A lost dragonet named Twilight is hidden away because she was Darkstalker's child. She never existed in the timeline the books took place in. Indigo reassured Fathom that "it's safe to be happy," and he responded with, "I know. Whiteout asked Clearsight if she was the dragon that her brother, Darkstalker, had been waiting for, and Clearsight saw from her visions that if she did not tell Whiteout the truth, there would be future issues; Whiteout trusted her either completely, or not at all. [136] In Talons of Power, he really cared about Moon and keeps mentioning how she is similar to Clearsight. However, his protests about Darkstalker using his magic were cut off as Clearsight has a vision about Darkstalker's mother, Foeslayer, being enchanted by Queen Diamond and sent to the Ice Kingdom. Darkstalker's name can be perceived two ways: one is of a hero's perspective, that he chases away the darkness, while the other is that he stalks through the darkness as a villain. Darkstalker tried every enchantment he could think of, but nothing works. Whiteout Fathom felt like he should know what it said, but he read it anyway. Coincidentally they are both distantly related to each other. Mentioned in Darkstalker told her to kill her mother if she wanted, or anyone else who stands in her way. Present: Glory Darkstalker Battlewinner The queen unexpectedly demands to know if Clearsight has seen how she dies, and which one of those futures is the closest. [113] He tried to keep her focused on the happy futures where they had dragonets, but ultimately manipulated Clearsight's ability against her will, even seeming defiant and indifferent when confronted. In reply, Darkstalker lunges toward her in fury, grabbing her wrist and twisting it painfully. This Quiz Is Based On Wings Of Fire Legends Darkstalker, If You Haven't Read It, I Have And It's Good So Are You Fathom, Darkstalker, Or Clearsight! Clearsight, crying tears of joy, looked at the soft, beautiful face, of her baby. A3 Clearsight was mentioned by Cricket explaining to, While wishing she had magic to help save her tribe, Luna mentioned Clearsight's prophecy powers and how she could somehow use it to make things better. Hot New # 1. Darkstalker walked in later with Fierceteeth, enchanted to look and act like Clearsight. [137] He wanted her to trust him, and she was noted to be one of the very few dragons he truly cared about, not putting any spells on her and trying to convince her to understand him. The Poison Jungle,The Dangerous Gift,The Flames of Hope, I'm sorry, my love. Darkstalker stated that he believed Anemone could have been someone who he could have worked alongside had she not tried to mess with him. She loved the tribes of Pantala and her descendants, even though she had never met them. Clearsight responds that it was something that will happen in the future. Later on, Darkstalker went home and used his scroll to find out who tried to assassinate him. Darkstalker continues to roam free, making questionable choices. Flame passed by, and Darkstalker offered to heal his face. Whiteout even jerks away from Clearsight, staying near Arctic. [100] Darkstalker believed that Arctic was the most dangerous dragon within the lost city of night,[101] and when Clearsight observed Arctic and Darkstalker interacting, she noted that there were many giant, furious, unspoken thoughts and feelings that were not verbally expressed between them. Over 100 years old at last mention (hatched in roughly 3,008 AS). Darkstalker formally met Fathom at the SeaWing welcoming party the NightWings had thrown. Moments after hiding among the shows of two large boulders on the sand, Clearsight and Listener saw a pointed white head lunge out of the water, trapping one of the fleeing scavengers in his jaws. Male By using her foresight to locate a chain of islands where she could stop and rest, Clearsight flew to Pantala to warn the dragons there about an incoming hurricane. [140] She believed that he was good, and that he wanted the most peaceful future for Pyrrhia,[141] and she believed wholeheartedly that he would never kill her. Clearsight and Darkstalker found Whiteout keening in distress as Arctic yelled about her screaming. Referring to Fathom and how he would be a necessary friend to Darkstalker, but someone who will unknowingly push him to fulfill his dark motives. Eclipse was a female NightWing-IceWing hybrid who was mentioned in Darkstalker. Clearsight asks if that includes Indigo, leading Darkstalker to wonder if she knew. [79] When Moonwatcher explained how fundamentally wrong killing the entire IceWing tribe was, he only growled that they had started it. Darkstalker then declared that Flame is both the darkness of dragons and the stalker of dreams, causing Flame to protest that he was not any of that, asking what it would mean. As Darkstalker was passing Clearsight she stepped out into his path with her eyebrows raised. "You save us," said the shimmering dragon, looping around to fly beside Clearsight. In the middle of the night, Darkstalker suddenly left his tribe to fly somewhere, and Turtle was forced to follow him. Mindreader then hears that Flame had help from a dragon with a weird name similar to "Ogre" and "Okra," assumed to be Ochre. [16] She was often very nervous or serious due to her ability to see so many possibilities. He says that Fathom's power is a gift, and he should not be so terrified of it. When Turtle got Anemone to wake Kinkajou in the RainWing village, Darkstalker flew there, telling Anemone not to use her magic without permission, simultaneously confirming that he had cast a spell to detect animus magic. She runs to him only to have Indigo stop her. In order to use it, he had to point a telescope at a dragon and the hourglass shows his or her distribution of white sand and black sand in the hourglass. Will Clearsight be able to use her strength to lift Darksta. My second, and last point is the horns. Then, Fathom came along. Darkstalker healed Stonemover with a stalactite, simultaneously removing the stone enchantment on his scales. When he got home, Darkstalker read in his father's, Prince Arctic's, mind that Arctic and Foeslayer fought. To obey his commands; to stop talking and stay where he is. Darkstalker did truly care for Fathom,[39] but as Fathom grew more concerned for his friend's morality,[51] he was eventually forced to betray his friend. As stated by Tui, Clearsight was one of the easiest characters to write, because "being that worried and imagining a million futures is like being a writer in the middle of a story.". I'm looking for clues about how animus power works. He insists he can make their future turn out how they want, but Clearsight responds, "Not if we want different things.". So, Darkstalker tried to make him more comfortable by inviting him and his guard, Indigo, to go on a flight with him. When Anemone used the next spell, suggested by Qibli, that linked the minds of all the IceWings and NightWings for a hundred dragon heartbeats, Darkstalker grabbed Qibli with a swift movement and carried him to the spot where he burst from his underground prison after being trapped there for 2,000 years. Complete. [20] Darkstalker loved her[1] without reserve or hesitation, mostly reciprocated. When the queen left, Clearsight confronted Darkstalker, asking him what he's thinking. Can one animus spell override another? Lionfish, one of Fathom's guards, lunges toward the attacker and quickly kills him. When the meeting was over she sees Fathom in the palace. Darkstalker once took an after-school cooking class. [57] He devolved into a sad, furious mourning,[58] but a strange angry kind where he kept insisting his mother would come home soon, despite Clearsight telling him she would not. [62] He acted falsely sympathetic towards Fathom[63] and was grimly determined upon finding and punishing the dragon who had sent Quickdeath to assassinate him. Arctic tells Darkstalker to let them go, as he had spared him. Well, if we assume Clearsight's kits are the ones dating Pantalan dragons, there is a solid chance some of them will go for LeafWings instead of BeetleWings. In an attempt to get Darkstalker talking, Turtle picked up a marble and placed it next to his feet. Clearsight says that they should rest, though Darkstalker knows that she is trying to push them into a different timeline, and refuses. Clearsight realized she had caught some other dragons' attention, and they were listening intently. I'm afraid we're losing our bright paths . [103] He was suspicious of[104] and bothered by Darkstalker's mind-reading abilities, and was jealous of his son's knowledge of Foeslayer's thoughts. You can't wipe out an entire tribe. Thank you for being you. [130] He had an immense care for her and often enchanted everyday items to bring her more comfort in her life. Arctic [85] He was careful to feed his subjects' vanity and need for usefulness so that they would love him all the more. Bit you don't really need to know that. Darkstalker shrugs, saying that it takes a while sometimes. Relatives Clearsight fails to slip the bracelet into Darkstalkers wrist during her time in Agate Mountain, and to her dismay, the worst-case scenario comes true. One True Queen: A Wings of Fire fanfiction. Darkstalker stays on the edges of Clearsight's mind, describing it as fascinating. She did not see a clear path to a future where she got Indigo and Darkstalker to trust each other. Partner Darkstalker was an ancient NightWing-IceWing hybrid and one of the three main protagonists of Darkstalker. Clearsight then encountered Queen Vigilance and Allknowing in the garden. As they touch down, Clearsight says to Darkstalker that she is not going to let him kill the queen. Darkstalker Darkstalker orders Arctic to follow them to the Night Kingdom. Darkstalker showed Fathom a new item he enchanted, a soul reader that proves how much soul a dragon has left. Status He went past a mountain range, later to be realized as Darkstalker's Teeth by Winter. After convincing Flame that he could heal him without any strings attached, Flame agrees, and Darkstalker enchanted a flower to heal his face. He later snuck into their room to read the letter to himself. Your claws will betray you in your final hour." Winter remained unaffected by the plague because of Darkstalker's promise to Moonwatcher that he would not hurt her friends. Sister Clearsight is unsure, as there is so much darkness in the timelines now. One small mistake, one drastic change of fate. Darkstalker tells Arctic to stop talking, and when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. [40] He was crueler than necessary towards Arctic[41] and held a serious grudge against Indigo after she attempted to kill him. Clearsight learned from her visions that this was an IceWing test run; the tribe had planned to swim across their borders to avoid the NightWing air defenses, slipping under the noses of them to launch a surprise attack. Clearsight rolls Darkstalker against the back wall and checked the bracelet to make sure it was securely fastened around Darkstalker's arm. clearsight darkstalker wingsoffire wof fathom nightwing qibli whiteout moonwatcher indigo dragons pantala darksight turtle moonbli glory kinkajou icewing starflight pyrrhia. [133] Indigo's attack on him had deeply rattled him to the point of him turning himself invincible to all danger. Appeared in Darkstalker was soaring away with Moon, Turtle, Anemone, and the NightWing students to see the NightWing tribe and become their king. When Qibli refused the deal, Darkstalker threatened that he would have to kill him otherwise, but when Qibli suggests that it is evil to kill him, Darkstalker suggested ripping his earring off and putting a powerful spell on him. Clearsight was Darkstalker's soulmate. [event 1] Clearsight loved Darkstalker very much, and tried her best to keep their futures bright,[114] but eventually had no choice but to betray her beloved by trapping him in a cave within Agate Mountain with a bracelet enchanted by Fathom. After admitting that she was indeed the dragon that Darkstalker was looking for, Whiteout said that she was very glad that Clearsight had finally arrived. Once he entered the room, Typhoon, a SeaWing-IceWing hybrid, explained the IceWing Plague that was affecting the whole tribe. [3] She was beautiful[1] and sleek. Darkstalker captures the criminals, except for a SandWing who he sends to Vulture, and puts them in a prison created with his magic. After speaking to the NightWing students, Moon and Darkstalker sensed danger for Stonemover. While Darkstalker was distracted with Arctic, Clearsight stole his scroll. After imprisoning Darkstalker in order to save Pyrrhia, Clearsight relocated to Pantala to avoid her urges to free him. Henley agrees to pretend to date millionaire Bennett Calloway for a fee, falling in love as she won. Are you Fathom, Darkstalker, Or Clearsight? Soon, Darkstalker went with Clearsight for her to meet Fathom. Clearsight, Fathom, and Darkstalker started to become better friends. Clearsight crept away from the crowd. To protect Anemone's soul from the effects of animus magic forever. When she first arrived in Pantala, she believed she would love her future dragonets with all of her heart and would track their futures to keep them safe. After flying in the Kingdom of Sand for a while, Clearsight says that they could be anywhere. Furious, Darkstalker grabbed and twisted Clearsight's wrist painfully, and while he is doing so, she slipped the bracelet onto his arm. Whiteout then said that she wanted to go back to the Ice Kingdom before proclaiming that she did not like Darkstalker in perfectly normal, understandable, and coherent sentences, instead of her usual way of talking. Darkstalker follows it, with Fathom and Clearsight close behind. [15] He wore a plain, white, half-hoop earring made of bone in his left ear. Arctic killed himself with his own claws, fulfilling Clearsight's prophecy that "your claws will betray you in your final hour.". With that, the tension gave way a little bit, and they lifted off to the sky to the beach. Calmly explaining to Whiteout that she had knocked over their marbles, he used his mind-reading to embarrass and infuriate all of them. She leaves, saying goodbye to Fathom. [21] However, the tragedy of Hope's presumed death shattered him, and he became indifferent towards her free will and happiness, although later apologizing to her imagined presence. Then, Clearsight points it at Fathom. This is so sad but I had to make this I love Darkstalker so much and what happened to him was even sadder and this art was so goo. He tells Arctic that he made the mistake of not killing Darkstalker before he left. To ring whenever Fathom felt sad or lonely. There, Darkstalker presented Clearsight with a scroll wrapped in a black leather casing. please!" Clearsight starts forward. He picked it up, asking if Clearsight to speak to him if she was still there. Now the ghosts of futures she left behind are coming back to haunt her. Darkstalker ignored Fathom and continued, telling Arctic to release the spell he had put on Whiteout. [23] Their relationship ultimately failed due to Darkstalker's actions, and Clearsight is not to blame. Clearsight and Listener met up with Darkstalker, Fathom, and Whiteout, who were all playing a board game. 50 parts. She genuinely liked him, largely due to the fact that he genuinely likes her, and he was one of the only dragons he trusted to believe in him and enjoy his company of their own accord. To create a ring of metal keys for said prison. To contain his animus power, to be returned to him if destroyed. OMG it is finally done! Whiteout cried and said that "only one of us will, depending on who loses the future." In the prologue . I am running, running away from the only dragon I ever loved, whispering, "take me back," to the air, and the vortex appears, and I fling myself into it, and then I am back in my place, left with a laptop and nothing but the memories crumbling into place. Darkstalker was displeased at the amount of worry that Clearsight had felt when she realized that the murderer, Albatross, had also been an animus and had most likely gone insane from the usage of his power. [119], When Indigo initially attacked Darkstalker, Fathom protested, stating that Darkstalker did not seem dangerous, and admitting wistfully that he could be a friend. [105] They often tried to avoid one another as much as possible,[106] and Darkstalker was aware of multiple futures where Arctic attempted to kill him. He asks her what is going on, and Clearsight tells him the queen tried to kill Darkstalker, and in turn, Darkstalker is coming to kill her. Visions, all of which were dark and bad, came rushing back to her, and she realized that Vigilance sent the assassin. He was in a relationship with Clearsight until the conclusion of Darkstalker, in which she and Fathom were forced to trap him beneath Agate Mountain before he could destroy Pyrrhia. I saved Fathom, and the NightWings, and my parents. Hired To Love. Clearsight was an adult female NightWing who was introduced in Darkstalker as one of the three main protagonists. Mentioned in [86] He said he wanted to make the world a better place, and he wanted genuine friends,[87] but it was difficult for him to admit when he was wrong,[88] and he was astounded and upset by the soul reader's opinion of his lack of morality. He thought that Fathom would be better off without her. Shadowhunter was a female NightWing-IceWing hybrid who was mentioned in Darkstalker. He desperately wanted to safely like Darkstalker,[122] as well as badly wanting to trust him. Later, as Moon suffered from a dream of a dark future, Darkstalker pulled her out of the vision. [111] He disliked that she worried over their futures so much, but loved her wholly. After a tense conversation between father and son, Clearsight suddenly collapsed in visions: wars, Foeslayer wielding a spear, NightWings, and IceWings clashing, IceWings following Arctic into battle, Arctic in Vigilance's display prison, screaming through the bars Darkstalker's father, obviously concerned, asked if Clearsight was okay. To Arctic, warning him that his doom will be caused by his own claws, power, and his two queens Queen Vigilance, who welcomed him into her tribe's home, and Queen Diamond, the queen of his tribe and Arctic's mother. [13] She was perhaps the most brilliant NightWing who ever lived, and her foresight power was unique to her. Moon Rising,Winter Turning,Escaping Peril,Talons of Power,Darkness of Dragons And just then, a tiny snout popped out of the egg, along with a slim body, and long, smooth tail. Swathed in jewelry borrowed from Darkstalker, she approached the throne under the eyes of the queen and her former teacher, Allknowing, who was seething next to the throne as Clearsight launched her speech. [3], Clearsight often approached other dragons with patience and diplomacy. Darkstalker slipped the bracelet over his foreclaw, then instantly fell into a deep sleep. Arctic was convinced that Foeslayer would fly back for the earring but after Darkstalker enchanted a piece of paper to show where Foeslayer is, Clearsight realized that Queen Diamond must have used her animus magic to call Foeslayer back to wherever she is because Foeslayer was flying straight towards the IceWing camp in the desert. Although Fathom convinced Indigo not to kill him, Darkstalker wanted to get revenge on Indigo from then on and made plans to get rid of Indigo for personal reasons. Moonwatcher was Darkstalker's best friend when he emerged from Agate Mountain. Moon refused to promote it because of the IceWing plague, and Darkstalker revealed that an IceWing-NightWing battle would take place at Jade Mountain because of his return. To grant him the ability to bring drawings into reality while worn. To allow the holder to walk in the dreams of any dragon they know or have seen, when the target is sleeping. There, Darkstalker presented the dreamvisitors to his friends, much to Fathom's dismay. To bring all Pyrrhian animi to his throne room. Later, Moon and Qibli spied on Darkstalker and overhear him casting spells on the fake Clearsight to recreate her, which ultimately failed. Mentioned in After Darkstalker killed Arctic with his animus magic, Fathom helped Clearsight to defeat Darkstalker by enchanting Clearsight's mind reading-blocking moonstone bracelet that was meant to keep Darkstalker asleep for the rest of time. This caused Clearsight to be ever-more worried about Darkstalker's animus powers, as she feared the worst for her newfound soulmate. He enchanted more items that included an earring that made him look especially charming and handsome, a goblet that he planned to give to Fathom which was enchanted to make him forget Indigo, forget about his oath, and use his animus power freely Clearsight's moonstone earrings to make her see only happy futures, a pebble that made Indigo turn into the SeaWing carving that Fathom made, sneaky enchantments on other students at his school, and many more. He cited her as a true descendant of Fathom and "just like him." When she found him, Darkstalker revealed that he enchanted her earrings to keep her focused on the bright, positive futures and block out any dark ones. She stumbles over to the window and spots Queen Vigilance and Allknowing strolling in the garden and having a conversation. Their conversation was interrupted by a broken, soft sound of pained groaning; the sound turned out to be coming from Current, a SeaWing prince who had sought refuge after Albatross's horrifying attack on the Island Palace. The NightWings are famous for our intertribal relations and open trade partnerships. Clearsight assures herself that Darkstalker is not completely evil, and Darkstalker says the same, except with more confidence and tells Fathom there is nothing to worry about. [22], Before losing Foeslayer, Darkstalker was determined,[23] confident,[24] arrogant,[25] observant,[26] thoughtful,[19] cocky, proud,[27] defiant,[28] happy,[29] hopeful,[30] mischievous,[31] patient,[32] intelligent, intense, knowledgeable,[33] and sarcastic. One year later, Clearsight went to school for the first time. Clearsight drags Darkstalker far back into the cave, tears falling from her eyes. Around a century later, Clearsight wrote a book, noting down visions thousands of years from her lifetime so that her descendants could be prepared to face all future outcomes. Former During the first time Darkstalker spent alone with Fathom and Indigo, Indigo attempted to kill him, further scarring him, though he'd never admit it. During their conversation, Darkstalker took Clearsight's talons in his own but she was plunged into a hurricane of visions, including Darkstalker, wearing an evil grin on the throne, slaughtering others using his magic, laughing in a twisted silver crown but the other visions consisted of a happy life with their dragonets, at peace, and in love for life.
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