. Thyne. Come on now.Its like they found him on the street corner! Since the 100 the show has been the recipient of a lot of criticism and deservedly so. The case, the issue between Booth and Brennan, everything was superficial emotionally. We need to see that Brennan has grown as a character. You know, it make one wonder if we are getty crappy episodes because it pisses HH off that the fans tell him and his script writers that they have blown it with the characters. These first two episodes just seem to have left out scenes and they just dont connect well. Other than the end scene which was cute, I really thought the rest was just silly. Brennan kept bringing up sex and I thought that was just silly. Many did not understand Booths thought process and I could not understand HHs thought process in what he did to the characters last season. That whole, I like it when you call me a Jedi seemed more foreplayish than anything Ive seen from Booth and Brennan these past few eps. Hopefully, Fox saw the video and at least addressed it with him. And what happened to her emotional growth over the last 6 years? November 11th, 2011 12:13 am, Christi on November 11th, 2011 1:16 am, Christi on To those who enjoyed this episode, please telll me what show you were watching. And if HH were a man like Booth and some uppity woman tried to lead him around on a string, well, hed show her what-for, yessirree. Look at the mileage the writers could have gotten out of this topic, this discussion point alone. Learn more about the full cast of Bones with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide. We arent hanging on to see if The only way it could have been more so is if shed walked to their closet and put on a pair of his Vans. I did not. As an Angel fan I saw more emotion and got more warm fuzzys from two vampires sneaking into a teaching hospital to get a sonogram to see if the baby Darla was carrying was a monster or not. He was my second highlight. Brennan understands almost everything the story has always been what she chooses to do with that information. I cant argue with a friend on another Bones site that says the six episodes will be followed by a show killing four month break. Brennan isnt that dumb. For one thing, Booth still seems almostdisgusted by Brennans eating and keeps mentioning it. If booth and brennen and only act like booth and brennen when they are not together then thats how it should be. Honestly, I had a hard time with the case for its topic. It was nice to see B&B in the feild again! Facebook Instagram. Only, this time, acceptance is not going to happen. They were never meant to be. Im a school psychologist and I have worked with students with Aspergers disorder. The case is that of a female eating competitions champion, whose corpse is being eaten from the inside by a live snake. Im sure well see something more of this in the future (I would HOPE), but I also would have liked to see Booth injecting excitement about this gender news with Brennan much like they got excited about treehouses. Why? Brennan had more empathy toward the new Goma than towards Booth and yet Booth and Goma have a lot in common! I did, however, hate Angela. Thats when I decided to leave and take BONES off of my TiVo. Had it not been for the criticism that began in this site and echo by many a fan, the agony of season 6 would have been prolonged. November 14th, 2011 7:09 pm, Jasper on WTF?! Okay, he seems pissedoh, waitno, hes saying that theyll talk about it later. Brennans scene with Finn when he came back and she put on an accent to match his and told him there aint no second chances. That was cute. Shes also the brain of this show, but in this episode, it was hard to see either. Fans will not come back if we get four more of what was shown last night. ***The snake thing was pretty cool. Booth concentrates on her rivals for the impending Gluttony Games, Read all. I still have hope, because of the last few scenes (and a lot more). Others can tell. November 11th, 2011 5:20 pm, TinkonBrink on And they are sleeping together according to the shows producers. Are they out to teach young woman that they cant aspire to be THAT WOMAN without suffering dire consequences, which she must endure if she wants that hunky Alpha Frat Boy to marry her? And I dont know whats your problem with FinnI like his character. After a military plane crash near a small American town, a giant man-eating snake sets off on a killing spree. What bothers me now is that I used to be the fan that posted very passionately about this show- the character traits, the plot lines, the discovery of family secrets and the bonds formed because of them. Is that how he views women who anger him. Did it make me laugh? Do I think maybe the Finn stuff was kind of heavy? Crappy writing is excused as long it gets the viewers in. November 11th, 2011 11:58 am, samnickmike on Why are they writing her in this way? I think we should all remember that this is a tv show. I am not saying that to flinging mental health lightly. He has to face hard questions about his past and morality but soon bonds with initially hostile Hodges. The end scene was charming. UV lights are not included in python terrariums to provide warmth; the heat lamps and/or incandescent lamps do this. I feel like their scenes are all forced and just dont flow. I love the journey we are being taken on. Yes, I know that Emily was pregnant, but there were plenty of verbal (and fully-clothed) things that could have been scripted to capture the beauty and magnitude of that moment. Sometimes I dont understand the writers with Brennan. we all know brennan knows more of booth. b. It was another lesson for Brennan to learn. So, I guess Andrea really can call me a hater because I do hate things. Last night I watched live instead of watching Greys Anatomy. Sarah on I just wish that it was more consistent with the writing. Its taking all the joy of seeing them together. The locals must find a way to eliminate the snake, with the help of a scientist who knows about the snake to kill it. Again, the case was good and I like the other squints but would really like to see the whole cast interacting again. I am not judging DB here, no hate meant toward him, all I am saying is that there were some very stressful times for them both in the last two years. It is worth repeating, I MISS those videos. Did HH & Co. spend so much time and exquisite effort building up a multi-dimensional, beautifully complex female protagonist with the EXPRESS INTENTION of eventually tearing her down? If you dont, Im gonna start shipping Booth and Sweets. I dont even feel like addressing all of the points that some posters are upset with. The case? Wow well, wow Michaela Conlin looked extremely uncomfortable. November 14th, 2011 1:25 pm, Carol C on Brennan is that clinical and cold regarding about rationalizing why she didnt consider asking Booth to go to the ultrasound? Cam gives him two hours. Its not the bet one ever, but it isnt the worse one either. Thank you so much for writing these reviews. (I secretly would have really like seeing 2 different reactions from Brennan re: the snake a jump on Booth-type one at the crime scene and then the calm one in the lab!). Not liking season 7 very much and hope it quickly improves. Now that they are together and having a baby, she has closed up a bit more. I know my husband would raise the roof if I did not at least ask him to come Enough said. But whatever, this was just a heavily used smokescreen throughout the entire episode and has no real importance in the grand scheme of the Bones universe (unless he ends up killing them all) They are going to make a pie. Whether its paying for a funeral for someone less fortunate, anonymously donating money toward Wendells scholarship, taking care of Baby Andy, or revealing metaphorical scars on the back with Sweets, she has displayed time and time again that while she might not say the right thing, her heart is mostly in the right place. The writers no longer care about character development of Brennan. November 19th, 2011 10:43 am, Julia on Now I am just Ehh if I see the show or not. And for someone who is playing music for her baby, I dont understand the lack of emotion regarding knowing the gender. He wasted an opportunity, now the babys on the way, and I felt that he/she was better emotionally-equipped than either one of his/her parents. Like all of us, we dont always get it right after weve learned from our mistakes.