Documentary series looking at the situation of airport security faced day to day in Peru. 06/2023-MP-FN-GG-OPERIT-ABF-ELC, January 19, 2023. On this episode, agents from the Antinarcotics Division at Jorge Chavez International Airport, in Lima, Peru, deal with a young woman whose erratic behavior puts them to the test. [163] Human Rights Watch interview with David Gustavo Pacheco, director of the Ombudspersons Office in Ayacucho, Ayacucho, January 31, 2023. A suspect says he has information to take down drug trafficking organizations. PMID: 26385719; Baraybar JP, Gasior M. Forensic anthropology and the most probable cause of death in cases of violations against international humanitarian law: an example from Bosnia and Herzegovina. [149] Autopsy conducted by Paul Artemio Mamani, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch; Necropsy diligence certificate conducted by provincial deputy prosecutor Rolando Agramonte Ramos, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. Percentage of income held by the richest 20 percent of the population in Peru from 2011 to 2021, Statista, April 4, 2023, (accessed April 4, 2023). A woman with cocaine in her suitcase comes clean and a police sting nets another suspect. Seek police reform that involves improvement in equipment and training for crowd control and use of force, a review of protocols, a review of the power to conduct identity controls, and an overhaul of the disciplinary system to ensure independence and transparency, among other measures. Den Held discussed gang dynamics in Medelln, Colombia, and approaches used by, Our extensive coverage of criminal activity in the border areas between Venezuela and Colombia has been referenced in areportby the Colombia-Venezuela RADAR project of the Konrad. 51. [266] The case occurred in the Tio police station on January 11, 2023. Welcome to 24kitchen! February 5, 2023; and Manuel Condori, a relative of the victim, Arequipa. 2200A (XXI), 21 U.N. GAOR Supp. Human Rights Watch phone interview with attorney Julin guila, who represents families of the victims, February 2, 2023. This week, InSight Crimes work was cited nine times in a newreportby the Organization of American States (OAS) titled The Impact of Organized Crime on Women,, This week, InSight Crime deputy editor, Juan Diego Posada, was interviewed by theAssociated Pressabout connections between theex-FARC mafiaand Brazilian criminal groups, and, As Ecuadors security crisis worsens, global media outlets have called on InSight Crime to provide expert knowledge on the criminal dynamics fueling the growing criminality.Americas Quarterly cited our work on, InSight Crime senior investigator Douwe den Held was interviewed by Chilean newspaperEl Mercuriothis week. 44:06. [255] Crisis poltica y protesta social: Balance defensorial tras tres meses de iniciado el conflicto, Ombudspersons Office report number 190, March 2023. 08/2023-MP-FN-GG-OPERIT-ABF-ELC, January 19, 2023. new. [239] Crisis poltica y protesta social: Balance defensorial tras tres meses de iniciado el conflicto, Ombudspersons Office report number 190, March 2023, p. 44. Informe pericial de balstica forense No. But the US did not publicly comment on the security forces use of force until January 19, 2023, ten days after the Juliaca killings, when the US ambassador in Lima issued a tweet urging security forces to respect human rights and the right to protest. The director of investigations at the police internal affairs office told Human Rights Watch researchers on February 7, 2023, that it had opened 47 preliminary investigations, corresponding to each case, as of that date, that had resulted in the death of a civilian. [312] The teams mandate is investigating crimes against humanity, human rights violations and connected crimes; all crimes against human rights defenders for their work as defenders; homicides, serious injuries and extorsion against journalists for their work as journalists; as well as the crimes of rioting (art.315 of the Penal Code), serious disturbance of public tranquility (art.315-A), criminal organization (art.317), criminal group (art. [24] Marco Aquino, Peru's Castillo detained in same jail as ex-leader Fujimori, source says, Reuters, December 8, 2022, (accessed March 8, 2023). February 5, 2023. [58] TV Per Noticias Facebook page,, (accessed March 20, 2023); En Vivo: Dina Boularte Mensaje a la nacin desde el palacio hoy 10/02/2023, February 10, 2023, video clip, Youtube, (accessed March 20, 2023). Elmer Faucett. [132] Human Rights Watch interview with Ombudswoman Eliana Revollar, Lima, February 8, 2023. Jhonatan Tello Claudio, and Edgar Wilfredo Prado Arango. [187] Human Rights Watch interview with Leandro Rojas, Ayacucho, February 1, 2023. [158] Human Rights Watch verified a video shared on Twitter and two photographs uploaded to Facebook that show Aricaza 50 meters east of the airport bleeding from a wound to his neck and being carried away to the south. 2015 Sep;55(5):355-62. doi: 10.1016/j.scijus.2015.03.003. Autopsy conducted by David Chuquipoma Pacheco, January 10, 2023, on file at Human Rights Watch. [317] The preliminary investigation is for the crimes of genocide, homicide, and serious injuries. [75] Luis Alberto Naldos Blanco, director of the Office of Institutional Integrity, Informe de Evaluacin de las operaciones policiales realizadas con ocasin de las marchas convocadas entre el 10 y el 14 de noviembre de 2020 en la ciudad de Lima, en protesta por la vacancia presidencial y juramentacin del nuevo presidente de la repblica, Ministry of the Interior, January 29, 2021, p. 61, on file at Human Rights Watch. airport security: peru female officer. [148] Human Rights Watch phone interview with a victims relative, February 15, 2023. [261] Police also forced groups of male detainees to strip naked and searched them, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Lima said. Miguel ngel Candia, Fallo del TC es definitivo y Congreso podr elegir al nuevo defensor del Pueblo en su tercer intento, La Republica, February 23, 2023, (accessed April 10, 2023). And one may have tricked the other. [349] Article 99 of the Constitution provides that Congress may charge various authorities--the President, members of Congress and the Constitutional Tribunal, among others--with these offenses. [156] He was shot in the thorax with a lead pellet and elbow. [193] Human Rights Watch phone interview with a relative, who requested that they not be identified, February 10, 2023. [90] Human Rights Watch interview with general Vctor Zanabria, chief of the Lima police region, Lima, February 6, 2023. Officer David Chvez Cabezas at the Police Hospital in Lima on February 7, 2023. A 2021 government report said police radios were 30 years old and 70 percent of police computers were non-functional, forcing police to use their personal computers. [244] Policia interviene San Marcos,El Peruano, January 22, 2023, (accessed March 20, 2023). [27]Ley de reforma constitucional que prohbe la reeleccin inmediata de parlamentarios de la Repblica, El Peruano, January 9, 2019, (accessed April 4, 2023). Watch the firsthand action through exclusive access to some of the most restricted areas of Jorge Chavez International Airport, Lima - Peru, where the bigges. Res. This is just the latest example of links uncovered between Peruvian airport officials and Mexican criminals, withten of the airport's 15 anti-drug policerevealed to have been collaborating with the Sinaloa Cartel in March2013. [338] Congreso define nuevos magistrados del Tribunal Constitucional,Gestin, May 10, 2022, (accessed April 11, 2023); Tribunal Constitucional: quines son los nuevos magistrados elegidos por el Congreso?,La Repblica, May 10, 2022 (accessed April 11, 2023). Fun place to work. While public disgust with Congress and the presidency was high under Castillo, the problem has worsened and may have been compounded not only by the repression of the protests, but also by the perception that many officialsregardless of their political affiliationare governing for their own profit and taking advantage of the change in the presidency to further entrench themselves in power. The biggest security challenge here: cocaine trafficking. [68] Peru: Prosecutions Should Follow Truth Commission Report, Human Rights Watch news release, April 28, 2003, [287] Human Rights Watch interview with Luis Enrique Valdivia, then coordinator of human rights prosecutors offices, Lima, February 8, 2023. [331] Boluarte has denied the allegations. 24, art. [352] Comunicado de Prensa, Chiles Ministry of Foreign Relations, December 7, 2022, (accessed March 20, 2023); Tweet by Ecuadors Foreign Affairs Ministry, December 7, 2022,; Tweet by US Embassy in Peru, December 7, 2022,;Tweet by the European Union embassy in Peru, December 7, 2022,; Canada: Tweet by Louis Marcotte, December 7, 2022, [164] Human Rights Watch interview with Jos Zapata, Ayacucho police chief, Ayacucho, January 31, 2023. In the mail facility, cocaine is found infused in a blanket and hidden in artisanal boxes. Two passengers are carrying cocaine in their bodies. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Police must decide whether to tear the bag apart or let her go. Please support our mission investigating organized crime. (No. PHOENIX (AP) An Arkansas woman has been arrested for allegedly assaulting three Transportation . [50] International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, adopted December 16,1965, G.A. An elderly woman seems surprised when police find cocaine in her bag. 49) at 167, U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/GC/36 (2019), p. 2, para. Human Rights Watch included a series of recommendations, in the 2020 report, to prevent future abuses by police, including an overhaul of the disciplinary system, which lacks transparency and independence. [323] En Vivo: Dina Boularte Mensaje a La Nacion Desde Palacio Hoy 10/02/2023, February 10, 2023, video clip, Youtube, (accessed March 20, 2023). See: PER - INEI, Per: Resultados Definitivos de los Censos Nacionales, October 2018, p. 51, (accessed April 5, 2023). [56] UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Concluding observations on the combined fourth and fifth period reports of Peru, CRC/C/PER/CO/4-5, March 2, 2016, para. Human Rights Watch interview with university student, Ayacucho, February 1, 2023. [225] Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, 27 August to 7 September 1990, U.N. Doc. The autopsy concluded he sustained three gunshots.
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