It was great and while the people criticized you for hanging out with 'the nerds it was fun and exactly what you wanted to do. Admittedly, he was kinda scary. Yeah, but you did lie to her. Will says and you swear you melt at his voice. Work Search: Like, a lot. He convinces his friends to come too. Dustin went to spend time with Steve because they had gotten very close last year so he was out of the picture. Uh, he hears you single and frowns, Nows not really the time. Your voice sounds strained and he leans down, basically kneeling on the dirty floor. Youd found it years ago when you were playing, and it had quickly become something for just you and him. Just glad youre with me., He scoffs and slaps your shoulder lightly - lightly in his book. Becoming friends with Will was the best thing that had ever happened to you. He was. Its longing, as if he wants something he cant have. +9 more. Mike watches his friend drown in doubts and decides to solve them. So never done this before lol, but i was wondering if you could do a Billy H (from stranger things) X Reader. Your best friend and someone youre very sure youre in love with, just made it clear he basically hates you. When your mission fails and hundreds of Demodogs (as Dustin had named them) attack, Billy and Steve are quick to put their rivalry aside and help you. Gay Will Byers. Theres no cheering anymore - only shocked gasps and exclaiming. Its painful minutes until youre being pulled out, your ears ringing and vision swimming. And even after that you see the moment Eleven forgives him and is ready to just settle down again. Alright, lets see what theyre doing. The brown haired girl hums and fastens the bandana around her head. Yeah.. He nods, thanks Nancy and, now more carefully, goes into the basement.---Will takes care of Mike during a bad time cx chapter TWO. Youve had crushes before but it was just from faraway, most times you didnt even know them personally. Youre confused - didnt he, like, hate you? Putting on your clothes you left your home, biking to Maxs. Thats what we need. He walks out of the AV room and wanders through the halls - you must be somewhere. And then I confessed. Yes, thats what I meant, idiot. Driving home from a date leads to a car crash. Have you ever been shopping before? You ask and she shakes her head. While the competition was happening, Lucas found himself in a room completely off limits to everyone except for the owners of Creel Industries. Okay, okay. You sighed and made your way through the crowds, searching the secretarys office as you needed to be registered and told your class, timetable, etc. Diving into the water and swimming through it smoothly felt euphoric. a/n: first time writing gender neutral reader - hoping its not offending/bad or anything negative! , , , . Will sputtered, shaking his head and raising his hands. Him telling you he wished he never met you, broke you. The tears start running before you realize it, slowly trailing down your cheeks. The soldiers approach him once more in a hurry. She came to you, shortly turning around to see where Will was. Youd signed up for it months ago, when it was first announced. When he opens the door hes positively surprised youre sitting there, face in your hands. Shes cute. You hadnt been home much, practice being overbearing and time consuming. Eat. He takes you home afterwards, your hands tight in his. Your brows furrow, Seriously, everything alright? He huffs and turns to you. So he was shy. So, meeting him again after months could never end well, right? You cant even pinpoint how wrong they both were and how much you just wanted to knock some sense into them. or, Billy gets incredibly protective when he finds he has to get you to the hospital instead of school. Standing next to the older woman in bathing shorts and your contestants you hold the trophy high in the air, basking in the cheers. Shes standing in the doorway, eyes going wide when she pulls you into her arms. He would never be so cruel. Will. Quinn interjects from behind him, proudly pointing to herself as she claims it as her own doing. When it was your turn you could barely hold a laugh back at Steves shocked expression. I didnt have to get close to you. (y/n), youre living with the Byers family. Opening the door to the technology filled room was so familiar it hurt. Mike walks towards the bed, sitting down by Will, Why would you make me uncomfortable? He questions, Youre Will. Shopping, going to the cinema and stuff like that. Anyway, I thought Id stay here for the night and then with Robin until they cool off, you explain while wiggling into his arms. She is very sick. You said good morning and good night if you saw him, but he stayed in his room more or seemed to try every possible thing to avoid you. Dude, youve gotta like totally confess! Mike exclaims and throws his hands in the air. Or so it seems at first. You were close with your swim team but you wouldnt consider it a friendship. Mike, the love of his life and the entire reason Will ever managed to live this long, is gone. And dont go in the water, its too cold, its too dark out, and youre drunk.WB: ok whateber. He sighed but leaned more against you, chin on your forehead. Gulping you quickly smiled, Alright. He shrinks even more into himself and youre somewhat glad he was still the shy bean he was before. This is Will, she pointed at the boy with brown eyes and same colored bowl cut, and this is his sister Jane. The boy- Will, stood straight, seemingly not liking being in the front like that. While she did the paperwork and occasionally asked a question you studied your timetable. One boy that had left you alone and completely shattered your heart. But in Stranger Things 2, Will's compassion, made tangible by Schnapp's standout. But its hard. His eyes display worry and one hand is laying next to yours. Your emotions come back in one second, everything that happened becoming visible in front of your eyes. El literally assumes Will is. Youd been in love with him for months now and have been building up courage to tell him. The sun was scalding hot and on your way to her house you were lucky for the shadows the trees provided. Visibly swallowing he frowns and waves a little. Letters from El. When the adrenaline starts wearing off you skip towards the rest of your friends, who were patiently waiting for you. But still, he had also been an accomplice to two killers. TO THE FAMILY GROUP CHAT!! Though you did hope he was alone as that meant you could pull this off without any questions from the rest of your friends. Some girls did turn around at your presence, giving you a once over before going back to their conversation. You definitely didnt trust him anymore - how could you? You just shrugged, taking the ice cream cones from his hands and leaving a small tip along with the payment. What- Why is she here? We wanted to meet up. You explained and looked up. All just because he was stupid and said some stuff he didnt mean. Get back here, boy, Bailey scolds and Ethan sways, his fists clenching. Theres, you stop and plop down next to Max, weve never fought like this before. An awkward meetup with Will at the airport. His tank top on the other hand made his biceps bulge even more and you sheepishly looked away. After an eventful summer break, Mike returns to school but there's a catch. Billy has always been known to never be with a girl for more than one night. Excitedly greeting you El started talking about her day, you giving a few short answers. Hes smiling and his arms are in the air, along with some people from your school. Apart from that it was harder to trust people now, you were constantly worried they thought like him. You look up and wipe your eyes, deciding its time to tell them. Will and Mike hadnt talked for years, no letters nor calls, so their friendship is one step from turning into ashes. After he had destroyed it nearly completely you and Jonathan had gotten up to repairing - putting some new pictures and drawings on the wood. Right? He turns to the other boys, Yes! Also yes the title is inspired by the song from the weeknd Im sorry I couldnt think of anything else . El just smirked at him at catching him stare at you. Why is Will painting a picture of Mike Wheeler anyway? Doesnt mean I dont want to. Stranger things have happened in the nighttime, Youre the only one I got my sights on request, Spring in California (Will Byers x f!reader). Next to you are your rivals. Theres fear more than anything on his face and he turns to look at his dad and sister, before turning to you again. Shes very sick. Lucas tries to sound convincing but you dont think hes convinced himself with that statement. Your heartbeat falters at the warmth radiating off of him and the general comfort he gave you. Will doesnt instantly answer, only looks down. Will fought off a small smile which was threatening to take place on his face. See? A moment later El also joins you two, a small bag in her hands. Scratch that, very scary. Three years later Will and El return to Hawkins for their last year of high school, both of them excited to see their friends. The shriveled leaves of the forest crunched under his feet as Will Byers walked in the woods. Maybe that shouldve stopped you from committing and entering this relationship. I just- just wanted to make sure youre okay? Uh, well, might just get over with it he says to himself and turns to you. Yes, he was rough. LET ME GO! after the recent events of season 4 Will just wants a break but he can't catch one but Lucas and Dustin are their for him even through they got their own issues but they got his back. It was different, stronger. "You're ruining our party! Theres a kinked shoe box with something inside. They were all in the Wheeler's living room, piled on the couch and the floor watching movies and playing on Mike's new Atari system. "will, will. The flustered expressions on your faces arent from running up the hill. You checked out shop after shop, Eleven warming up after a while. Uh, sure. Listen I know (y/n) doesnt want anything to do with me anymore, but can you please tell her goodbye? More compliments come from the group and youre basically flustered the whole time. We were going to get her a gift. His words from that day play in your head and you try breathing in, water rushing through your nose and mouth into your lungs. Only about 30 seconds. It also makes clear that thats what you want with him (maybe with less kissing and less ditching friends, but the overall thing is what you were aiming for). One had quite long, thick brown hair, the other a bowl cut with big brown eyes, one of them curls atop which a cap sat and another one who- your thoughts were interrupted when the door slammed open and an old lady looked at you. Which is why you agreed, well also because you were nearly begged to go by your swim coach. And Billy was the last person youd want to know. Ten minutes. Joyce clarifies and sends him a look before leaving to the car. Youd never grow tired of this feeling, the water numbing all sounds from outside. Ill tell her but dont think shell come running to you.. An excruciatingly long drive across the states in the piercing sun. I have to say something, its bold and kind of funny as its so random, so he chuckles a little but nods.