Jocko isnt any closeted supporter. Let me guess, he is one of those guys who think Trump won, right? Maybe if these people walked out of their cozy castles of hate, they will see the world in a different light. All Rights Reserved. Jocko isnt the problem. 8. The Author proves what a political communist he is by trying to insinuate the Asian man got Covid from Jocko. I cannot get confident (i.e. Doesnt that indicate something? Godthis whole article was embarrassing to read. People who have tons of things wrong in their lives probably are to blame for some of them. Rogan doesnt test all his guests thats BS and Rogan doesnt mask unless forced. The Extreme Ownership method of Jocko Willink is ineffective in the long run for most people. I certainly have. But seeing that big head of his, I dont think his ego would allow him to do something like that. To ignore the number of people that Asian man was around or pretend to know is communist. He has his supporters and thats fine. Not a communist like the new Democratic party. If you think police are racist and evil, are you willing to kill them? They accomplish their dreams and many came from poverty. This article isnt clever, it doesnt actually reveal anything new. I read this article while listening to a Jocko podcast talking about what to do if you feel your not being listened too and feel bad about yourself. Jocko praises Trump as a good leader and his best criticism of Trump is for his derogatory tweets. I bought chocoloate pb, vanilla gorilla and mint. YOUR A PAID SHILL Im a big fan of Jocko and I am not a republican. He fights for his men and leads by example. He always addresses him as an athlete or a beast. It starts in the morning when Featherstone opens his eyes and catches Goggins' thousand-yard stare from the book . I dont wear a MAGA hat but am a Trump supporter. It just makes sense that Cowboy wouldnt want Jockos brand to be hampered, after all, Jocko helped him out financially and emotionally. My lifts have gone up and I feel better with a cup of white tea. Trump is the ANTITHESIS of everything Jocko teaches, and if Jocko supports him, that is highly disturbing to me. September 26, 2019. The only people Jocko Wilink or Jordan Peterson help are themselves by making money from their audience. For all the bad that could be said about Jocko, this is a constant theme reiterated in his podcast. Dont waste your money on the jeans. Hard ceilings. Mr. Willink has given 8 years of his life to military service. Publisher: Lioncrest. Really disappointing. He has helped me transform me from a whiney kid to a Marine. He is an. He was enlisted with SEAL Team ONE and SEAL Team TWO. David Goggins, 23. Although a mustang, he really acts like a cake eater. Stop being a miserable cunt and do something better with your life. Jocko teaches you how to be an effective human. You live in a dream world and while you complain and wait there are many people taking a mindshift and acknowledging there is something they CAN do to change the situation. The host said in a Twitter post that he was stunned by the move and said he was informed by his agent. Family man. Are you sure you are not holding up a mirror when making those accusations? The basic idea of extreme ownership is a very healthy and refreshing way to live your life. Your strong navy SEAl hero cant handle criticism can he? OBAMA IS GAY He only cares about his company, Echelon Front and wants to promote its services. It just twists, distorts and misreports information that is easily available on the internet. Or use the classic Pomodoro Technique of working for 25 minutes and resting for 5. After several of his friends died in Afghanistan, Goggins began long-distance running to raise money. Those people are willing to overlook his faults as if Jocko Wilink is free from criticism because he helped them. Hard to swallow if your not self confident. The guy is a danger to society. Even if Jocko supports Trump, I think it is his personal business, not ours. I originally started this post to help my fellow Jocko fans see the actual downsides of Jockos philosophy, however I kept finding more facts and news to cover. People need to be very cautious about trying to emulate Mr.Willinks lifestyle. It's about how you overcome that.". Mostly conjecture. The firm was a success as Mr. Willink has a striking personality, backed by two decades of experience in the military. Lemon had been with the cable news network for 17 years. So many people believe that in a guy that raided the Capitol Hill and is responsible for the current state of our country. Although I support most of what Jocko says, I have to say that being insensitive towards other peoples health is not something I expected from him. Longtime CNN host Don Lemon has been fired by the cable news network a little over two months after apologizing to viewers for on-air comments about Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley. The citizens of the US were not happy with the decision and they have their reasons for it. Not for me or several former deck apes (BMs) that I know. PUSHING THE LIMIT. Jocko is helping me a lot, I almost killed myself 3 times after my ex wife cheated on me after working my ass off during 8 years non-stop to give her the best life I could. For example, a Navy SEAL or a Wall Street broker in the 80s. Retired Navy SEAL David Goggins -- the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training, Army Ranger School and Air Force controller training -- is the definition of the "Great American Comeback," according to Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn. We'd be stuck in an echo chamber. Also, its not against the law to be an extreme supporter of either political entity and deeming somebody as evil/wrong/or otherwise for leaning one direction or the other is not only asinine but shows a complete lack of understanding of how free will and the right to choose works not only in this country, but for other countries and places where thats common placeyou knowcommon place to have your own opinion, be potentially wrong, and have a discussion about why you might be wrong, instead of just lambasting others and stating that your view is correct solely because it came out of your mouth, fingertips on a keyboard, or otherwise. Goggins has completed more than seventy ultra-distance races, often placing in the top-five, and is a former Guinness World Record . That platform has become a haven for such nefarious cultists who spread misinformation and mobilise others into taking harmful actions. You made some points. He can support Trump if he likesTHAT ISNT A CRIME. He is more likely on the right because he believes in responsiblity and accountability. by David Goggins, a fun book. Jocko doesn't wear masks or practice social distancing and his irresponsible behavior almost cost a 70-year-old vet, his life. The author obviously has some broken ideologies and agendas they are pushing by trying and failing to discredit Jocko Willink. David Goggins wanted to keep full ownership of his life storyturning down traditional publishing deals. I trust that what we see is solid to his core. Think about your own deeply held religious or political beliefs; how much violence are you willing to accept to see those beliefs made manifest? He is a white supermacist and extremely toxic. They had help. This is quite concerning as it is a weekly podcast and he often invites guests from different states. The guy is a total alt-right leader with little to no respect for other people, their identities, and their lives. I discovered that I had the sickle cell trait, he said. His content is transformative. in 90 days. SCRIBE PUBLISHING. Like, the writer of this post pointed out how Jocko doesnt wear masks when theres a literal pandemic going on and you just dont care?!!! PUSHING THE LIMIT. Maybe your reading skills are just as good as your writing skills. Ive never heard a racist word or opinion on the podcast. Those last longer and feel much more premium than Jocko Jeans. I am a strong advocate of taking responsibility for ones actions; however, not every failure in a persons life is going to be the result of their own doing. There is no productivity because nothing is still getting done aside from lamenting that its all my fault. Really, when you think of it, if youre not providing a solution, youre complaining, and thats not taking ownership at all. bigot? What a lackluster hit piece against someone who put his life on the line while you sit back and bitch about the tough realities of life. David went through BUD/S, three times in a row shortly after losing 100 lbs. Your car is broken? If you believe the picture it paints then go back to believing in the tooth fairy. Hes a Proud Boy. Jocko Willink turned my life around. Even if he supports Trump, he is an amazing human being. But it's not why all of us follow him is it? Taking extreme ownership leads to severe depression and regret most people. So I agree that some people cant go from 0 to 100 like you seem to interpret Jockos self improvement philosophy to be. The Jocko Go drinks are overrated and there are way better options available in the market. It is good quality material for the price. Nothing he has to say is original, you just lap it up because its so tasty when its served up on shiny boot leather Merca Is Jocko a conservative? Piss off. State side their schedule is pretty open and boring. Both of which are polar opposites in the context of a SEAL team. I understand the warrior mentality but that is too much. Seek therapy, talk to your loved ones, meditate, avoid toxic people, read. If you totally agree with everything about a guy and defend him reflexively, you are in a personality cult which is highly unhealthy. The horrors of real war have zero place in the board room. Thank you for your post as it is obviously well thought out and researched, but I definitely disagree with the above points. And the comment section for this post just reminds me of the tyranny we have been facing for the past 4 years. Do you think thats the thing wrong with Trump? Dont get me wrong, I used to be a big fan of Jocko until I started noticing how people are self-sabotaging their lives because of him. Not to mention 2020 leftist Dems causing injury to over a 1000 police officers across the country and firebombed federal buildings. There are better options for a protein powder available in the market which are used by professionals. Beyond that, #canthurtme became a movement. There are many times someone will write in with a question and I expect Jocko to answer with a suck it up, dont be weak, get after it type answer, but instead he says something much more thoughtful and reserved, encouraging the listener to step back and take a break. I respect that you didnt just write a slam piece about Jocko but instead pointed out the good and the bad. Thank you Jocko for everything you do, and for making top-shelf supplements, especially Discipline GO capsules! The same is probably true for yourself. Good leadership lasts, Officer Willink is an excellent leader, and he his leadership will outlast him I am sure. Id love to hear his excuses re the classified documents Trump apparently purloined on the way out of DC that are just coming to light in 2022. I hope you stop seeing those that dont agree with you as enemies that you have to cut down. If youre already buying that stuff, then he asks that you buy from him instead. They are not bad surprisingly. So when you start off and say (in summary) people that arent strong willed wont benefit, its because youre presenting the concept of just saying its your fault and leaving it at that. There have been conflicting opinions on the Iraq war and the participation of the United States in it. The star of "An Officer and a Gentleman" has talked about his political views, especially when it came to then-candidate Trump. It can lead to severe depression and toxicity among youngsters. David Goggins is a Retired Navy SEAL and the only member of the U.S. Armed Forces to complete SEAL training, Army Ranger School, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller training. We dont hate you if you feel differently about anything political, and Jocko specifically doesnt mention politics much at all. Where do you come up with the idea that Jockos racist, white supremacist, hateful or a The post misses the mark in that Jocko doesnt just say, state that its your fault or take the blame for everything going wrong. Finding things you can improve in each mistake you make is an essential part of growing as a person, but theres a limit of how many things a person can improve without feeling like the worst pile of garbage to walk the face of the earth. I do NOT agree with him on everything, NOR do I feel a need to try to be him or David. The names of heroes and battles are recorded as fact and truth while the enemy lies labeled just that, an enemy. This is the problem with liberals. Re Jocko and Trump, the analysis is easy. Extreme Ownership does not teach self-pity, it doesnt teach you to beat up on yourself for your shortcomings, and it doesnt tell you to allow people to treat you like crap. Dont listen to it. And his followers need to realize that. There are much healthier ways to get better in life. Get after it. Really help you And when youve had a successful career, retire and shut the hell up about it.
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